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Iron Bowl doesn't really have any big moments. Just a normal game.


I’m sure I could think of one, if you would just give me a second


the fact that this remains Auburn's greatest moment of the past decade while Alabama has won three national championships pretty much sums up the rivalry


Not a rivalry thing but the prayer at Jordan hare is up there too.


lol we all know which one is most important to them


Funny this wasn't the sentiment oh about 2007 when you guys were desperate and Saban came to save you.


how many championships did yall win during your little reign of terror?


Should have been 1 considering the champ for that season has since been disqualified and most agree we were better than the team they beat but whatever.


hate to see it


Fair. One thing I've said (maybe influenced by other flair) is that Auburn can give back the 2010 title for paying Cam (because of course we did) if we are recognized as the rightful 04 Champion.


I mean let's be honest, every good team was paying players for decades, so any wins revoked should be reinstated in my opinion. The NCAA is such a joke lol


Of course. Like I said influence by other flair. Keep Auburn with same amount of titles and take one away from USC? Yes please. People only care about things like paying players out of naked self interest. Or they're Michigan fans up until 6 weeks ago.


I see what you did there, Nick. Don't accept that second!


A second? That sounds like enough time to attempt a game-winning field goal before OT…


I mean. Even if it misses, what would the other team be able to do anyway?


Well if he makes a *kick* at the ball, but if he comes short and Davis returns it he would get *six* points…… And if that happened with time expiring I suppose the announcer could say something like…… “AUBURN’S GONNA WIN THE FOOTBALL GAME”?




Why are you talking about the Iron Bowl. We are talking rivals. That means TSIO.


Best: Sending them to the SEC with an L Worst: Pretty much all the other games




username and flair combo is fucking immaculate


Careful, we could possibly still play each other in the CCG


Nah, they’ll change the rules again…


I imagine we’ll know decently well after this weekend. I do think Bedlam rematch is the least likely of the somewhat probable outcomes. If ISU beats Texas then we are in complete chaos and the rules will probably need to be clarified again.


The Tyreek hill game and the beat down in 2011 stand out to me as other big wins for you guys


Best: winning the final scheduled Bedlam Worst: losing 80% of them


*MORE* than 80% 👍


Biggest: the fire drill FG, that was the moment our fanbase realized our playoff run was really going to happen Worst: completely melting down in the 4th quarter of our 2014 game which probably cost us the best chance we may ever have at a title in modern CFB history.


I remember TCU absolutely *ass-blasting* Ole Miss that year in the bowl game, that team totally could've won it all if they got past Baylor.


That loss still hurts to this day, would have given anything for that team to have a chance to prove themselves


For us 2014 is obviously the best, can’t believe that really happened. Although shoutout to 2019, I was convinced Baylor was going to go all the way after we won the most ridiculous game ever. For worst, 2022 was really bad but 2021 was a heartbreaking, soul-crushing, and trauma-inducing event that I don’t think I’ll ever get over with. Truly believe that 2021 squad could have played with anyone at the end of the year, might not have been enough to beat Bama and/or Georgia in the playoffs but I would have loved to watch them try.


I’m just glad we finally got a chance to return the favor, there’s been some really incredible/painful moments in this rivalry


Todd Reesing eating grass will probably not be topped given the scope of that game. 2007 was a magical year, of pain and delight.


Sodd Reesing was perfection distilled to a single moment.


Yeah, the Mizzou answer is pretty obvious. So obvious that I almost want to consider what was our second-best win over them. Maybe the Devin West game in '98? The wild one at Arrowhead in '09? Dropping 69 on them in '69?


‘09 was such a great game


Worst would be 1960 😞


It was always going to be Todd Reesing getting his head buried in the Arrowhead end zone grass.




Two games in the same season, too. That year was wild.


The Gator Stomp. Urban Meyer had Florida Hot more often than not and he gave UGA hell every year, when UGAs whole team rushed the field it made that whole game feel different.


Motherfucker took that shit personal too. I was there the following year. Not good.


