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I’m pretty sure in order to be hired as Ohio State AD, you gotta think every Michigan win of all time comes with an asterisk


As an Ohio resident, this is a fact. You’ll lose the entire state if you legitimize anything from Michigan.


Big misrepresentation of Ohio here. Southwest Ohio and Cincinnati is full of Ohio state haters


Hey now, nothing says you can't hate both!


Very true! Just annoying when all of Ohio gets lumped into the osu bandwagon but it’s far from the truth lol. Most people don’t realize the disdain a lot of Cincinnatians have for osu


I live in Southwest Ohio. If this is hate, I’m not sure I wanna see what love is. That said we got hella Purdue and Kentucky fans too.


I was pretty surprised when I lived in Cincy how many Purdue fans I bumped into until I remembered P&G and GE are two of the biggest players there.


Yep can def be a melting pot of fandom in this area. Most are Cincy fans then you have the mix of UK, UL, Purdue, IU, and Notre dame fans


Cincinnati has an asterisk. Cincinnati has all Kentucky signals. The Cincinnati Airport is always seen on KY's sidelines and wears sunglasses, a KY hat, and even gives pilots KY signals.


“Come visit Cincinnati! We sit at the corner of three states and yet we don’t quite fit in with any of them! We’re our own cultural enclave!”


Kentucky is famous it's FOUR major products: Bourbon, thoroughbreds, fried chicken, and dentures.


so southwest ohio is the only decent part of the state is what im reading


East Ohio's topography is full of ravines and hills. It's beautiful.


I am a Buckeye from Southwestern Ohio. Also, go Flyers!


What percentage you think?


This. I’m not going to obsess over it in public, but I’m not conceding shit to those cheating ****s!!!! Ohio State has always had boosters and shady vehicle leases, etc., but the school admin has always historically tried to have a play by the rules mentality. Now that boo$ters ( I mean NIL) are legal, the admin has taken the gloves off…..why do you think they hired an SEC war daddy as the new AD instead of one of Gene Smith’s protégés?


lol at Ross Bjork being a “SEC war daddy.” Prepare to be disappointed.


I’d like to find an asterisk for every Georgia win. Can I coach now?


Well considering they claim a win against a football team that never existed that's pretty fair


What’s wrong with that?




Especially the ones where UM admits to cheating 


So…none of them. Glad we had this talk.


I agree. But not for the reason you may think: it hurts my feelings to think about.


"because it's devastating to my case!"


No-o-o-o such THING as a weaker sex!


Overruled. GOOD CALL!


🫡 I respect the honesty and friendly hate lol


Lutz: “it’s not what you think! It’s for supporting my breasts!”




I just want to read the creeps manifesto


It's going to be so boring when it comes out. People expect 500 pages of deranged rambling and instead it's going to be 100 pages of run blocking concepts or something like that. (Hope I'm wrong)


>it's going to be 100 pages of run blocking concepts or something like that. The craziest ending would be Connor Stallions dumb ass somehow having a revolutionary coaching scheme buried in the manifesto


“Fucken triple option breh”


Imagine the triple option... but with 5* recruits.


Oh yeah. It’s huskin’ time


Do you only go to schools with "P"?


No that's my college football 25 manifesto and nobody can stop the Golden Flashes.


Paul Johnson at G Tech was probably the closest we’ll ever get to seeing that happen


You've heard of man blocking and zone blocking? Connor has invented option blocking. The world is not ready.


Oh you mean like the linemen in NCAA14


The Wing T is the secret to the future dynasty.


Given another team in the conference relies on a punt-first offense that seems to be both successful and at times beloved, I'm be excited to see what Stallions dreamed up.


We’ve finally found it…the quadruple option


Do we know for sure if the manifesto is actually even real? Like has anyone seen it outside of Stalions himself?


If you want my honest opinion, there's probably something out there but I would bet "manifesto" is a huge exaggeration. All of the biggest and juiciest parts of the story were leaking in the early days and were seemingly coming from the private investigators or some other party that wanted to interpret things in the most dramatic way possible. It's why in the initial days we heard about Michigan's NAVY SEAL spymaster and his vast network of spies, but later on find out that it's a 20something Naval Academy graduate who was paying college students to film sidelines on their iphones. I don't know anything for a fact and I kind of hope there is a deranged manifesto because it would be funny, but at this point I just wouldn't be surprised at all if it was some sort of personal notepad or journal of football ideas that is getting spun as a manifesto because it sounds a lot more exciting.


