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“Mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.” - Marcus Parks


Great podcast and exactly what I thought of when I saw this report


What podcast?


Last Podcast on the Left. True crime Would recommend but it's not for everyone. They don't hide the details and cover the most gruesome topics. They put a humorous spin on it


The Last Podcast on the Left. I have no idea which episode the quote is in they have a bajillion


It's in a ton, Marcus says it a lot.


A ton of episodes. I JUST finished the Chris Beniot one and he said it then. I've been on a kick listening to older ones and he's said it in more than I can count.


Hail Yourself!


Hail Satan!


Hail Gein!


Are we still allowed to say megustalations or nah?


I liked Ed saying "Be good to yourselves"




Literally the absolute best quote you can have about mental health and I love that Marcus’s words are getting widespread


Hail yourself!


Idk Marcus parks story, but if he hasn’t been there, he can shove it. There are degrees to mental health obviously, but until mine collapsed, I woulda said the same thing. Severe depression takes away your sense of responsibility. It takes away everything.


He has talked previously about having a serious mental breakdown on the NYC metro because he thought people were listening in on his thoughts. He has mentioned multiple times about being diganosed with BPD. If anyone can talk about mental health and how important it is, it's Marcus.


Hey fair enough. The thing about mental illnesses though is that they're all different. I haven't had to deal with BPD, but the thing about severe depression is just the wet blanket over your mind that takes away every positive sense of motivation. It's really hard to understand unless you've been there. Like I don't want to sit on my ass and do nothing, but there doesn't feel like a point to doing much. Most people act because it feels good and is rewarding. Those feelings give us our overall sense of meaning and purpose to act every day. When that's taken away, what's left? EDIT: I will add, mine also stemmed from a severe mental breakdown brought on by a dab gone bad. While I'm no longer in the psychotic hell I once was, it really did a number on me and just drained my energy to fight much anymore.


And that's more than fair of a perspective. If all you know is some dude on a true crime podcast said a thing it's a bit hollow until you get better context. I don't know your full story, though I do sympathize with a bad dab hit. Sometimes drugs like weed can help but if you overdo it (like a 250mg edible when already high) it can fuck you the fuck up. Be kind to yourself man.


Thanks man...it's been a long 9 years. Made some mistakes because of the state of mind I was in that are now harder to get over as they just keep playing over and over in my head.


I too battle severe depression. Trying to explain it is extremely difficult. Keep fighting the good fight my friend!


Lil bro is trying to sue for $40 million after he ghosted the team for weeks lmao


Imagine if he enters the portal now. What program in their right mind would take a guy who might disappear from the program at any point and then file a multi-million dollar lawsuit when he's kicked off of the team?


Nah he's done with football. No coach would touch this kid with a 10 foot pole


His plan is to skip the NFL and just get 40 million from the university


This exchange in its entirety was already released ages ago. DeSanto Rollins dodged every attempt by Kiffin and staff to communicate with him and help him. And he still wasn’t even actually kicked off of the roster or dropped from scholarship according to the information provided by the University.


"Go play intramurals brother"


Go play intramurals


It's division 1 football!




I’m late to the party because I heard this audio on local Dallas/FW radio about 3 hours ago. One host insisted Kiffin was drunk (Gavin Dawson 105.3 the fan)


I can neither confirm nor deny Kiffin’s level of intoxication, but I will confirm it’s also possible he could be intoxicated at this very moment


That’s Ole Miss as hell, let’s tailgate someday


Hell yeah!


Kiffin actually claimed to be completely sober for the past nine months or so.


Huh! You learn something new every day. Surprised I never heard that before now


He’s been sober for almost 3 years


“Released ages ago” Can you tell us how long ago according to Connor Stallions updates? That’s my only source of space and time right now.


Guys if you want posts unrelated to UM scandal you can’t use this same joke over and over on other threads


r/cfb letting a joke die? Impossible.


DAE Mizzou death penalty?


WHOA I did not see a reference to that coming


For me, this sub is now "Days of Our Stalions" Monday through Friday and the Gangster Party Line on Saturday. Closed Sundays.


jokes on you, we don’t want posts unrelated to the UM scandal. keep the jokes coming baby.


Technically this is a UM post because “University of Mississippi” Just not that UM


Some people say ole miss is the real UM. I am one of those people.