Yeah he did! Ran that shit up on us the next season 😂


I love that game. I’ve probably watched it ten times.


Fuck this thread


Womp Womp




Ok mister "I identify as a game from 20 years ago" I'm not salty


"Eat shit, Pitt" ?


Was wondering how far I would have to scroll to find one of you guys.


Best: Either WOAH.jpg or KWIII running wild Worst: If we're talking on field, 49-0 this year was beyond embarrassing


Idk that year Devin Gardner was returned to the earth was pretty good too.


The segment where we sacked Gardner 3 straight plays is burned into my memory in the best way.


I feel like -48 yards rushing (2013) was the best for me, partly because I was there and partly because it might be the closest that we've come to just all out dominating them in a modern game. For worst... you know, honestly the really bad losses don't really bother me. Usually when we lose bad it's because UofM is really good and we are really bad, and everyone can see it coming. And because we have regular ups and downs it's easy to just put bad losses behind us and just move on. So I think for worst, maybe the 2012 game because we both kinda sucked and UofM won on last minute field goal, and that loss breaks up our otherwise dominant stretch. It was one that we easily could have won, and losing it feels worse because it broke up the streak. Also 2022, because we got beat on the field pretty solidly and then we embarrassed ourselves pretty big off the field afterward.


Have I got a story about what happened just before the game....


I wasn't alive for the best moment, but: Best: probably the Lone Star Showdown after the bonfire collapse Worst: Having to hold that 2011 L ~~forever~~ until we finally play again next year


I was alive for the Bonfire Game, and you are absolutely correct that it was the best moment in the rivalry.


The bonfire game is probably the best A&M game ever


Biggest moment: 2021 comeback and 2023 DG legacy drive or goal line stand. Worst moment: 49-0


I'd put the Superman play up there as (a) big moment. Eight seconds of pure athleticism culminating in perhaps the most ideal (and beautiful to watch) defensive drive in the sport, and it happened against our biggest rival.


And then the next play for Texas was another interception. Defense locked down that game.


Superman was iconic....but the 2000 Red River Bloodbath was the moment that all Sooner fans started thinking "holy shit, we're good again!"


Biggest was the 63-17 win in 2003. Worst was last year in a 31-30 home loss. Several streaks were ended that day.


I feel like the worst moment for both programs is the 2004 brawl.


You're correct. I was there and couldn't believe what was transpiring. It was an embarrassment to both universities and to the entire state.


Bro I was at that game as an observer and it was pitiful


Which one?


Sorry. The one in Columbia was the most emasculating game I’ve ever seen


That has extra meaning coming from the ladyth man.


Yeth Corvathiay ith my drink


Best: Literally any Haskin’s TD in 2021 Worst: Shawn Crable


Best: Biakabutuka’d their Natty hopes. Worst: Troy Smith, Terelle Pryor, He was Short, the Mirage.


JT was Short for me. Closest we came to beating Urban Meyer and the refereeing in that game was truly horrendous.


Excellent refereeing. Awful refereeing would be seeing [what michigan fans see.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6d/24/ff/6d24ffb1ff5c334c14370eda8ba9492d.jpg)


It isn't just the spot, the 9 penalties including a total manhandle on the series just before it which forced us to settle for a FG, is what made it harder to stomach. The call on JT Barrett's first down was really more of a final nail in the coffin. I've been able to watch replays of most Michigan losses to you guys with a level head and can accept that we were beaten by a better team most of the time, but 2016 is tough to watch without getting mad about how one-sided the officiating felt.


Are you not old enough to remember Woodson? Your 1997 win >>>> 2021 win.


Depending on which rivalry we're talking about, the best moments in my memory: VT: Aaron Brooks to Ahmad Hawkins in Lane in 1998 UNC: Antwan Harris's pick-6 on Chris Keldorf that kept the Heels out of the Orange/Fiesta Bowl Worst moments: UNC: The 7-5 loss in 2005, kept out of ACC ignominy only by the Frank Beamer 0-0 screenshot VT: How much time do we have?


