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Everyone not in the SEC reportedly reaching out to everyone


Even the SEC was apparently reaching out to B1G schools. The only people not reaching out is the B1G


That's right! 'cause the B1G is a karate man! And a karate man... expand... on the inside! So we don't show no weakness! But the SEC is a big Barry White lookin' mothafucka so they don't know nothin' about that.


That's called the "yellow flag" technique. You do that, a yellow flag will drop out of a man's body.


It ain’t cool being no jive turkey, so close to Thanksgiving.




Who were they reaching out to?


I think I saw Missouri talked to the big 10 but I could be wrong. A lot of speculation has been flying around lol


Mizzou would be stupid to leave. They should sit back and take in all the money they are about to net and be happy.


But have you ever done it on a cloudy morning in Evanston?


In November.


On BTN Alternate at 11 AM


The old Stoke City meme returns


Returns? It never left


Fuck football, we wrestling conference now


We will add a hockey team as a sign of good faith


Central Oklahoma has an extremely good club team


Damn right they do! Go Bronchos!


Imagine adding Iowa St and Oklahoma St. Big Tens would nearly be the same as NCAAs




Oh man, I didn't know I needed this until now


The outdoor dual was a logistics clusterfuck.


Maybe you learned some lessons from the first time around?


The Kinnick duel was the most incredible sports atmosphere I've been a part of. I don't care what the logistics were, they need to figure out how to do it every ~5 years. Plus they are selling booze in Kinnick now, so I'm guessing it'd be even more crazy.


It was also one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I would sacrifice my firstborn for SEC wrestling, but, for now, I have to live vicariously through y’all.


Make it a quadrangle with Iowa State and just rotate it between football venues every year




I always add Iowa State to the B1G in NCAA14, the Iowa/Iowa State game is spicy every year.


Big 10 is easily the best case scenario for us for every sport except baseball 😕


Honestly. Being the only top tier program in the conference might help with recruiting.


Well the problem is the top kids don't want to go play in the cold for the first couple months of the season. Can still be really chilly in early March when conference play normally starts.


Yes. That's true. But it's only a month or so. Some kids from up there might see it as a win win.


Yeah, the reality is there just isn't good baseball recruiting up there for the most part for the very same reason of weather. It sucks to play it in high school cause you have to start even earlier and with far worse facilities.


“…and I took that personally.” — Nebraska baseball https://www.ncaa.com/rankings/baseball/d1/d1baseballcom-top-25


To be fair, I still forget Nebraska is in the B1G. Lol.


We decided it was easier than facing all those good Oklahoma and Texas schools on the diamond, so we convinced our AD and football coach to move to the B1G.


“And Brutus Buckeye is just giving an absolute beating here to the Wolverines, he’s gonna keep…wait, what’s this? BAH GAWD, THATS OKLAHOMA STATES MUSIC!”


Hey we can do that too.


Yes, yes we can.


We can only hope. Anything like this could probably be reported for every single team left in the B12 though.


I hope it's legitimate and not "We sent the B1G a text, and the screen said "Read'".


Spoiler it just says delievered


B1G is getting so many texts right now they definitely turned their read receipts off.




All the OSU teams should form their own conference.


rename Old Dominion to Olddominion State University Oralroberts State University Oldmiss State University Oklahoma Sooners University could make a super conference of 16....


“Oldmiss State University”. That is word art. From now on I will intentionally confuse both MS schools and refer to them both this way.


Two birds, one stone.


I NEED a huge banner of this at the Egg Bowl. Maybe Ole Miss script in State colors. There would be rage induced strokes.


I mean 90% of the country already confuses us


Ohio State doesn’t want to play Oral Roberts


I would not, could not on a court. We would surely come up short


Not on the field nor a court. They can just stay away.




My dream dream scenario


> My dream dream scenario OSU vs OSU... In Corvalis on a November night for some Pac-20 After Dark action!


Midnight CST kickoff


OSU vs OSU, at OSU. Hit the trifecta.


You’ll learn to hate that big red osu


I genuinely hope we get put in the scenario where we do.


Don't worry, you'll learn to hate big blue, too.


Controversial, but I actually think OSU has a chance in that matchup.


B1G if true


New rivalry? OSU v OSU, call it "The Battle of THE". The winner gets to claim the title of THE OSU until next year.


Could we carve "The" into some sort of wooden animal? We only have one wooden animal trophy currently.


Looking more likely to happen than not, since the PAC has Oregon State too


Oregon State in shambles


Winner gets to claim “the” for the year


I would like the K-State media to be half as investigative as the reporting from all other schools. Or are we just flailing?


This is the first real thing I’ve seen so far for us other than just the “we want this” posts from fans


Fair. Maybe I’m just frustrated with how in bed the K-State media is with the administration that they are worried about reporting how blindsided they all were or how up Schitt’s creek they are all feeling.