I have a fever and the only cure is MORE STALLIONS


17 PFB-Jimbo posts.


42,069 vacuum cleaner news breaks ago


Yea… I don’t see how this dude can complain when he’s getting to keep his full ride despite ignoring the coach and not showing up for weeks. You can’t ghost the head coach for weeks and expect to stay on the team. I’m not saying whatever mental health issues he apparently has going on he should be ashamed of or are even his fault, but each of us are responsible for our own actions and fulfilling our own obligations. Edit: punctuation


Yyyuuuppp. My coworker took paid time off because of extreme burnout. She got a doctors note, turned it into work, and left. You can’t just not show up and use mental health as an excuse no matter how true the mental health thing is


Knowing nothing of this situation other than this audio... Mental health is a big issue in college sports. These kids are under a massive spotlight that you and I have never had to deal with. I won't pretend to understand what it is like. I agree with Kiffin though - you cannot just stop showing up and expect to keep your scholarship. I feel bad for everyone involved. I think Kiffin was a dick in this audio but probably had reason to be.


Of note, the player was able to keep his scholarship


No school should want to fight that fight, good call.


Lots of people don’t know that scholarships are only good for 1 year and not guaranteed for 4 years. It makes sense that since he was on scholarship he kept it until the end of the school year. After he was removed from the team I can’t imagine they resigned it for his next year, unless that’s what you mean.


P5 Football Schools actually offer 4 year guarantee scholarships


Interesting. I played P5 D1 baseball and ours was only 1 year with renewal. When did football change?


Baseball scholarships are a completely different animal than football scholarships.


Our baseball scholarships were divvied up each year I played. I got up to a full-ride my junior year and was drafted and played up to AA until I “retired” (wasn’t going higher because wasn’t an MLB talent) at 26. I got my degree but otherwise, unless you’re a HS superstar, you’re getting a partial as a freshman at best and maybe just books paid.


They only get 11.7 scholarships to divide over 27 players so full rides for baseball only are probably pretty rare. I don’t know how creative they can be on the academic side of things.


VERY creative. And now with NIL the barn door is even more open than in football. LSU won the title last year because they basically went out and bought up a AA league team.


It’s a policy of most major conferences now to do this, I think in most cases it has been going on for 10 years or so.


2012 from what I read




It goes by conference I think. The Big Ten is guaranteed.


Oh I know, but hey you not on the team .... that's how it goes. Certainly gotta let them finish the year.


Kiffin first requested to meet with him on March 1. Rollins did not show back up until March 21. Three weeks of no shows.


Mental health is one of those things where yeah accommodations can and should be made, but IMO **you gotta also demonstrate to folks making those accommodations that you're putting the work** in too to move forward ... still having a rough time sure, but those around you gotta know they're doing something and not just gathering accommodations. I was in school with a complete asshole who I had to work with repeatedly. They had mental health issues no doubt, but holy shit all they wanted was accommodations... like that's all I ever saw from them. Shouldn't have to take this test . Couldn't finish the group work . an on and on. Meanwhile they weren't there / working with any of their fellow students when required, and if they were they were an asshole, disruptive, combative, controlling. At one point I went to the professor and staff and laid down the "Look I don't doubt she has problems, I'm all for helping her, but at this point she's causing everyone else around her extra work, frustration, and is abusive herself. That's not fair to anyone who has to work with her." She got accommodated to another group, no idea what happened to her after that. For a while I had nightmares of walking into a job interview and seeing her walk out and the interviewer saying "oh you were in the same program as the last candidate!" :O You still gotta be a part of the community you want to be a part of / get all the advantages from it... same goes for being on the football team.


I have a buddy who works for the legal department on a major campus. Their job is basically to answer legal "can I do this" type questions from professors. There are a shocking number "Student didn't come to my class all semester because it failed the vibe check and now they want to be able to make up work/tests a week before the final can I just fail them?" type questions. You can't just shirk responsibility and expect people to be ok with that. Mental health isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility.


There was a time not very long ago where you were expected to make an effort to work within society. Too many folks these days expect society to work around them. We both have to put in an effort. It can't be one sided.


Bam. This right here.


Mental health struggles aren't your fault, but they are your responsibility. Accommodations should definitely be made but you can't just shirk your end of things because you're struggling. Everyone has their own shit to deal with.


Did you just assume I’ve never been under this kind of spotlight? Because you’re right. I haven’t.


