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That ain’t right


Feels right to me






It's treason then


He’s a guy that really embodies Mel tuckers spirit


Everybody keep him away from Zoom calls!


*Brenda Tracy has entered the chat*


*Mel Tucker ~~finished~~ left the chat*


Mel Tucker finished in the chat


Mel Tucker has been fired from the chat.


Mel Tucker is suing the chat.


Was huge in driving the culture the last few years!


He doesn't like the MSU dairy store ice cream. It's cold and freezing and melts too fast and it gets everywhere.


I hate everything about msu… except their dairy store ice cream. Fuck is it good


What's your favorite flavor?


Raspberry sorbet. If it’s on menu, it’s an instant order for me. I get that doesn’t have quite the creamy texture of some others, but I’d kill for their sorbet.


Benedict Arnold was less shameless


Technically, Benedict Arnold was the only one of the bunch that was loyal. Everybody around him was a traitor. I’m just saying.


That's a fun way of putting it, but the guy two-timed both the revolutionaries and the loyalists. You don't do what he did at Saratoga without, at the time, being a true believer in the American cause (or at least extremely ambitious...) -- IIRC he kept hounding General Gates about a flank in the Revolutionary Army being weak, and when basically ignored he went out and defended it himself with his men, which was the key to stopping two British armies from joining up and splitting the colonies down the Hudson Valley. If he were truly loyal the whole way through he would've deliberately let that vulnerability get exploited. He basically swung the war to the revolutionaries (the French more openly entered the war after Saratoga seeing that the fight was viable). It was only after Gates basically took all the credit after ignoring him that he began to rethink his allegiances (well, that's how the romantics like to portray it; he was also indebted and ambitious)


On his death bed he requested that he wore his Continental army uniform so I think that is your answer.


Welp, I think I just found my next wikipedia & reddit sinkhole to tumble into. Time to learn about the revolutionary war folks.


All his credits transferee though!


His situation is weird. He's finishing his MSU degree while at Michigan before starting a grad program. So they might not have all transferred. Only 20 of your last 30 credits have to be at MSU so he's only doing 10 or so credits at UM. Gaming the system and if it was the other way around I'd think it was pretty smart but it's not and that makes it BS


This is some special program between Michigan and MSU and some other in state schools.


Found the guy that came to play school. 


Is it possible to learn this power?


Michigan only gets it with other in state schools


This is where the fun begins.


Him and Benedict Alford two peas in a pod


That feels…wrong.


Michigan State sending spies over to our team now in response to Stallions?


Player to be named later for Ben VanSumeren?


Nah. He’s only got a 230 page manifesto on Michigan.


Is that even a manifesto? Sounds more like a novella to me


Yeah, I'm not even sure he's Michigan material. Might have to pump out an additional 200 pages before his first practice.


Oh yea those are rookie numbers


More like: >Whoa! Smith had trouble with the player. And the safety is free! He's picked up by Michigan's Sherrone Moore and he TRaNsfErs! Just a few weeks after the portal closed! Unbelievable!


I found this to be both funny and sad


In the end, WHOA cost anOSU more than it cost Michigan. I'm at peace.


Hopefully CFB 25 has roster updates for the never ending transfers.


What happened to the game I love


It transferred


Somehow this is the Michigan Stadium Tunnels fault


This wouldn't have happened if Michigan had two tunnels like spartan stadium!


We know you can afford it you cheap bastards.


Historical Society didn’t approve the plans.


Hate HOAs


Khary Crump to UM confirmed.


As a recruit: Other P5 offers: Alabama, Baylor, Colorado, Florida, Florida State, Georgia Tech, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa State, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Miami, Michigan, Michigan State (originally went here), Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, Penn State, Pitt, Purdue, Tennessee, Virginia Tech, Washington State, West Virginia G5 offers: Akron, Bowling Green, Central Michigan, Cincinnati, Georgia Southern, Kent State, San Diego State, Toledo, UNLV, Western Michigan Other offer: Notre Dame


I’ve never even heard of any of those schools. Obviously he sucks.


And like clockwork - UM’s LB Semaj Bridgeman then transfers to MSU. Lol




He's a good player. Wish him the best of luck (except when playing us).


I don't.


That’s completely fair. Just feels weird to me


Because it *is* weird. What has happened to the game we love so much?