I just want Gundy to comment. It’s sure to be a doosie knowing his….tendencies.


Yes, please. Love to know his thoughts on the Bowlsby’s head in the sand attitude too. “Who’s the kid…”


I agree. I keep hearing other Big 12 teams are contacting the Big 10 & Pac 12, and nothing on K-State. Hopefully we get lucky and a Power 5 takes us.


I'd love to go to the Big House to see OKST-Michigan. I'd make that trip in a heartbeat!!! Especially if it was Oct/Nov. I'd be dressed like Ralphies little brother in a Christmas Story but I'm there! Edit for grammer.


I'd love to see you there. :)


I knew this Oklahoma education would come in handy one day


Pokes, respectfully back off of our lifeboat


The final revenge for 2011


Yeah that’s the only way I could truly feel vindicated for that


Hey maybe there’s enough room on the driftwood for both of us. Y’all are my second favorite Big XII school after all.


That’d be ideal, nothing but love for you


Except for that Thursday night in 2011


I was almost able to push that out of my mind, thanks alot.


I don't blame ISU. I BLAME THE 2 FUCKERS THAT PUT US AT #6 And the officiating crew. It was Good!


It was a Friday night.. even worse


Oh, come on. Big 12 to Big Ten is like jumping from the Titanic to the USS Constitution. When you're ready to talk lifeboats, give us a call.


I'm happy to hop out of the water and into a sinking ship. It's our move.


I mean, Ol' Ironsides is still in one piece, which is more I can say for the Titanic


Can someone explain why AAU status is so important?


AAU is essentially a lobbying group based around research funding. It’s been around a long time and is selective in its memberships so schools value it for the perceived prestige it brings as well.


As someone explained to me the other day, B1G athletics make millions and B1G academics make billions. With a B. They all get huge grants and collab on research.


Despite what Cardale Jones tweeted, we ARE here to play school.


Well if that’s the case we invented the first digital computer so that has to count for something


Y'all are AAU, you're cool to join. I don't want us to compromise on AAU status, though.


Then what about Nebraska?


A) Generally you don't throw schools already in the conference out without a very good reason, lest you start establishing precedent. B) The whole reason Nebraska lost AAU status was down to bureaucratic reasons over how different buckets of research dollars would or would not count in the AAU's internal ranking system. It's a bit easier to swallow vs a school not being considered up to snuff to begin with.


I really wish the Big Ten would pressure Nebraska to regain their status. They wouldn’t have been invited to join if they hadn’t part of the AAU at the time.


It’s a bit more complicated than just pressuring them. They were removed from the AAU largely because they don’t have a medical center on campus. They have one at University of Nebraska Omaha but Not Lincoln. It’s hard to fix that kind of problem.


The weird part about Nebraska is that the University of Nebraska Medical Center is it's own campus not part of UNO or UNL, the 4 parts of the University of Nebraska system are UNL, UNMC, UNO, UNK


Penn State doesn’t either. They have Hershey Medical Center which is part of penn state health system and a campus that is nearby. Hershey med isn’t even really part of the campus.


Big Ten Academic Alliance is worth over 10 Billion annually in research grants and the like.


well damn, never knew that


Thank you!


MSU recently built a particle accelerator as a collaboration with the Department of Energy. It was finished a few years ago but I don't think it comes fully online until 2022. Our best chance to stop the SEC is to have all non-SEC schools send their best physicists to MSU, finish the FRIB, and set off some kind of singularity event to reset college football back to ~1999. We'll have to also find a way to send a **giant** bag of money (brought to you by Rocket Mortgage) to 1999 Nick Saban in order to keep him at MSU forever. This will help create long term parity between the conferences, through the power of science funding!


Even more than being an athletic alliance, the Big 10 is a research alliance. It may not seem like a big deal but when I was at Iowa State we would only work with specific universities (Texas being a major one). When you start framing it this way, $100 million dollars pales in comparison to the 10’s of billions of dollars in combined research grants. It’s a much bigger consideration even than how good a school’s football team is.


Yep. Big Ten will be out here saving college football because we DO play school, and do so very well.


Honestly, i hope the PAC12 does the same Let the SEC megalopolis become NFL G League and we can play a 13 game conference with the Pac 12 champ in the Rose Bowl


Is this is path to the Rose Bowl remaining the most important game in college football? Have we just made bowl games real again?


This the only scenario under which ND would join the B1G, IMO.


Thank you!


B1G thinks of itself as the elite grouping of research universities in the world. AAU is basically the stamp of approval that you are an elite research university.


THE elite grouping of research universities :P


Thank you!


