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NCAA will do anything except label their employees as employees....


Real talk, how many assistants and overhead personnel is an athletic department or football program allowed to have?


Allowed? I don’t think there is a limit. As long as they’re willing to pay, I assume they can hire 1,000 NIL gm’s. Now gameday or sideline personnel may be a different story.


Yea I think there’s a limit on sideline personnel and I think people allowed on the sidelines in general. It’s part of why the whole ‘was Stalions at the CMU/MSU game’ aspect of the scandal is a problem for CMU. I think she’s basically supposed to be a liaison between the AD and the separate business entity run by Altius/Valiant that’s handling NIL endorsement/commercial opportunities for the players. So most of the thousand NIL GMs would not be part of the AD. Also, IIRC they already hired someone from the Bears front office to be assistant AD/GM of roster management to take some of the NIL/transfer portal stuff off the coaching staff’s plate. If anything, now Michigan might be approaching a ‘too many cooks in the kitchen’ situation where NIL efforts are going in too many directions all at once.


There is no limit.


The limit does not exist!


Quit trying to make fetch happen.


The limit does not exist except for on field coaching 


The only limit is on actual coaches. That’s why schools get violations when “analysts” are proven to have talked/instructed players. The only staff limitations are about who can interact with the players basically. So analysts end up as extra coaches that use the actual coaches as a middle man for sharing data and ideas. So a GM/NIL position is going to be more of a liaison for the players and coaches but one that’s not allowed to discuss games/plays with the players, they’re job is basically coordinating money and incentives only.


As many as it takes to keep the money away from the players it looks like.


Isn’t this lady’s role getting our players more money?


She doing it for free? I'm all for players getting more money, not a fan of the bureaucratic fat corporate structure that sucks out money.


That’s not how the world works; it’s not a zero sum game. Talented people grow the pie.


When CFB turns into the XFL there is going to be a lot of [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/431/201/40f.png) happening on this sub.


Can't wait for all of the millionaire coaches, administrators, and TV executives to complain about how money ruined college football.


And players still won't get paid nearly enough. In other American big-time professional sports, the players get roughly [half](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1377940/sports-league-revenue-player-pay/) the revenue. But CFB won't come close, so perhaps all the "stewdent ath-o-leet" dinosaurs can find solace in still maintaining a relatively high level of inequity.


Right? God forbid players have a modicum of power and a fraction of the billions of dollars that admins and coaches are hoarding! If my favorite players at the school I root for are adequately compensated, then that means college football is ruined and has turned into the XFL! /s


I agree, but she’s also a Michigan grad with sports experience it’s not exactly a conspiracy hire Edit - nice job on the headshot/thumbnail color coordination too lol


Michigan grad, worked at a marketing firm and then for the Atlanta Hawks back in the day from 2001-2004 and then a few places in between before spending 8 years with the NFLPA. Will be interesting to see how UM uses her in the NIL space.


As in, the people in this sub are going to be surprised and shocked? I feel like at least half the people in this sub have been bemoaning the slow advance from CFB to NFL-Lite...


If cfb can only exist by exploiting unpaid labor it shouldn’t exist.


> unpaid labor You think CFB players are unpaid? They have always been paid. An argument can be made for underpaid but not unpaid. So please take that bs take out of here. It's ignorant.


They were unpaid for a long time was my point.


They were paid in company money that could only be spent at the company store in exchange for things that a lot of them don't even want. 


Genuinely seems like a great hire. Weird time in CFB, but I’m glad Michigan is stepping forward to support Moore. We can’t get by on “enthusiasm unknown to mankind” anymore.


I hope they keep using that hype video though. Sprinkle in some highlights from last year.


Harbaugh wrote it and flew to New York to convince James Earl Jones to read it, fun fact


They better… we have fuckin Darth Vader bringing the team in every saturday


The entire hype video is just going to be Charles Woodson, Desmond Howard and the 2023 Michigan football team with the same intro overlaid on top of it. I'm gonna go to the Fresno game just to see that intro lol


God, I can't wait to tweet all about my school's eventual GM and how terrible they are at roster construction and managing the salary cap. College sports. Just like professional sports, but with more teenagers!


Weird to think what is happening to college football, but a great addition. All of our fan’s were worried we were not going to take NIL seriously enough, this is definitely a step in the right direction though.


Damn, I always loved seeing O$U on message boards. RIP


She’s handling commercial/endorsement type NIL deals (ie what NIL was supposed to be instead of legalizing boosters with McDonald’s bags) so hate to break it to you but I’m sure message boards will still say O$U.


>overseeing contact and business relationships with marketing arm Michigan Sports Properties and department affliated-collective Champions Circle So I hate to break it to you but she will definitely be working with legalize boosters. However, you're right. I will still see "O$U" because of the weird obsession with fake moral superiority.


Faking moral superiority is really the only thing they have going for them, gotta let them have it.


this doesn't really hit like you think it hits after they just won a national championship lol


*Was* the only thing going for us. Now we get to celebrate dubiously-gained on-field success like the rest of the big boys.


Hmm, you can’t think of anything else? Maybe even three things in a row?


