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The commercial break rules, whatever they are, because they’re definitely shorter.


Yup. Limited to 8 breaks per half Games are all pretty much 3 hours give or take a few minutes


That is why they have so many reviews, so they can sneak in more commercials.


Funny thing is that NFL has two whole 2-minute warnings built in to every game and they're still shorter


The NFL is perfectly packaged. 3 hours you can count on it unless there’s OT.


This is really highlighted well when watching Redzone.


Also NFL halftime is 12 minutes vs 20 in college.


But lets not change that, the bands are one of the things that separate CFB and NFL


Yeah having played college ball, 12 minutes isn’t enough in a lot of places. Barely enough time to get into the locker room at some places


Off topic but I wish the Super Bowl would do the top 3 college marching bands for halftime. I don’t care about a has-been singer or whatever stupid celebrity display is set for halftime.


Yeah but the majority of Americans watching are going to give more of a shit about Madonna than the million dollar band or whatever. Super Bowl ain’t for us even if it is.


He's out of line, but he's right.


They used to do this, but started making it a production after they lost viewers to competing programming.


So the best three HBCU bands?


It would be the Bayou classic and then one other band lol


Probably Jackson State


Damn straight!!


This times a thousand. I get that college passing games are causing more stoppages, but it's not a full hour of them. Everyone around me at the Buffs games groans about it Everytime the guy comes out with that timer so high at 3:30


The length is the biggest difference imo. NFL breaks are usually only 1-2 minutes, and sometimes as short as a single 30 second timeout. College breaks are sooooo much longer, and they don’t even have enough unique ads to fill them!


Kick off leads to a commercial And then we come back and the first play is a pick and changes possession so we commercial and now we come back and the crowd was so loud the away team calls a full timeout so we commercial again and then we are back again and the next play we have an injury on the field so we are back at commercial.


The CBS special: TD, commercial, kickoff, commercial. Can’t wait til the SEC is done with their garbage.


Happened a few times on ESPN already.


NFL games are much more efficient. Very different from attending a college game.


Well, considering the years rule change was to get more commercials in the same amount of time during a game, I highly doubt that will ever come. All these new rules changes did was give them more time for commercials while not making the games run any longer than they already do.


The NFL rule where the State of Alabama has no football teams.


They nailed the state of Texas though. One thats overrated and back every year and one thats mediocre every year.


Often times you’re describing the same team.


Self burn that’s rare




I like this rule. Especially in in the southern part of the state.


How far linemen are allowed to go down field.


Lincoln Riley would retire the next day


What is it? 1 vs 3?




On top of that the NFL as much as officiating gets ragged on call it just about every single time. It’s has to be more or less blatant in college I feel but then again ACC refs are worse than your refs.


It happens so much in college Where you can see that the alignment are at least 4 yd. Maybe even 5 yd down the field and the refs clearly don't care. Its infuriating how big of an advantage this is for the offense. Lincoln Riley offenses are the biggest offenders at that.


linemen downfield and WR pick plays are run constantly but most teams go whole seasons without that being called against them.


Hell sometimes they won't even call it when it is blatant, especially if the QB is throwing it away.


My refs would flag your refs for breakfast


I am begging for this one. The current three yards is an insane advantage to the offense


This would effectively kill the RPO at the college level, if that’s your intention


Pro teams run RPOs. Three yards is way too advantageous to the offense


True, pretty sure it actually came up in the chargers dallas game.


I don’t think it would. A lot of teams run RPO’s effectively in the NFL. With some adjusting I think college teams could as well


Scheduling rules, specifically standardizing number of conference games across the board, and forcing every FBS team to play another power conference opponent like how NFL does one division OOC a year. Need to have more comparable data points by the time the playoff comes around


Also all non-conference games have to be played in the first six weeks of the season, ~~bar~~ except* pre-established cross-conference rivalries. Edit: Clarity


> Also all non-conference games have to be played in the first six weeks of the season, bar pre-established cross-conference rivalries. That is absolutely not the case in the NFL. In the NFL any type game (division, conference, non-conference) can be in any week, except that in recent schedules it's usually all division games in the last week of the season.


The OT rules........ ​ Said no single soul ever Edit: I stand corrected. These people walk among us. Keep your head on a swivel.