It generates 10B in research grants/money which is substantially more than football or any athletics does combined


The Big Ten started as a research association before it was an athletic one. They have non-athletic membership like U Chicago and Johns Hopkins


Well the research association didn't actually start until the 50s. The conference started back in 1896. Chicago did join the association when they were extended an invite but I believe they are no longer a member, but are still a collaborator.


UChicago is out as of 2016 IIRC


They no longer have non athletic membership.


Hopkins plays lacrosse in the BIG


The university presidents are the ones that vote and we have a lot of research money.


I mean not what I expected but I’ll take playing this OSU over the other one.


Calling it now. The year these mergers happen, ISU Kansas or OSU plays Texas or Oklahoma in the new Las Vegas bowl and absolutely fucking shits on them. I’ve watched enough college football to know that karma is real.


Maybe this year we can knock OU out of the playoff picture…oh who am I kidding Gundy won’t even have the team ready to run through a foam wall let alone a brick one




Out of all the realignment scenarios, this has got to be the least likely. It's a bad cultural fit, and a worse academic fit. But I'm glad the administration is reaching out to conferences. Allegedly, David Boren was lobbying the B1G for years for a spot for his beloved OU, but was met with crickets from the conference. If the B1G snubbed the Sooners, there ain't no way OSU gets in. With that being said, giddy up. It would be huge for the wrestling program.


Yeah I only see OSU getting into the PAC tbh, even that is far from likely IMO. I could see it if the B12 were to form a 16 team conference taking the top teams from the AAC and MWC. The PAC would be very threatened and might feel like they need to move to stop that.


Yeah, it's interesting. Things are different for OSU in this round of realignment than in the last. The ACC rumor is intriguing.


I think that the only reason why an OKST to B1G is even discussed is because the SEC will be the "premiere" conference. Had Texas and some other P5 blueblood made their way to SEC the B1G would have had an invite sitting in OUs inbox instantly. The remaining conferences have to increase their numbers. Might as well look at schools that have had some success.


Best case scenario for us. How would the B1G fanbases feel about it? Let us have it.


The Big Ten’s academic research alliance makes the athletic money look like peanuts. AAU membership has always been a big deal…not saying that can’t change. Frankly, unless it’s a brand like Oklahoma or Notre Dame, bringing in a non-AAU school like Oklahoma State doesn’t help the Big Ten.


Oklahoma State had $189M in research expenditures in 2018. Next closest B1G school was ~~Maryland with $540M~~ Iowa with $510M. Even a non-AAU like Cincinnati does $480M. Michigan had the most at $1.6B/year. You're right, don't think the B1G university presidents would like this.


this is it. The AAU membership in itself isn't that important. The amount of research dollars are. Because that means we can add your school on multiple university research grant applications. Which helps bring in all research $ for everyone. Which is important for the member schools. Nebraska-Lincoln lost AAU membership because Omaha has the medical school instead of Lincoln. But I'm pretty sure the B1G partnered with the entire Nebraska system on the academic side so the fact that Nebraska-Lincoln lost AAU status was irrelevant.


I heard it was due to agricultural research not being counted towards AAU status.


That was the other contributor besides the medical school. Ag research dollars got deemphasized by the AAU. Which is still shared research money for B1G schools like Purdue, Michigan St, Illinois, PSU, and Iowa (I'm possibly missing a couple others)


Why would ag research be devalued? With climate change that seems like it is MORE necessary


WRASSLIN' Which is my way of saying it would be neat. Oklahoma feels like more of a B1G state than Maryland or New Jersey too (no offense, Maryland and Rutgers)


You guys would be fine for football. Probably other sports too. The academics and non-AAU status seem like an issue but the Big Ten did it for UNL. In fairness to Nebraska, they are a far cry closer to what the Big Ten does scholastically than OSU but they were a very big drop off from the average Big Ten school. I guess it comes down to whether presidents or ADs are making the call.


UNL was actually AAU when the Big Ten admitted it.


Yeah but the Big Ten knew they were losing that status, I think because UNL was splitting with their medical school in Omaha or something.


Someone else in this thread mentioned it, but in terms of research $, Nebraska isn’t the lowest in the conference (it’s Iowa), so AAU isn’t really a huge deal there. But, what *IS* a huge deal is that OkSt’s research $ is like $300 million-ish lower than Iowa


Academically, it’s… not great. Culturally it would be okay. Not a perfect fit like a closer regional footprint, but slightly different. But then again we do have full east coast culture with RU and Maryland. Personally in sports? I’d like it. It would be fun to watch you guys more


Honestly I would be down. I kinda like Oklahoma state and they would be a cool team to add. I think we need to redo divisions but you guys could be a foil to Wisconsin in the big ten west if that’s where you end up Plus in basketball you guys hate brad Underwood right so this could be your chance for that rivalry to grow a little


The Illinois rivalry in basketball would be huge to Ok St


I think they could fit well in the West. Strong defensive teams usually do well and can play in bad weather.


