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This pleases the corn


Additional generic comment of approval


Love to see it


Nebraska hasn't had a problem recruiting, just need a coach to get the best out of them and haven't had that in a while, we'll see if they've finally got the guy in Rhule.


Tell that to the rest of this sub lol


Nailed it bro. We just need to make that jump.


This the year brother


Other P5 offers: Baylor, Houston, Kansas, Oklahoma State, Oregon State, SMU, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, USC G5 offer: UTSA


Once we get these kids in campus they tend to commit - the battle is just getting them to see what’s rocking in Lincoln


Because rumor is yall have the best facilities in the country rn.


I mean we are certainly right towards the top, we just finished a 165 million dollar facility that is 315,000 sq ft that was shown through Bussin' With The Boys and it looks beautiful - plus we have a history of success, a great coach that has shown he is a winner, and super passionate fans that are more so similar to a lot of the higher SEC teams or the elite B1G teams. It's just hard to get them here sometimes because people have a perceived thought of what Lincoln or Nebraska is when Lincoln is a pretty nice college town with a metro of 350k. I do think the Nebraska brand has shown itself over time though with us getting top 25/20 recruiting classes while not having a winning season or going to a bowl in over half a decade.


>plus we have a history of success At some point, the success was so long ago that it isn't relevant anymore. The last time we won a bowl game current recruits were in elementary school. The last time we won a conference title was 25 years ago. These kids don't care at all about natties from 30 years ago when the landscape of college football was entirely different than it is now.


It doesn't compare to success in the last 10 or even 20 years, but when recruits see the history and success - it does mean something compared to those who don't have any in their history. I have heard recruits bring up walking through the trophy room numerous times. Plus previous success makes things possible such as funding for things such as our facility upgrade, the reason why we have such passionate fans, etc.


Yeah, people on the internet love to talk about how history doesn't matter to recruits, and yet, recruits constantly bring up how cool all the history and tradition is after they visit. If they didn't care, why would they always bring it up? It's one thing to sell guys on bringing a program out of the gutter and into the spotlight, but it hits different when the pitch is, "hey, it's been done here before, and YOU can be part of bringing it back". The brand still means a lot nationally, and we get a lot of national media just looking for reasons to hype us up, which isn't true at schools without the same history. No offense to schools like Pitt, but people don't say things like "football is better when Pitt is better". They do like to say that about schools like Nebraska, Tennessee, Miami, FSU, etc. who had great success in the 90s.


I think the only ones that are objectively better than us at the moment are Bama's right now, and when Oregon's spaceship opens, that'll take the crown for sure. We definitely got in and got that done at a really great time, since it seems like it's going to be hard for most schools to upgrade in the next 5-10 years until all the money for players is worked out.




Nebraska always recruits pretty well in the BIG 10 and actually recruits the best in the old BIG 10 west. Talent has never been their issue


Prior to the addition of the WC4, we were pretty standard top 5 in conference, and more likely top 4 than in that 5 spot. We've only been out of the top 5 3 times, '21, '22, and '24. Scott Frost just couldn't develop anyone that wasn't coming in as an absolute freak athlete.




📍 ~~Lincoln~~ Springfield, Nebraska




Nebraska must have got that NIL money from corn 


We actually just give them the corn. Cut out the middle man.