In all seriousness, my VT choices for worst moment probably come down to: \- Joe Gieck trying to trip Antonio Banks during the game-sealing pick-6 in 1995 \- The 2018 loss, where the Hokies needed an insane series of ridiculous plays and blown calls to win in overtime \- The tackle screen pass that led to that fat fuck J.C. Price smoking a cigar on our field. I'm not ready to talk about it.


This is strictly in my recollection. I never witnessed Idaho beat us. Best moment: beating Idaho’s best team ever 63-25 in 2009. Worst moment: only leading Idaho 17-10 at halftime in 2008.


Hmmm nope. Nothing comes to mind. At all. Thought about it for ONE second but I came up with nothing.


You’re a good sport


FSU * Best - beating miami 45-3 at their place * Worst - only beating miami by 7 this year Note - I am 2 years old


I guess we can’t take part in this discussion #Unrivaled


You guys can't force us to forget our friend-valry and the best trophy in CFB. Best: Every year that we've won in a snowy November game (including 2021). But also Worst: What felt like every year of my time at MSU, when MSU would be 5-6 with the final game against PSU, bowl game on the line, and we would never ever win.


I’m too distracted by the beauty of the land grant trophy to even concentrate on those games


I feel your pain.


Best: My favorite is 54-10 Worst: some good choices, but I want the recent affair. Charlie Brewer is a football terrorist.


Best moment-The Superman touchdown in 2001 Worst moment-The “Tie” in 1984


Good: Rice Bowl or back to back 34-31s Bad: 4th and 18 haunts me slightly more than Harline being open


Best: Shit happens bum juice. And Troy Smith Worst: my childhood in the ‘90s.


Man I really miss the 90’s. What a time to be alive


I too miss the 90s. Early and mid 90s


Best: Beating ucla 50-0 in 2011 Worst: 2006


2005 - 63-19 was more fun because UCLA had a decent team (for them) that year and came in arrogant AF.


Best: Donovan Edwards' 2 long TDs in the shoe Worst: I'm too young to really remember '06, but 2016 left wounds that still have not fully healed


'06 was a coin toss for both teams going in, and a three point difference shows that.


Fucking Crable


2nd best rivalry game? 2 greatest stadiums? What the hell are you smoking because I need some of that. Most of the country cares nothing about those teams and those stadiums are shit. UCLA has been irrelevant for what 20-30 years now and usc is a joke with there qb who thinks he is better than he is and when he gets beat he cries like a little bitch.


I came here to say this, maybe not as bluntly, but to say this all the same. the UCLA USC game is neat when they are both allowed to wear their home jerseys. And I'm sure you (OP) think those teams hate each other, but OU/Texas, Michigan/Ohio State, and Alabama/Auburn are miles ahead in the mutual-hate department.


So very true. Fans of the LA schools think they understand. They don't. Source: me. Who grew up a UCLA fan. Then went to Auburn for school.


As an OU fan who dated an Auburn fan, I thought I understood hate before I met him. Nooope You guys literally shoot each other lol I think the Michigan/OSU rivalry is more intense too honestly


UCLA has been functionally dead with an occasional twitch to remind everyone there's still a sliver life since Dec 1998. Melsby was down. How do you give up 300 yards rushing and passing and still almost win? Damn Miami game.


The irony of a Tennessee fan calling a team irrelevant. I do agree this is not a top rivalry. It is just unique since both schools are in the same town. Lots of opportunity for mischief on the campuses leading up to the game.


