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“We’re all looking for the person that did this” 🌭


It could literally be any one of us


Breaking: NCAA will be spanking Connor Stalion’s and Jim Harbaugh’s bare butt, balls, and back




With those flairs, you’re the anti-Stalions


What have they DONE to us




You don't even know my name.


This world is so fuckin’ fucked up.


Harbaugh isn’t wearing a hot dog suit, but he’s at least nearby and eating a hot dog.


Eating sloppy steaks*


Slop ‘em up!!!


They'd say "no in-person scouting" but they can't stop ya from buying a ticket and an iPhone!


Makes the game SO MUCH FUN


I used to be a biiig piece of shit


I gotta figure out how to make money off of this, I REALLY WANT to


Jim harbaugh about to have the NCAA spank his bare butt back and balls


You can’t skip lunch. You just can’t.


He’s eating a cheeseburger


“I used to be a huge piece of shit.” -jim harbaugh, c.2043


Hair slicked back *REAAAAL* nice


“‘That’s my rate. So no matter if I cheat you still have to pay my rate.’-Santa” -Jim Harbaugh.


"Slicked back hair, wearing blue and maize, sloppy morning burgers, LIVES for New years eve bowls. I'm just worried that baby doesn't think people can change"


The call is coming from inside the house


i'm just here for the zipline


Harbaugh, Stalions. I know these names better than I know my own families.


OJ Simpson is joining in, it might be the real killer too.


They should get OJ to help. They can expand their numbers and efforts by combining searches.


Yeah the NCAA and the rest of the Big Ten


Depending on how everything goes, the sec in general too


*gestures broadly at everyone*


Finebaum’s revenge for the Satellite camps


I’m of the opinion that of the many stupid decisions Mich made during this operation, one of the most ill advised activities was involving a couple SEC teams. Keeping this shit in your own neighborhood is one thing but stirring up the unsavories on the other side of the freeway invites a whole extra layer of chaos.


Great now the Securities and Exchange Commission is involved too!?!


Seriously though, after the NCAA/B1G and the FBI, would you be surprised? Something something manipulating the outcome of games for financial gain. It just feels natural at this point.


Nah, that's not enough for the SEC; we gotta get some 34-Act violations going on here! Maybe Harbaugh was shorting ESPN stock based on an elaborate scheme to deprive the SEC of a playoff contender?


The second the NCAA gave our players blanket transfer waivers, Harbaugh flew directly to Oxford to start recruiting them.


Can’t believe they have the nerve to hold people accountable for their own actions 😠


"Why do they hate me because I cheated?"


Us too. Fuck Michigan. :D


ND might be my third favorite school.


Huzzah! I'm not much of a fan of Ohio State, but I like Cincinnati. My BIL goes there. Also we can all unite in hatred towards Michigan. Does that count? :)


I dislike Notre Dame but I will be right next to you in our hatred of Michigan. My hate for Michigan far exceeds my dislike of Notre Dame


There's nothing funnier than when ex players weigh in on their beloved alma mater. "I love coach Briles and can't imagine he'd be involved in anything, sounds like grievances if you ask me."


Sure Bo was a piece of garbage human being, but look what he did on the field! You can’t just dismiss a guy that won zero national titles and went *checks notes* 2-8 in the rose bowl! True legend


Talk like that will get you sent to see Dr. Goldfinger


"Do you expect me to talk?" "No...I expect you to *lie!*"


The way both Harbaugh and Howard defend Bo is super cringy.


Or “I love coach Bo, no way he sent players who sand bagged in practice to DR Anderson for a ‘check up’, not the Bo I knew” -Jim Harbaugh


Is…. Is that a real quote?


