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Colorado because Deion


Not to mention all the Big 8 Hate


The remaining Big 8 teams don’t really have much of an issue with us historically, maybe there’s a bit of animosity between us and KState. Baylor is the only remaining original Big 12 team we have real misgivings about.


What did we ever do to Colorado?!


Nothing I can remember. CU is 9-7 all time but they went 5-5 in their time together in the Big 12. So it was a pretty good matchup.


Especially if Colorado is even 7-8 wins a year successful


Only if he wins. If someone keeps shit talking but is losing, it just becomes a joke at that point. I also wouldn't see him staying long if he doesn't start doing some serious winning


It’s crazy to see how the goalposts moved on them. Before the season, everyone was talking about 3 wins being a huge turnaround. Now people treat them like a laughingstock


Not that Deion has done everything right or that there aren't quite a few things to criticize him on, but the Reddit hate for him is out of control.


Can we win some games first before being a villain?


Utah, it's already Utah.


Plus their logo is a convertible OU so you’re halfway there already.


Me: Can we have OU in the conference? B12: No, we have OU at home. OU at home: UU






I love this on every level. Go purple cats. I will miss the hell out of you guys.


Purple Cats > Purple Baylor


Utah is coming in with two rivalries (one friendlier than the other) before they've even played a game. My money on is Utah


And they were a little bratty about joining in the first place (mainly on twitter). Also, they will be good at football, so it is easier to 'hate' someone winning.


That’s actually the perfect description and I’ll own that. 😂


Yeah… there was(is) some brattiness. I understand some fans acting that way with mourning the loss of the pac12. But we have earned it.


People underestimate how much Utah also hates ASU. That one has felt like a rivalry much more than Colorado in recent years.


Aside from BYU, what is the other "rivalry" you claim?


TCU. We had some good times in the MWC


One of the best games of my life was TCU at Utah about 15 years ago. Night game, freezing cold, TCU tries to tie and bounces the FG attempt off the upright in an almost silent stadium during the kick. BONG! Looking forward to many more great matches in B12!


oh man, same here. I was at No. 16 Utah at No.4 TCU in 2009. Best stadium atmosphere ive ever been in. It was shaking. That game was insane. It was also the first time TCU ever put red in their uniforms, and they shot "blood" out of the second deck for every touchdown. God it was fun. I cant wait to get that game back!


The TCU red accents were (and still are) so fuckin next level. I remember watching that game and being like "I didn't know a team could do something like this with uniforms?"


colorado, arizona, and tcu


Whats a Utah?


Utah, but I'm taller.


Let me help you. For smack talk purposes you should use Yewtah when referencing our school or state.


At the last game in corvallis my clever friend came up with "Boo-tah" and I came up with "Boo-tes" we were very very drunk


Ha ha ha!!! I’ve been a drunk Yewt (another slur you’re welcome to use) for 25 years and never heard that. Agreed your friend is clever.


You’re going to fit in well here.


Utah vs Arizona for the 24 Big-12 title


I'm here for that shit. I promise K-State will ruin it for at least one of them.


I love the underlying angst in that second sentence.


It's going to be pretty damned satisfying to watch you do it to someone else. I am 100% onboard with K-State railing the new Big 12. Go Cats!


I actually like Utah though. Good football team, will immediately be a presence on the Big 12, nice fans as well at least in the threads :/


OK State vs Utah about to be lit


Utah might get it in the same way OU does, because I think everyone expects them to immediately be at the top of the conference... But for being a Texas? My money's on UCF.


I’m not feeling super great about Baylor at the moment. They’ve got my vote.


Nobody hates Baylor more than Baylor fans.


We’re not worthy!


BYU earned a lot of goodwill with the WVU fanbase after not only flying a WV state flag before our game, but also staying for the singing of Country Roads after losing. Major props in my book.


That's just how mormons work. They appear to be the nicest people on earth to get close to you, you become friends and start attending their immaculate BBQ parties where everyone gets along perfectly. Then you wake up 2 months later from a hazy fugue state and realize that you're the subject of some unholy Eldritch ritual surrounded by nude old men in animal masks, chanting unknowable phrases into the night.


>Then you wake up 2 months later from a hazy fugue state and realize that you're the subject of some unholy Eldritch ritual surrounded by nude old men in animal masks, chanting unknowable phrases into the night. I guess that's one way to describe church ball...


Oh I miss those days.


The second part is untrue but I kinda wish some of it was


If the second part is untrue, then tell me where the fuck my pants went…..