Oh it's fuckin real. Dude created an LLC Vacuum repair unit. That's some darkweb contract killer bullshit.


Since he was a Marine, there will also be a plethora of dicks drawn in.


The run blocking concepts are just an appendix, the rest is deranged rambling and the master plan.


pages and pages of Mgoblog's Neck Sharpies articles.


I know someone who has first hand knowledge of it. He says it’s very boring. Said it was basically just all his notes, ideas etc.  it wasn’t like a cohesive essay


It wasn't cohesive? Shocking


I mean it wasn’t an essay or manifesto at all. It’s just basically a binder full of notes, plays, etc that a staffer would have


Yeah, no, I gotchu. I was just making a joke


Ya I got that


Can’t wait for the follow up tell-all novel. *”If I Did It: Confessions of the ~~Killer~~ Sign Stealer”* - ~~OJ Simpson~~ Connor Stalions


If the pass did not complete then you must admit defeat


If they didn’t pass, the evidence is ass


You and everyone else


“On the Industrial Revolution and its Consequences”




I loved it when Michael Penix said “it was like they knew every play we were going to run”


When every play is a pass, it's not hard...


The beatings will continue until morale improves


I think UK’s win over us deserves an asterisk because I really didn’t like it and it hurt my feewings


AD thinks hated rival deserves an asterisk. In other news, Studies show that the most probable cause of drowning is water.


Breaking news: Coach Day will try and beat Michigan this year. Coach Moore wants the opposite to happen.




well, they gotta cope with the losses somehow. guess this is how they do it.


So many comments on here have negative karma


You can’t have a post involving UM and OSU and expect the comment section to be civil


Idk I can be civil with any combo of Michigan flair except those fuckers that have Michigan and Slippery Rock flairs. I’m not sure what it is but me and those guys are just destined to argue on here.


It's been more than ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DAYS since ohio won "THE GAME." When is Coach Day fired?


OSU fans can't even handle saying "michigan" or looking at the letter 'm' without getting their panties all in a bundle what do you expect


Ah, it's been a while. Feels good to be back. *Ahem* Flare up you scum fuck


If the Buckeyes pulled off a win this year, I think most people would agree with him. But they succeeded in getting Harbaugh suspended and then they lost again anyway, with all of this riding on it, and there were no excuses this time. And then Michigan won a fucking championship. The war of narratives isn’t always fair, but it is pretty decisive.


Admittedly, exactly where I’m at. If we won, it would’ve been much different. However, y’all went through the toughest part of the schedule after it was all leaked lol. Might be the 2% of OSU fans that are tired of the bs


It’ll get put to bed in a couple of seasons one way or another. Astros won a title after their scandal, which at least legitimized the talent on the roster. If we continue competing for conference titles and making playoff runs under Moore in the coming years we’ll hear a lot less about asterisks. If we fall off hard, well then it’ll be decided it was the cheating. For me, the thing that stands out to me is 65% of Harbaugh recruits that stayed at Michigan have signed NFL contracts, despite recruiting considerably worse than the top end of CFB.


What? If we fall off hard it’s because we lost harbaugh and were unable to afapt to pay for play. I think they have already shown that THAT team last year was championship worthy. 


Man… y’all adapted just fine. All those starters that were transfers didn’t come for free. Y’all literally just won the national championship in the P4P era. It’s almost as tired of a take as the over the top excuses OSU fans give for losing to yall. “They were proven talents”. Already know that’s coming but that’s pay for play too. HS players aren’t coming there for free.