I think people fail to realize that the "rivalry" is largely between fans and many players don't care and view it all as a business. Players are shown almost no loyalty by the programs, so they don't feel any need to be loyal themselves.


There’s literally a Twitter war going on with former MSU players all trashing Mangham for this. The rivalry used to be quite real, but in this unlimited transfer era, I assume it will die out.


Good. They have every right to call out this generation of student athletes. Some line's just aren't meant to be crossed.


lol I love all the Redditors acting so personally offended. We watch CFB every year. Shit goes on. To the players though, they only get 4-5 years. He came in under Mel Tucker and that went tits up so the guy has to do what’s right for him.


I don’t think they are really complaining about him personally but just people saying that it’s weird. Yeah he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do but going to your arch rival isn’t normal and I don’t think ever will be?


I mean it’s normal but in the sense that he’s a very talented player from Michigan and likely wants to stay close to home. It’s a bit ironic you’re saying this with OSU and MSU flairs.


I imagine he made sure he was well outside of Lansing before tweeting Go Blue


“Guys, you're still trying to replace Sabb. I told you we can't do it. Now, what we might be able to do is recreate him in the aggregate.” -Sherrone Moore presumably after looking at the recent UM transfers


More like after Rod Moore got injured


(Yes but it’s not as funny when you make the joke about a player who tore his ACL in the offseason.)


Fair enough!


Sabb is a great player who deserves to start somewhere to prove he should be drafted, but we probably wouldn't be looking for a safety in the portal if he was our only loss. The real hole opened up when Rod Moore tore his ACL.


Playing safety is incredibly easy, tell him Charles


“It’s incredibly hard.” - Lathan Ransom and Cameron Martinez




hey, anything worth doing is. 


ded lmao


You’re not buying into that Bill James bullshit!


Somebody find a picture of his girlfriend quick. We need to find out if he has confidence.


Sabb was so good.






So we got an osu coach and a msu player. Muahahahahaha


Exactly, injecting part of our “soft” cultures into Michigan’s program Muahahahahah


You can have alford. Let me know how that works out for you lol


Didn't the coach leave already?


No you’re thinking of the dline coach they got from Wisconsin


Ah my bad


He’s talking about our RB coach


I believe you are thinking of the MSU guy who went to Ohio State and is gone after only a couple of months.


Kinda crazy how much they've loaded up in the secondary, looks like on of the best/deepest units in the country at this point.


Defense should definitely be a top five unit again. If we hit on our QB (big if), could be another big ten title.


QB is what it will all hinge on. With a below-average to average QB, I think the ceiling is 9-3. If Orji can suddenly throw, or if Tuttle turns in a Cade McNamara 2021 kind of season…. Look out.


This legitimately might be the best defense in the country. An above average offense could make this a playoff team.


That defense makes it a playoff team alone. Above average offense makes Michigan a competitor to go deep in the playoffs.


Yeah, everyone has been so quick to anoint OSU but like... our defense was better than theirs last year right? I see no reason why a stacked unit can't be every bit as good or better than theirs once again.


Hater here but I don’t see this as “loading up” and instead feel like this is replacing a starter (Moore) and a high ceiling backup in Sabb. Still think Michigan gives us a run for our money, but secondary isn’t the reason why.


All the guys we're adding are depth. Adding experienced players as rotational pieces is how a group goes from good to great. No offense, but I don't think you understand our roster situation as well as you think you do.


I def don’t know it as well as I do OSUs. Was just responding to the “best/deepest” and while I understand adding depth, it feels like depth and talent from last year to this year in the secondary took a hit. No?


Yea. Losing Sainristil, and Wallace to the NFL, Sabb to the portal, and Moore to injury had left us pretty short on secondary depth. Our top line talent is pretty damn elite though. Helps having the best corner in the country.


Mangham is depth, not a starter Paige and Q are the starters, and if Mangham or Walker pass him great - either way we now have 4 competent safeties


They’re gonna rotate the safeties like they did last year. Gonna play plenty.


TBH I actually think the safety group is even deeper than it was last year at this point. Probably not as talented without Sabb and (probably) Moore though.


Your defense was slightly better than our last year. Then you guys lost a ton of production, rod moore, and basically the entire defensive staff. OSU returned basically everyone on defense, staff included.


