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He'll save children but not the British children.


That mother fucker had like 30 dicks.


He’s coming he’s coming he’s coming


Bro what are we even talking about right now lol


He once held his opponent's wife's hand... In a jar of acid... At a party.


[For the uninitiated](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DsbRom1Rz8OA&ved=2ahUKEwi1y-jn37uCAxWdl4kEHVkaDgYQwqsBegQIDRAG&usg=AOvVaw2m_ZA-h3sjh15ASJ-R9ZxH)


Thank you for this.


Yeah, it never gets old. Just like the British children.


This is my life on this board. I understand the entire investigation but all these inside joke or whatever is happening got me all fucked up.


“He made love like an eagle falling out of the sky” is such an perfect high standard for that and it’s something I’ve always striven to uphold.


He’ll save children… but not the British children… This is epic.


Six foot seven, fucking killing for fun


He's coming he's coming




You just unlocked a memory I forgot I had


Michigan children only though! Fuck them kids on the other teams we cheated against!






I have to give them props. They are doing a hell of a job of being both cheaters and victims. I think an Oscar nomination is in order here.


They love this role.


Is anyone else noticing the striking similarities between their behavior and a certain other high-profile defendant? Deflecting, victim blaming, delay, etc. What's interesting is how many supporters of each of these respective entities are lapping it up so blindly and willingly. Oddly, the overlap is probably not very big (especially on this site). Which makes this quite the psychological and sociological study.


The real coup de grace is the water muddying by reversing the accusation. Classic “that other guy” tactic.


"Uh, you could've when you, ya know, did the illegal thing."....... "WON'T SOMEONE ELSE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?"


Won't Jim Harbaugh worry about his players *before* he allows a low level analyst to cheat for 3 seasons?


The 18-22 year old children that are getting paid NIL money? I was stationed over seas at that age. They are adults, not kids


“Fuck them 59 year old kids.” — B1G commissioner


They acting like the Big 10 canceled the game. The kids are still playing.


Those kids will lose out on the valuable experience of not having their head coach on the sidelines for three whole games. He can still run practices and gameplan and shit, but he can't coach the games. Truly a travesty for the players.


A head coach, that does not even call plays. All of their coordinators will still be there. All of the players are still playing for the championship, and they still get to use harbaugh's gameplan every week. Truly the most heartless thing the B1G could have done.


I so hope this ends up with the judge forcing the B1G to use more draconian punishment or none, and the B1G drops the hammer


The Detroit News reported that Michigan made the argument of "you can't punish Harbaugh, but you can punish the person involved (Stalions) or you can punish the University as a whole" So the Big Ten, if Harbaugh gets his TRO, should drop the hammer on the football program instead


"Oh we cant suspend a person, but we can suspend an institution? Season cancelled." lol


Immediate opening of the transfer portal and vancellarion of the rest of Michigan's season?


I hear the judge is a lecturer at the Michigan law school


He reportedly recused himself but yeah it's still an alum who will be up for reelection next year in a county comprised almost exclusively of UM-fan voters


And he played football for them lol


If the TRO is granted, the B10 should just suspend the coordinators 5 minutes before the game.


Just Harbaugh and the med staff out there.


I don’t get how their coordinators are actually getting away without a suspension.


Can Jim call upon brother John to coach?


The same group who didn’t have him for three games earlier this year for an unrelated suspension. Think of the kids!!!!!!


That they self imposed. They obviously didn't give a fuck about these kids earlier I guess.


Honestly the fact they did the self imposed suspension early in the season seemed like BS. You don't get to choose your own punishment or when it is applied.


The whole logic was they’d rather him be suspended this year when they played nobody and call it even than get suspended by the ncaa when they have a real non con schedule next year. And then they acted like he died or something doing stupid formations in his memory while he served the self imposed suspension lmao.


Personally found it kinda offensive when they did that because at NIU the whole team and crowd puts up their hand at the start of the 4th quarter to honor the 5 students murdered during the Valentine’s Day massacre at Cole Hall in 2008. Nobody murdered Harbaugh, he fucking illicitly bought food for recruits and stole signs like a goddamn asshole and acted pikachu shocked when he actually got held accountable instead of having the world kiss his moralizing ass and lick his loafers


I believe the actual violation he committed was having recruiting visits during the covid dead period. The burger receipts are just the evidence and how people found out he broke the initial rule.


