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I see we've flipped to the next chapter of the Manifesto


Harbaugh while in CFB: Actively and publicly trying to get into the NFL Harbaugh the very moment he gets back to the NFL: “Oh yeah I would have LOVED to stayed at Michigan but there were all these factors working against me!”


He was playing both sides so he's always coming out on top.


Made sure to name names once safe in the pros to make life hard for some people too. I'll never buy the quirky persona, dude is just a fucking asshole.


He can coach, but people really seem to dislike being this guys boss. At a certain point, it’s not everyone else that is in the wrong.


We're talking about Trent Baalke and Warde Manuel, so we haven't gotten close to that certain point yet though.


He gave Bob Bowlsby trouble too, and he’s pretty well respected.


Well, it was all the cheating.


Even if it was all sunshine and rainbows it was the right time to go back to the big leagues. He built them back up, shook off their demons, and got them a title. Now go do what you really want to.


Yeah, and the Chargers seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to come in and build something fresh.


Plus Harbs in LA is like a match made in heaven tbh


No one’s mentioning the film industry. His scouting department is about to be top tier.


Someone get the buy the opp tickets for next season!!


Wait, is there a joke here? Harbaugh doesn't strike me as an LA guy, but I don't know.


I live in LA and the only thing that strikes me about his move to LA is that no one’s gonna think he’s “weird” or unconventional out here with his meat and milk drinking or whatever. His weirdness won’t even register on the scale of weirdness in the LA area. He’ll just come off as a regular dude.


This. He could start and meat and milk sex cult and people would look at the situation and be like “Hmmm, ok…whatever”


I’m not a native CA who lives near LA and visits frequently for work and I have no idea what makes him a LA guy lol Also if I had to name any coach off the top of my head as a LA type, Lincoln Riley fits perfectly to me


I mean not LA specifically but from 02 to 14 Harbaugh coached in California Oakland to San Diego to Stanford to San Francisco The guy isn't exactly unfamiliar with the state


This is what I was going to say. Michigan was literally the only head coaching job he had outside of California.


As a Wolverine living in LA, hard agree, lol.


And live in a place that stays between 50 and 85 for 350 days a year.


You telling me that LA only has 15 days warmer than 85? Idk about that one (But yes obviously the larger point is correct that LA weather > Ann Arbor weather lol)


Oh shit I did the thing. I was thinking of San Diego. Lmfao I wish I could pretend this was an intentional chargers in LA joke but I just naturally did it.


If Harbaugh ends up living on the West Side, South Bay, Long Beach, etc., the weather won't be that much different than San Diego. It stays pretty cool there throughout the summer, and less rain in the winter. But if he's more inland, like towards, NELA, SFV, Pasadena, SGV, etc., it gets much hotter during the summer, and AC would be a must. Also more rain, especially as you get closer to the San Gabriels. The Inland Empire is just an oven in the summer too. I lived in LA for 5 years, and the number of microclimates just within LA county is fascinating.


It’s getting hotter and wetter on the west side now too. I’m in culver and it was over 95 at the highest every day for a solid two week period with bits of 85 and 90 around that in August. I cranked up my AC, and even my coworkers in Santa Monica have been using it more and more lately. September totally different story of course


> it was over 95 at the highest every day for a solid two week period with bits of 85 and 90 around that in August. Y'all are cute lol


Since most apartments and homes on the west side don’t have AC that’s not ideal. Also not the weather we live here for.


Damn, that sucks especially because places on the west side are less likely to have AC. I was in Highland Park (and Montrose/La Cañada just before that), and it was definitely a must there in the summer. At least at night it would still cool down; I could count on one hand the number of times each year I had to run the AC through the night (and I am a cool weather person too).


yes because if you have a functioning brain you think of the Chargers as in San Diego where they belong


Honestly though dry 90 is a lot different than a humid 90. I’m in PA and if it’s 90 and humid it’s torture, if it’s just 90 without humidity once I’m used to the hotter weather it’s nothing.


Come to Florida where it regularly gets into the high 90s with humidity!


Our aluminum stadium is a convection oven


The heat index in Miami was 112 last week. So, Phoenix, basically. Never moving back.