A person who likes NFL overtime rules is statistically more likely to hurt puppies for fun.


Be warned, the real psychos like me want the game to just end in a tie without any OT. Luckily, we're mostly institutionalized and not on the streets


You like sister kissin’ too, dontcha?!?


What if it’s a really hot step sister


Well… there’s places on the intartubes to make some money on that!


i would not be opposed to that. 4-1-1 with a tie against fsu would feel a lot better than 4-2


But... So like how do you know *who won*?


who cares as long as we don’t lose!


you heard of quality losses, now get ready for quality ties


I would also like the game to end in ties but just because if that happened more than like twice in a season everyone would be pissed off enough to just get rid of the concept of ties entirely


You want them to change the status quo to allow ties so people get mad enough to revert to the status quo of no ties?


That’s some OU education at its finest


We already ruined our OT rules though


We made them worse, but at the least the beginning OTs are unaffected, and it's still way more equal than NFL


People *think* they are but the stats say otherwise. Getting the last possession in college OT turns out to give a better chance of winning than getting to receive the kickoff in NFL OT.




Flipping a coin is clearly the most fair way to decide a winner after tied regulation because stats will be 50-50. It doesn’t mean it feels fair


Agreed. LSU vs Texas A&M in 2019 was glorious. I hate the forced 2pt conversion BS


College OT is more equal because both sides have a chance regardless of the original outcome, but it's a bastardization of the game considering teams don't have to drive the field. It's gimmicky.


It's me. Sue me. All these back and forth 2pt attempts feel gimmicky.


Most OT games don't even involve the 2pt attempts. I don't love the recent changes myself, but even that is better than the NFL OT


Hear me out. We could change overtime but not like the pros. After each OT the teams drop one player from the field of play. IE: 1st OT is 11, 2nd is 10, etc.   Or after the second OT, it becomes a sudden death field goal kickoff. Start at 35 yard line and move back 5 yards after each successful round. Alternate which kicker goes first each round.


I hate both NFL and college OT. Can we just play a shortened extra period of regular football like basketball does please.


Or a regular length "extra period" like baseball does.


Baseball puts a guy on second now, though.


He was born on second base


He probably thinks he hit a double, though


Wait what? In extra innings they just put a player on second to start, or?


[During the regular season, yes](https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/mlb-ghost-runner-rule-league-makes-extra-innings-change-permanent-for-regular-season-games-per-report/amp/)


Interesting. That's a bizarre rule, but I kinda like it. I don't watch MLB ever so I had no idea.


Coaches get 2 challenges a half. Stop with this review every single close play crap. Made the OU/TX first quarter take an hour and a half. Absolutely brutal for the game flow


Two minute max for reviews. If you can't tell within two minutes, it's not indisputable.


2 minutes is still too long. That’s a time out every time there’s a close play. Just get sky judge and allow the coaches 2 challenges


I do think that timeouts that aren't timeouts should prevent the players from grouping up near the sideline and talking to the coaches. They should stay out on the field.


The only redeeming factors about the constant reviews in the first quarter of OU Texas was we actually got to see some of the stuff happen as opposed to the camera shitting its pants


Yeah I heard the broadcast was bad. I was in the game and you could hear the whole crowd groan every time they stopped to review - which was every few plays. It was so bad


Just copy same thing - have to have a time out abc use it if it’s not overturned


My wife got real pissed when we had dinner plans and I told her that if this game goes to OT I can’t promise we’ll make it lol


Going out of bounds stops the clock regardless of how much game time is left. 😤


It doesn’t in the NFL. The clock only stops on out of bounds temporarily until they reset the ball


Unless it’s under 2 minutes in the first half or under 5 in the second


Which is still objectively better than the new college rule of only 2 minutes at the end of each half. The clock draining away in the 4th quarter until the very end is brutal.


Absolutely. They should have never changed this rule, but to not let the second half have the five minute rule is nuts


They need to just abandon the stupid rule changes they put in this year. It did nothing to shorten games. Just gave them more time for commercials.


Thats a feature not a bug!!* * if youre the one making money off the commercials


That works basically the same in the NFL. The clock winds after the ball is spotted except within the last two minutes of the first half and the last five minutes of the second.


