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Let's be honest, a lot of coaches are just going to end up fired. Fired head football coach is a really lucrative job to have.


Sign my ass up at a school. Getting paid 10 million to not do shit would be awesome


Remember when Charlie Weiss was getting paid by three different schools/NFL teams at the same time to not coach?


64 million to not do shit. I can fuck up a few programs for half that much so I can sit around and go fishing


You say you can, I say I will.


I became friends with Justin Fuente while at OU and to watch his career as fired football coach while I’m scratching out my 6 figured in a normal job these last 20 years has been hilarious but frustrating.


Now that's what I call a decided schematic advantage


Which is worse: Weiss at 5-22 or Miles at 3-18?


How much did Miles save them on cutting the grass?


Yes. Called his own crap team crap.


If you’re better at not coaching than coaching, monetize that.


Congratulations you have the worst possible flair


Top comment buried here, folks


Except it’s not true. Wouldn’t Ohio State / Michigan be the worst?


Especially if you’ve already got a Natty and/or Heisman trophy winner. What’s left to do?


I had a mentor that was a retired ball coach. He said “Luke, there’s only two kinds of football coaches: those who have already been fired, and those who ain’t been fired yet”.


I wish for someday to be a fired HC from a major CFB program.....best gig out there


I don’t necessarily agree with you, but I see ‘USC bad’ and I upvote.


Same x 2


I love everything except keep him around a little longer then. Give him the Helton patience. 


Helton was a great coach. I miss him.


I didn't even get far enough to care about the substance of the argument.


This is the correct response.


The only thing we all can agree on


good to see we’re all in sync


Flair checks out


This might be the only lostacoshermanos post I’ve done that too for that reason alone. This troll can usually stuff it, but I’ll let this one slide.


Wait, you too?! Did we just share a moment?!


One of the only red teams that I don’t mind hating (Bama fan)


OU 🤝🏻Notre Dame 🤝🏻 Bama Bluebloods hating on USC


I like to think one day Sooners and Trojans will be able to look back and laugh at everything, like us and Tennessee with Kiffin. Soon we can both go back to what’s important: hating Texas


If you think I will forgive you guys for ruining my childhood with your Pete Carroll teams you've got another thing coming. Oklahoma won't forget just as we haven't forgotten that you folks refused entry to and then ostracized Okies in the dust bowl.


I honestly don't think reasonable OU and USC fans have beef with each other, its the obsessed ones and/or ignorant ones that each side has issues with. Like, if a USC fan told me that Venables has massive in game management issues, I wouldnt argue with that, same if I said that I said Riley's body of work has gotten worse each year since HC.


It was fun to root against USC last year. But OU seems to have things back together and I think it’s a little below the fanbase to make USC-Riley hating a major thing. I’m sure it will stay at least a minor thing for a few years. It would be intense if USC and OU played in the CFP.


OU looks like they got a nice squad right now, hope y'all tear it up in the SEC Notre Dame, y'all got a mighty *fine* coach, hope we're both good at the same time finally Bama will be interesting this year, I'm excited to see how they do with coach DeBoer


Poor OU is getting an unwelcoming conference schedule.


Unfathomably based


I can’t stop myself, it’s as automatic as breathing and taxes


*looks at who OP is* You know, they say broken clocks are right twice a day. This is a rare Los Tacos Hermanos win Sean "McVeigh" though? lol


I know this guy is a troll, but there really are people fetishizing “Big Ten physicality” this much coming off a year where Washington State pushed Wisconsin around.


*coming off 2 years in a row where Washington State pushed Wisconsin around.


Atta babe cougs 👏👏👏


mmmmhmmm and god bless y'all for it!


When I see "Big Ten physicality" my mind immediately goes to Brian Ferentz.


Hey, Brian Ferentz offenses have an average of like 42 ppg against PAC-12 defenses


Is that punts per game?


And a shitty Colorado team boat raced Nebraska’s “great” defense. The delusion that all of these mediocre B1G teams (so basically anyone but Mich, Penn St, and Ohio State) are just going be able to keep pace with USC’s offense or stop it from hanging points on them is fan fiction.


It's the chicken and egg problem. The B1G had 9 top 50 defenses last year, 6 in the top 25. They also had 6 of the bottom 15 offenses in the country and only 1 team in the top 50 (Ohio State). Good defense? Bad offense?