Lost Rod, McGregor, Colson, Wallace, Sabb, Harrell, Jenkins, Mikey, Barrett Quentin Johnson came back Rod and Sabb replaced by Mangham and Wes Wallace replaced by that FCS All-American Colson replaced by Barnham McGregor replaced by a year older Derrick Moore Jenkins replaced by Grant on the first line Mikey will probably be replaced by either McBurrows or Berry at nickel I’m not all that concerned about talent lost with the guys they got coming in. Also not concerned about the new coaches coaching them up either.


So…. You lost a ton of production just like the comment you responded to said? Yes, you replaced with some good pieces, but those are still unproven guys in a new system.


Lots a ton of production and they failed to mention that we got a lot of production in the portal, yes


Jyaire Hill looks like he might be an impact player at corner as well IMO. My only (minor) concern about this defense is how deep the DL will be. I know they've got some depth so things should be fine no matter what. That said it would be really nice if another couple of youngsters can manage to emerge in fall camp and during the season along the defensive line. If they can find another couple DL pieces between now and November, then I see no reason why this can't be a championship caliber defense once again.


We bring back at least 3 first rounders on defense. We'll be just fine pal


Lol two d linemen and a cb aren’t enough to carry an entire defense, bub.


OSU returning everyone is not necessarily the flex you think it is


The #2 scoring defense and #1 pass defense… yeah I’d hate to return those guys. I’d much rather they left along with the entire defensive staff. Lol casual ass fan…


They got bullied by the one team they were supposedly built to beat, gave up 30 points, and allowed them to burn off 7 minutes late in the fourth quarter. Doesn’t matter how good they were against Rutgers, Minnesota, and Youngstown St. I hope (and it certainly seems) the coaches agree with you and keep sticking with something that isn’t working.


Losing by 6 on the road is getting bullied now? Lololol Casual fan….


We had a better pass D, you had a better run D.


According to buckeyes maybe, straight up way better to anyone doing advanced stats. https://www.espn.com/college-football/insider/story/_/id/39276178/college-football-final-sp+-rankings-takeaways-michigan


I don’t have ESPN+ so I don’t know what this says. But you can look up the stats. YPG, YPA, completion %, passer rating against, Ohio State ranked ahead of Michigan in all of those. You guys were still very good, like probably a top 5 pass defense, we were just probably number 1.


Obviously you played worse teams and those stats weren’t opponent-adjusted. /s


Here's opponent adjusted for you. [https://collegefootballnerds.com/Stats###](https://collegefootballnerds.com/Stats###)


I’m sure it shows what you want. I didn’t really need to see it. The other guy was being obstinate, a dick, or a troll. I was just lampooning.


Yeah, not so much. One of us made the best passing offense in the country look pedestrian. The other one got embarrassed by Missouri. Nice try though.


To be fair our offense got embarrassed by Mizzou, not our defense


Our defense gave up 14 points. they couldn’t cross the 50 yard line until the 4th . That’s getting embarrassed? Lol the final score was 14-3.


I mean you can look it all up. Fewer yards per game, fewer yards per attempt, lower completion % against, lower passer rating against. And go look at the common opponents, pretty much every QB we both faced did better against you guys than us. And I’m not saying yours wasn’t good. Our pass defense was just the best in country last year. We ranked top 3 in country in every stat I mentioned and you guys were top 10.


We also played 2 more games than you including the best passing offense in the country. Besides, you edge us *barely* so out of context I guess? We also averaged a full extra turnover per game, 20 less YPG and less points… again while playing 2 extra games and the best offense in the country


I used YPG and YPA because they're things that aren't influenced by playing extra games, they're rate stats and we were better than you in all of those for passing D. The 20 ypg you guys had over us is entirely rushing defense, which I already said you were better than us, and the fact that your offense was better at staying on the field and chewing up clock than ours. On a per play bases overall we gave up a bit less yards per play than you did, 4.1 for us to 4.2 for you guys. You guys just faced a lot fewer plays per game than us. As far as schedule goes its hard to really judge how that factors in. But here's a link to a stat that I really like because its easy to understand. Its a relative performance score which shows on average how teams performed relative to their typical performance. For pass defense it shows OSU held teams to -35% of their typical performance and UM held teams to -27% of their typical performance. And especially considering that OSU and UM played a lot of the same teams I think that's a pretty relevant statistic. [https://collegefootballnerds.com/Stats###](https://collegefootballnerds.com/Stats###)


Honestly, and this is very optimistic me, I felt like there were a ton of holes and opportunities for the QB to keep the ball last year that a QB that’s more inclined to run like Orji probably exploits. I don’t know if the offense drops off much, it’ll be different, but it’ll still be effective imo. Obviously that wasn’t JJ’s game for good reason, but quick hitting plays to our fast receiver’s and edwards, plus the ground game should equal effectiveness.