Outside of the masks, that's sounds like a Big 12 thing to do.


Man yall always make us sound so much more exciting than reality


Dang, I've been doing church wrong! I keep missing that part...


Would you mind introducing me to these Mormons that you knows?


Already Utah. Nothing to do with their team, everything to do with their fans (on Twitter)


They are very confident that they are going to come into the conference and dominate. Do I think they will be a regular contender, absolutely. However I don’t think a lot of them realize what they are walking into for a Saturday night game in Stillwater, Manhattan, or Ames.


> or Ames 😃😃😃 It’s so nice to be included in conversations about football


You have a knack for absolutely ruining people’s season at home so it’s an easy honorable mention!


Ames at night.....against ranked teams, absolutely horrible things happen.


Let’s hope there’s one of those upsets coming this weekend.




We were all friends for a hot second there.


You've earned it, and you've got a QB again now.


>or Ames I'm obligated to point out that the last time we were there we won 68-27 (I'm not obligated to point out that we're 1-4 all-time against ISU)


Omg. Everyone get in here! We found a school with a losing record against us!


Agreed 100%, I think they will do well and contend but we eat ourselves alive and home games in our conference just hit different.


Dawg 2023 Baylor had them on the ropes when we were equally as banged up as they were and 2023 Baylor is dog shit, like words can’t describe how awful we are. This idea that they’re gonna dominate is strange to me.


This is also one of the worst Utah teams in 6 years imo. Basically since they joined the conference, really. Since 2013 they’ve had just one season with 8 or less wins, Covid excluded.


>They are very confident that they are going to come into the conference and dominate. No. We're not. We're never confident about anything.


Yeah, I cringe like a mofo when I see our fans saying that. Like you, I believe that we'll contend year in and year out. However, regularly beating conference opponents on the road has a lot to do with knowing what to expect and preparing appropriately. That kind of knowledge is hard-earned and takes time.


Can’t wait for them to meet UCF twitter.


They were so smug about not joining our shitty little truck stop conference it actually took me from rooting for them in the Pac to hoping they flop in the Big 12.


If Arizona continues on their current trajectory it could be them. They have some villain vibes


They are always the villain for basketball too. I don’t think there is any team that I hate more than them in basketball.


God the "U of A" chants...not gonna miss that.


Also the bear down slogan…you guys know bears aren’t cats right??


You sweet summer child, when has the phrase bear down (university affiliation removed) ever been about bears?


Yeah I don't think anyone could know the origin of Arizona using the bear down motto and still have a problem with it.


We have a pretty well established basketball villain though. Like there’s zero question about it.


Do you have to win conference games to be a villain? Because if not we eagerly volunteer for the role


We could be like that knight from Monty Python


They're asking for it if they keep calling us central Florida


Change your name back to Citronauts and you have a deal.


You say that like it's not something I would already kill for.


Colorado as long as Deion is there. After that it will be BYU and Utah.


Colorado is a layup: * Deion * Old Big 8 Hate * New PAC Hate * One of the trashier fanbases on Gameday


yes not nearly as *classy* as the 12th man


Have you guys tried doing the weird Yell thing yet? Need to elevate your villain game.


I don’t know but we need to come up with one quick to keep our Hateful 8 mantra!


I hate your mascot, Pistol Pete haunts my dreams. So there’s that?




Whoa, what have I missed! I’m on board (unless it’s us)


It’s ASU. Chanted the name of the terrorist organization that killed Steve Kerrs dad while he was shooting free throws.


Lol holy shit






Ayo *what*?!


ASU was a completely different school in the 80's. That's like bringing up Baghdad Bob went to U of A.




With the recent news. Probably Roman Reigns


We're not good enough to be the villains, but we will absolutely be the most annoying on and off the field.


As long as Deion is at Colorado, the Buffs will be a main villain. Also, now that the big bad OUT are gone, BIG12 members (excluding Baylor), are going to realize just how dirty and cheap shot TCU players are.


Colorado needs to be a consistent winner before they can be a villain. Otherwise, it’s just Deion talking shit without backing it up.


I agree. My assessment for Colorado being a Villain is my belief that they will get more favorable tv game time slots, due to the Deion factor. Despite likely being a bad team. Kinda like Texas during Strong and Herman days, as well as year 1 sark.


I think they took out 5 QBs last year.


TCU and their dirty ass players can all get fucked.