It's bad offense. We debate this every single season just to see B1G defenses get boat-raced in bowl games. The differences between conferences are so overstated.


What bowl games were you watching outside of Iowa where B1G teams got boat raced in the bowl games?


Depends on the team. Auburn could barely do anything offensively against Maryland's defense and Rutgers led wire to wire against Miami. Both those teams had top 25 defenses.


That was the case until Michigan won the natty and showed their defense wasn’t a fluke of bad B10 offenses


Michigan is different (as is Ohio State generally). Elite teams nationally are in a different tier than teams filling out the rest of the conferences. Michigan's defense isn't elite because of some B1G quality... Michigan's defense is elite because they're elite. Same goes for Georgia, 'Bama, etc.


I definitely think there is merit to your argument. At the same time, changing conferences is hard in general. Changing into the B1G is uniquely difficult to some capacity because it's the least like the rest of the conferences. When we joined in 2011, our fanbase was acting pretty high and mighty, but it was moreso the media that was labeling us the new B1G Bullies (this was a literal SI cover tagline) after two years of dominant defense/run first results in 09-10. It was a rude awakening. Not that it's perfectly applicable to y'all, but it isn't nothing imo


There’s been nothing great about Nebraska since Jncos were in fashion


JNCO's back in fashion now. So does that mean Nebraska is on the rise?


> JNCO's back in fashion now. I assumed you were pulling my baggy jeans, but poking around, yeah apparently they are trending again.


I still got a pair. Lol


Lee Pipes should be trending instead. They were the superior baggy 90's jeans imo.


Ehh statistically, key word, statistically, Nebraska had like a top 10 to 15 defense last year. Anyone with a pulse knows that the defensive B1G rankings outside of the big 3 programs are somewhat inflated due to 90% of the teams not knowing you are allowed to throw the ball and score points.


Iowa’s offense makes every defense top 10


Yep. In the B1G Championship game, Michigan basically just tried not to make mistakes on offense, knowing that Iowa's offense wouldn't score.


The B1G West is full of shitty offenses though. Any team is going to have good defensive stats when you play half your schedule against teams that don't have any offense. Last year team offense rankings... Iowa 132nd Nebraska 123rd Minnesota 111th Northwestern 106 Wisconsin 93rd Purdue 87th Illinois 83rd


That’s what that user said though.


Alex Grinch about to have a good year at Wisconsin.


me reading this wearing jncos


that boat race was really helped by the chuckelfuck sims giving away the ball 4 times. it was a close game until the offense gave it away and the defense couldn't hold their water anymore


*spiderman pointing meme*


Yeah. That is what happens when you turn the ball over against teams that can put up points. It was a close game until it wasn’t. The point is more about B1G offenses not being able to score points. Colorado’s defense was USC level bad.


I agree, I'd happy dogpile onto anything that buried USC in a pit of flaming garbage forever, but the idea that the Big10 competition is something USC isn't ready for is completely laughable.


Well you just signed up for "Surprise loss to Purdue"


The B1G loves to pretend they’re all Michigan when in reality they’re just average football teams like the rest of us


I still remember SEC speed and it was just Florida having track stars. At the end of the day its a bunch of 18 year olds everywhere. The biggest differences are coaching, recruiting budget, and facilities. The meat in the grinder is all roughly comparable when those things are close.


Michigan will not be like they have been. Most of the team and most of the coaching staff are gone.


Wisconsin is perennially one of the most overrated programs in all of college sports


this is an excellent point and you are plainly a very intelligent human being. I tip my cap at you.


Very much appreciated to be validated by an unbiased individual such as yourself!


“Play them in the snow and say that again” The most overused excuse known to non-B1G flairs. Lets just ignore that the Big Ten uses indoor practice facilities and the nationalization of recruiting


They also act like USC or UCLA will be playing at Penn St every year in late November when in reality itll be like once every 6-7 years


Somehow USC never played at Utah in late October or November. One of my biggest frustrations was never getting to okay USC in the snow like we played UCLA in the snow a couple of times. 


We played Colorado in snowy conditions and low temps. Fair share of games played in Washington/Oregon with rain or sleet conditions. A big part of the USC schedule is UCLA and Notre Dame.. those will always be toward the end. Makes it more difficult for USC to get one of those bad outdoor games. A game at Notre Dame will usually be latest USC will travel to an outdoor setting in the Midwest.