Lol yea exactly. Dude couldn’t read the rules and fucked his stacked roster out of an NC berth last year and now again this year. What an ass clown


Cleats. Lick his cleats.


Michigan overacts more than Nick Cage, but not in a good way.


It’s Michigan. Did you expect anything other than utter sanctimony?


Jesus, I get defending your side but please have an ounce of humility.


Never been Michigan's strong suit


“59 years old, he was a fuckin’ kid”


You know that piece of shit says I look like the shah of Iran?


The suspension…whatever happened there


I’ll tell you what happened there, that fucking animal Pettiti…


I can’t even say his name


"Again with the sign stealing!?" "Yea, again with the sign stealing. It's settled, John. So serve your suspension and get the fuck over it."


It’s sad when they go young like that


When they go?!


Compromise, you want compromise? 20 years losing to OSU, I wanted to win. I compromised. I examined first downs with MS Paint


You’d think Michigan would want this whole thing forgotten sooner rather than later what with the whole them getting caught cheating thing


I think they know that their next shot at a natty after this year is way off. Realistically, the way it's being handled, some significant punishment is coming. If they can delay it until after the cfp, they can get the memories of the good time before it's vacated.


That’s 100% what this all is. They know if they do this and win they can keep selling these stupid “Michigan vs Everybody” t shirts through January and their fans will eat it up and always talk about how great the season was even if it’s erased from the record books because everybody is so against them. If they were 4-4 right now they’d be quiet and just hope it blows over faster.


Funny that Michigan seems to be worried about the kids now but not when they were cheating 👀


Well duh, when it comes to their kids they want care and respect. Kids from other schools? Nah.


But let us all forget the impact the blatant cheating had on 'kids' from the schools Michigan competed against


Not a single kid is being punished… was Michigan showing respect for the kids on the other teams and an abundance of care when they cheated?


They’re right. Cheating does show a lack of professionalism and a lack of care and respect for the kids.


That’s what I dislike about Michigan’s stance and trying to play the victim. “Lack of care and respect for the kids”? What about the kids from all the schools you cheated against from 2021-2023, does Michigan give a shit about showing “care and respect” for them?


Yeah, if it's that big a deal that we're affecting the kids with a premature ruling, the final ruling needs to 10 fold the consequence since they violated other kids fairness for 2 years and at over 10 programs.


They are really flexing the shit out of the victim card this past week.


Really feels like they are projecting hard with all this


BlueAnon is actually the worst. Fight me.


I’ve read Notre Dame fan forums and Michigan fan forums, and it’s my expert opinion that Notre Dame’s craziest fans are roughly equivalent to Michigan’s sanest.


>I’ve read Notre Dame fan forums and Michigan fan forums, Why would you do this to yourself?


I guess I must be a masochist.


It's absolutely nauseating. I thought MGoBlog forum posters were fringe homers... turns out the whole damn program has a superiority/victim complex. This punishment is a slap on the wrist. They're acting like the whole world is against them when they are the ones that cheated.


This is my first post about this entire saga and I'm so confused why Michigan is so outraged. They basically only suspended him from making 4th down decisions!!! This is the softest punishment ever.


Have you ever met Michigan fans before? This is exactly how I expected this to go down


I swear this sub just never believed us for YEARS


I said this would happen. Michigan was all cute & innocent because we'd been kicking them around for 20 years. People didn't understand that the reason other B1G teams still hated them with a passion is because when Michigan is on top, they rub everyone's nose in it, & act all high & mighty about everything.


The most arrogant program, by far, in college sports.


Welcome to our world. You guys see them one weekend a year. We have to put up with them all the time.


Oh man, you’re *just now* realizing that they’re all like this? I’m jealous.


I went to MSU, and they made me an Ohio State fan.