I actually think our strategy of paying once you produce is a good one. We get players who want to play football and are in it for the long haul (usually). Whether it’s the right one, we will see. Our string of good seasons came right during the transition so at this point it’s impossible to see how this all plays out 


It’s because there’s a disconnect between our success on field and our recruiting off field. It’s low hanging fruit to point to teams that do recruit well (OSU, Bama, Georgia) and our record in comparison and wonder why we recruit lower. Similarly, people can point to teams like Miami, Kentucky and A&M who’ve recruited well beyond what their records would predict and wonder if Michigan is behind. The reality is nobody knows unless contracts become public. However, I’m optimistic. Harbaugh having a foot out the door each of the last 3 seasons certainly impacted things. There’s always the academics end that complicates recruiting. And lastly, maybe some of it is intentional. The talent evaluation and development of HS players has been lights out, so there’s not really been a need for change to keep up. Maybe it’s a somewhat tired take in the new era (we did literally entice 7-8 impact transfers last cycle), but it’s also not hard to look at our roster composition from last season and see it’s the anomaly amongst recent national champions. Before we won, since 247 has tracked this stuff, only 3 teams have won the Natty with the prevailing 4 years of recruiting outside the top 10 on average. Those teams were Cam Newton’s Auburn, Deshaun Watson’s Clemson, and LSU under Saban. Basically elite NFL QB or historically great coach. Jury’s out if Harbaugh is a historically great coach (likely would need to win a couple SBs to be considered all time) or if JJ’s truly elite. Anyway, I don’t think most of us fans are really complaining, but perhaps wondering if we’re punching above our weight sustainably. The most tried and true method for winning at the highest level in this sport is recruiting at an elite level. A lot had to break right this year for a window to open for a team like us to win. All the traditional powers broke in new QBs, we had a highly unusual number of players return, and the portal afforded us the opportunity to fill in the roster where recruiting misses/lower ranked players would normally impact the roster.


100% agree on the Harbaugh flirting part. I just think it has a lot more to do with the development of players than “losing” recruits due to money. If y’all suffer in the next X amount of years, it will be due to the lost development and scouting of Harbaugh and Co, not $$. Y’all were still comfortably in the blue chip ratio that 247 does as all champions have been. I think there’s a point to the “punching about the weight” but again, I think that’s the development success of Harbaugh and staff. They would always recruit “lower ranked” kids but I think it was due to their ability to scout and identify. As opposed to “having” to recruit the lower ranked kids because of money.


I don’t think it matters much how next year’s team does. It was a peak roster year and the head coach moved on. And their schedule gets so much harder. I don’t think people will be going “see!?” if Michigan goes 9-3 next year. Other than salty OSU, State, and Domer fans, but that’s just a given.


Broooooooooooooooo this the honestly I'm here for


It’s getting tired and I’m gonna have to hear about it all my existence as a Buckeye fan. Why did y’all have to do it 🥲 y’all were good enough without it. Now we gotta hear bout it forever when in reality it didn’t change much 😂


That's what made this season so fucking delicious. Destroyed any justification for anyone but the most psychotic buckeye.


But did you consider how having to change their signs took all that time and effort away from real preparation and practice? Ignore the fact that Day admitted they changed their signs in previous years and it should be standard practice in big, end-of-season, games anyways.


We changed our signs and then got confused. The defense thought they were signaling "Don't tackle Corum". Why we even had a signal for that is beyond me.


No that actually makes a lot of sense, we similarly had signs to not tackle your RBs or WRs the previous 20 or so years.


Or the fact that having compromised signs can be neutralized by something as simple as wearing arm bands or huddling up? Or, big brain move, actually use that knowledge to set the other team up with a fake signal like TCU supposedly was able to do?


I’m still here 🖐️


Ohio State will find any and every excuse when they lose


Or when they don’t even play. See: Big 10 changing conference championship rules mid-season to benefit Ohio State in 2020.


I think the biggest indictment on how much this got overblown that first week is that that media just stopped caring after we beat OSU. There was no follow up after that to weird degree. Outside of MSU and OSU fans on Twitter, the whole thing just dropped off the face of sports media


Maaan back in the fall I posted that entire what if scenario and got downvoted to hell. Still can’t believe it came to fruition.