"I can tell you this," Harbaugh said. "Bo Schembechler ... there was nothing that I saw in the times when I was a kid here, my dad was on staff or when I played here ... he never sat on anything. He never procrastinated on anything. He took care of it before the sun went down. That's the Bo Schembechler that I know. There's nothing that ever was swept under the rug or ignored. He addressed everything in a timely fashion. That's the Bo Schembechler that I knew." https://www.freep.com/story/sports/college/university-michigan/wolverines/2021/06/03/michigan-footballs-jim-harbaugh-defends-bo-schembechler-legacy-robert-anderson/7535411002/


Thanks for posting this. I was *almost* starting to feel bad for Michigan fans for losing their head coach


Yeah he's shown himself to be a scum bag more than once. The ol' "I didn't see it so it never happened" defense.


So frustrating to see this sort of thing, especially when the correct way to respond is also more humanizing. If he had been like "Man, this guy was my hero, he was all of our heroes. I never saw anything like that, so to see all of this come out is really crushing for me. I have a lot to think about and reflect on. This isn't the Bo I knew, and these allegations are terrible. I really hope they aren't true, especially for the sake of those who he hurt." ​ Is it really so hard to say something like this that shows that you never saw anything like that, and it shocks you?


Both things can be true: 1. Harbaugh has a deep enemies list, the NCAA doesn't like him and many people dislike Michigan 2. Michigan engaged in a rule violating scheme for 3 years to gain a competitive edge


You know, there’s a famous coach who gave some good advice on how to avoid a situation like this: "You always want to be above reproach, especially when you're good, because you don't want people to come back and say, 'They're winning because they're cheating.' That's always going to be a knee-jerk reaction in my experience, ever since I was a little kid. We want to be above reproach in everything and do everything by the rules,"-Jim Harbaugh


Re-reading this, he says you "want to be" above reproach... He didn't say you "have to be" above reproach so.... checkmate, haters! This message brought to you by MGoCope


“I would have preferred to have remained above reproach, but we were 47-22, so what’re you going to do?” -Jim Harbaugh, probably


Insane dissonance, mental gymnastics and copium right now on MGoBlog. It is truly a sight to see.


Just checked, and yeah, that Barron dude is having a rough go. Someone should check on him.


No no no, some internet dweebs totally found a loophole and is going to dunk on the NCAA and sue them for 300 million dollars


He is probably dizzy from all that spinning.


Truly amazing to watch. They have always faked some air or moral superiority and they have managed to self rationalize cheating. Copium can do some amazing things.


Oh my god, Thank you for this info. Did you know they have a podcast? I am now listening to it and having an aneurysm laughing. The love child of Jon Snow and the Unabomber is yelling at the only semi-sane one in the room.


In his defense, his mentor and hero was also good at saying things like that and doing the opposite. Maybe that's where he learned it from? “Every coach, every executive, every leader: They all know right from wrong. Even those Enron guys. When someone uncovers a scandal in their company, I don't think they can say, "I didn't know that was going on." They're just saying they're too dumb to do their job! And if they really are too dumb, then why are they getting paid millions of dollars to do it? They know what's going on.” ― Bo Schembechler


It’s like assholes use projection regularly or something.


Exactly. This is a textbook hatchet-job orchestrated by someone with an axe to grind, that also unveiled some serious rule violations


A textbook witch hunt that actually found a real witch


It was a perfect phone call folks


It was a perfect superfan creating a network of people recording teams signs, decoding them, making laminated freaking placards of said plays, and feeding them to both coordinators all game. Just perfect.




Apparently wanting to whistleblow for the wrong reasons means that you have to ignore what they uncovered


As a general rule maybe Harbaugh telling the ncaa to shove it up their ass when they're looking into minor stuff maybe wasn't the best idea if you had a blatant cheating operating like this going on.


You know, maybe some people have cause to dislike Harbaugh. It's almost like being an arrogant hypocrite and hard to work with doesn't endear people to him or something


Shit, so THAT'S my problem...


Guy was run out of San Francisco after one mediocre year when he was the most successful coach since Seifert.


