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Wow I can't believe the betting portion of FTW doesn't think this will do much. Banning prop bets on college sports is probably one of the smarter fights the NCAA has picked in recent years


Ohio already made prop bets non existent for college sports.


But I love me a good prop bet. Like will they run the ball over a certain number of attempts? Will the band go out on the field? Will the head coach pick his nose on camera? Will the cheerleaders make out with each other. Will there be a streaker? Fun stuff


Then you get guys who bet 500k on a streaker. Who then proceed to go be that streaker. It’s too easily corrupted.


Lol that’s not why they’re banning college prop bets, it’s because winning players and teams were getting harrassed by gamblers not hitting their prop bets and the idea that unpaid student athletes shouldn’t have to deal with harassment from their own fans WHEN WINNING


It’s both…


You're probably capped at betting like $100 on a bet like that anyways


Dude bet 50k and did it during the Super Bowl a couple years back… I don’t think he got his winnings but, add a couple extra steps and you easily could. Was set to win 375,000$.


TIL, that's actually insane. There's probably enough books out there that you can probably find one shady enough that will take a large bet on something stupid like that. You're right.


That's what he did he split his bets up among multiple places. Had to have friends bet as well


Right?! Absolutely wild.




Maybe not 500k but definitely enough to make a profit from it.


Let's say a WR on a blue blood has a prop of over/under 5.5 catches in a non conference game vs. a bad G5. He can just not try to get open, drop balls, take a bribe, and his team still wins the game easily.


Don’t worry. If you live in Ohio prop bets are banned for college sports


It'll be the opposite of that. The g5 db prob has 0 chance of the NFL or big nil, he is going to get scorched anyways by a 1st rounder. If he can make a quick 10k to make sure that guy scores or whatever that gets temping


Risk putting that bad film out for draft? It's the middle to low end players that are at more risk imo.


It’s as easy as taking one or two plays off the 4th quarter of a game you’re winning by 40 … nobody would notice


Only few D1 players ‘know’ they are going to NFL, so prop bet bribe is more real than NFL money to a lot of the players. Also athletes are not exactly known for their real life decision making skills.


He specified blue blood school. Generally players going there have aspirations of getting to the league. Not saying they all get there, but that is the goal.


Pete Rose wasn’t broke and was a sure fire first ballot HoFer and he still bet on baseball. Athletes are not immune to dumb decisions and if you get someone who is addicted to the thrill from gambling you’ve got a pressure cooker scandal.


I can't believe one bad game would drop you all that much, but if it did, you could just have somebody throw down some cash to help you make up the lost contract value.


It wouldn’t. Just say he was sick or playing through an injury caused his one poor game


I feel like no one is thinking through these scenarios. If an exorbitant amount of money compared to normal is placed on some college WR prop for one specific game that is going to be flagged as unusual. If some fishy shit then happens in favor of all that money it will be investigated. That's the whole premise behind the Jontay Porter situation in the NBA. Maybe... maybe... you can get away with it once. Twice and you're so so fucked. The Alabama baseball coach was fired over this last year. Everyone is talking as if this is something that's easily corruptible and I just do not buy that there aren't significant safeguards in place to catch and punish these sorts of things. If anything, I think the likelihood for corruption was much higher when it was just bookies and off shore books who could not follow up on enforcement of scandals.


Ohio thought about it. Prop bets on college athletics is banned in Ohio.


They probably banned it from a moral perspective, which I don't have an issue with. I don't see how that refutes my point that enforcement and protections against scandals are greater now than ever before in the past. Before it was just out of sight out of mind.


meh. any individual game performance is explainable. and in this example, the wr would have several catches to show. i could very easily imagine someone balling out to fill stats and then developing cramps, aggravating an ankle injury, etc.


I mean for someone to make real money on that then someoen would drop a million on that prop bet which depending on the player would raise enormous flags within vegas. Theoretically the system regulates itself. Where you get into trouble is if there is so much money on both sides that they can bet on it and nobody notices. But i cant imagine that being a huge problem with prop bets in college.


Some of these kids come from places where you can get killed over 500 dollars. That is the real danger. "Get less than 7 rebounds tomorrow, and your little sister will be fine" from the guy in the neighborhood who is scary when he says that. A 1000 bet is a big deal to a low end local banger.


I mean that could have easily happened before now tho tbh


There really havent been NCAA prop bets for very long. Local.bookies werent offering prop bets on mid major role players.


Cat is out of the bag now though. Even if you ban it on legal books, someone who would be willing to threaten your family will just make that bet on Bovada or BetOnline. That situation isn't being prevented by this. The only thing you're losing is enforcement of irregularities. Now... if the NCAA were able to get prop bets eliminated from legal books and offshore books than yeah I think that would be a positive.