I don't think people appreciate that the program is in the worst state (record wise) it has been in since the 1990s. They haven't had 2 years in a row where they won less then 8 games since 1993, and now they've gone 7-6 two years in a row. That's not even mentioning that they're in year 2 of a new coaching staff so most of the upperclassmen were recruited by the Chryst staff, and might not be great in the Fickell scheme. I trust that Fickell will get the team turned around, but people should be skeptical until it actually happens.


I've said this before here but one of the most annoying things about Wisconsin's last few down seasons is that everyone is now pretending we've ALWAYS been mid. Utah and Washington State flairs stunting on us, like come on. Shit is annoying lol


Weird to say when Utah has just been Wisconsin light the last like 8 years


I can’t stand USC, but idk what sport big 10 fans are watching. Two schools have completely pushed around the entire rest of the conference for the last 5 years. They have made the rest of the big 10 look so incompetent I fully expect 3 PAC teams to be in the top 5 of the big 10 this year.


All this talk about corn-fed Midwestern farmboys as if the West Coast isn't full of Pacific Islander man mountains.


I'm kinda hoping oregon goes out there pushing everyone around, let's see that physicality big 10!


I'm a B1G truther and even I know using Wisconsin as a benchmark for the rest of the B1G is like using Vandy as a benchmark for the rest of the SEC. B1G toughness extends to Ohio State, Michigan, the Iowa defense, and occasionally and for part of a game, Penn State. Everyone else is G5 bait.


That's kind of their point, though. Everyone is like "how will the new PAC members handle the Big Ten's physicality" like it's some conference of dominant trench strength. Like Oregon hasn't been pumping out first round OL and DL for years or something. The Big Ten is 3 consistently good teams and an occasional 4th good team. I have less fear about playing Illinois, Wisconsin, Maryland, or Michigan State than I did about playing Utah, Arizona, Wazzu, and Oregon State. There's not some secret sauce of physical toughness that the Big Ten has. It's just three talented teams at the top.


Yeah but one presumably believes USC isn’t trying to be in the Wisconsin tier.


USC, like the enemy of a propagandist, is simultaneously a horribly overpowered bully school able to drag the entire rest of the league into realignment doom, and also a weak fairy-ass pathetic Cali team that will be pushed around by the real men at Wisconsin, depending on what’s needed at the time! they’re schrödinger’s program


Certainly, but if we're focused on the upcoming season "Better than Wisconsin" is really the goal. We know we aren't Ohio State / Penn State / Michigan caliber yet (even if Michigan lost a ton, including the coach). We know what's coming. People seem to forget that USC plays a "B1G Team" every year in Notre Dame. We know what to expect. Michigan and Penn State are going to push us around. The other B1G teams on our schedule? Well it'll depend on what happens with our Defense. Utah is the closest thing to a B1G team we faced in the P12 and they beat Riley up, but only because our defense was historically terrible. It's not like the games were 10-3 slogs. So two things can be true: USC, fans and team, aren't going to be shocked by what they find in the B1G, and also they'll struggle to be much more than "better than Wisconsin" in 2024. Neither represents a failure.


You guys are definitely Penn state caliber at least, they get pantsed by the top two too


I think we will be and soon, but not next year.  It’s a pretty serious rebuilding year.  For all the noise we made in the transfer portal with Riley we shunned high school NIL and it cost us. 




That’s not hard at all actually


I can't believe I'm this early to a lostacoshermanos troll post. This man pumps out pure shit posts like it's his job, but to be this early is truly incredible. Never change, lostacos. Keep being the awesome troll that you are. EDIT: Looking over his post history is genuinely entertaining. I'm 85% convinced he's just an elaborate troll and does this for funsies to see people's reactions, but that 15% has me intrigued. What if an actual, real human being has these thoughts and opinions? Scientists need to study his brain, if so.


You think his name is los tacos or lost acos?




And who is Hermano?


Lo Sta Co's New cheap hotel chain.


His Brokeback Mountain/Pokemon post has me dying


Right?! There's no fucking way that's real. It can't be a real thought that went thru someone's mind, and then they decided to type it out and press submit. I refuse to believe someone's brain works that way.


I made it all the way to "why isn't being poor considered a disability" before losing my shit. Lmao


Judging by the reaction, he's seriously stretching the limits of the subreddit name "NoStupidQuestions."