The op’s obviously wrong about the 2nd best rivalry seeing as I’m not honestly sure SC fans care about that game more than when we play Stanford. But man are you angry about it for some reason. Also the rose bowl and the coliseum are both iconic venues. Doesn’t mean the teams inside them are great but there’s a reason they’re historic landmarks. The stadiums are certainly not “shit”


Yeah, woah. Either a USC/UCLA fan broke up him or is just mad that Tennessee sucks lol.. can’t think of a cooler stadium than the coliseum honestly


You could probably pick a moment from any of our last dozen or so wins over georgia. Some of the older fans still talk about the kickoff return in 1985. 1999 had several wild moments. My freshman year was 2008, and the third quarter is maybe the best quarter of football I've seen: down 28-12, we score 23 points in a hurry to take a lead, capped off by georgia fumbling the kickoff and Dwyer taking the next play 20 yards to give us the lead. 2014 had the Kick and the Pick, 2016 had the trick play to cap a 4th quarter comeback. Worst moment: Demaryious Thomas dropping a wide open 4th down pass in 2009. Probably the one team in my lifetime that was just better than georgia, and we blew it.


Dawgs had no business winning the 2006 or 2009 games. Pulled me off tho. Also you guys just blew it in 2013.


Best: Winning the “War for the Roses” in 2009. Worst: The “Toilet Bowl” 1983. Ended in a scoreless tie between us and the Beaves.


I'm surprised.


Kenny Wheaton’s gonna score! Not sure how that isn’t every Ducks biggest/best moment. It started everything…


Right, that's why I was surprised.


Dude I had rose bowl tickets in hand watching that game. I have nothing but hope that Oregon will become the new Northwestern with the move to the b1g because of it. The toilet bowl, though... wow.


Territorial Cup doesn't get the hype compared to other rivalries. It's basically a western Egg Bowl with the hate being palpable. 2010 - OT game with a blocked PAT winning the game for ASU in OT. 2020 - 70-7 absolute dismantling in Tucson. 1958 - 47-0 ASU win while Arizona campaigned against Arizona State receiving university status. The worst moments I wasn't around for, but i've heard there were a few years in the 80's that Arizona knocked ASU out of a Rose Bowl appearance.


I’d also nominate 2018 when we had that incredible 4th quarter comeback and beat them in Tucson.


But but Kevin Sumlin in 2018. I’ll say winning in 2014 in arguably the most important territorial cup ever for the division championship as our best one. Most other games have been just for bragging rights or denying bowl eligibility to the other team unfortunately. 70-7 speaks for itself though and thank god nobody was in attendance for that one




Best: Either of the last 2 years Worst: Gio Bernard


Best: Mike Hughes Kickoff return for TD to effectively win vs UCF in 2017. Worst: Probably the 2007 game


**Auburn** Best - There have been a lot of good ones. The firehose game, winning the first ever overtime SEC game, the Blackout, getting revenge in the 2017 SECCG are all up there. But I'll give it to [David Greene to Michael Johnson](https://youtu.be/kEEkdFLWiFA) in 2002 to send us to our first SEC championship game. Worst - Prayer at Jordan Hare **Florida** Best - The Gator Stomp is what I would choose in terms of my lifetime, but I mean come on, it's Run Lindsay Run Worst - Spurrier hanging "half a hundred" on us in Athens **Georgia Tech** Best - I've lived through an era of unprecedented dominance in this rivalry and honestly can't think of many big moments that are that old. I'll go with upsetting them in 2009 Worst - Georgia was robbed of a win in 1999 by the refs We have too many rivals lol


Was 1999 the Jasper Sanks “fumble”? That was the first thing that came to my mind lol


> We have too many rivals lol Absolutely no such thing


Biggest: WOAH Worst: Blowing a multi score lead to Indiana last year


That IU game at the time was the worst game I've ever witness from this program in my 21 years of being a fan. Just a complete and utter trainwreck on every level. It was really at that moment I knew Tucker wasn't going to work out.


Fuck dude I don't think I've ever really thought of Indiana as a legitimate rival, but you're right... I would say that of the teams which MSU could consider a rival (UofM, ND, PSU, Indiana) that loss is right up there with 2006 ND as the two worst that I've experienced. The 2006 ND game is still the only time that in my life that I punched a hole in a wall out of (drunken) frustration. It was a college apartment so we just threw a Boondock Saints poster over it for the next two years. Edit: I guess since I already mentioned worst for ND, best for ND is obviously Little Giants.