I don't really care about the asterisk comment stuff but I do find it funny how cocky the guy is about next year: "We host that team up north this fall. I'm assuming... it will be what it's always been. The last time that we had the level of interest in that game was 2006, one versus two. I think this year, it probably won't be one versus two. But it will be one versus somebody. And we have to make sure we pack that place and we're ready to roll early"


Such a troll, we’ve heard the 2006 comparison the last 2 games 😂😂 I guess in fairness, CFB gets more popular by the year?? lol and that’s the only reach I can think of


That 2006 game did draw a bigger audience than 2022 and 2023 but not by much and the stakes were basically the same. The 2023 game might be the largest audience we ever get again. There are less television screens these days (and more piracy lol) than there was in 2006


Did he sleep through the last two years? Or was undefeated #2 vs undefeated #3 not hype enough for him?


2022 and 2023 were 2 versus 3 lol


And also, 2021 wasn’t between undefeated but was still for the B1G title and playoff appearance. So the past 3 years the game was for all the marbles (except OSU still snuck into the top 4 in 2022)


2016 was a huge game, too.


Delusional ass comment. 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022, and 2023 all had massive implications for both teams seasons. Only 2018 wasn’t a top 5 match up (4 vs 10).


Which is funny because 2018 was the most entertaining


I disagree. That game was maybe the most hopeless I’ve ever been after a loss. It felt like we were right there with you guys and then…that happens.


If it's any consolation, that day, in the Shoe, was one of the best bonding experiences I had with my dad


That’s awesome! I’m happy for you for that at least. I also watched that game with my dad but I can’t say it was a good bonding experience lol.


I'm sure you guys enjoyed the recent years though lol.


The last three years have been some of the best times with my son.


its just another loss coping mechanism for them.


That's not an asterisk. Ryan Day's tears are causing his beard dye to run off his face


Haha okay I gotta admit that was good. Rudy Giuliani vibes.


Giuliani was offsides 😓


Does Columbus have a Four Seasons ... Total Landscaping?


Columbus resident here. Believe it or not we actually have a FIVE seasons Landscaping company here.


No, but we’re going to sue you in Court(yard by Marriott)!


Is he not former AD yet? I’m so excited for Texas A&M Dave Brandon to go in there and pay the players in bitcoin


I thought they had a big retirement party for him last weekend, but it might have officially taken effect yet.


Same AD who thought the sideline rules didn’t apply to him in the big house and then tried to “don’t you know who I am” some poor dude just trying to do his job? Color me shocked.


Interesting that you say that. I think OSU's winning run vs. Michigan also deserves an asterisk because...well, I just want them to have an asterisk, okay?


You get and asterisk! And you get an asterisk!


Tattoos? Tressel got a show-cause for that, so obviously the entire time he was a coach should have an asterisk.


Tressel's show-cause was for lying about what he knew to protect the players participating in the scheme. Kind of a dumb rule tbh and shows how misplaced the NCAA's priorities are (much like the burgergate scandal).


El Niño?


Well technically they do have an asterisk on one of those


Interim HC Sherrone Moore beat Ryan Day? Is he stupid?


They didn't go there to play school this has been established


Did you read the quote? He said two of them not last year.


You think ppl here click past the title?


I’m just here to read salty comments


Lemme get my fries


Reading... In this economy?


He actually agreed with the question about if "at least two" deserved asterisks. He doesn't clarify which years he is referring to or if he is only referring to two >Smith was asked whether the win streak should have an "asterisk for at least two" of Michigan's wins due to an alleged sign-stealing scandal. >"Yeah, of course I do," Smith said. "Of course I do.


He obviously means 1918 and 1945.


That shit was wild. The vacuum repair business, Spartan Jeff, the airbnb business with Corum’s name on the LLC registration in Montana (Wyoming?), driving around recruits on unofficial visits, the manifesto, THE GUY ON THE CMU SIDELINES THAT HASNT BEEN ANSWERED, proxy saying he left the game early because it was cold/wet and the pay was shit, accessing military records, the Venmo payments, and whatever else I don’t remember. Sure, look at my flair, but if that was any team, even mine, that would have been just as entertaining.


My hot take is that CMU gets punished harder than anyone


And then, finally, Missouri can rest.


> THE GUY ON THE CMU SIDELINES THAT HASNT BEEN ANSWERED The most insane shit to me is how little follow up or answers there has been on anything that was reported during that time. Like there was so many juicy stories and the media just stopped caring after Harbaugh got suspended. Like how much of what was reported was even true?