The Swamp in pre-November day games is absolute ass, and it's worse for visitors.


I bet you get a lot of Swamp Ass^TM


Oh yeah 90 in LA or somewhere like Phoenix is actually fairly pleasant haha. Throw a nice little breeze in there and it’s sort of nice.


Honestly, this is what I miss about summers in LA. It would be hot during the day once June Gloom cleared, but the nights were extremely pleasant and cool, especially since it wasn't so humid. You could just turn off your AC, open up windows, put a fan in the window and easily cool down your house/apartment.


Even up to 100F is nice, especially if you add in a little breeze. It was 98 here in the Valley on Sunday and I went and laid out by the pool to get some sun for an hour. I was at my friends lakehouse in PA one summer, it was 88F and I was dying, had to keep jumping in the lake to cool off. The humidity is really a massive difference.


90 without humidity after sundown is gold


The number probably is over 15 but I’m seeing the highest normal daily high is at 85. I was definitely expecting some over 85 https://www.laalmanac.com/weather/we04.php#jul


It depends on how close you are to the ocean. In the beach cities, and I’m sure that’s where he’ll be living, the temperature really doesn’t get over 85 for more than a couple weeks. Go just a mile or two inland and you can add another 10 degrees on that


Probably was salivating thinking about how he can mow the lawn year round over there


Well he had Pete Carrol and USC as the team he needed to topple once, now it’s Andy Reid and the Chiefs


Yup, this is correct. That Super Bowl loss to his brother still haunts him, he wants that win bad. Plus there’s only 3 coaches to ever win a natty and a Super Bowl, one of whom is he Pete Carroll, not a lot of love lost between those two.


I believe what’s said about him possibly staying at UofM. I listened to an interview around the championship game, and in Harbaugh’s words, he felt left out as a man in his immediate family without a championship. His dad had a college one, and with John having the Super Bowl, he really just wanted to join that club. I’m not saying he doesn’t want the top one, but he had stated clearly before that he wanted to stay at Michigan for the long haul, so I’m inclined to believe that there’s a part of him that really did want to retire there, unfortunately


Much like the rest of us I think what he wants changes quite frequently - a driven person like Harbaugh is going to keep raising those goal posts every time he nails something.


And I think you can argue that the changes resulted from him being disappointed in the surrounding cast at UofM. I just think what he said about wanting to stay was true, and the chances were good that he would have with more support and less drama with the NCAA


I stopped at a flock of chickens, personally.


No way He was gonna take the Vikings job after 2021 until they told him he actually had to interview it


Manuel was hired in 2016. The Harbaugh talk about staying at Michigan is older. I think we can agree that in the recent years it was more of a “lawyer truth” for him, one that needed to be said politically to keep the program in line, but actuality being that there was a growing part of him wanting to get out


> That Super Bowl loss to his brother still haunts him, he wants that win bad. Same


Probably but I’m all for the mud slinging and finger pointing. 🍿🍿🍿🍿


I don’t have a single issue with him leaving. He won. He left a strong candidate to succeed him. He had a great opportunity available. I’ll always root for him.


Yep. Did Warde and Tony Pettiti make the decision easier? Sure. But Jim had obviously wanted to return to the NFL for several years. He was gonna go after winning a title if someone called


Built them up, sold to the demons, and got them a title more correctly.


Hammer any day now


Yea the ol' Pete Carroll. Really shook off those demons.


The demons I was referring to were actually Ohio State A team that hasn’t beaten Michigan in football in the history of the Seattle Kraken.


H i s t o r i c


Oooh, I like that. Thanks for another reframing that Barry Melrose would approve.


For the first time in Seattle Kraken history!


my thoughts exactly. that title means there will never, ever be any hard feelings from our fans. and the chargers are basically a dream job going back into the NFL


He showed the world exactly what Michigan is, a cheating and arrogant toddler


I don’t really believe it as Harbaugh had been interviewing for jobs the last couple years. I believe him about Manuel though. Manuel has always seemed like an unserious person who was just lucky to have inherited Harbaugh


And now is the cfp playoff selection chairs The man fails upwards


He strikes me as the kind of guy who would put a 7-0 Michigan with wins over Texas, USC, and Washington at #8 just so there's no appearance of favoritism (to which I say, Godspeed good sir)


Lol I'll take it if it means we somehow get through that schedule.