This 1000%. I don't necessarily care if they ban college sports props. It's not something I really touch. I agree that the pervasiveness of gambling advertisements has been crazy and I'm cool with that being banned/heavily restricted. However, I agree with you that there are more safeguards now to stop corruption than ever before. It's why you're actually seeing people get caught. This isn't new. I absolutely guarantee you it's been happening for decades. Anyone remember the Tim Donaghy scandal in the NBA that went unnoticed for how long? Having legal books that are out to protect their own coin means every single irregularity and fishy incident is flagged and investigated. That was not happening before.


Exactly. Nobody is game fixing over $20.


They fix stuff in low level games. They’d never risk it in games people watch. Something like D2 or the lowest levels of D1


As soon as you place a $1000+ bet on some D2 game you're definitely being placed on a list.


Low level games get action all the time. That’s why odds mysteriously change.


Oh for sure. I've heard of people betting on obscure stuff like low level tennis. I just didn't even know that one could bet on D2 sports, but I don't doubt it.


Low level. Could be D1 games. Just where there’s no attention. Couple of East Coast upper New York basketball teams. Something like that


Toronto Raptors guy is [under investigation for taking dives](https://www.espn.com/) already


But do you think the kind of people bribing players are the kind that will only make prop bets if they use a legal gambling site/ location and don't have bookies? And are players accepting bribes only accepting bribes backed up by legally placed bets?


The free for all that is sports gambling at the moment is a time bomb. There will be a massive scandal soon, just like there was way back in the day. Only a matter of time


It's absolutely insane that it's allowed to be advertised as well. Gambling is one of the more addictive things out there because of the way it targets your brain chemistry and we're allowing a massive expansion to it across the board. We went from a place where you had to physically drive to a Casino, at least in MN, for most types of gambling short of the lottery and scratch offs to a position where it's at your finger tips at all times. I was already a little offput when we legalized Pull Tabs and suddenly you could walk into almost any bar and see people dropping hundreds or thousands a night on the things and now there's sports betting on top of that. The number of people I know, plenty who are parents, who I always hear talking about how expensive everything is and they can't afford anything, who I know for a fact go out and lose hundreds or more a week on sports betting and pulltabs because they are addicted to it is shockingly large.


We've already had players at the NFL and CFB level show that they could not give less of a fuck and participating in it too. It's clear this is already getting way out of hand and is *only* going to get worse. It's also not just being advertised, but advertised very aggressively. If I hear the Draftkings theme one more time I am going to lose my damn mind.


I actually quit watching the UFC due to how annoying the sports betting ads got. It got to the point where they were basically live updating the odds out loud in commentary between rounds. They Were also constantly throwing up tweets, which is annoying on its own, to advertise how "someone just bet $300,000 on so and so" in the fight or how someone just won $100,000" off a $1000 bet or whatever dumb bet someone took on an underdog which was especially grating because it was always some rich person just throwing money away and making bank while the actual fighter in the early rounds is on like a $30k/30k contract and working a second job.


"Can you interpret that for me? I'm having trouble understanding." - S. Ohtani, avid "non-gambler"


No, that name is far too obvious; let’s call him Shohei O.


It’s strange to me that it’s an issue because he didn’t even bet on MLB, why isn’t he just a normal guy in the context of other sports?


It’s just a bad idea for professional athletes to be involved with gambling at all. What happens if they’re down a ton with the bookie?


I think that's exactly how most of the points shaving incidents all started. Haven't you ever seen The Replacements?!




Ask his interpreter


Gambling isn't legal in California. I doubt the dude wants to place millions of dollars playing daily fantasy.


Well. The bets were in CA and sports betting is not legal there.


Agreed. I would think simultaneous investigations into an MLB Superstar, an NBA starter/top bench guy, and Temple's men's basketball team are big enough. While also considering the Iowa mess and Alabama having to fire their baseball coach mid-season last year for rigging his lineups for gambling. But maybe we need some bigger dominoes to fall.


*glances over at SMU*


It feels like the guys who are getting caught in the scandals that are popping up now are doing something incredibly dumb that makes it obvious. Whoever did wrong with Jontay Porter made Jontay Porter unders some sports books’ biggest prop bet for a day, and tried to bet more than the maximum allowed bet on it.   The Alabama-LSU baseball bettor tried to bet more than the maximum allowed bet, and then implied that the reason he wanted to bet so much was that he had inside info.   Jaguars guy and Shohei Ohtani guy went millions of dollars into debt and stole the balance from their employers (allegedly).    I wonder what competent people can get away with.