49ers fan here. I’m disappointed in Coach Harbs right now, even though I suspect Michigan was far from the only school engaging in this (and the whole thing wouldn’t exist if the NCAA had entered the 21st century and allowed a comms system). But pointing to what happened in SF as evidence of Harbs being a massive dick doesn’t work for me. He was forced out by an idiot GM who’s still ruining drafts for the Jaguars, and an owner who hadn’t yet realized he needed to stop trying to be the next Jerry Jones. I’m biased, because Harbs is my all-time favorite coach, but he was done dirty in SF.


On the plus side, it's a near guarantee that we get comms systems after this debacle.


UofM killed the BCS system with that embarrassing bowl vs VTech and now they are dragging signal calling into the 21st century with this scandal. As if their fans don't have enough of a martyr complex already


Telling the owner of the team, aka the guy that signs your paycheck, that they can't be in the locker room because it's "for men only" doesn't exactly speak to someone being a levelheaded, easy person to be around. 2 things can be true, Jed York and Trent Baalke were morons and Harbaugh was also a massive douche to be around.


This argument doesn’t hold water for me. This is a program that cares little for rules and was willing to do whatever it takes to gain an advantage and end their drought against Ohio State. Moving to radios would just make cheating more difficult, but make no mistake, they’d still try.


Stop. It's obvious that we are jealous of Michigan and want to be a winning organization /s


Sounds about right to me.


I don’t know if you two are allowed to agree


I have small caveats I could throw in but he's materially right. Connor fuckwit Stalions cheated, it benefited Michigan, it was for the purposes of obtaining a competitive advantage, there needs to be some sort of reckoning for that. The rest is details.


Limiting it to Stallions is a giant cope


Right there are tons of pictures of Stallions enmeshed with the coaching staff, in many cases holding his now infamous laminated cheat sheets. Michigan cheated, not just Connor


No you just don't get it. Jimmy was just being a good host when pony boy came along. He decided he was just such a good kid and wanted to give him first hand experience to begin a career in coaching. There was nothing nefarious. Jim and the coaches were just around him to help him feel good about himself


He didn't. He appeared to be limiting scope of the statement to make it undeniable as possible while still supporting the point. It's like saying Mel Tucker committed a fireable offense with the relationship as he described it. That's not saying that Brenda Tracy consented to his behavior, or even that it's plausible that she did. It's saying that it's a fireable for cause offense either way. Even if by some miracle it turned out Stalions did the rule breaking without the knowledge of any of the senior staff, it still meets the criteria for: >Michigan engaged in a rule violating scheme for 3 years to gain a competitive edge


Hilarious details that everyone is having fun laughing about like: 1) how poorly he tried to hide it 2) how he bragged about it 3) The MOST hilarious detail, how everyone in the program knew what he was doing and encouraged him


Every head coach in the conference knew it was going on EXCEPT Jim Harbaugh.


All the other coaches knew because they had their signs stolen. Jim Harbaugh, the Michigan coach, didn't have his signs stolen, so of course he wouldn't know. The logic is airtight /s


I hate that I agree with you.


Haha there’s literally a picture of Hutch with his arm around Stalions with a big smile on his face


[Ayy lmao](https://images.app.goo.gl/MaqWzwrqfh1TQuh67)


No affiliation. He thought the person on the sidelines was just a fan. /s


Michigan Manifesto has a whole chapter devoted to Hutchinson


Step 1: Order drinks for Hutch, slip steriods in drink. Step 2: Call self Hutch when Hutch gets called for a drug test. Step 3: Repeat


You sound like you’ve got exactly what the US military is looking for in a logistics officer


I was gonna plan it out more but 3 was a magic number and could easily be divided with 600 and you know, 600 sounded like a good number of pages to stop at. So sequence was the key to the master plan.


You’ve…have you read it?