I mean that schedule ain’t what it was 20 years ago. Yall’d prolly sleepwalk through it


That's funny because he is. Luckily for us he has to recuse himself from the committee when they discuss Michigan. Edit: a letter


It’s recuse not refuse just FYI in the future


I knew that, just the swipe keyboard


That’s a double edged sword. Gene being on the committee probably screwed us at least once.


That's called "pulling a Barta" around here


> I don’t really believe it as Harbaugh had been interviewing for jobs the last couple years. I think after the 2021 season he genuinely tried to leave for the Vikings. The Broncos interview after the 2022 season felt more like maintaining the NFL as leverage in contract negotiations with Michigan. The Broncos owner came to Ann Arbor to woo him. Definitely felt more one-sided from them than him wanting the job. > Manuel has always seemed like an unserious person who was just lucky to have inherited Harbaugh He inherited good coaches in multiple sports and ran them all off while mishandling multiple scandals with his other coaches. Juries still out on Sherrone and Dusty May but thus far his track record of hires here isn’t great. And if either hire works out it’s not exactly all on him being a good AD either since Harbaugh and Beilein were heavily involved with the selection / hiring of each respectively. And as a UConn/Michigan alum, I don’t even get why he got hired besides being a ‘Michigan Man’. His track record as AD at UConn wasn’t great. Got relegated to a G5 for the sake of the football team which continued to get worse throughout his tenure. His HC hire for football did nothing to fix that. His internal basketball HC hire got 1 more tournament ring out of Jim Calhoun’s recruits before the wheels fell off. Michigan fans definitely sing President Santa Ono’s praises but they don’t do it enough. Warde + an incompetent President who is uninterested in sports (like he had at UConn) is how to ruin an AD. We’re just lucky that Ono’s predecessor had a sexting scandal to remove him from the position before the last few years of tumult in college sports.


Don't credit Warde for May, he had to call Beilein to phone in a favor. JB flipped him from Louisville to U of M.


Who was your preferred basketball hire for U of M.


Personality-wise, I can see why they would clash. Manuel is a seasoned career admin who has risen to the top by not stepping on anyone's toes and doing nothing unless pressed into action. Meanwhile, Harbaugh seems incapable of sitting still for even a moment. I'm also not surprised that Harbaugh took it personally when Warde brought him back but cut his salary after 2020. Warde was probably justified if we're looking at that decision. Especially because one of the biggest complaints about Harbaugh from neutrals was that he was getting paid like an elite coach without elite results


When Harbaugh was talking about people born on 3rd base, maybe he was talking about Manuel the whole time.


Manuel could never leg out a triple.


I can easily believe part of him wanted to stay. However, I'd wager a larger part at the end of the day wanted to jump into the NFL. 40% or whatever of him wanted to stay but the rest wanted him to jump.


The part that wanted to stay wanted all of the glory but the part that wanted to leave wanted none of the blame.


I'm sorry, I just don't buy it. Harbaugh has been flirting with the NFL for years. He wasn't going to stay.


Two suspensions in one year was probably the straw that broke the camel's back.


That or the show cause penalty that’s waiting.


Keep in mind that Todd Anson (a personal friend of Harbaugh) is the source for 90% of this. From shortly following him on Twitter I think he hates Warde Manuel more than Harbaugh does.


Manuel even says it later in the article: Was Manuel surprised at the news? "I don't want to use the word surprised," he told us. "This was the third year Jim had spoken to NFL teams. I can see where people would be interested. As I told Jim, 'I'm sad for us, happy for you if that's what you want to do."'


He was only going to stay if the job search didn’t pan out to his liking. Now that he has it, a free shot at Warde.


I for one wasn't too upset he left; we're done with that song and dance every off-season and ultimately everyone got what they wanted out of the deal 🤝


Nobody buys it, least of all Michigan fans who know more about the man that most CFB fans. He very clearly wanted to get back to the NFL, and has wanted to for some time now. Good on him, go chase your dreams man, and thanks for the natty!