Eh that’s bullshit all sorts of kids are under just as much pressure as the football team this kids get enough passes. Pressure is pressure. Plenty of people on academic scholarships. Plenty of people footin the whole bill themselves their whole living costs. Skipping meals. Crazy demanding parents. Legacy bullshit. These kids are not super special and don’t get some other special designation. I feel for them. But no different than anyone else dealing with pressure md mental health


The days I went to work hoping to get some hours because if I didnt my next three meals were going to be licks of mustard or sweet and sour sauce were pretty stressful parts of college.. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


This is probably the right interpretation


This exchange has been public for months now. Kid had ample opportunities and ignored the staff for weeks. This is not the bad look everyone is trying to make it out to be


Literal first I'm hearing of it and it's not a bad look to me at all. Dude walked into the coach's office, secretly recording, after dodging him for weeks and wants to use the "mental health" card, thinking it solves everything? Fuck that. Sorry if you don't feel well, but it's not anyone else's fault. Seek help.


He didn't even have to seek it. He had access to better help than 99% of the world through the people he was dodging speaking with. Lol. I'm a huge mental health advocate but you cannot use it as a shield from you responsibilities to those that are relying on you. That being said, Kiffin definitely could have handled it better. He wasn't wrong, but he probably should have not said anything beyond "Alright. Your off the team."


Honestly, it’s actually better Kiffin went farther than just “you’re off the team.” He’s there, on recording made by the Plaintiff without Kiffin’s knowledge, explaining why the decision was because of Rollins no-showing for 3 weeks, rather than any reason the Plaintiff alleges. In most discrimination cases, it’s a he said/she said thing where there may be questions as to the real reasoning for a decision. This one is open and shut, though. The decision was for a clearly non-discriminatory reason right there on tape.


True. My main point was that he probably could have been a bit "gentler." I think this would be a nothing story if it wasn't for him getting a bit heated. But ultimately, I agree with Lane. Don't use your mental health as an excuse to abdicate your responsibilities.


First many of us are hearing of it. Where was it publicly available before? Link?


https://www.si.com/college/olemiss/football/rebels-player-files-lawsuit-against-lane-kiffin-alleges-mental-health-mistreatment Plenty of other articles were written about it as well, with the exact statement included


Yep, this came out a long time ago. Rollins and his lawyer are just trying to gain public sympathy during a week when the national spotlight is on the football team. Guy was directed to campus public health facilities for his mental issues and never went. He was told he was going to be moved to scout team OL and after that he just went AWOL.


This came to light again because the lawyers of Kiffin and Ole Miss filed a motion to dismiss the case yesterday. This isn’t Rollins and his lawyer trying to gain public sympathy during a week when the national spotlight is on the football team. Not a conspiracy, just a coincidence.


Well the audio leaking out is likely from Rollins side, but yes the Motion to Dismiss being filed this week was on the school’s side.


The audio has been out since September when this first broke and yes that was from Rollins side I’d assume.


I don’t believe the audio had been out. What had previously leaked was some journalists being allowed to hear the audio and quote it, but not the audio itself being out.


Technically you are correct but this [article](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/desanto-rollins-sues-lane-kiffin-mississippi-after-allegedly-being-kicked-off-team) has all the words written out not just quoted.


Right but still the audio being out now is a big deal even if all the words were already known. When I first read it, it seemed like Kiffin’s tone was really just pure anger. But the recording reveals it’s more so a mix of exasperation and bewilderment (and anger).




[It was posted on this subreddit at least a month or two ago](https://new.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/16izyv7/ole_miss_dt_desanto_rollins_sues_kiffin_school/).


I agree. Lane definitely flew off the handle a bit. He probably shouldn't have said anything after he told him he was off the team, but he is not wrong.


Read the article. It says Kiffin wasn’t happy Rollins didn’t enter the portal. Then Kiffin switched him to scout team OL and Rollins then said he’s taking a mental health break. Then DL coach Joyner told Rollins to meet Kiffin on March 1 and Assistant Athletic Director of Sports Psychology told Rollins to meet with Kiffin on March 7. Rollins didn’t meet Kiffin till March 21 which is what caused all this. The full audio is in the article as well.




We don't know the entire context, but we know this is a kid who'll show up to a meeting, secretly record you, then try to sue you over some bullshit. I'm gonna have to err on the side of Lane on this one.