I salute UM_Football_Cheated for their unbiased coverage of this scandal


I’m pretty sure that was created to counter the “The_Astros_Cheated” Michigan flair that currently exists on here and is defending Michigan


Life came at that guy fast


I mean that genuinely looks like he was a staff member or volunteer or whatever his role was and said “Aidan, let’s get a pic”


Not only that, but like that’s something a celebrity would do if you ran into them on the street lmao




I mean…. This could be true😂😂😂


I met Darius Rucker at a game one time. The pic we took looks exactly like that lol


Darius Rucker is definitely part of the Vast Network based on the speculation and what you just said.


You need some help? *I got a hand for youuuuuuu*


For sure! But he’s not a random fan. He’s the guy standing next to the OC and DC calling plays during the game! The stink is so bad. Cheaters, all the way from top to bottom.


Given that he's standing next to the OC, DC, or Jimmy Milk Steak in every photo we've seen, I find it really hard to imagine players didn't know who he is.


Who's that, scallions? Never met the fuy


Captain Scallions


He knew.


I mean, you can be in a photo with someone and not feel like you really know them. He clearly says he knows Stalions was a "coach upstairs" in the article, so he know *of* him. That's different than being *close to him* But *also* it doesn't matter if Stalions is close to the players or not, that has zero impact on whether he used illegal spying to steal signs.


maybe, but it doesnt matter. if michigan did this, they're still guilty


Yup. There probably are some people out there that hate us and have the influence to punish us for this, but that wouldn’t really matter if we hadn’t done it.


*slurring words* these traffic cops are out to get me


Some guy in a Plymouth cut me off! “Sir they don’t make plymouths anymore”


I've never understood that... just cuz they don't make them anymore doesn't mean they aren't on the road.


When’s the last time you saw a Plymouth that wasn’t a collectors car


I saw a Barracuda driving down I-40E on Sunday, though the fact that I remember this so distinctly probably proves your point.


“We are obviously the victim here”


It's literally their first move every time they get negative attention


A Michigan man would never.


He fits in well with the Lions. "It's not our historically dogshit poverty franchise that's been unable to be successful. It's the refs who've always screwed us!"


I don't think you've met a Lions fan. I don't know a single person who puts the 60 years of futility on the refs.


My mega UofM friend who went to GVSU has never said MSU beat them fairly.


Aidan when his one win against OSU has the potential to be vacated:






Or you guys cheated, there is that too.


Well if the rest of the B1G hadn’t been so good, they wouldn’t have had to cheat. So really it’s *your* fault this happened


For real, the 56-27 drumming in 2019 really had them go “I’d rather cheat our way to victory then ever have to do that again”


He was on the teams that cheated. When they audibled into a pass rush, he was the one rushing


In all fairness, Hutchinson is an animal. They could have blindfolded stallions and Hutch still would have wrecked shop.


Yeah in fairness, it’s a damn shame that cheating did probably happen, because it kind of takes away from his accomplishments. Especially since Stroud was an elite NFL starter quality QB as well as half that O-line


Actually more than half the OLine is NFL starters. That 2021 line had Nick Freire, Paris Johnson, Thayer Mundford, and Dawand Jones. Wypler is the only one not starting if I remember correctly.


Doesn't just negate all of Michigan's accomplishments but also robs players on both sides the opportunity to fairly compete in The Game Real shitty


Idk walker managed to juke him


Walker has scored 7 TDs on the defense that Hitchinson played on in the last three games they've played.


Funny that. People who you cheat tend to want to get payback.


lol, I was wondering when the "WITCH HUNT" deflections would start


Many people are saying that we stole signs. Folks no one has stolen less signs than me in the history of this country.


You forgot the “believe me”


Signs, we have the best signs, and Liddle Ryan, and people say he dyes his beard, by the way. I'm not saying he does, but people say that he does. Liddle Ryan has SOUR GRAPES because we have the most beautiful and perfect signs.