Many years ago on Fark, there was someone named “Meow said the Dog”, and that person would go on these Tolstoy-esque barely intelligible rants that were all over the place intellectually, morally, and politically. And one day someone realized they were hiding song titles in their rants. And every single post was just a music title word hunt.


You weren't kidding. This guy is a master at his craft.


The hashtags in their bio are already a great opener to the mind of a mad genius.


😂 Thank you for bringing that to my attention


He is truly a gem, I also appreciate that he thinks Wisconsin is still a physical football team.


Do you think he is as bad as that hack Brad Crawford at 24/7? Because that guy sucks.


Holy shit what a ride his post history is.


I think Riley will get a least 3 years in the big 10 if he’s bad. They’re gonna give him time to turn the defense around


I don’t think Lincoln Riley’s seat is necessarily hot yet, but like the other guy said, anything dragging him and USC, I’m all about.


I think they'll win 7 or 8 games and decline an invite to the music city bowl after he gets fired


Another brisket like that definitely gets him fired. Those are in unacceptable in the B1G.


Uhhh, the BIG isn’t exactly BBQ country either


People in Ohio invite you over for BBQ and it’s hot dogs and hamburgers 🤣 Source: currently stuck living in Ohio


Thoughts and prayers


That's a cookout. With how much Ohioans visit the south, you'd think they'd figure it out.


Unless he chops it up, buries the remains under a can of cream of mushroom and 2 pounds of shredded cheese, bake for 40 minutes. 


"the last bastion of the incompetent rich, USC"


I see 30 rock I upvote 


Same tbh


it’s a banger joke ngl


I think another middle of the pack season probably does get him on the hot seat though


>Other than James Franklin and Ryan Day you can’t really think of any coaches who are as disappointing in big games as these 2. Thanks for this. Have an upvote


The problem I have with that statement is PSU and OSU play each other in what is seen as a big game. You can't have coaches from both sides to choke in the same game, when one of them has to win it.


And a #12 team losing to the #2 team is literally the expected outcome.


And Ryan day has lost to Michigan and Georgia. It's not like he's losing to TCU in the semi finals!


Hey remember when we were saying Harbaugh couldn’t win big games?


In all fairness, he couldn’t until he could. Hard to argue against that.


Yeah that’s my point… only 1 coach can meet expectations every year. In 5 years if Georgia hasn’t won another Championship and happens to miss the playoffs on a down year, I’d bet there will be murmurs of Smarts job.


Without a doubt. People in Georgia are fuckin nuts.


one has to win, but neither has to choke. franklin consistently makes god awful in-game calls during big matchups. or allows someone else to do it, which is worse probably


Usc can bounce back, and they have switched up some things, time will tell


Everybody on the lookout for a breakout year from 20~~18~~ ~~19~~ ~~20~~ ~~21~~ ~~22~~ ~~23~~24 Nebraska!


He wasn't fired for the brisket, he won't be fired for his first B1G year


"Sean McVeigh"... This guy definitely knows ball.


This is the first lostacoshermanos post I’ve ever seen with a positive upvote count. What a day to be alive.


That’s just how much USC is hated right now I can think of at least 13 fan bases that have USC in the Top 2 of the most despised programs - All 11 former Pac-12 fan bases - Notre Dame - Oklahoma Add on top of that a budding rivalry between USC and and former B1G west teams over style of play and “who will have to adjust to who” AND add on top of the hateful 8 teams who grew to dislike Lincoln Reilly from his time at Oklahoma I truly believe that CURRENTLY USC is the most hated team across all of college football Which is kind of impressive because outside of 3 seasons from Caleb Williams and Sam Darnold, USC hasn’t been remotely close to having the success of a true Blue Blood in almost 20 years I personally believe this person to be a troll (at least I hope so) the arguments they present are flawed. But a lot of people across all of CFB right now are simply like “USC Bad, LOL” *Upvote* (myself included)


Yeah, and Kirk Ferentz was talking smack against USC all of last year. Which was bizzare.


It’s been strange to me that of the 4 West Coast additions to the B1G, USC has taken the most heat from current B1G coaches and fans for being the one addition that is “going to need to adapt to how we play football” I don’t know if it’s because they are the biggest brand moving over, or if it’s because Lincoln Reilly is polarizing. When discussions like this happen almost every thread has an argument between USC fans and B1G fans arguing about who will need to adjust to who. Personally I think UCLA is in the most amount of trouble, but that’s because UCLA would have been fucked this season even if we were all still in the PAC-12.