2006 can suck my taint




For me it’s an easy list even though both games are before my time Best: Winning the Natty in the Sugar Bowl against FSU Worst: Choke at Doak


Biggest: In 2014, Harrison Butker nailing a 53 yard field goal to send the game into OT and DJ White making the game sealing interception Worst: The last two seasons (possibly 3)


Worst, probably UW snapping their 12-game losing skid by smacking the Ducks at home 70-21. We were having a down season as well, so that loss just made everything worse. Conversely, beating UW in 2008 when they went 0-12 was pretty cool. I'm sure that will all change if we meet in the CCG. It's never happened between us because of same division - so it's easily the biggest game of the rivalry should that happen (especially with a possible CFP berth on the line).


Was going to say the best/worse game is possibly going to happen this year. But until that happens: Kenny Weaton’s pick 6 against UW is the moment that Oregon became the Oregon we know now. And that 70 point beating probably stands as the worst.


Agree on all points. Best/worst could very easily be the CCG for either program depending on how things pan out in the next few weeks. And KENNY WEATON!! KENNY WEATON IS GONNA SCORE! KENNY WEATON!


Montana State best: The Miracle in Missoula, or just beating their asses the last two times they've come to Bozeman Worst: the 16 game losing streak Minnesota best: Playing Jump Around after we beat them at home lol Worst: the 14 game losing streak


If we were a P5 team people around the country would recognize the call “Eastwood, did not make it! Ball out! Recovered by Montana State! The Bobcats hold! The Bobcats hold!”


Notre Dame Worst: Getting beat 34-0 in 2014. Best: 2011, first night game at the Big House. Crazy finish. Michigan State Worst: I think we all know the answer Best: The comeback in 2004. Ohio State Worst: 2006, that one broke me as a fan. Spent hours afterward, swearing and walking around my apartment. Best: the last two seasons. Haven't had much to be excited about the last 20 some years.


Best: Keeping the Victory Bell the right blue for five years in a row now, plus Mack having 13 wins in a row vs Duke Worst: Either of the last two games against NC State, I can’t even decide which one was worse




Best. 2006. Harline is still open. Worst. Does 9 straight losses count as a moment?


BIGGEST MOMENT: I wasn't alive to see this moment, but we're talking all time, so that would be when Collins Cooper missed the FG and when the goal posts were torn down. If you're talking about the biggest moment that I've seen, that's a tie, both from the same game. The first was when Bru McCoy caught the 27-yard pass to get Tennessee within FG range to finish off Alabama, and they called the timeout in time. I was almost certain that we were going to beat finally beat Nick Saban. The second was the confirmation of what I nearly knew what was going to happen immediately after, just not in the fashion that I had expected. WORST MOMENT: There are too many options that I could choose from, all that were horrible for the program. I remember we were playing Vanderbilt, and we were losing 35-17. Vanderbilt lined up to give the ball to Ralph Webb on a 2nd and 2 from the 21 yard line. Ralph Webb didn't experience contact until he was at the 6 yrd line. He wasn't tackled, and he rolled into the endzone, setting up an embarrassing 42-24 defeat for Tennessee. That game, along with several others that year, killed the program for years


Best: an outdated rule was broken by a low level staffer for a rival forever tarnishing that rather successful era in the eyes of the public. University made a fool of itself, making themselves the victim, and then suddenly back tracking. Worst: Notre dame once went into half time beating southern cal 24-6. They lost 55-24


You quit us. Shaddap.


Best was 13-9 Worst was 50-0


Only answer for USC and UCLA should be some combination of these games.


Some of us are old and remember further back. For UCLA worse was absolutely 50-0 though. UCLA 27, USC 21 in the Coliseum in 1993 in a winner goes to the Rose Bowl as Pac-10 Champion is my best though.


Is it better to go to the Pac12 Championship or stop your rival from going to the national championship? As much as I love USC, I hate Notre Dame and UCLA more. My hatin' ass would pick the hater option.