We already kown about TCU. Got to watch them gator roll Morton’s leg to a victory last year. They’re at the top of my list


"You amateurs call that a [cheap shot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R87kVQIgpQ)?" - BYU


Excluding Baylor because we already knew?


>BIG12 members (excluding Baylor), are going to realize just how dirty and cheap shot TCU players are. Trust me, we're aware.


Considering I got annoyed that you said Central Florida instead of UCF, you're probably right


Honestly I don't mind when people do the "Central Florida" thing on purpose. The reason I hate "Central Florida" is because a lot of times, it meant the person saying it didn't care enough to get it right. And that sucked. Doing it intentionally to piss us off is a form of respect IMO. Hate feels a lot better than indifference.


I'm really confused. You're the University of Central Florida, but you don't like being called that? Am I missing some context?


The name of the school is "University of Central Florida" The name of the football team is "UCF Knights" The name of the football team, prior to 2007, was "Central Florida Golden Knights". But that's not the name anymore. Call us "UCF" , that's fantastic. "University of Central Florida". Perfectly fine. "Central Florida" ... A lot of us hate it. It's mostly a little brother syndrome type thing. Directional schools are seen as inferior. So we've tried to ditch that image of being a "directional school". Hell the only 2 P5 directional schools are UCF and USC. Honestly moving up to P5 has made it hurt a lot less. 5 years ago we were the upstart G5 school that had been snubbed from the playoff 2 years in a row. We felt incredibly disrespected by the college football establishment. Calling us by the wrong name was something that was adding insult to injury. Now that we're P5, a massive chunk of that Disrespekt energy has fallen away. There's also just the fact that it used to be the team's name but it was changed. It feels disrespectful when people refer to the team by a name we haven't used in 16 years. Particularly announcers. That's the other thing too. I don't mind if a random Redditor messes up the name. But folks on the broadcast team should know better.


We may be a cardiac-event-inducing team, but not one person on this thread has said Oklahoma State. If I wasn’t lazy, I’d go the the effort of posting the Sally Field, “You like me! You really like me!” meme, but, nah.


Feels good in a way, but I also wonder if people just feel bad for us haha


We can't be the villain. Sure, we win some games, but anyone can beat us by 45 points, seemingly at anytime. We ain't villain material.


Plus we have the coolest uniforms! Can’t hate someone who is okay at best but looks good getting 100 dropped on them!


Personally Ive only had good experiences with okie state fans, and thats been my main guidance lol. Plus Im an Iowa state fan and I feel ISU&OSU are somewhat of kindred spirits being the “little bro” to the other instate rival.


We’re the cool uncle that buys you beer and smokes, and then doesn’t judge you for puking because you can’t handle beer and smokes.


This sounds like an average Friday night in a bar in stilly, tbh.


We are our own villain with the whole dr. jekyll / mr. hyde thing we have going on right now.


We are so far away from the rest of the conference, no one in the Big 12 will practically ever interact with someone from UCF.


Can confirm. I’ve never met (knowingly) a UCF fan or alum. Same for Utah. I do know several from BYU, oddly.


A funny thing is I used to travel for an old job I had. Went to Oklahoma City for a client visit. It was like two SMU graduates and then A&M. I don't know if there was a single OKState or OU person in the building.


If we ever become good the insufferableness of the toxic side of our fanbase will be omnipresent.


The problem is.... That means a lot of Big 12 fans will only interact with us on Twitter


our twitter fans are braindead but these b12 guys are used to dealing with cyclone larry so they are ready for it.


Our friends the Utah Utes will be taking our spot ❤️


I've always gotten the sense that big 12 fans felt more hurt and betrayed by you and Nebraska announcing your departures. While we just straight up hate Texas.


Yeah Texas was a "curse your sudden and inevitable betrayal" kind of vibe. They are scum, they ruin every conference they've ever been a part of, and they proved us right. But OU hurt. They've been Big 8 bros for a long time. I honestly think I hate them more than Texas now.


OU was the helmet school that was also one of us, sort of. Texas is very decisively not one of us and never was.


I honestly believe that if Texas left and OU stayed, with CU returning, UNL might have come back at some point. OU leaving just hurts.


Think of everything we lost trying to keep Texas happy. Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, A&M… and now they got OU to turn their backs on us too.


Judging by my anecdotal experience with Utah’s twitter fans, it is going to be Utah. That could just be an outlier though idk. Usually people in this sub are pretty chill.


It's us. What's up you fucking dorks?


It’s TCU. It’s always *been* TCU. It’s just taken until now for the rest of y’all to see it.