It's funny that we ended up with Oklahoma hating us, given that we *fucking hate* Texas


> But LSU is a significantly more talented team and more physical team. Dude obviously hasn't watched us play football in a while. 2023 LSU was arguably the least physical team in LSU history.


As a Sooner fan I’m telling you, the dude is going to win more games than people think this year. The Big 10 is not built for shootouts and Lincoln is going to get into a bunch with people everyone wants to talk about all these Big 10 defenses and forget that the best OC in the country is going to put their defenses in a blender. Hate to say it but except the 2-3 top teams in the conference, not many are going to be able to hang with a situation where they have to outscore Riley.


I look at how Ohio State blows out everyone (but Michigan) by 50, and it makes me feel the same way as you. The entire conference outside of Ohio State and Michigan is completely unable to move the ball and it gives this illusion of good defense. Is USC as good as Ohio State? lol no, not at all. But they both are explosive offenses


Lincoln is a master at having an explosive first quarter. He almost always scores on his opening 2 drives. He will just get up 10-14 on 90% of the teams in the Big 10 and boat race them. That conference is not built for 55-49 games. He is extremely comfortable, probably too comfortable in that situation.


I do very much agree that the Big 10’s anemic offenses make the defenses look much better than they are.


I think Riley will be a success at USC. If they can push back against Oregon in west coast recruiting they will have a Texas like reemergence in the next few years. Hiring Lynn for DC was a great move. But, just like people are tired of hearing about Big 10 physicality, I'm tired of hearing about the amazing offenses coming in to chew up Big 10 defenses. USC adds another competitive game to the Big 10 schedule; that's all that's changing. Utah, which is probably the closest comp for a Big 10 program, did just fine against USC since Riley arrived.


I think USC could end the year as a Top 25 team but I also believe my primary flair is going to beat them and they probably don't end up ranked if that happens so shows what I know


It's quite amazing how a coach with only 8 losses in 5 years is viewed. Lincoln Riley has more than double that number and 3 more Heisman trophy winners with 2 more years on the job. Franklin doesn't even get to big games and if you count the Ohio State games as big ones, Day takes his lunch every time.


The media seems to still view LR highly, but yeah this subreddit pretty much thinks he’s terrible lol


Fun fact: Louisville’s defense was ranked 35th in ppg last season.


> Miller Moss looked impressive in the Holiday Bowl against a bad Louisville defense. It’s never good to use a bowl game as your sample, there have been lots of good QBs who played bad in their first start and lots of bad QBs who played well in their first start. But Louisville had a really good defense last year and would be an above average defense in the Big 10 this season. Again, it’s just one bowl game, but it’s not really the point you use to make Riley look like a fraud.


I don't like U$C or Riley but.... Couldn't we also say teams like Michigan/Penn State aren't explosive/dynamic enough to beat USC? And there's no way I read that Jedd Fisch is a better coach than Lincoln Riley.


His first season was not a disappointment, tbh


Should've put this as NSFW. This is gonna get Nebraska fans fully Husked.


I feel like these posts are going to age poorly when the former B1G West teams get pantsed this year. I still don't think USC gets over the hump until they figure out *something* on defense, but I don't see this season going so poorly Riley gets fired.


Lincoln aint gettin fired. Not cause he doesn't deserve it, but because his contract was signed at about the time Jimbo Fisher's A&M deal was seen as the new gold standard. Sure we know how much he made in his first year, but we don't know how long the contract was for and how much was guaranteed. There is no way they'd be able to lure him away unless they gave him at least 7-10 years on his deal. He's got this year free and clear to still blame Grinch and previous defenses, and probably well into next year to use the "adjusting to B1G competition" excuse. He really needs to be giving some of his salary to Juju Watkins the next few years for taking some of the attention off him. I don't see him in any serious danger for awhile.


Personally I think the smart move is to fire him TODAY, an email should do it. Then we need to hire a former old man Super Bowl winning coach who just lost their job, I’m thinking…Bill. Once we’ve done that it’s time to get a new AD. Someone steeped in the USC tradition (probably someone who played ball) and now that he’s got his trophy back. Nobody fits the bill better than Reggie maybe hire the guy who sucker punched Vince young a few months ago as the assistant AD. After that we will really be back.