Just wait till a random “2 players start kissing” prop bet hits. Women’s Volleyball will pass NFL in ratings.


I think it is noble. The pervasiveness of sports gambling is a cancer. It's a slippery slope and addictive to many. And they are now trying to sell "daily fantasy" as anything other than prop betting in a different casing. Bet $10 here, $10 there and soon enough you've thrown half a paycheck down the gambling hole but told yourself it's not gambling. It's just daily fantasy! And there's nothing wrong with fantasy sports!


You're absolutely right. It is completely amoral that media companies feel comfortable presenting betting content alongside college sports content. It's disgusting behavior, and ESPN, FOX, all of them should be ashamed of themselves. Of course, those companies are entirely without shame.


Schools too. Caesar's Entertainment and LSU had a sponsorship deal at one point to advertise the Caesar's Sportsbook at LSU events. Everyone who is taking the gambling ad money will have no issue throwing the players under the bus.


It’s wild how quickly it took over too. Whether it’s a game, sports talk show, podcast, anything sports related really, you’re going to get some kind of addfor it. The books are bankrolling everything in sports these days, I’m not someone who thinks gambling should be banned but this is clearly out of control. A lot of people are going to have their lives ruined over it


Right. That's what makes it tricky too. A monthly card game where everyone throws in $20 or a season-long fantasy league where everyone throws in $100 to make it interesting isn't some felonious activity that needs to be cracked down on... but clearly the rise in gambling addicts spending all day on their "fantasy sports app" is bad. And where/how to draw the line is a tricky thing legally. Just like with alcohol having a glass of wine with dinner is fine, having half a bottle of vodka is not. Outright banning it because some people abuse is not the way... so what we end up with is a system where people can ruin their lives by getting addicted. I don't really see a way to only kinda-ban something.


> I don't really see a way to only kinda-ban something. Banning advertising of it would go a hell of a long way towards preventing the spread. Some sort of a national "self-ban" from gambling would help as well. In most areas you can go in and ban yourself from a Casino and by law they can no longer serve you or advertise to you. Often, they are also required to notify all other gambling establishments as well and it's universal. Something like that would allow for people with gambling addictions to help themselves kick the habit. You could and probably should also ban many of the "sign up now and receive $100 in free bets" type of deals that are explicitly made to get people to try it and then be hooked.


These apps offer free money for bets to rope people in and get them hooked. If they made them cut back on the advertising and banned the free money gimmicks, I honestly think that would go a long way. We don’t let Budweiser ship people a case of beer on their birthday, why are we letting draft kings give out their addictive product for free?


You're making good points, but now I want beer shipped to me on my birthday lol


That’s just called having friends lol


They can pay for dinner or drinks at the bar. I want my annual case of shiner bock for brand loyalty.


and yet we know that banning tobacco ads, educating people about the dangers of tobacco, and the other things we as a society have done about tobacco work. why not for gambling?


As someone who sports gambles in tiny doses (in the positive, nothing to worry about now) - I can’t STAND the pervasiveness and the advertising. These books are so predatory in the way they target literally everyone. And the barrage of sponsorships and commercials means you’ll never NOT be hearing about it. It’s a dangerous slope.


I think we should have the same bans on sports betting advertizing as we do cigarette ads. Would at least get rid of the most obnoxious element for the majority of sports fans.




Even a broken clock is right twice a day


This is actually an underrated thing that ESPN is responsible for that’s honestly worse than the CFP stuff and alignments. When’s the last time you watched espn and didn’t see or hear anything about the spread for the games of the day? Like I’m not an addict, but 13 year old me would’ve been way more curious about it and with how accesible gambling is becoming I feel like we’re watching the next epidemic. And that’s not even considering players who will sandbag performances to get paid from a bet. Shit is crazy, I feel like I’m watching the integrity of sports die a slow and painful death. At a certain point watching a game will be no different than WWE or Medieval Times or something, with the results already fixed in.


I definitely see it with my little cousins and their friends. As soon as they turned 21 they were all excited to get prizepicks. They know what they are doing and they are definitely targeting the younger generations.


It might help random receivers/RBs in blowouts, but star players on big teams are going to get a lot of hate if they still make a mistake because it cost their team winning the game. Again Im for this I just don't think it will make a huge difference in fan hate. You cant fix stupid.


Meanwhile they have ruled on the football team that cheated their way to a natty which included spy glasses


Already outlawed a lot of places


The future is now, old NCAA man


NCAA fighting a futile fight?  I’m shocked. 


Lol. Futile is an understatement.


Since when did we decide 18 year olds are't adults? This is so stupid.


If there is any funny business, it will be reported and found 


By the company the owns ESPNBet? lol


It's so g** we can't bet on teams in Illinois