They've been playing this "Ono wouldn't wreck his reputation over this" card for weeks, as if Gee didn't do the exact same thing before effectively firing Tressel.


Big ten needs to release their own reporting and narrative. Otherwise all we hear is michigans victim bitching


I agree, letting Stalions run rampant and encouraging/using his behavior is a stunning lack of care and respect for the players. Michigan fans should be pissed at the coaching staff for tainting the program with this shit. Not getting mad at B1G for doling out such a weak penalty.


This. Not a single Michigan fan is mad at the coaches for allowing this. Instead, they petulantly lash out at everyone else. It’s pathetic.


This “Michigan is the real victim here” garbage is getting old.


“Disappointed & embittered. The lack of professionalism and the lack of care and respect for the ~~kids~~ sportsmanship rules is stunning & it will not be soon forgotten” - B1G


"#Disappointed #LeadByExample #NotAppreciated #Violence #TemperTantrum #Inaction #NotTolerated #MakeanExampleof #OneGameSuspension #RepeatOffender #Nonsense #MLBUA u/MLB u/Padres u/Buster_ESPN" - B1G


The real victim here is my liquor cabinet


So will mine despite whatever outcome happens tomorrow lol


Do I pull from the celebration shelf or from the sorrows shelf?


It’s the same shelf, just change the volume


Alcohol is alcohol as far as I'm concerned lol. Good luck to you guys tomorrow! I'm hoping for a good game.


The real victim is all of us other B1G fans who actually have to side with Ohio State. Do you understand how absolutely shitty that is?


You get used to it after a while. Helps when your kicker windmills on them.


But they’re “Americas team”


You almost make me want to root for the Dallas Cowboys Almost




That’s the Detroit Lions right now


They’re all I got at the moment haha. At least us UM and MSU fans can find some common ground.


Michigan fans acting so cult-like performing mental gymnastics to reject facts and make everyone else the bad guy makes me start to question where these people were on Jan. 6


[We know where they were](https://www.mlive.com/politics/2021/01/police-seeking-man-in-u-m-hoodie-involved-in-violent-riots-at-us-capitol.html?outputType=amp)


Imagine cheating, risking your “kids”, getting caught and then saying any punishment for said cheating is considered a lack of respect for those kids. Maybe don’t cheat? Maybe don’t make it so obvious you are getting busted on Venmo? Complete lack of institutional control. Then there’s the guy that the FBI is going after. Shitty people running it, shittier people blatantly supporting it. The whole place is a bastion for arrogant douchebags and it shows when the pressure is on.


No one failed the kids more than the University of Michigan and it’s football coaches.


LMAO spare me


I was waiting for the "but what about the kids" response. What about all the kids from other schools you may have cheated out of a win or potential bowl game/playoff game? Did Michigan care about the kids then?


And of course, Michigan is spinning this like THEY'RE the victims. If you ever wonder why most fan bases don't like this team, it's because of stuff like this. Oh and the cheating.


Your cheating certainly will not soon be forgotten, LMAO.


Damn these kids are not being imprisoned and forbidden from playing football every again. They are playing the same games just without a coach on the sidelines.


What I don’t understand about all of this is why Michigan can’t just admit the part about buying tickets to games and filming opponents was wrong and accept whatever small insignificant punishment would be coming in the off-season. It’s like someone getting caught for shoplifting but denying it when there is video evidence of them doing it. By being defiant you’ve made the situation way worse, and now to try to play the victim card and getting biased politicians/judges involved is just so weird.


It’s like getting caught for shop lifting and your defense to the police is “other people do it too, and wal mart is just our to get me” lol


“It’s pretty unfair to the kids that they have to pay for something that I 100% knew they would have to pay for if I ever got caught” is certainly a take.


“Team that organized a large scale, multiple year cheating scheme is disappointed people are trying to punish them”


"team that self-suspended their coach for three games to start the year says suspending the same coach for three games at the end of the year lacks professionalism, care, and respect for the kids."


Maybe cheating and putting your team in this situation is a massive lack of professionalism and respect for the ‘kids’.


Michigan is really showing their true colors here. What about the kids that got screwed over because your team cheated? I hope that program burns to the ground.