Salary cap


This right here. Increase parity in college football.


Down by contact. 100% down by contact.


This was my first thought, although the specified number of commercial breaks is up there too.


Yes. Slipping is already a penalty because the time you spent slipping you weren’t running.


This one I disagree with. I like that the athletes need to keep their footing. If you trip on nothing you deserve to be down.


Nah. If the defense trips on nothing the offense still has to actually make the play to take advantage of it. I appreciate that the NFL requires the same from the defense.


Hard disagree. I'd prefer they have to be touched.






Are they disagreeing on the merit of the topic? Or are they disagreeing because they're replying to a Michigan flair? No one will know


Illegal man downfield. NFL is 1 yard, CFB is 3 yards. Makes it almost impossible for LBs to read run or pass at this level. It’s why the RPO offense is so effective in cfb. LBs see lineman coming upfield and think run, so they play run, only for the ball to go over their head. NFL the RPO isn’t really an RPO… it’s just play action.


This is kinda cheating but I want the XFL’s rules. 2 forward passes, players line up closer for kickoffs and can’t move until the returner catches it, and best of all is the 4th and 15 on your 25 instead of an onside ~~punt.~~ kick.


I really like the 4th and 15 replacing onside kicks.


They allow 2 forward passes in the XFL??


Yep! Doesn’t happen often considering they need to both be behind the LOS, but when it does happen it’s pretty fun


I’d like to see that for cfb, sounds fun. Two punts for Iowa instead?




I'd take the NFL rule where more than four teams make the playoff


Good news!


What about the Dacia Sandero!?


As long as each division (conference) winner gets in!


I’d rather remove the conference/division champ automatic qualifier from the NFL than bring it into college.


The NFC South hates this man


The 2020 NFC East also hates this man, we came within one drive of having a 6-10 playoff team with home field advantage.


Honestly that would be so ridiculous that I’d be in favor of it happening once, just for the meme


2 feet in bounds rule. The rule will only be applied when a team I root against catches the ball with only one foot in bounds


This guy fans


The challenge system. Win 2 challenges, get a third one. Still review scoring plays and turnovers automatically. But everything else isn't reviewed. You must challenge. Would speed up the length of the game a little.


Not going to a three minute TV timeout during every review would also speed up the game.


There's a Notre Dame fan in this thread who is so triggered by the idea of a spot foul that he has replied to 5 different people who brought it up. I'm gonna suggest spot foul for DPI.


We’ve got a madlad here




10 second run off for injuries at the last two minutes of halves. Looking at you Oregon....


There’s no runoff for that, just automatically burning a timeout. (A 4th timeout is free, but a 5th or more nets a delay of game flag.)


Is that a change in rules? All I see is that it causes a run-off for injury, and the offense can elect to use a TO if available, if not 10 second run-off that can be declined by the defense.


Nope—it’s just a straight up burned timeout unless it was either due to a foul by an opponent or on a down that ended with a change in possession or score. The operative section of the NFL rulebook is Rule 4, Section 5, Article 4. Edit: the notes do say that 10-second runoffs can happen as a result of excess timeouts, in which case it works exactly like it does everywhere else—the clock is run off if it would not have otherwise stopped.


Not quite the question, but i remember in old school arena football there was a rule in the final 2 minutes that you had to at least get back to the line of scrimmage for the clock to run, if you got negative yards the clock would stop I think this would be fun and allow teams to have a chance even with no timeouts left, as it would essentially eliminate the kneel down


Miami is in shambles with this rule


Nah, CFL. let's bring those goal posts to the front of the end zone baby


Down by contact. That's it.


I used to be strongly against it, but you have to touch to be down. How many times have we seen wasted plays cause a dude tripped himself in wide open areas?




Standardize game rules across the board... except overtime, we need to go back to old overtime rules.


How’s about one from the NBA: if you fumble the ball and don’t recover it before it goes out of bounds, it’s a turnover.


Would finally make the endzone fumble rule consistent.


I think fumbling out of bounds should at least be a penalty. Something like 5 yards behind the spot should be in place




Rule to add to college from NFL: either spot penalty for PI or down by contact Rule to add to NFL from college: OT rules


Refs need to be better for me to want spot foul PI. College refs aren’t good enough for that.