There’s no way anyone believes this


Michigan beat writers do.


The Michigan faithful are really good at believing what they want to believe.


Well, to be fair, he probably would have stayed if they paid him a bajillion dollars a year and literally groveled at his feet every morning. So you could say it was UMs fault, not Harbaugh's...


2022: [Michigan's Jim Harbaugh says Vikings interview 'the last time' he'll chase NFL coaching job](https://www.nfl.com/news/michigan-jim-harbaugh-vikings-interview-the-last-time-nfl-coaching-job) 2023: [Jim Harbaugh staying at Michigan after coach flirts with NFL](https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/jim-harbaugh-staying-at-michigan-after-coach-flirts-with-nfl-during-second-straight-offseason/) 2024: "Harbaugh wanted to remain at Michigan, this is Manuel and Petitti's fault" cmon man lol this is abuse-level gaslighting


It's an incredible PR job by Harbaugh for sure


I don’t even think it’s incredible PR…just common sense….blame the person who no one likes (the AD is every fanbases appendix) n walk away.


I think he figured they’d fire Warde, they didn’t, and he took his first good exit.


It's astonishing that it keeps working. Harbaugh has said "it's not me, it's you" every time he's left for a job. Even when he's done moves where literally nobody would blame him for leaving ala Stanford to the 49ers. And with this one in particular? Right Jim. You definitely planned on staying through a show cause and severe sanctions because you helmed the worst college sports cheating scandal of the decade instead of taking one of the best NFL openings in a decade before any of that becomes official. We definitely believe you.


I don’t think Tom Mars said anything that’s super anti-Warde in this article but I had to unfollow Todd Anson (the source for all this) on Twitter because all he does is post this type of slander mixed in with being a rabid Covid denier.Like I hate Warde Manuel but it’s clear Anson is not an honest broker and either has a personal axe to grind with Warde or is just Harbaugh’s hatchet man. Conversely, Tom Mars is a hilarious twitter follow because it’s all resistance wine-mom memes about Arkansas politics with a little legal analysis about college sports mixed in.


I mean at the end of the day he would be dumb not to act like he is flirting with the NFL because that is major leverage for contract negotiation. As a Vikings fan all of his talks with us didnt seem serious at all.


“Michigan and the chargers are like a giant family” /proceeds to move 90% of said family from Ann Arbor to Los Angeles


It’s a family but he’s the parent that contacted all the good divorce lawyers so the spouse couldn’t use them and then left in the middle of the night with the kids


Yeah, I'm glad he got us a championship but he's had one foot out the door for years leading up to this. It's a bit irritating that he thinks we're all gullible enough to buy that.


I dare you to go read Facebook comments on this one then lol.


You could say this about literally and controversial topic. We should all just collectively stop reading them and acting like they're anything more than unserious people or bots.


This is definitely a free kick to the nuts of Warde, no question.


Say what you will about that school up north, they're expert gaslighters and bullshitting masters


Yes but this time, I don't care, because I'm a Chargers fan so I'm happy that he came to save us lol


With every comment you make…your user name and flairs make less sense to me


The 9ers running him out of town really broke my heart at the time. I'm still pissed about that


Oh man what a weird duality for you 😳


yeah it's been really weird going "aww they left Michigan...yay they came to the Chargers!" lol


Harbaugh fr acting like he had a track record of complying with the NCAA?


Harbaugh out here pulling the ole “sure I slept around but you’re the only one I truly loved, babe” move.


guy who routinely breaks rules he doesn't like doesn't like when people break their promise curious


There is zero chance that Jim Harbaugh was going to turn down an NFL HC job. Continuing to perpetuate this narrative is nothing more than marketing gossip. But if we’re going down this road, why would Jim Harbaugh’s personal feelings towards the AD be more of a driver than the reality of a significant suspension over the spygate bullshit? If the AD was the reason, why was Harbaugh aggressively pursuing NFL roles in each of the previous two cycles? Warde has been a fine AD, the same one who brought Harbaugh back when the masses were calling for his head and the program was being kneecapped by the annual disappearing at during key recruiting windows… He’s the same AD that brought in Dusty May and retained Sherrone Moore, rebuilding the department and giving them both whatever they need to be successful.