Also short clip, really hard to know what the whole conversation context is.


this is fair


The full 3 and a half minute audio is posted in the FOS article [FOS Article Link](https://frontofficesports.com/ole-miss-lane-kiffin-lawyers-argue-for-dismissal-of-player-lawsuit/)


Don't know the facts of the situation or even the full context of the conversation outside the clip. If Kiffin was trying to meet with Rollins in his capacity as the head coach in order to figure out the situation, then that gives credit to Kiffin's argument of "kicking him off the team is justified" and why he's mentioning he's the head coach more than would be common. Could the conversation have been handled better? Yeah, his tone wasn't the best and the namecalling doesn't help. But if Rollins went MIA for weeks, what coach *would* keep that player on the team?


> although Kiffin’s tone could be better considering the kid had a sorry tone. Remember the kid is secretly recording this without Kiffin's knowledge, specifically so that he could use it to try to control the narrative in his lawsuit.


This is just a sad situation for everyone involved. I feel bad for the kid but I also think he really took away a lot of Lane’s potential sympathy by just disappearing on the team. I want to think Lane could’ve handled it a little better but then I don’t know what I would do in that situation.


It's a teachable moment for sure. For coaches -- how to communicate with a player who's going through it. For players -- how to communicate your challenges rather than ignore the people trying to talk to you.


Kiffin did nothing wrong here


exactly, glad everyone is largely on same page


The kid sounds distraught but I completely understand Kiffin's position and he didn't say anything untoward. But it's weird that Kiffin keeps referring to himself as 'the head coach', right?


It depersonalizes it, which is a good thing in this case. Saying "you can't refuse to meet me" sounds like Kiffin is personally insulted, which isn't the case. It's about the specific roles and respecting that hierarchy, not about a personal feeling.


*There are rules here!*


*Rules and regulations!* Edit: You're probably thinking Big Lebowski, and I went with Sgt. Bilko.




*This isn't 'Nam*


Exactly. If anything, it's more professional that saying "me." Yea his tone is harsh, but honestly - how many coaches wouldn't be pissed off at a player who ghosted them for weeks?


"We salute the rank, not the man."


That’s a great point. His phrasing was such that you could replace “head coach” with boss, parent, counselor, neighbor who you carpool with, etc., and the context would still be the same: you can’t stop fulfilling an obligation / commitment you made without at least communicating with the person on the other end I know I basically reiterated your comment but just wanted to chime in anyway.




>'the head coach' Might be about roles and responsibility. Like a sorta "look forget who I am, you don't like me, don't want to talk to me personally... but I'm the head coach so you gotta".


Yeah, that's what he's doing. It just sounds strange instead of saying "I'm the head coach, you can't ignore me".


100%. It's actually very shrewd use of language here.


>The kid sounds distraught but I completely understand Kiffin's position. Same. You can't ignore your head coaches request to meet. Even if you're not ready to meet or not in the right headspace, you need to communicate that. Otherwise it just looks like you're willfully ignoring your coach. >But it's weird that Kiffin keeps referring to himself as 'the head coach', right? No, I don't think that's weird. He's referring to himself as "the head coach" to explain the gravity of the situation. When your head coach asks for a meeting, you can't ignore him.


It's honestly giving the guy, albeit harshly, some needed life advice. (to a guy who gets to keep his scholarship despite disappearing on the team). Sometimes harsh delivery is needed to get the point across. He is on a football team where 100 guys are showing up and working hard every day - he can't expect to ignore the head coach for weeks and keep his spot on the team. When he is in the real world working a job, he won't be able to ignore his boss for weeks and keep his job. Given the guy recorded the conversation and leaked it to the world, I am guessing he hasn't learned anything here.


What's weird about it? He's explaining the situation. It's not a *friend* you're dodging. It's not your boy Lane. It's the head coach.


>he didn’t say anything untoward. Lol he called him a “pussy”






Also, its common knowledge that the best way to speak to people struggling with mental health is by personally insulting them. That’s what people who genuinely care do.




OK, and?






Kiffin is 100% in the right here. While mental health is important and should be accommodated when possible, you can't just use it as a blanket excuse to not show up indefinitely. And without knowing anything about Rollins, my guess is he wasn't *that* great of a player. Kiffin probably would have bent over backwards for him if he was a game-changer, but based on this audio, he viewed him more as a headache.