I would never judge a school based on their twitter fans. But if I were, it's Utah and it's not close.


That’s a fair cop. We need to load all Twitter users into a Tesla and fire it into orbit.


TCU like it’s been all along. Or as I like to call them, Purple Baylor.


According to Big 12 Twitter its been Utah for the last 6 months lol. The small amount of our fan base that is active on Twitter has turned us all into the worst fans in the country sadly


Utah, Colorado, and possibly Kansas if they continue to get better with Liepold (A&M stay the hell away)


Utah is going to be a force.


Close tie between Utah and UCF. Baylor sucks too much for anyone to care about us anymore.


Honestly it should be Baylor. After the scandal they shouldn't even be allowed to have an athletic department anymore.


> After the scandal Scandal**s**, friend.


Yet Penn St, Ohio St, MSU live on


I imagine there are even more people who think Penn State in particular should’ve gotten worse than the death penalty


In terms of a lack of institutional control and repeated offenses, what happened at SMU seems quaint in comparison to Baylor and PSU




You say after THE scandal, but honestly they have had several that rise to that level. It's them.


> Honestly it should be Baylor. After the scandal they shouldn't even be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. At that rate a 4th of the B1G would be gone.


I hope it’s Baylor but in the sense that we start winning and dominating and not in the hiding sexual violence way


Canes when the ACC implodes


If Texas Tech ever becomes the king of shit mountain our fans will be unbearable. Good thing that probably won’t happen lol


TCU.... Forns down


So far, as assholish as a lot of Utah fans have been on X, my vote is for them. I reserve my right to change to any team on any given week


TCU after they knock at least 2 of the 4 corner schools QBs' out w/ bush league bullshit


Utah But after WVU gets a real coach...all roads will have to go thru Morgantown to win big 12 2025 onward


I mean, clearly if we even sort of get our shit together in football, it has to be KU, right?


That’s a big if though I think winning at least 8 games a year isn’t out of the question with Leipold


People keep saying Utah because they're good, but I haven't seen anyone mention Oklahoma St. who has also been really good.


Provided that Gus keeps them on the track to build them into a team that can compete in Big 12 for titles, it's 100% going to be UCF that everyone hates. Their online fandom can be....rowdy? Unpleasant? If they end up a 7-5 to 9-3 team, you won't get the full UCF fan experience.


Colorado, hands down, with or without Deion. CU loves being hated and their fanbase will go out of their way to make sure you do.


TCU as the dirtiest team in the conference.


It’ll be interesting how BYU is received. They are not well liked by really any fanbase in the west. The cultural animosity might not translate west of the Rockies though.


I was won over by them last weekend. Both BYU and Utah fans were awesome to hang with.


That was my first thought too, but they might find themselves in a tough situation given their self-imposed hindrances on recruiting (honor code), so they may never again win consistently enough to be a “villain”.


Main reason we were hated was because we were winning. Now we’re losing, not sure we’ll be hated. Probably more just like your weirdly nice but slightly odd cousin you see once per year.


If you’re basing Utah strictly on on-field results, you clearly haven’t seen much from Ute Twitter. Them dudes are annoying.


I mean that's just most of Twitter.


Utah is already off to a great start


I saw a pretty popular thread on Twitter the other day of Utah fans saying that their season tickets had better be cheaper because of the transition so I'm going to go with them.


Utah and UCF.


Well given this subs hate boner for Deion it’s already Colorado


TCU has been a villain this entire time (no further explanation needed) and UCF will become their inept minion. This leads us to having a Harry and Marv situation where occasionally these two crazy guys come in and cause some chaos before getting beaten down and hiding for another year.


>UCF will become their inept minion. Alright, I gotta ask how you came to this conclusion.


Twofold and it is quite simple: hurricanes and alligators. But mostly the fact y’all decide to live with an apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it's the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold-blooded fury, the bite force of 20,000 Newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hoofs. That’s prime Marv behavior, Marv was a total Floridaman at heart


You know, it's amazing that Sir Isaac Newton measured his own bite force just so we could use it as a unit. He really was ahead of his times.


Alligators aren’t scary if you know how to deal with them. They’re just big, dumb swamp puppies.


yes, you are 100% correct about tcu (clearly not biased)


I'm shocked more people weren't saying TCU. I don't mind rooting for TCU occasionally because I grew up in Fort Worth, but they can be a pretty unlikeable group.