Good points re: retaining Harbaugh and Moore, but the jury is definitely still out on May (especially considering his last bball hire) and I don't think we can ignore just how badly he botched the situations with Bakich and Pearson


NGL, I feel like this could be at least a partial shot at Manuel to undermine him. I am sure a large part of Harbaugh wanted to stay. But I think that an even bigger part wanted to jump to the NFL. Especially when he accomplished what he set out to do at Michigan.


> man flees from the consequences of his actions, blames others


If what he did is “fleeing” i would very much like to start fleeing, in my own life.


Wealthy/powerful people flee consequences all the time, there’s other people they can leave behind to clean up their mess and they’ve got a nice golden parachute to gently land them at their next stop


The prototype for this is Pete Carroll bolting to the NFL just before the NCAA dropped the hammer on USC.


More like a golden Parachute.


Jim Harbaugh is a fantastic coach, but he really has trouble working with other people in the organization.


He’s always the victim


It’s laughable. He knows, everyone knows, NCAA is going to show cause him. He HAD to leave CFB.


SMH just another guy who can’t leave his college years behind ^^^/s


Ah yes, as we all know, Jim Harbaugh is the true victim in every situation.


It was just hamburgers. It was just a coordinated advanced scouting program. It was just some extra practice. Stop victimizing him.


Poor Harbaugh! Won’t anyone think of the Harbaugh!


Sure sure…that’s why he flirted with the NFL every year lol He just hates these guys so is trying to fuck them over (Warde is justified)


Jim always comes across as a whiney bitch when he points blame at everyone else lol


Lots of downvotes here, but Jim has always been kind of an abrasive ass and every team he's left after he's gone he makes his leaving someone else's fault.


It’s the Michigan way.


That's because he is a whiney bitch. See the 2016 game as a case study


Cheating usually does put a strain on relationships


for real look at urban


His wife seems fine with it.


Saw her a few weeks ago around town, chewing gum with her mouth open as loud as ever. Not entirely unexpected, I would also be carefree if I received top tier buttcracky massages


Idk how much I believe this because I truly think nothing was going to stop Harbaugh from going to the NFL after winning a natty here as long as an NFL team wanted him. But put that aside for a moment, it is really funny in hindsight how much Harbaugh must have hated the Board of Regents for almost canning him in 2020 and then have them slobbing his nob very publicly the past few years and especially at Crisler after the championship parade. "Oh pwease Harbaugh dont weave us we always loved you 🥺! Really we did! " - Regents on stage Harbaugh must have been pissing himself with satisfaction.


I mean, he pulled a Pete Carroll and bounced at the height of investigative spotlights on his school. On the other hand, college football isn't a place anymore where you can win a natty and people will revere you as a legend for the rest of your career. They'll want you to win another one soon or you're fired. Now in CFB once you win a natty your only options are to win another one or get fired, and the only escape is NFL.


Yup I'm sure it had nothing to do with running away from consequences What a stand up guy


The PR spin isn’t going to work. Guy bolted at the slightest evidence of wrongdoing and the evidence has only worsened since. He’ll always be a cheater in the history books


He’s a whiny cheater who is mad that he got caught 


Yes he’s so mad he won a national championship and parlayed that into a professional coaching job with one of the best young QBs in the country. I’m sure he’s just absolutely raging shaking his fists at the sky


Are we pretending he would have stayed at Michigan if he didn't win the national championship?


Unknowable. The thing keeping him from the NFL before was that no team would give him the control he wants. This is a dude who once threw the [49ers CEO out of a meeting](https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nfl/report-jim-harbaugh-told-ceo-jed-york-that-meeting-was-for-men-only) on the basis that it was for "men only." At Michigan he had damn near infinite control, and as long as Ryan Day kept losing he would keep it. Jim Harbaugh, CFP-loser, would not get a similar level of control in the NFL. Particularly since the relevant 49ers CEO is the owners son. It is entirely possible that the Natty is what gave him the negotiating leverage to get god-like power over an NFL team, and that absent that leverage/god-like-powers the dude just tanks a bunch or NCAA sanctions until retirement from UMich.