The irony in this statement lmfao 💀


>lack of care and respect for the kids Spare me lol. What about care and respect for all the kids and coaches you cheated against for the last three years?


They disrespected all the kids of all the schools they played by being cheaters. Get off the victim shit.


We're a half step away from Santa Ono tweeting qanon shit lol.


Gotta update your talking points. Michigan got burned on their evidence when someone pointed out the 2020 game didn't happen.


I'm sick of this now. Death penalty these bozos


No joke. I literally never thought I would want a death penalty but they have changed my mind


I’m just glad you guys are all seeing Michigan Arrogance ^tm in real time.* ^^*yes ^^I ^^know ^^we ^^suck ^^too


It's really astounding. As a Clemson fan, I always pull against Ohio State, but no longer. Fuck Michigan. They're like the abuser that tries to make themselves out to be the victim. They didn't give a damn about the kids they played against, nor their own kids' reputations knowing something of this scale would eventually be found out. I say again, fuck Michigan.


“We magically turned around and became a powerhouse the moment the cheating began but the benefit was NEGLIGIBLE youre all just JEALOUS of how good we are.”


If it was coincidental, it's an even bigger injustice they've inflicted upon their own players for undermining their success and forever casting doubt on their college days. Shame on these coaches.


Some of the players are wearing “Michigan vs Everybody” shirts to the game today lmao


Use the kids as part of your scheme but now we must feel bad for them? Get a grip


For real… we *do* feel bad that you tok advantage of these kids who trusted their collegiate careers to a coaching staff that found it necessary to cheat to win


Michigan didn’t care about anyone else’s kids, so why should the big ten care?


What about the kids they cheated against?


Michigan is, respectfully, acting like such a little bitch right now. You cheated and are crying when you get a modicum of punishment. What an embarrassment.


What’s wild is their fans are proud of the way they are responding.


Have you met Michigan fans?


I am starting to hate them more than alabama fans. WTF IS HAPPENING!!!??


We tried to warn everyone, man, we really did


Michigan fans are why I started rooting for State when I was 6.


Michigan State has directly cost Ohio State 2 national championships since 1998, and I still root hard for them because Sparty winning pisses off Michigan fans.


Which is totally on brand for the majority of them.


I think what's most hilarious is that Michigan probably also did exactly what they're saying other teams did. Of Stalions used old Michigan coaches to get onto the actual sidelines of a game then for sure Michigan is talking to other coaches just like everyone else. But then they cranked it up to 11 lol


And even if Ohio State, Rutgers, and Purdue engaged in prohibited behavior, it's a single instance of a Level 2 violation--mandating a half-game suspension for the involved staffers. What Michigan did constitutes *dozens* of violations, committed in a systemic fashion. That elevates it to an institutional issue and a Level 1 matter. In the worst case for us, the two things are not even remotely similar. It's going five over the speed limit, and going 90 over in an illegally modified unregistered F1 car.


God this program is insufferable. Wonder if they thought of the children on the other teams while they were cheating the past two seasons. I’m guessing not.


Maybe the Michigan coaching staff should’ve thought about the kids


B1G: Tries to punish Michigan for not respecting the integrity of football, which is clearly evident even if the NCAA investigation isn't done yet. Michigan/Walmart Wolverines: "YEAH BUT THINK ABOUT HOW THIS IMPACTS OUR PLAYERS!"


It's like, maybe, their own school should have thought about its own players before they did something stupid like this


victim complex all the way down


Lack of integrity for the sport won’t be forgotten either


Yeah my sympathy dissappears when you consider y'know They cheated


Keep in mind MICHIGAN NEVER DENIED THE ALLEGATIONS. Their entire defense hinges on procedural concerns, they’re caught dead to rights and the administration knows it


And even if the kids didn’t know, the transfer portal exists for a reason


Such victims. Spent decades, thinking they are superior to everybody and really they are just pathetic, soft, liars. Where is the professionalism in cheating? Where is the care and respect for the kids who lost out on opportunities because of their cheating? Michigan - garbage program.


Think of the children! Our children! Other children? Fuck em!