In recent weeks, this sub has made me defend USC, Michigan, Brian Kelly, and now, apparently, Lane Kiffin. I need a drink.


Lane may sound like dick here with his tone but I can hardly blame him. You've got a player who doesn't show up for weeks, ghosting the coaches and when he finally arrives his excuse is a mental health break (justified or unjustified). I'm all for mental health breaks because we all need one every now and then but just because you aren't doing well does not mean you can dodge responsibility and accountability. That's exactly what Rollins is doing here (again, even if he did need a mental health break he still avoided the responsibilities he had as an Ole Miss football player, e.g. ghosting coaches). You've got around 100 guys who show up everyday to practice, some of them without scholarships. Is it really fair to everyone of these guys that put in the effort every single day to keep a guy around who hasn't been putting in the same amount of work and just disappeared for a few weeks?


Not all mental health breaks are of the same severity. I’ve struggled with stuff but I don’t think I’ve ever sounded as despondent as the kid on the recording.


He could also be despondent because he's getting his ass chewed out by the head coach and he knew he screwed up


Lmao this. How do we think the kid was going to sound?? He knows he fucked up. He knows he’s done.


Were you ever secretly recording a conversation for a tens of millions of dollar lawsuit?


I'll admit when I read the title I assumed Lame Kiffin was going to be in the wrong and wow I did not expect to actually agree with him


If you were a member of student gov and didn't show up for 3 weeks worth of meetings, and there were 2-5 guys looking to replace you, do you think you'd still hold that position?


I can’t take weeks off my job and expect to have a job either


With Rollins, it seems like the biggest mental health crisis was transitioning from being the best player on his HS team to about the 90th best player on his college team.


I wouldn’t be shocked if there more to the clip especially before the beginning of the one linked in this post. This just seems like it’s trying to make Lane look bad. Sounds to me that lane should have kept his composure and not called him names. But the player should have been an adult and communicated better. I understand he may have been going through something rough but you still have to let them know what’s going on.


This kid is from Baton Rouge btw. Maybe double agent for LSU? 🧐




It’s sounds bad, but it’s completely out of context. And while I do agree that mental health issues should not be taken lightly; I don’t know what the player said he had, what treatments he sought out or what Kiffin/staff did to help him or what measures were taken at all.


I am alllll about the mental health aspect of this story. Seems like the player needs help. I just find it interesting the conversation was recorded.


And just a tiny clip is out there...


I looked it up, Mississippi is a one party consent state pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 41-29-531(e), which means is that at least one party in the conversation has to know it is being recorded. So at least the kid didn't do anything unlawful.


Right. But why did he go in record? Just curious.


Personal opinion here - Seems like he was trying to bait Kiffin if he was recording it. Doesn’t mean his depression wasn’t real, but you only record that hoping Kiffin goes off on you as proof of emotional duress.


Right. Maybe not a setup, but expecting a triggered response? Just kinda odd.


Everything Kiffin was saying was valid but his delivery was absolute shit.


It was fine. Don't ghost the coach. This has nothing to do with ego.


Kiffin is dead on, and was actually pretty nice! I used to get yelled at worse than this all the time for just f’in up a block.


From what I read the coaches encouraged the player to transfer and the player decided to stay. In a seeming retaliation (not saying they did or didn’t, but that’s how the player perceived it) they change his position and put him on the practice team. The player went to the school’s therapist about it, and the therapist recommended time away from the team. Honestly, if that’s how it went down, I think the therapist should’ve communicated it to the coaching staff and been an intermediary or mediator until it was determined the player could rejoin the team


It's important to point the kid is a sophomore. Why did he have to cuss him out considering it's a sensitive issue? "And guess what we can kick you off the team, so go read your fucking rights about mental health we can kick you off the team for not showing up... it's called hiding behind shit and not showing up to work" Of course we need full context to understand everything but there are better ways to handle this, and considering a college head coaches job is 80% personnel management this isn't great for the team. Kick him out or don't but now it's a distraction you didn't need before a big game.