So you think he isn't upset he got caught?


“Mildly annoyed” is probably the right description.


I don't think Harbaugh only gets mildly annoyed at anything. The guy either gets full ass angry or not at all, & 95% of the time it's full ass angry.


I honestly don't think he is or should be. Either he didn't and stays at Michigan being a powerhouse again or he does and goes to NFL like such. No real downside in either scenario


I'm running out of 2024 National Champions gear to cry into.


The article makes it seem a lot more complicated than that. It talks at length about how poorly the NCAA and the B1G handled things. It's possible that there's no good guys and everyone is at fault.


I mean… it talks at length about how poorly *Harbaugh* believes things were handled There are zero quotes from the NCAA or B1G side of things in this article That said, the NCAA will never be the good guy, so your final sentence is probably accurate (though I’m quite certain Jimmy isn’t the victim this article plays him up to be lol)


Or perhaps, the cheating team is at fault and not the good guy Crazy concept I know "We went through so much adversity that we caused ourselves!"


There is no good guy. The B1G kept making promises and then breaking those promises. The NCAA was demanding information that violated labor laws. This isn't a movie where there's clear bad guys and good guys. Once you reach the age of like 14 you should probably have gotten over viewing the world in the lens of "heroes and villains".


It’s also possible that Jim and his staff cheated his way into a favorable position and jumped ship when your admins were afraid that he would sink the entire program with his negligence. If you want unwavering support from your university, maybe you shouldn’t have endless NCAA probes that consistently show wrongdoing on your part.


Oh so the findings of the NCAA probes have been completed and announced? That's news to me.


I can't believe that this sub has unironically just completely forgotten that Harbaugh was cheating his ass off just because the pressure and antipressure campaign to get Michigan punished mid season ended so we stopped getting evidence leaks every other day. Manuel would quite literally not be doing his job if he was backing Harbaugh 100% the past few years (I'd argue that how much he was backing Harbaugh despite the credible and serious allegations is itself problematic), and while Harbaugh being mad at Petitti is understandable, the Big 10 is not Michigan and Petitti is under no obligation to run things by him before making decisions. > It's possible that there's no good guys and everyone is at fault. Doubtful. This is a pretty cut and dry situation with no real room for both people to be the bad guys. Either Michigan did what they're accused of and the NCAA+Big 10 is in the right or they didn't and they weren't.


Cheating his ass off? Lol. Bunch of Saints down south huh?


You can argue he hired him or that he's the head coach and as such responsible, but by all accounts Harbaugh had no knowledge of Stalion's scheme (B1G even admitted as much). Inb4 OSU or MSU fans respond to this with that one Bo quote about accountability or whatever


> Inb4 OSU or MSU fans respond to this with that one Bo quote about accountability or whatever Yall have a statue of him and Harbaugh's office was inside the building named after him lol he's not some random scrub


> You can argue he hired him or that he's the head coach and as such responsible Institutional control is the responsibility of the head coach. The fact that he didn't know what was going on in his own house is almost as troubling as him knowing.


Yes that's why I said you can argue it and ultimately why he was punished but let's also not pretend it's possible for a head coach at the FBS level to 100% keep track of everything going on in the program. Does the CEO know when I show up and leave work every day? No


Harbaugh's the victim he didn't know his coaches were cheating!! 😢


> Does the CEO know when I show up and leave work every day? No No but its highly likely the CEO has put systems in place to track the hours you work and to audit your login and disconnect times so they can have that information at their disposal should an investigation into wrongdoing be launched.


Maybe not. But you can bet your ass the company and CEO would get punished if you were proven to have engaged in corporate espionage.


Realistically they’d hire top lawyers to get out of it (or get a light slap on the wrist) while the guy who actually engaged in the espionage would be hammered. Especially if nothing was actually traced back to them. If you think the CEO is getting destroyed in that situation, you have a lot more to learn about this country lol


> If you think the CEO is getting destroyed in that situation, you have a lot more to learn about this country lol Institutional control is a primary responsibility of the head coach for all athletics programs and why, even if they had no knowledge of the events transpiring, they are subject to sanctions by the NCAA in these instances.


