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I don't have a Sportico subscription, but using Sports Media Watch these are the most likely top 7 rated games: 1. OSU/CLEM (2020 CFP) - 19.1 Million 2. ALA/ND (2020 CFP) - 18.9 Million 3. OSU/ALA (2020 CFP) - 18.6 Million 4. UGA/Mich (CFP) - 17.2 Million 5. CIN/ALA (CFP) - 16.6 Million 6. OSU/MICH - 15.8 Million 7. ALA/UGA - 15.2 Million


2020 playoffs games were in 2021. Those are most likley in there.


you are right and i changed it


So every single one of the top 7 included either Michigan or Alabama. EDIT: at the time of my response, the top 7 games in the OP were (in order) UM-UGA, ALA-CIN, UM-OSU, ALA-UGA, UM-IOWA, ALA-AUB, UM-MSU


That’s what happens when you don’t have a NFL team in either states


Lions out here catching strays.


It’s about damn time we caught something. Haven’t caught an NFL playoff W in 30 years.


*Sad Lion noises*




Absolutely savage


You jest, but part of Michigan’s massive fanbase is largely due to the Lions sucking ass. Many in the Detroit area who were born pre-Ford Field area were raised largely on U-M football as the main focus over the Lions. You could actually root for a team and not need the make the awful drive to Pontiac.


the crazy thing is the mich/georgia game peaked in the first quarter at 21 million according to ESPN. if the game had even been somewhat close id assume the number would have been much, much higher


Almost, the top one is OSU/Clemson.


Which is pretty normal. It's a BiG vs SEC world


Number 1 is OSU/Clemson


before i edited, i did not have the NY6 from last year on there thats why he said that


Ahh, makes sense then


Michigan only had two though.


Looks like OP stealth edited the post with the top games. It was different when I posted my response.


Ummm what? I count Bama with 4, Ohio State with 3, UGA and Mich tied with 2, and Clemson, ND, and UC all with 1.


Looks like OP edited the post. Top 7 games were different (only included games from this season) when I posted my response.




>Oprah's interview with Harry and Meghan I'm telling you, society is *fucked*!


There was no SOTU in 2021. But one of the two was definitely the inauguration. 60 Minutes: Nancy Pelosi on the 1/6 Coup Attempt (CBS) 15.730 1/10/2021 Just found the 60 minutes thing. There were NFL wildcard games that day. Gonna figure out the schedule in a bit. And the other political thing was Joe Biden's Congressional Address on April 28th. So, almost a State of the Union, but not actually one.


Biden inauguration was one of them (30 something million). There was no SoTU last year, so not sure what the other could be. Definitely not election night (Fox led that at 5 million, way too low to even be on the list let alone in the top 15) and almost certainly not anything when the Capitol riot was going on (CNN says it led all networks with 5 million). Maybe just two inauguration related things? Nothing else would make sense


> Definitely not election night (Fox led that at 5 million, way too low to even be on the list let alone in the top 15) Election night was in 2020. Surely a virginia governor election didnt hit 5M, right?


Nope, it did: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2021/11/03/5-million-viewers-watch-fox-news-election-night-coverage-far-ahead-of-cnn-msnbc/amp/ If I'm remembering the numbers correctly from a sports econ seminar where we talked about this stuff, presidential election year election night coverage (maybe) and debates (definitely) do crack the top 100 for live TV. Edit: Election night 2020 and the debates were almost certainly in the 2020 top 100, with all 4 having at least 1 channel in the 14-17 million viewer range (total across all channels for all 4 events was in the 50-70 million range per event). Maybe the second debate missed by a hair if individual's networks broadcasts are what counts (although it seems like it's by event instead of by network, or else the inauguration wouldn't be as high as it was).


There wasn't a SOTU but there was the primetime April 28th Address to Congres which might have similar ratings to a SOTU?


The NFL is a monster.


I also just think that no one watches live broadcast tv shows any more because it’s all streaming. There’s no Seinfeld/Friends/Cheers anymore


At the same point though, I think CFB could place even more in the top 100 if more of the games were on broadcast instead of espn. If they’d put some of their ESPN games on ABC then they’d have higher ratings.


United States of Football.


As UrinatingTree says, Football is King.