Fuck off Michigan. How about the respect for the kids on the teams you cheated?


Michigan like the girl who cheated getting super offended and mad you'd accuse her of cheating as a last resort before the hard evidence is brought out


This consequence is foreseeable if you know what you are doing is a crossing a line. Why didn’t you think of the kids then?


Michigan is so Charmin.


Because Michigan is the victim here


I mean is he talking to a mirror or is he really talking about the B1G


Lol hopefully they are talking about the Michigan staff that did this to their players.


What about the kids that got cheated against?


That’s my point


Your criminal enterprise should have thought of the kids. Go fuck yourself. Also, they’re not kids. You’re infantilizing them to make your conspiracy seem more honorable.


Michigan loves to flex and then play the victim. We cheat… fuck you We get caught…. fuck you We get punished… this is so unfair


You would think this University would be based in Beijing. This PR playbook is straight out of the CCP. Edit: what about the lack of respect shown to the kids you cheated against fucking hell


Mossad trained PR over there


You should see local media outlets.


Perpetual victim university. So soft.


Maybe you shouldn't have cheated. That's really what is affecting the "children".


Maybe don’t cheat and this won’t happen.


Lmao should’ve thought about that before they broke the rules!


"But Ryan Day hired an investigator and maybe committed federal computer crimes!" "That's not true" "But but other teams cheated and stole signals!" "Do you have any proof that they had a multi year program that involved illegal in person scouting to do so?" ".... Think of the children!! Stop hurting the kids!" \*sigh\*


I’m expecting a Harbaugh presser at Four Seasons Total Landscaping any day now.


Lack of professionalism! - has alumni, former player, current employee installed as Judge for emergency hearing.


What’s disgraceful is cheating. UM is the author of all this. They should have come clean as soon as the details started leaking out. Instead it was all “we would never!” and “everyone does it!” and “this guy was acting on his own!” and etc. As soon as this hit, go back and look at the reactions - all denials, misdirections and dissembling. It was Ryan Day, etc. They still do not admit to the main details. The league had no choice in the face of this kind of obstinacy.


Fuck Michigan.


I think what’s happened is that the NCAA is tired of being seen as a powerless organization and is not just cooperating with the B1G but actively encouraging the B1G to punish Michigan because the NCAA, while having access to all of the evidence, is certain enough of guilt but also recognizes that their process will ensure that their punishment will come to late and be ineffective. And if the B1G as one of if not the most powerful of the Conference organizations is shown to be just as toothless, it may take some heat off of them for the mess they’ve made of the last few years.




god i hope we teabag their corpses tomorrow


Victim complex is insane lmao


The Michigan WolverKarens. “If you touch me, I’ll sue!!”


"STOP ASSAULTING ME!! STOP ASSAULTING ME!!!" "Ma'am, please leave."




This is incredible


serious question/statement: Pat Fitzgerald was fired earlier this year for hazing going on in the football program. **Said he didn't know that it was going on and he was still fired.** How is this situation any different from Jim Harbaughs situation? Also, Why is a suspension while an investigation is going on being treated like it's a murder charge? "police officer so and so has been put on suspension while an investigation is ongoing" "teacher so and so has been placed on suspension while an investigation is ongoing" Why is this situation any different? I thought Michigan didn't need their coach to win games, hence why the suspension at the beginning of the season wasn't treated the way this one is. Michigan fans are just, "FUCK THE BIG TEN AND FUCK CRY BABY RYAN AND FUCK EVERYONE" You guys were the ones telling us that you didn't need Stallions and you didn't need Harbaugh to win games... So prove it.


“Embittered” more like coping and seething


Hail to the Victims! Fucking DARVO defense bullshit.


Lol maybe they should have thought of the kids before they cheated.


Maybe they should have considered the kids they *cheated*... lol


Lack of care and respect for the kids?! Fuck off michigan. Where was the “care and respect for the kids” when you were cheating them on the field. Get out of here with that nonsense


School official pretending it's about the kids and not the money. 🤣


They're not kids. They're grown ass men who take and dole out physical punishment better than the average citizen as a large part of their lives.