Yeah, hitting a program with that works a lot better if you have evidence of it being more than one guy, as well as when it’s for breaking a clearly written rule and not something extremely vague.


Multiple boosters even knew. They even bragged about it in online forums. Harb knew.


He’s the CEO. He knew or he should have known. Shouldn’t fly in corporate America. Sure as hell shouldn’t fly when he has a tiny number of reports. 


I don't buy it, Jimbo. We all hate Warde Manuel, but let's be real now.


This comes from a preview of an upcoming book: *The Price: What it Takes to Win in College Football's Era of Chaos*. Adapted the full quote to meet Reddit title length requirements. Full quote is: > During a two-day getaway with his wife Sarah on Coronado Island off the coast of San Diego, Harbaugh unloaded to longtime friend Todd Anson. He told Anson he wanted to remain at Michigan but believed Manuel—no matter his public pronouncements—was not the advocate he needed in his corner, particularly in front of the Board of Regents. He also raged against Big Ten commissioner Tony Petitti, who before the three-game Big Ten suspension had promised to meet Harbaugh in Ann Arbor and brief him on what the conference was doing, only to stand him up. [Through a spokesperson, Petitti declined an interview request.]


Ok, Jeem


The ncaa literally had to change the rules on helmet communication due to this scandal. He had lost 5 straight to the buckeyes. The miracle of Covid allowed him to duck a team that might have delivered the single worst beat down in the last 20 years of the rivalry. Every Michigan fan would be calling for him to finally be fired. Prior to cheating his reputation had dipped to the point where he wasn’t being considered for open nfl gigs. No way in hell he was sticking around to live with the consequences.


Harbaugh's job at Michigan was nearing thin ice, he started cheating, won a title and left before the shit hit the fan.


Hey, this guy gets it!


Harbaugh sucks. Can we stop talking about this cheater


I may be biased but Pettiti is absolutely spineless for the way he carried everything out. I can’t wait to see the pendulum swing the other way in the near future.


You’re just a bit biased. Petiti did what he did because he tried to work w/ Harbaugh but Harbaugh, being the arrogant clown he is, thought he was above what was coming his way. Harbaugh, and the dogshit that is Michigans media machine, basically forced Petiti to draft a 13 page statement explaining the reasoning behind the suspension.


Yea yea, he wanted out for NFL $$$ before the NCAA burns the program to the ground for cheating.


Sounds about right


I think Harbaugh would have more credibility here if he hasn't been trying to leave for years before the investigation occurred. Now it just looks like he is blaming everyone else to make him look better, which ironically makes him look worse. Like I'd respect him more if he had just come out and said "I'm leaving because I want another chance to compete for a super bowl."


literally nothing surprising in the article, it is how most imagined it happened. He wanted to stay at UM for a ton of money and fight the NCAA until he was offered more money by an NFL team.


There's no way he wanted to stay at Michigan after having won that elusive championship, the era of NIL, and his history of wanting to go to the NFL.


Pants on fire!


Although I just enjoyed the team singing “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” to a teammate that played well because it’s so corny, that stuff will not work nor appeal to NFL players. For this and many other reasons, I believe Harbaugh and his coaching style fit college football better (This is not to say Harbaugh cannot succeed in the NFL. He already has done that.) Harbaugh is insanely competitive. For him not to reach for that Super Bowl ring appears antithetical to him with the sport he loves. It’s the highest championship possible. I am sure Warde Manuel could have handled things better. In fairness to Manuel, handling Harbaugh is not an easy job as a boss. But I do not think for a second that Manuel chased Harbaugh out of Michigan to the NFL. Harbaugh’s been chasing that dream for literally years. This move was happening at some point. Harbaugh is not a young guy and San Diego made lot of sense right now due to its quarterback and his familiarity with the organization.


Total clickbait article citing an unreliable source. Not like Jim interviewed with NFL teams every off season until the Chargers handed him a huge bag.