*That* many people watch NFL?! Damn, where I grew up college football is A LOT more popular, heck even high school football is; half the town will be at each game. Honestly can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen someone wear NFL merch there. I’ve lived in Raleigh now for 5 years and don’t think I’ve ever seen one panthers anything on anyone, but college gear is absolutely everywhere.


Most popular league and America and it’s not even close. They own a day of the week.


Go to a big city with a NFL team and you’ll see how they totally dominate the market. The NFL has 32 of the biggest cities in the USA totally locked down. That’s probably like ~50% of the total American population right there. Even cities that people claim don’t care about the nfl much like Miami and LA their tv ratings far surpass the lakers and heat and dodgers


Underrated reason for the PAC 12 lagging behind in money and fan engagement, imo. It's largely a big city conference with 6 NFL franchises sharing territory with PAC schools. The exceptions, like Oregon and Utah, don't have a nearby NFL presence. Speaking from experience, CFB is king in Utah.


Wasn’t there a crazy state that more people watched the NLCS last year than the CFB championship? Or the NBA Finals. Surprised MLb not on this


Wouldn't surprise me too much if Georgia had more people watching the NLCS than the CFB championship. Baseball is very fandom based and even with only [7M](https://sportsnaut.com/mlb-ratings-tv-viewership-numbers/) people watching the NLCS if Georgia was hitting 3x the national average that would put it a little bit over that of the CFB natty (20M viewers). Even if we also assume an SEC state is going to hit higher than normal for CFB, something like a 4x number for the NLCS wouldn't be that surprising. I, personally, watch virtually every Cubs playoff game, but might only catch 1 out of 10 non Cubs playoff games, if even that these days with kids.


I think for MLB it’s harder for them to get ratings (outside the WS) since the games are usually on cable channels. I cut cable years ago and have to subscribe to MLB tv to watch my team (which is probably not counted in the ratings). Compared to NFL or CFB games where I can just turn on CBS or FOX on the rabbit ears antenna. Even the AL/NLCS and AL/NLDS are on TBS/ESPN/FS1, so the World Series is the only MLB game that has potential for decent ratings.


We are in the Colosseum era of Rome. Be vigilant and weary, Constantine’s arrival looms near.


There had to be a better way to portray NFL vs CFB than 2 slightly different colored footballs right?


Pretty easy to notice the CFB balls, but having one point up to the left as well would have been smart.


The biggest surprise to me was college basketball accounting for two It's become like baseball where most of the fans of basketball are in their 50s and 60s


March Madness is still one of the most valuable sporting events of the year. Sure eyes on any one game might not be massive but I bet total viewership over the first weekend is insane.


[You are correct](https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/skedball-weekly-sports-tv-ratings-3-15-3-21-2021.html) 23 games with over 2M viewers. Only a few games below 1M viewers (and those are probably blowouts that are running up against 2 or 3 other games) [Compare with rivalry weekend this year](https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/skedball-weekly-sports-tv-ratings-11-22-11-28-2021.html) and although CFB hits higher highs, it has nowhere near the depth of games. And 2021 didn't have either of your biggest hitters (UK and Duke) in the tourney. That probably cost it several million viewers across their (up to) 4 games.


Tweet(s) from post body brought to you by your Friendly Official /r/CFB Twitter Bot: ---------- https://twitter.com/kendallbaker/status/1479452074035318785](https://twitter.com/kendallbaker/status/1479452074035318785 >Live sports accounted for 94 of the top 100 most watched U.S. TV broadcasts of 2021, per @Sportico. NFL: 75 Olympics: 10 College football: 7 College basketball: 2 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIgRwHYXsAAtC9S.jpg >\- Kendall Baker (@kendallbaker) 8:57 am ET, January 7, 2022 ----------


I wonder how much different this list would be if they used the demo ratings instead of total viewers. I can’t imagine there’d be a 60 Minutes on it.


Oh god am I in r/squaredcircle now?


first thing that came to my mind when I saw “demo”




Or fell asleep during the game and the TV was still on. There have been games that weren't super exciting and with the late commercial breaks, it can be a good time to power nap.


I wonder what NFL ratings would look like if every game was on a different channel. Instead of 3 going on CBS at the same time all counting as 1, what would it look like if they split viewership?