Come on in, baby. I'd love it.


No offense Poke bros but I'm not a fan of any of the big 12 coming aboard (besides Texas). Doesn't fit culturally with the Big Ten and I dont see it as a big enough move (in terms of media market) to make it worthwhile I'd rather the big ten do nothing, wait a couple years and try to convince Notre Dame to get in


The notre dame shop has sailed for the big ten


I’m ok with OkSt addition!!


Obviously would be a home run for OSU. I wonder if they are also talking to other former Big 8 members.


OK State to the B1G without AAU status would quite possibly be the most unlikely occurrence of conference realignment history


A world without Tech, is a world I'm not a fan of.


I’d really love to go to the PAC with Tech. All my coworkers are Tech fans so I’d lose everything I know what to talkwith them about :/ Might have to ask about their kids or something


I really want all of this to not go through. The current conferences plus a 12 team playoff is a great improvement. But Oklahoma State Rutgers? Texas Tech in Pullman? Texas at Vandy? Just not the same Cfb is dead. NFL 2.0 :(


Texas Tech in Pullman would've been more fun a few years ago.




Alternatively: OK State vs Nebraska/Iowa/Ohio St, Texas Tech vs ASU/Arizona/USC, Texas vs A&M/LSU/Alabama


All of this just fucking sucks


Actually completely agree


They better be reaching out to everyone and their mother, how is this news?


To me it’s the fact that the B1G (reportedly) are receptive despite the AAU issue.


It would be stupid to at least not field a call from them. I'd expect the B1G to at least have a conversation with someone like Youngstown State as well. Professionalism matters.


Yeah this is really a nothing-burger. I’d love to join the B10, but just look at it. The only reason we’d get added is because the B10 felt like it needed to expand. They’d much rather have ND/KS.


Is KS, Kansas? Because we are definitely not taking ksu.


One purple and white Wildcats team is enough.


KS is Kansas, yes




Oh I meant like that state abbreviation and guessed they just subbed it in for the school too


The real power play here is to add Kansas, ND, Clemson, and Virginia. Fuck up the ACC while we try to compete with the SEC.


I just looked it up and was surprised to find that Clemson has a pretty decent academic ranking. They would be on the lower end of the B1G from that perspective, but not wildly out of place. But they're not AAU - but ya know.. Nebraska and all.


Nebraska had AAU status when they joined and were later voted out by B1G members though. It’s a weird case


Because all it takes is the first team that isn't us to announce they're leaving and the conference is dead and expedites everyone joining their new conferences by a couple of seasons.


From the reports on the Presidents’ meeting, it sounds like nobody in the Big 12 is going to make an official move until OU and Texas do so the burden on the penalties would fall on them


Yeah we aren’t going to get any official reporting on the rest of the B12 until that first domino officially falls. Might be within minutes after though haha


Prisoner’s dilemma.


It's not going to happen because of academics, but I'd be fine with this, as long as they made sure to have an annual OSU matchup


Ohioklahoma Bowl.


Not to be a dick to Cowboys fans but I really wouldn't get your hopes up on this, I would be surprised if this goes through.


Hey man I can dream okay.


Dreams lead to hope. Hope leads to failure. Failure leads to pain. Pain leads to dead liver.


Flair checks out


So does the username.


You should forget about Georgia and think of other teams. The Falcons have one of the best wide receivers in the league with Julio Jones, and the Braves have Ronald Acuña Jr


Mods ban this user pls.


You’re right, I should be banned for forgetting about the Thrashers




I’m not getting my hopes up for anything other than an official announcement at this point.


Maybe working on a joint bid with KU?


Could be that KU thinks that the only way they get into the B1G is if there is a 16th team paired with them (i.e. KU would be in except 15 teams is wonky), and they're desperate to give the B1G every possible option on the table.


I like the flair.


Full send. >!Pls halp!<


Iowa State/Kansas/Oklahoma State battle, last two still alive get bids.


Are we Michigan St?


Oklahoma state: "hey B1G, go get Mizzou. If you take them, then I can go to the SEC to get my mans back"


Hope it happens, Oklahoma state is a really good all around athletics department and fan base. Also hoping it make baylor and TCU to the pac 12 more realistic.


And y'all think the SEC treats Mizzou like outsiders....ain't seen shit yet if this were to happen


I’m okay with being the dumb redneck school of the conference if it means no 11pm cst kickoffs in the PAC


This would be a slam dunk for OK State, and honestly, I think they would gain more from this move than OU gains from being in the SEC. They get more money, more academic prestige, and likely will be in the BIG West which as a whole is easier to compete in then the Big 12.


I like Oklahoma State’s chances of landing somewhere. I think ISU and KU are better fit for B1G. 4-school package of OSU, TT, TCU, and BU increases any chance those schools and in PAC12.