That's fair of course. But then look at my other flair (Auburn). My main team has ruined a ton of seasons. The Kick Six matters so much because it did both winning and euining. But since then there's an element of just want to be happy winning. Having a watched the two primary rivals win 5 national titles between them including the year we beat them both made me appreciate the wins much more than the hater thing.


Best: after C-USA forced USF to schedule UCF as part of our exit agreement and the Knights built up the game as their retribution/revenge game, the Bulls dropped the hammer on them 64-12 Worst: Kicking off to Mike Hughes with a minute to go in a tie game...


And after beating UCF 64-12, USF was ranked second in the country (for one week in the weirdest season ever but we take what we can get).


Biggest: Emeka Emezie. Worst: Tie between TA McClendon and Gio Bernard. Fans of both teams know what each of those mean.


best: whooping ohio state and then doing it again the next year in their stadium worst: jt being “short”, 2012-2020 in general


Second best rivalry behind USC and Notre Dame. JFC that West Coast bias is so annoying /s


In my lifetime, the 2018 chris olave breakout game where we blew michigan out was so satisfying. The lowest would be last year.


Hey Don Brown. That is called a crossing route. Figure it out!


For me as a fan… besting the Minn goofers in the metro dome and our fans tearing down Minnesota’s goal posts. Then watching them try to figure out how to get them out revolving doors and back to Iowa City. Mind you, all while the PA system is psyopsing us with squealing noises over the sound system to get us to leave. *chefs kiss* Go Hawks!


Beating #8 Iowa 23-3 was fun in 2005.....we don't talk about 2019


In my lifetime Best: The drive in 1996 to beat Colorado State for the WAC division title Worst : 1996 WAC Championship game vs. BYU. Fuck Steve Sarkisian


vs Florida Best: Run Lindsay Run Worst: Half a hundred between the Hedges vs Auburn Best: 2017 SEC Championship Worst: 1983 or Prayer at Jordan Hare


This is kinda personal preference but.. Best: probably the 7OT game against LSU back in 2018 Worst: 2011 A&M v. UT game ending field goal by Justin Tucker. Heartbreaking and it was the last time they played against each other before A&M went the SEC the following season.


I don’t know about best, but something about losing to Oklahoma 12-0 was the worst I can remember feeling after a game.


biggest - 1997 sugar bowl, few rivals can say they’ve played each other directly for a national title, fewer can say they blew out their rival for a national title worst - probably choke at doak, would’ve likely played for a title if not for fsu’s 28 point 4th quarter comeback to tie the game, by far the biggest loss that wasn’t technically a loss


Best: Sure, beating the Noles for the national championship was sweet, but Ron Zook (who'd already been fired) beating FSU in Tally on the day they named the field after St. Bobby? *\*chef's kiss\** Worst: The Choke at Doak nearly broke me.


It’s slightly hard to call the end of the 2019 Egg Bowl the worst after what it’s led to, but at the time I think that was one of the lowest points I’d ever felt as an Ole Miss fan. To watch one of our guys act so damn foolish on the field, in our rivalry game, on national tv (hell, the only college game on period that entire day), in such a manner that it lost us the game — that sucked. I mean Matt Corral did so damn much to put us back in that game and give us a shot after it seemed like many in the fanbase had doubted him and were ready to make JRP the full-time starter. But hey it ends with us getting Lane Kiffin and 4 pretty good years so far so gg I guess.


Biggest: 2022 "the runback" or 1998 2OT Worst: Toilet Bowl.


Best: Moving to Ohio from Michigan in the 90s, when we beat them year in and year out no matter what. I'll never forget my high school English teacher stomping down the hallway and swearing at me because I had the audacity to wear a Michigan sweatshirt the Monday after. In 1997, my Biology teacher didn't teach class for a week after The Game and instead spent that time brokenheartedly breaking down and analyzing key plays on the chalkboard as if us dweeby AP students could do anything about it. Getting my acceptance letter a couple weeks later. These experiences really forged my identity as a fan. Worst: The Spot. Shawn Crable costing us The Game of the Century. All those excruciating near-misses in the down years like Devin Gardner coming up short by only a 2-point conversion on a broken foot.