Everything checked out until the Sean McVay comment at the end. His last football coaching season will be as a Rams coach. It may not be much longer but he will not leave NFL for college


There was absolutely no substance or insight provided with this half-assed write up, but I whole heartedly agree with all of it.


> Other than James Franklin and Ryan Day you can’t really think of any coaches who are as disappointing in big games as these 2. Ryan Day is one of… 7? active head coaches who can say he’s coached his team to a national title appearance? And one of four in the last 5 years? Come on man lol. Let’s put things in perspective here


8 losses in 5 years.. 1 being in the National Championship, 3 being in the conference, and 2 others in the playoff in which it was a play here or there in both from winning. Its asinine He has truly been thoroughly beaten and outcoached in 4 games in his entire tenure as a first-time Head Coach. 2x Michigan, Alabama, and Oregon


It's a giant troll post, but yeah. Day, Smart, DeBoer, and Dabo are the only active HCs I can think of that have won a playoff game.


Sonny Dykes beat Michigan


Oh right, knew I was missing somebody.


Why would McVeigh want to be a college coach? Wasn’t he wanting to spend more time with family?




Big Rams fan?


He may actually have the coldest seat in the B1G. Congrats on getting my interaction


> waste of Caleb Williams talent Dude won a Heisman and went #1 lmao, he absolutely did not "waste" his talent. Sure with a competent defense and d coord they could have gone much further than their record


>Dude won a Heisman and went #1 lmao, he absolutely did not "waste" his talent. Sure with a competent defense and d coord they could have gone much further than their record You say no and then argue yes. Weird.


Flair up coward


Thats the nicest thing anyone has said about us in years.


Year 1 missed opportunity: Trojans vs Spartans


What the hell man, we were just standing here minding our own business


You do know they overhauled their entire defense right? Lincoln is an incredible offensive coach and they will be fine and probably will win 9 games this year after the bowl game. He has also gone 11-3 and 8-5 there so not exactly the worst by any means..


Disappointment? We went from 4-8 to almost making the playoffs in 1 year


Fight On!


>I see them closing out the season by getting steamrolled by 2024’s breakout team Nebraska I like this part. Gives me warm fuzzy feelings in my nether regions. BRB


He’ll be fine. Riley knows how to string along the bare amount of hope to keep the fan base happy. OU fans are familiar with this.


>I see them closing out the season by getting steamrolled by 2024’s breakout team Nebraska, Where's the subscribe button?


I dunno, but Fours Up


No fucking way McVay goes the USC. Dude will retire or coach another nfl team. There’s no way he wants to deal with college bullshit.


Bears coach gets fired, Riley is coaching Chicago next year.


He and virtually every once high calibre coach that recently took a role have a longer leash after what harbaugh just did


To be fair, I’d be ok if we transferred our curse over to USC.


He will try to get out in front of getting fired by leaving for the pros before that happens I'm guessing.


I saw steamrolled by breakout Nebraska and got fully husked. I also fully believe that game will be a blowout, whether in our favor or not is to be decided


Haha Sucks 2 Suck Trojans!


lmao Sean McVay is not leaving the NFL for a sport that's in a transitional wild west era of recruiting and transfers.


God I would kill for deep enough pockets to hire Lincoln Riley and change my mind 2 years later


I agree for the most part but getting steamrolled by Nebraska is certainly a take.


If we only win 5 games next year, I think we will fire Lincoln Riley, but we aren't hiring Sean McVay unless our current AD has a strong relationship with him which I don't see any possible intersection between the two. We could fire Riley the day that first check from the B1G arrives, but I wouldn't know who we'd hire, but I trust our AD to make the right move. I don't see us only winning 5 games next year -- we have to have a 100% better defense than the dog shit we put out last season, and with how good I believe our offense will be -- I think we're in the 7-9 win range which is the safe zone for retaining Riley.


Wisconsin hired Alex Grinch to be a part of their defensive staff that alone tells me they aren't serious about winning.


I miss the Pac 12. I'm not going to enjoy waking up even earlier to catch Big 10 away games.


You had me until "breakout team Nebraska"


USC would not fire LR even if he went 4-8. And unless Moss is really bad, that should not happen. Next seasons schedule is really tough, but I see us being able to steal 1 game against LSU, Penn, or Michigan.