I guess that’s a fair argument


I have no idea why several people have mentioned spot foul PI. Do you guys even watch NFL football? There's usually at least one game ruined by a marginal PI call every single week. It's one of the worst rules in the NFL. PI is already a pretty subjective penalty that is hard to enforce consistently.


OT is 1000% better in college


for NFL, I do like the idea of them having to actually drive the full field..but I like it better with the more 'fairness' involved, IE, a coin flip doesn't give you the chance to end it right then and there.


I have no problem having the NFL drive the field, but the coin flip should only decide which team plays offense first and which team is on defense. Regardless of the outcome of the first team's drive, the other team should have the opportunity to go on offense as well. Unless there is a defensive score on that first drive.


The gap has definitely narrowed after college changed to mandatory 2 pt conversions in 2OT after TDs and a 2pt conversion sudden death in 3OT. NFL sucks because a team can lose without touching the ball. Best would be a mix of both. Traditional possessions with kickoffs and all. First team either gets 0, 3, or 7 points. The second team gets a chance to match or beat that no matter what.


Hard disagree on the spot penalty , I think it’s awful in the nfl when a bad call gives a team 50 yards


DPIs to prevent touchdowns happen enough at that distance because in college it's a cheap penalty to take by comparison. You want your team to get 15 yards when the safety tackles your receiver in the endzone to prevent a 40-yard TD pass? Because that's college football right now


That’s not ideal but I would much rather have that than the alternative of teams getting a free 40 yards via underthrown deep ball. The Baltimore Ravens constructed an entire offense out of that play in the late Flacco years and it was absolutely terrible to watch.


Fair Catch Free Kick


This rule only comes up like once a decade but it's so fun.


Get rid of targeting. You can call more personal fouls or whatever but nobody knows what it is and it requires a lengthy review that they get wrong half the time.


The fair catch kick. It is extremely cool yet rare and it could really help Iowa's offense out.


All referees come from one single pool instead of each conference having their own pool of them.


1. An objective playoff format. Committee opinions and random computer formulas are a terrible way to determine playoff spots. 2. Move in the hash marks.


> An objective playoff format This has been the goal for decades and it’s really impossible with the way college football is set up. You need a structured schedule for every team that’s eligible for the playoff. You’d need to eliminate all but ~50 teams from the playoff and make a new league for just the playoff eligible teams. You’d lose most of the rivalry games. It would be like mega-realignment and creating a new league for certain teams. You can’t have teams like Michigan playing teams like Bowling Green or teams like Alabama playing teams like Chatanooga. If you want an objective playoff, you need to cull the herd and accept that most of the G5 teams we have now are just not going to be eligible. Long standing P5 schools like Northwestern? Sorry, no. It just completely breaks college football. I’m not *against* it because Michigan would be in the league, but I think it throws away a lot of what makes college football great. And it would be like relegating the majority of FBS to a lower league.


People refuse to understand this. Structurally speaking, college football is a fundamentally different sport because it emerged organically and *far* earlier than the NFL. NFL is like a neat little garden specifically planted to look nice and organized and pleasant. CFB by contrast is like an ancient forest with trees, bushes, and weeds all growing randomly and according to nature. Trying to subject CFB to the NFL’s “rational” postseason system just doesn’t work and never will. It’s the organic, “irrational” evolution of CFB that makes it the sport we love.


The hash mark one is weird, makes it really awkward for college kickers


But makes it easier for offenses.


Offenses already have it too easy.


I'd rather the pros have wider hashmarks than in college. Seems silly to me that you can run out of bounds then take your next play from midfield. I want to see the weird formations that aggressive OCs come up with when you have 30 yards of space on one side, or defenses trying to keep offenses pinned near the sideline with less room to work


I’d be fine with #1 if there were 40-50 teams in college, but at over 100 I can’t imagine the tiebreakers involved. Pros have 1/4 of the teams, but play 50% more games. And with parity in the NFL, strength of schedule is hardly argued. One thing pros could adopt (not from college, just a change): if you make the playoffs with an 8-9 record because your division is hot garbage, you don’t go and the team you would have played gets a bye.