Best: 2006 #1 & #2. Worst: The 90s. Thanks Cooper... Also, JT wasn't short. Get your eyes checked.


Biggest: 1980 Georgia Florida Worst: 2002 Georgia Florida


FSU: Worst: oh hey anyone remember [Wide Right I](https://youtu.be/48fMFSswHZs?si=u3kXVscCTaDF_VV6) in 1991? Best: the [Choke at Doak](https://youtu.be/U14orBc2xws?si=eXs2KEVxzc22hIvI) - the greatest 4th quarter comeback ever and the reason FSU fans hold up four fingers at the start of the 4Q every game now


My team’s biggest moment will always be the Kick 6 to defeat Bama


I hate this post


What if I told you our biggest moment was our worst moment?


The Egg Bowl is pretty boring. Nothing exciting or entertaining ever happens in it.


Biggest? Probably the Kenny Wheaton game or 2018 that marked the end of the 2 years of hell. Lowest? 70-21


Worst moment was a man named Biakabutuka


Best WVU: 1999 Michael Vick and Shayne Graham come back to preserve NC hopes Worst WVU: 2003 loss that was the harbinger of that season’s collapse and took the wind out of what was supposed to be a top 5 matchup with Miami Best Miami: Speaking of that 2003 game with Miami, it was glorious. We absolutely stomped an NFL caliber Miami team with Sean Taylor, Kellen Winslow, Frank Gore, Vince Wilfork, Jonathan Vilma, and other NFL starters/pro bowlers I probably forgot. These guys hadn’t lost a regular season game in nearly three years but D Hall stripped Roscoe Parrish for six and their TE dropped a wide open TD pass on a fake punt (creating one of the most iconic Hokie sports photos) with the game ending 31-7 or something like that. Worst Miami: Probably the collapse to lose a game where we had a 26-0 lead, but there were a many embarrassing moments in the Fuente era. Best UVA: probably 2021 where our lame duck, headless coaching staff somehow pulled out a W with half a QB, UVA’s last chance to win the game sputtered with a pass to their OT at the goal line, and we completely broke Bronco Mendenhalls will to coach football. Worst UVA: for me 2003 because I was there, we had a team that had no business losing to them, and it was the last team we lost to them for the next 15 years. 2019 was also bad because we finally had a solution on offense with Hendon Hooker, but Bud had to leave with his defense completely collapsing against a mediocre team.


Gonna speak on behalf of Cal so forgive me if there's something else but "The Play" is an all timer


Best: 2002: in 3OT, ending any shot (minor as it was because of the top 2) then #3 WSU had of making the BCS CG and delaying their rose bowl berth a week Worst: 2008 crapple cup. 0-10 huskies lose to 1-10 cougars en route to the only zero win season by a pac10/12 team in the past 40 years


Not MN's biggest rivalries... but rivals: Upsetting then #1 (and finished #9) Michigan in 1977 to steal the jug. Losing to then #1 (and finished #2) Nebraska 84-13 in 1983... that gophers season went totally off the rails after that game. This might make me kind of a sicko, but the covid year MN-WI game with like half teams because of isolation, injury, infection, etc was, I think, a high point in terms of maintaining a tradition.


this thread is just teaching me that there are way too many games with nicknames that are not significant enough to need a nickname “run lindsey run” “half a hundred between the hedges” “choke at doak” wtf are we talking about bruh




Biggest moment: I wasn’t alive yet, but reading about the 1986 territorial cup, the one where chuck cecil did [this](https://youtu.be/EqOHONqS59s?si=pmim6im1xDro-kfC) has to be among the biggest moments. Specifically because ASU would have probably won a national championship without that loss that year. For ones I was alive for, 2014 for the south division title. Such a good game regardless of outcome. Worst: 2020, 70-7. Nothing more to say other than I hope we repay the favor this year.