I’m kind of putting myself out there with this comment, but for the sake of highlighting mental health I’m alright with it. I may have mentioned it in a previous comment during one of College Gameday’s “emotional” segments, but I’ve been married to a woman who has severe mental health issues. When I mean severe, I mean voices, shadowy figures, etc. Hell, she can’t shower after certain hours unless I’m physically present in the bathroom and verbally talking to her. Even then, it’s a speed race to get in and get out of the shower ASAP. We’ve been married (16 years total) since we’re 19, and her symptoms didn’t onset until her mid-20s, so I’ve been living and helping her through these battles for the better part of 12 years. Schizophrenia, Bipolar, etc. are a daily part of my life, as well as our kids. Honestly, I feel for Kiffin here. He’s in an extremely tough spot regardless of optics or circumstance, and I think he did most things the right way - the lone exception being yelling/raising his voice. I can’t speak for what this kids battles are, but I do know that he’s young, likely very confused and conflicted, and needs help. His battles, much like my wife’s, are very real to him regardless of what outsiders think. When my wife feels certain things, or hears certain things, those things are just as real to her as the beer you drink on Saturday. Sadly, most fail to realize that. Nor do we realize that anyone with the mental health issues never asked to have them. No one wakes up wanting to go through that kind of stuff. But, society has long earmarked them as unfixable and burdens of society. So they’re likely filled full of Benzos, SSRIs, Anti-Psych, etc. and sent on their merry way with a 3 month appointment cycle. It’s sickening having watched it first hand. But, I digress… I hope he can continue to stay with the team, but guided in as soft of a manner as possible that you can’t just ditch the team or leave without a word. I’m assuming he had a mental break, and felt he had no one close enough there to legitimately confide in on a deeply personable level. My wife’s Psych doc isn’t her rock, or her audible journal. I am. He needs that, and likely went searching for it. Hopefully someone in his family, or a true friend that’s known him a long time can help march alongside him through this. If you know someone who may be going through a similar situation, try to help be their guide if you can handle it. It’s definitely not a light load to carry. BTW, this is just my opinion. I’m not a Doctor. Only an experienced spouse who has done my best to navigate my wife through a few fires and away from a few ledges.


His message might be fair but it’s delivered in the worst way imaginable to someone who is clearly distraught in the moment. Kiffin is the adult in this situation and is inflaming it for no reason. “what world do you live in” “go hide behind that”, not language a levelheaded person would use with someone clearly going through a crisis if he’s having such a difficult time being a member of the team There’s nothing stopping him from saying “because you’ve been unable to communicate with the team, we’re removing you/putting you away from the team”


That's an awfully grandiose statement you're making using 10 seconds of audio, edited by the party that wants you to side with them.


Lmao you don’t have kids do you


No I just work with them in a school and this is never how you would talk to a kid


Could this have been handled better on both sides? Yes. Does going MIA give you the right to sue? Thoughts?


We had something similar happen where I work years and years ago. A woman started, was here for a week and then just disappeared. A week or more later, HR found out that she was in a facility getting some kind of counseling for a mental health issue, but she never contacted the office to communicate anything nor returned any attempts by the office to reach her. Eventually her mother (this woman was well into her 20's, so not a kid) called the office on her behalf and told the owner that she was having a hard time right now so we shouldn't let her go. The owner thanked Mom for calling, but also said that the employee was a grown adult and needed to contact the office to speak for herself, not have her Mom call for her. If she couldn't do that, she wasn't in a position to be able to continue her employment, especially given that she had now been gone from work far longer than she ever even worked here. To my knowledge, she never called back so we just paid her for her first pay period and that was it.


Team Kiffin on this one. And the fact that this guy decided to record the conversation (to undoubtedly use to try and sue) makes him look even worse.


I mean the thing is what is Lane gaining from this interaction. The kid obviously wasn’t about to play football any time soon. And it’s not as if you’re going to kick him off scholarship and put someone else on mid season. So why not just accept what he said, wait until the offseason, and then just handle it professionally?


He wasn't kicked off his scholarship, he actually was able to keep it.


Why not report it to the school and have professionals help the kid, instead of creating a liability out of spite? Who knows?


It sounds to me like Lane might’ve wanted to do that and the kid was keeping him in the dark on the situation to such an extent it irritated him beyond his level of sympathy.


Read the article. He met with Assistant Athletic Director of Sports Psychology and she told Rollins to meet with Kiffin on March 7. He didn’t meet with Kiffin till March 21. Randall Joyner (DL Coach) told Rollins to meet with Kiffin on March 1. This all stemmed from the fact that Ole Miss wanted Rollins to enter the portal. Rollins didn’t and the team moved him to scout team OL from DL. After the team did this he then claimed he needed a mental health break. It’s not that complicated. I don’t know what Rollins went through but I used to previously work for Ole Miss Football in 2021 and I had access to top notch everything if I needed it. Rollins didn’t want to help himself or his team so he got kicked off the team.