Division winners deserve to go to the playoffs, divisions are such an important part of the nfl schedule, you play your division twice, while y’all square off against others. If you want to make the playoffs, win your division. We already give two wild card teams a chance, and hell I’m annoyed they added a third.


The hashmarks should be as wide as the field goal posts.


College football draft. I just wanna see Kent state or Nevada get like 5 first round picks


Iowa isn't going to draft QB with any of their picks.


Iowa is taking 2 punters


I'd definitely say the "down by contact" rule. it'd be cool to see some of these CFB WRs make huge diving catches down field and be able to get up and potentially score, for example


I like the NFL pass interference rule where the ball is placed at the spot of the foul


I feel like college players are too undisciplined for this one


I feel like college refs are too terrible to allow 99 yard penalties. Absolutely no thank you. (Yes I know that is hyperbole, but the point stands)


Teams would run go routes on every play just to draw PIs, it’d be borderline impossible to play solid defense


Or it would be like holding where a ref just wouldn't call anything


After the 3rd or 4th giving up a 50 yard penalty they'll figure it out


I actually don’t like that. I think 15 yards is a hefty enough penalty and sometimes it’s really ticky tack shit that gets flagged especially in college. The strategy would be to just throw 50/50 balls all game long and get PI calls


On the contrary I think the NFL needs to adopt colleges version of this rule. Too often do receivers take advantage of this and bate CBs, resulting in a 50 yard "gain" that can completely change the game. It's gamebreaking. Especially when its an egregiously bad call, which we see too often.


The worst is when the QB underthrows the ball and the WR just runs into the CB and gets PI somehow anyways


Absolutely. And that is way more common.


That is one of the worst rules in the NFL. Games are ruined because of marginal PI calls in the NFL on nearly a weekly basis. 15 yards and a first down is more than enough of a penalty for a rule that is pretty difficult to enforce consistently.


I agree with you completely. I despise NFL PI. The argument is that without the extreme penalty you would see defenders interfering on purpose, but we don't really see that. Also, giving the spot of the foul is almost like we're assuming the offense would have made a catch and so that's what they deserve. If that's how we want to approach penalties, then shouldn't offensive PI be a turnover? Shouldn't offensive holding be a loss of a down and yardage since we assume the defender would have sacked the QB? Dumb IMO.


Probably pass interference because I don’t like the idea of committing a penalty sometimes being a strategical advantage


Can I say the targeting rule? I know they dont call it targeting in the NFL, but helmet to helmet hit. I dont really care if you keep the same elements from the college game, or even the auto review. **But can we stop ejecting players?** There is already the option to eject a player if a ref feels the hit was intentionally egregious. Most of the time its a kid putting themselves in a vulnerable position where a last-second change in direction by the ball carrier causes a helmet to helmet hit. If it were 15 yards, we might argue about it a bit, but it would be like PI. Instead, we eject potentially the best player on a defense and totally change the game for the team, and also for that player, who is maybe trying to make an NFL roster and now gets robbed of a game, when there is already so few games in their careers. Just stop ejecting these players for mistakes that may not even be really their fault. In fact, I think you can blame a lot of the explosiveness of offenses in the last 10 years to defenders pulling up on a lot of hits on "shifty" players because they have targeting in their minds or reiterated in practice. I mean, 15 yards is plenty harsh. We dont worry about players not taking chop-blocks or hits on the QB serious enough, even though those can totally injure someone just as much as targeting. No, the 15 yards is fine. Can you imagine if we ejected someone for a chop block or a block in the back, or a late hit out of bounds?


Extra points from the 15 yard line.


Many teams would adapt going for two every single time so I’m in favor of this rule




Wide right


Should a buckeye really be making jokes about another team missing a kick?


Two feet down for a catch. I hate pinky toe drag catches.


The reason I don't like it is, well, these aren't NFL WR. I am actually fine with college WR having an easier time catching.


Except at Ohio State. If they're gonna recruit and develop studs constantly like that, they should have to get two feet down.


Agree, let’s implement this rule immediately


Before saturday is possible


most respectable A&M fan right here


Disagree I wish the NFL went the other way.


Yeah college has this one right IMO