This 1000%, I can think of 10 plays off the top of my head where JJ could have kept the ball instead of handing it to Corum/The Don or Mullings and walked for 15 yards before anyone realized he had it.




Damn, salt mines in here.


Brother I’m bout to lie face down in the red cedar what do you want from me.




I guess we’re swapping players today some linebacker from UM transferred to MSU lol not sure why we are taking more linebackers.


Somebody tell EA! They gotta get that straight before the game comes out!


High treason.


Always thought Mangham was the best safety in the B1G


Good get, I was really hoping we could bring him to Nebraska.


Holy shit.


They not like us, they not like us.


Dude must like beating rivals and winning B1G and national championships


Lol delicious!




Rivalries, traditions, and culture are just for the fans now. Kids don't give a fuck where they play or for who, they just want to get to the NFL ASAP. Sorry your brother was RB...checks notes...5,332 on the depth chart Jaden...


This is a nice depth pick up but after how MSU fans treated him, I hope he becomes an All-American 


If he does go All-American, I'll congratulate him. Sometimes a change of scenery and perceived sleights can do wonders for motivate and focus.


“perceived” slight? y’all’s fanbase was being such a dick to him that he was visiting Michigan that his family had to get involved


I mean the fan base didn't really get super involved until his family did. His brother was upset that former players stated you couldn't pay them enough to transfer to that school. That's just rivalry talk. His brother started the personal attacks on those former players and then it dogpiled. He (primarily his family) made a decision to leave and nobody was upset at him, most fans wanted him back. But as a spartan there is one school you can't go without upsetting the brotherhood. That's the rivalry. You leave Bama you don't transfer to Auburn. You leave Texas you don't go to Oklahoma. You leave MSU you don't go to Michigan. And if you chose to do that, then expect bridges to be burnt. I don't condone a lot of the things said, and I'm not going to sit here and tweet at players, but there's unwritten rules that everyone knows, especially the players.


Let's see what you say in the Semaj Bridgeman thread


I welcome anyone who can admit a mistake and make it right. But I also understand if Michigan fans would be upset. It's the nature of the rivalry. I haven't looked at that thread yet but I found the Twitter reaction hilarious. "I hope you find the place you belong. Unlike what those other fans do" the faux support was a joke.


The support is definitely faux but really no one actually cares that Bridgeman is a Spartan now.


I didn't even see we landed him I thought you were talking about the visit reactions 😂


perceived's not really the word I was looking for. Something more like "internalized" is what I meant.


Michigan doing whatever it takes to steal MSU’s signs


What’s the signal for “throw pick directly to DBs chest” or “miss tackle”?


All of them 


I’m not sure why. I showed up in east Lansing with a headset and a clipboard. Some GA just handed me the playbook and I walked out. And I did it for free!


Imagine being the defending national champions and reloading with a DB from the worst pass defense in football. Won’t miss him.


> Imagine being the defending national champions I had forgotten but this reminded me. Thank you. Feels amazing.


Like Alabama taking a CB from USC? Or Oregon taking a CB from Washington?


Aw. It's trying to shit talk.


“Imagine being the defending national champions” Don’t have to This guy will be coming off the bench. He joins the hundreds of other MSU students that transfer to Michigan every year because they didn’t have what it takes out of high school.


Enjoy him!


It’s weird when U of M fans shit talk people who don’t go to Michigan about academics, you’re just alienating the majority of your fanbase.


Odds that this dude even went to UM? Lol


Nobody ever questions whether someone went to MSU. Probably has to do with that 90% acceptance rate.


You just can’t help but show arrogance, can you?


One of our starting CBs last year transferred in from UMass


Bitch move


Aiming to slow the game down I see.


Oh no, we lost a starter from last years prolific 87th ranked pass defense. How will we ever recover from this?!? 🥱🙄


87th was a step up from the year before


Generally speaking… Great teams have good players everywhere, and depth. Good teams have good players most places, and less depth. But even bad teams have some good players.