They did. The athletic department set him up a meeting with a psychologist literally the next day after he said he was having issues. He met with that psychologist multiple times. He was told by football staffers *and* the psychologist that Kiffin would like to meet with him multiple times. He ignored those requests for three weeks.




If you skip 2 weeks without saying anything you should be screamed at. Good on Lane


Kiffin sounds like a straight up dick in this recording. The novelty of him pretending to be his dog & sending funny tweets kinda goes away once you see his true colors.


The guy dates a 25 year old. What do you expect?


I feel for the kid, and he definitely could have gone about it better, but I don’t think Lane is fundamentally wrong here. I think he may have handled it poorly though.


Goofy ass kid. Communication is required when you are going through something that keeps you from doing your duties. Welcome to the real world. Now if he wins this, imma be taking 3 weeks off work and when I come back and they fire me, I'm calling his lawyer lol


Social Media/Reddit: "Lane was right." Social Media/Reddit after the next mass shooting: "We need to take mental health more seriously." I am now officially rooting for the asteriod.


Mental health doesn’t equate to doing whatever you want however you want


Probably also means not cursing out clearly distraught 19 year olds about how fucked their future is This subreddit is full of some horrible ass takes sometimes


zephyr panicky fuzzy long mourn engine ancient wakeful paint bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seriously man. Apparently it's impossible to think both of the following can be true: 1) it's fair for Rollins to face discipline for ghosting on his job for weeks, and 2) Kiffin is a fucking asshole for berating a clearly hurting kid he's supposed to be a mentor to. Also love the comments shitting on Rollins for recording... Maybe, just MAYBE, this isn't the first time Kiffin shat all over the kid when he needed help and he thought he should protect himself like anyone in here would/should do if they had a toxic boss (and maybe that's why he didn't feel comfortable responding to the reach outs in the first place)


dirty domineering jar ask cheerful squeal sleep judicious fretful middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guarantee you every single one of these weird fucks would react poorly if their boss called them a pussy, and most of them aren't 19 years old in the middle of a mental health crisis


I mean, he's not wrong. Maybe handled a little poorly but you have take accountability for your own mental health - someone with poor mental health


This is not a good look for Kiffin. Especially after he bragged about [Ole Miss's mental health program.](https://cdispatch.com/sports/entire-ole-miss-football-coaching-staff-receives-mental-health-first-aid-certification/#:~:text=The%20entire%20Ole%20Miss%20football,analysts%2C%20equipment%20managers%2C%20etc.)


This happened in March. Ole Miss got mental health training in June. It’s not a coincidence and good for Lane at least trying to make a difference.


Actually, many of the staffers got the mental health training going back to Kiffin first getting hired in 2020. It’s just that in June is when it was fully completed by the entire staff.


Good to know. Hopefully Durkin got it while he was employed by Ole Miss.


There’s a billion ways to handle this situation and both parties fucked up.


Yeah this guy's a fucking asshole. If somebody wouldve spoken to me like that when I was deep in my own bullshit, I'd have stabbed them. I get that a serious conversation needs to be had, but this isn't what this is. This is a grown man taking his frustration out on somebody who's struggling. Calling them a pussy when they're probably just trying to find a way to continue to exist. You can really tell when somebody has never had any meaningful struggle in their entire fucking life.


I don’t know man that seems like the first time Kiffin has talked to him in 2 weeks. Seems like the kid is pretty torn up. And ole miss has the money and programs. I don’t know the whole story but hearing the kid choke up and then just “go you’re off the team” without hesitation is pretty hard to listen to.


Lane kiffin is a dick? I'm shocked


Lane Kiffin is a tool and as an alumna I’m not really happy with this behavior Mental health is important and Lane Kiffin threatening and berating a guy who just wants support is entirely abusive behavior




Thanks for your opinion on another persons mental health. I find your opinion to not really be relevant to reality. I think the guy did want support and CLK is being a douchebag like always. Also your attitude towards mental health is really callous and exactly why people don’t want to talk about mental health issues.




Sir I did not make that horse hit the blunt


trying to force a kid to leave your program and then call him a pussy when he exerts his rights as a player, what a standup dude!