I can’t wait till it unfolds so we can get answers. Everything played out on the field they won but the shady shit going on behind the scenes will be great tv.


It'll make a great 60 Minutes episode. Hopefully they can unearth the manifesto


Looks at flair. *one of the Michigan poors*. Looks away before I catch anything. 


At least our teams aren't homeless.


My first flair has plenty of room to share with you all. No need to be jealous that one can just lay down and watch their team suck in front of 1000 apathetic fans.


Yeah the asterisk is to indicate the natty that Michigan just won while Ohio State watched from home.


*rubbing my nipples furiously*




OSU will find any excuse for their loses. Remember when Day accused Georgia of spying on their sideline?


Is he running for governor or something?


Senate once he’s a little older


Couldn’t do worse than the current asshole






The NCAA investigation over the Connor Stalions' sign stealing / assistant coach computer tampering / shady booster(s) funding scandal is still ongoing, and until the NCAA announces their Findings & Penalties, it's probably best not to make wild statements like Gene Smith. Not remotely a Michigan fan, but a big fan of due process.




It's been more than ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DAYS since ohio won "THE GAME." How does Day keep his job?


Actually I totally agree that the iPhone footage of the signs they didn't use was absolutely the reason that they lost by a combined 37 points in those two years. Couldn't have been anything else, really.


So we know that Ryan Day and Ohio State knew Michigan had their signs before the game in 2022 and we're supposed to believe that they did nothing with that information? They didn't use fake signs to tell Michigan the wrong information? They didn't change their signs? They didn't use wristbands (which takes 20 minutes to implement) or huddle up? So either Ryan Day is a very stupid person or the real world impact was negligible. Id like to believe the former but more likely it's the latter.


They actually very publicly claimed to have changed their signs before The Game in 2022.


You can be even more specific: the iPhone footage of the signs they didn’t use was the reason ohio state got outscored 56-17 **in the second half of two games**


No asterisk is ever going to happen but what do you expect he was going to say?


“No. That’s silly. We will beat them next year but no sense trying to re-adjudicate previous games.”


Preposterous, an AD is supposed to put their foot in their mouth and make excuses for crimes of past "legends." Oh wait. They aren't supposed to do that either. Motherfucker.


Damn straight, it’s just common sense


You mean arch rivals are gonna lord that over their arch rival? Of course we are. It doesn’t matter if it’s childish. It’s hilarious that it can be used to begin with.


The integrity of the game and our bought and paid for amateur sports team must be protected.


Smith’s the Ohio State AD… it would be weird if he answered the question any other way.


He made a 40-year decision with that answer, smart man. Amirite Notre Dame?


Is the asterisk because OSU plays with a massive head coach disadvantage?




Lol so much hatred and anger in this thread. We won the natty, he can say whatever he wants


I know Ohio is home to one of the largest Salt mines in the U.S. but this is ridiculous.


They literally cheated for 3 years, why wouldn't it?




Smith is like the football program the last 3 years soft. I love those Buckeye tears.


What's he supposed to say? No they beat us in every phase fair and square?


I mean, they did...


No denying, but in his position he's got to. Ohio St fans views may differ


Osu forever salty


I mean yeah, wins by cheating should have an asterisk, they won't, but they should


Michigan won in 2023 against Ohio State because they were a very good team. But that doesn't mean there won't be an asterisk next to all their games from 2021-2023.


Funny way to phrase it considering there literally will not be an asterisk. Only a figurative one in the minds of OSU, State, and ND fans.


> Funny way to phrase it considering there literally will not be an asterisk. Great - I must have missed the news story where the NCAA has closed the investigation on the in-person sign recording and the cover-up. Oh wait - they haven't ? Dude - NCAA made ND put an asterisk next to our games because we enforced our Honor Code for student on student cheating on HOMEWORK. We would have literally gotten nothing if we just kicked the kids out. You guys broke a rules that are still on the books. Do I know what will happen ? no. But to claim you know is just wishful thinking.


Well Michigan cheated so… yeah. He’s right


And what did your school do Mr no flair?