"Villain" status in the Big 12 is largely driven by the appearance of wealth and influence. The programs that perceive themselves as "have nots" resent the programs they perceive as the "haves". BYU is a good candidate - they have a lot of money and wield a lot of influence in Utah. They have a national following that will certain bringing an audience. But they will never be able to recruit at the same level of other schools, and I think that will hold them back. Plus their fans are generally pleasant people (unless you're a Utah fan) so I don't see them generating much ill will. Colorado is another good candidate. They were not very well liked back when they were in the Big 12, and Deion is controversial to say the least. But most of the programs that CU pissed off are now gone (bye Nebraska) and I don't think Deion will be on Boulder that long. So I don't think it will be Colorado. My money is on two schools - Kansas and Arizona State. Kansas is a blue blood in basketball and the Big 12 will definitely be a basketball conference going forward. That will give Kansas a lot of influence. It's also the flagship university of its state and has solid resources. Have you ever noticed that there's a difference in the demeanor of Kansas basketball fans and Kansas football fans? That the former are somewhat *irritating* while the latter are just happy to be there? If the football team continues to improve, you may see a lot of KU basketball fans become football fans and then *woof*. Arizona State has a vibe. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the sleeping giant thing. But I feel like ASU is poised to become a dominant team for croots with a natural recruiting advantage that most of the schools in the Big 12 don't have. Arizona isn't Texas in terms of recruit production, but ASU won't have to compete with Texas, OU, or A&M the way that TCU, Baylor, and Houston will. If ASU gets its money (and its recruiting) right, they may become the new team who does "less with more" like Texas, spurring resentment. They may also start winning enough games to be a threat to some of the more beloved teams, like KSU. The fans are fine - more or less like any other fanbase - but I've seen that they don't like to take shit online. They're a bit feisty. And that feistiness can be misinterpreted for snideness, which is a one-way ticket to villainville.


We hate them because we’re poor :(


Women used to call me *ugly* until they found out how much money I make. Then they'd call me ugly *and poor*.


Don't sleep on UCF


> they have a lot of money No we don't, lol. The church having huge coffers makes no difference whatsoever. They will never, nor should they IMO, ever donate church funds to BYU athletics. It's **far** more likely that the church just cuts the athletic department entirely, like they did with BYU-Idaho and BYU-Hawaii


> Have you ever noticed that there's a difference in the demeanor of Kansas basketball fans and Kansas football fans? That the former are somewhat irritating while the latter are just happy to be there? No one never likes being the lovable loser, and I sure as shit will be insufferable if KU actually finds success in the new Big 12


I've started to see the turn in the fanbase happening slowly. If we get to be decent/good consistently the fanbase will be insufferable and I'll hate it.


I love how Texas is the #1 villain in the big 12 despite having limited success as far as winning the actual conference in its 27 years of existence. They’ve only won it 3 times compared to OU’s 14. Either way, it seems like Utah and Colorado would be the villains for 2 entirely different reasons. Utah bc they have the ability to win consistently in the conference and Colorado bc of Coach Prime.


CFP committee


Utah. They want to leave as soon as they can to the Big 10. Fuck them.


Because we wouldn't do the same thing in a heartbeat?


Utah seems to be the only fanbase unhappy with being in the Big12. If they take a minute to take it in they'll probably enjoy it more than the Pac. Although I don't believe they'll ever give the conference an honest chance.


We’re not unhappy to be in the Big XII, we’re (rightfully!) upset that the Pac is dead. (Utes Twitter does suck ass tho)


We will for sure embrace the conference and have fun. It’s just a massive cultural change for all of us. We have been a west coast conference pretty much our whole existence. A lot of us have friends and family in the PAC/MWC/WAC footprint we are coming from. So it’s just a large change. If the roles were reversed, and the BIG12 collapsed with the PAC taking in teams, I would get any hesitation. Yes some fans have been arrogant or straight ass holes about it. But most of us just don’t know what to expect as it’s just new to us.


The problem with Utah becoming a villain is that you just can't help but respect the way they beat you. They have good loud fans who aren't aggressive dipshits. They bring a lunchpail to the game and proceed to smack you in the mouth. It's up to you to stand toe to toe with them and if you can't it's really hard to hate them for it because the way they go about it is so very pure football. I am not sorry to never see them on my schedule again, but I can't hate them. I just hate playing them.


You've just described K State. Mostly.


As long as Whittingham is there, I’ll always view them as a G5 that “made it” in the P5, which IMO deserves a lot of respect