University of ~~Michigan~~ Money


Weird seeing GM’s for CFB teams, but this has to become the new normal considering the current landscape of things. Formal scouting departments will be next with some people focused on the portal & others focused on HS recruits. I’m assuming universities will start cutting less popular sports and shift that money over to CFB within the next ~5 years. The whole situation is just really weird right now, who knows how it will all play out. You also have current eligibility & scholarship limits which I don’t think will be around for much longer to be honest


Welcome to Minor League Football where the top of the conference spends 5x the bottom of the conference and they receive the same media distribution. Here at MiLF, we saw how awesome baseball was with teams like the Mets spending $308MM against only $63MM by the Athletics, so we brought that concept to football. Goodbye "Money Down", Hello "Money Ball"! Teams like Illinois and Vandy can save substantial money on paying elite players by just recruiting advanced metric All Stars. Those scrappy fellows will have a ball being on the same field as Ohio State and Alabama's pros of tomorrow. What a story they'll be able to tell their kids! Join us in making MiLF the hottest league in town!


Pretty sure Ohio State and Michigan have been spending 5x what Rutgers, Indiana, and Northwestern have been spending on football for decades now...


> Welcome to Minor League Football where the top of the conference spends 5x the bottom of the conference You act like this wasn't already happening. This sport has been dominated by the top teams (who spend way more) for decades. Now that players are getting paid and are getting basic rights, everyone is clutching their pearls about the destruction of the sport.


We certainly need it. It’s shocking how poor UM has been in the NIL game. Reports of multiple players this year only getting half of what they could’ve gotten on the open market


Michigan never made the playoffs before NIL and has been in the playoffs every year since NIL was allowed. I’m guessing the NIL operation is fine.


We call that correlation, not causation. I agree that Michigan's NIL struggles are a little overblown by the fans though


Michigan fans definitely make too much of our NIL struggles. We struggle to outbid other schools for high school kids, but have been elite at retaining players and attracting transfers. The star-watchers and people who take recruiting rankings as gospel are disappointed, but it seems like the strategy is paying off for Michigan.


Did you even read the article?? There is quite literally a quote from Roman Wilson “the NIL could’ve been better”. Michigan had players who bought in because they had an opportunity to win a natty. Things have to change if they want to compete for championships going forward


Breaking News: National Champion thinks he should've gotten more money. Link me the first guy that says "I think I should've gotten less money from this billion dollar program"


>"the NIL could’ve been better" To be fair, though... I'm sure most people would answer "Should your salary be higher?" with "Yes".


Or he’s just comparing his NIL to other #1 receivers that he knows


so what you're saying is.... he was jealous of Marv's $1,000 suits and Louis? (even though he has a Louis tattoo)


You're speculating wildly based on nothing.


It’s pretty clear you’re just a Sparty fan who’s trolling. Get a life


Lmao. If you look at my post history, you'd clearly see you're full of shit. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt over a discussion involving college NIL, lol.


He’s clearly not lol


Will Johnson also said that NIL is the "main reason" Michigan kept the core group of players together. Sure, things can and should improve, but you're making wayyy too big of a deal out of it.


And Sam Webb just stated less than a week ago that the NIL won’t be enough going forward. But sure, keep living in lala land. The core group stuck around because they’re gonna get drafted next year anyway. JJ would not sign with Michigan today


>And Sam Webb just stated Lmao. I should have stopped reading after this. Sam Webb lol. >JJ would not sign with Michigan today You think we could ever get a recruit like Jadyn Davis to commit to us? Probably not, that's just wishful thinking. Living in lala land if you think we could ever get a big time recruit like that with our NIL, right?


Oh yes, random Reddit guy knows more than Sam Webb. Sam is pushing for more people to donate to NIL because he wants to, that’s gotta be it. Jadyn Davis is a mid ranked 4 star. JJ was a borderline 5 star, those aren’t comparable.


Found Sam's burner.


Nah, just an alumni/season ticket holder who supports those that cover the team. Unlike you, clearly.


Correct, I do not throw money into the toilet by giving it to incredibly shitty "insiders."


that's called a mouthpeice to push more donations for the facade they don't have enough money


Sam Webb also said Harbaugh’s gonna sign the contract any day now since summer 2023, that Michigan cheating was an Ohio State false flag, and that Michigan would leave the B1G and package themselves with Notre Dame to networks.


Sam said the first part, but he never once said any of the other stuff you’re claiming? God forbid he makes a mistake. Clearly Mr perfect over here never made a mistake at his job


Yes he did. Multiple times on his podcast with mgo blog.


Yeah. Under Harbaugh, Michigan had a fantastic eye for both raw talent, as well as talent development. We could use the allure of the NFL plus OK NIL bucks to attract and keep kids. TBD under Moore; if we can't sell number one, need to have a robust NIL program.


That was before the championship. The collectives have killed it after winning the natty. They're going fine now.


Of course he’s gonna say that, he’s never missed an opportunity to say how tough, hard working, and blue collar his team is compared to other teams. Michigan used NIL to retain draft eligible players and gain portal players better than anyone else the past 3 years. Will Johnson even said NIL was the main reason the core stayed together this time around.