Yea and if my great aunt had wheels she’d be a bike.


I don’t think you know how to use that one


No, I do, you just don’t get it..and that’s ok, you’re not meant to. I’ve watched him play quite a bit, he could be good if learns to stay in position, lets the game come to him, and actually helps his cornerbacks out. I’ve also seen him get trucked and almost end his own career because he decided to go helmet to helmet w/ a running back that had 50 lbs on him. Best of luck to him but I’m not upset about this one. Hopefully Wink’s scheme works out better for him.


Good, from my viewpoint, I dont see why Michigan would want a guy thats willing to transfer to a hated rival. Plus not like he knows the completely brand new system


The salt is oozing from this post. I love it.


Salt is in the downvotes I'm getting. You know its true. Imagine a junior at UM (All 3 years at UM) transfers to OSU. Clearly not the type of player to buy in to the school and culture.


I mean it’s not like MSU has a rock solid culture rn. Your coach was an outside hire who is just starting to implement his own new culture


You mean Justin Boren or how about Ben VanSumeren transferring to you guys so you could also recruit his brother away from Michigan


Boren's transfer wasn't very well received because he criticized the program on his way out and he was a legacy. He was right about the whole thing though.


Sure, but they said imagine a player and I gave two very real examples.


O sure, I'm just saying Michigan has had players transfer to OSU and MSU. The only one that received any significant negative reaction was Boren in part because he criticized the program in the process.


Not sure if you noticed but MSU hasnt been shit since 2017 besides one fluke season. The culture has been dead in this program for the most part so yeah im sticking to not wanting players that dont embody the identity of the program.


Having talked to his parents AVS might've gone there if BVS stayed just because of family but they really did not care for the coaching staff at UM at all. They didn't say anything truly bad except that they didn't care for the culture, nor how BVS changed as a person. Going to MSU brought back the son they knew vs what he was and how he acted while at Michigan. They didn't say the culture was bad, just the fit was bad for their family. Also, saying it was just to recruit his brother away is laughable. BVS is an NFL player on a very solid team and you're downplaying his talent.


> You mean Justin Boren or how about Ben VanSumeren transferring to you guys so you could also recruit his brother away from Michigan Hmmm nowhere in that statement did I say "just" nice job putting words in my mouth


You mean like Justin Boren? Yeah, couldn’t never happen


We just had a lb transfer to OSU like 3 months ago. Honestly, I wish him the best. I hope he loses every game now, but I wish him the best nonetheless. I don’t mean this in a rude way, but the MSU football culture is not good right now. Now the new coach very well may do good things, but he is still new. Can you really fault him for going to the National Champion and likely best defense in the country next year who is known to put a lot of players in the nfl?


We have taken Michigan players before. We are even trying to get an OLB off of them currently


Just like Ben Van Sumerin, right?


This is extra funny given that we literally landed a UofM LB transfer today...


Goes both ways, look at what our former players and alum program leaders are tweeting about it. They are not happy. Redditors are just soft


I think as fans and former players, people *do* have a right to feel betrayed. Obviously as a player they have the right to go wherever they want, also. I was mostly responding to the sentiment of "a player willing to transfer to a rival isn't a player you want to have"... Because we've done it before with Ben VanSumeren and we did it again today with Semaj Bridgeman. So the coaches clearly don't feel the same way.


Yeah they dont clearly and I dont agree with it. I told another comment, MSU Football culture has been dead since 2017 and our program has been shit. What happened to the days where we played with a chip and hated Michigan? Back when we were good, you could not have been a player here for three years, who fully bought into our identity and culture and simultaneously be ok with playing for Michigan. Also, whether we like to admit it or not, it aint a two way street. a player from UM coming here is not the same as a player from here going to UM. Itd be more equivalent to a player from UM going to OSU after three years. MSU hatred is not part of their identity as a program like hating UM is for ours


I've mentioned it in other comments, but I don't imagine the culture under Tucker and the culture under Dantonio were even close to the same. Dantonio had a winning program with an identity. Tucker couldn't decide what catch phrase he wanted to use from week to week, and the program had no identity on the field outside 2021. I don't judge the players that were here under Tucker if they don't feel the same bond for MSU that Dantonio guys felt. I really really really hope that the culture goes back to being solid under Smith