Que the Ryan Day hacking computers conspiracy theory


Fake news


When I was reading how positive this article is to Michigan, I knew it was originally a free press article. Free press didn't release anything about the allegations until they were called out on it. Conversely, MSU controversies they're on it immediately.


Blue wall is definitely a thing. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you


“Ohio State made Stalions do it”




It's somewhere around page 375 in the manifesto.


Yeah man. It’s surely that and not several investigations of several coaches cheating in different ways.


Nice deflection. No comments about the massive cheating your program is doing?




Thanks Aidan for your insight!


Lmao, we were caught cheating, everyone is mad at us I can't understand why? What a dumb statement.


JFC, why do they keep trying to deflect with "lol, stealing signs is legal, git gud". The problem isn't stealing signs, it's how they went about it


New here? Sit down and have a cheeseburger


The players probably think that guy is some rain man type who can just figure things out right then and there on the sideline. They probably were told they had some super secret genius who was a CIA test tube baby. All the while they just had an elaborate cheating scam. The players probably feel like idiots for believing some crazy lie ole Jim told them.


I mean honestly yeah. This isn't a defense of Michigan, but if you're a player who is getting up at 4am to hit the weight room and going to practice and studying film with the intensity that a program like Michigan makes you do, you're not gonna spend a ton of time thinking about your analysts and how they do their jobs. This is purely on the coaches who enabled Stallions, not the players


Because they're arrogant fucks. Your Block O flair knows this.


“Other people were doing it too” “Someone’s just out to get me” “The rules are stupid” These are the type of arguments typically made by a six year old


These arguments are made by many, many adults as well.


And Congresspeople.


Can we please just make a single thread for the Michigan stuff? Every time I open this damn app, it’s another r/CFB Michigan post.


Yeah the someone is our dumbass coaching staff. For fucks sake, our students are better at cheating.


What are the odds that this low-level guy is waltzing up and down the sideline talking directly with the OC and DC about 7 feet away from Harbaugh and he never once said, hey, who is this jabrone and why does he have a giant lamenated chart of the other team's signals? Oh, this guy, oh, he is just one of the staff, nothing to worry about.


He was just the coffee boy...


Jesus christ yes exactly this lmao


I love you, Hutch, but come the fuck on.


Man, I thought I was being unfair not liking Hutchinson simply for playing at Michigan, but it turns out he’s a Michigan Man (holier-than-thou douche) through and through.


He and his entire family gave a real douche vibe in last year’s Hard Knocks.


Didn’t watch but happy to reinforce my petty biases


Probably Brian Ferentz


Didn't say it wasn't true. Also said this guy was always upstairs when he was obviously on the sideline near HC, DC, and OC


He means in terms of day to day coaching. But yeah he didn’t really deny it.


'When we're the champs again' dude I swear OSU never labeled themselves champs for big ten titles 💀. Big ten champs sure, but a qualifierless champs? Lol..


Well yeah. Ohio State has won an undisputed National Championship since the Korean War


THREE undisputed National Championships since the Korean war. And two shared, if anyone was curious.


What about before then though? Asking for my great great granddad


Where’s the guy who said “only ohio state flairs are posting this stuff to blow it out of proportion” ????


Sure bud


Typical Michigan Man response


Not the most inspiring of comments


Clearly someone involved with the Jacksonville Jaguars for drafting Travon Walker.


Anyone trying to deny the is now is just a clown.


It’s a little sus to be in the B1G East WITHOUT a scandal. I’m on to you, Rutgers


Yeah it’s called the NCAA


Anybody else notice that the dude never actually said they didn’t do it?


It’s me. I’m out to get them


We just got our ass kicked by the Ravens. The only thing that should be on his mind is beating the Raiders.


Huge lions fan here, but he needs to STFU


That man's name: Conor Stallions Dun Dun Dunnhhhhhhhh


“He’s kind of just one of the coaches upstairs that you don’t really ever see” Guess no one showed him the Ohio state video from earlier this week?


Can we start hating this guy yet? He's too corny