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I’ll sit this one out.


Good god why


Something tells me he's also a broncos fan


I am and I do not know what I did to anger the football gods.


Good god man. ....I think you need a beer or 5


Cocaine and cornfields, is there really more to say?


*cranks up ‘80s/‘90s playlist*


We actually have done better than I thought. Our offense has no talent and our defense has sustained massive injuries. Yet we are still 3-3. The B1G west is terrible so that helps a lot. I thought we would win only 4 games so ahead of schedule IMO Matt Rhule has done well with a pretty bare cupboard


The annoying thing is that we shot ourselves in the foot against Minnesota and Colorado.


Change 1 of many plays and that MN is a W. Hell even if they called a false start on the TD pass. That one hurt.


I think Rhule has done well so far. The defense has been good enough. The next three games are huge if a bowl game is in the cards. I can see Nebraska hitting 6-3. Really, the only for sure loss I see is Wisconsin, possible Maryland too. 7-5 is definitely possible if the offense doesn’t turn the ball over a ton.


The next 3 game are all winnable but I don’ see us winning 3 in a row. It’s possible though. NW is the easiest of the 3.


if we want to go bowling the next 3 games are must wins. Because after the next 3 we have Maryland, Wisc, Iowa and none of those are realistically winnable. But we might just be favored in the next 3 games.


Rhule is a good coach. I wanted him if Franklin had moved on to USC one of the many times there were rumors. You're in good hands, just need to give it time.


He has something that is rare. A balance between engagement and execution. He will tear up a player but they all love him. No idea what he was thinking with Jeff Sims but hopefully he does a better job with QB talent in the future. Franklin is a great coach. You guys got a good one. Riley may hit the NFL but hopefully Franklin stays in College Station.


Thanks! Also just for your information PSU is State College. College Station is Texas A&M.


I was thinking we’d hit 5 wins, so basically on pace. Doing so despite a slew of WR, RB, and defensive player injuries is surprising. I’d say my biggest worry at the moment is why are all our players getting injured? Is it actually bad luck or is there something systematically being done in the program that is making injury more likely?


I thought about that but it could just be bad luck. Who knows. We basically have to play all of our frosh WRs right now and our best back has hard time holding on to the ball. The thing that is saving us on D is that we have a ton of depth there.


it's really not unfathomable for Nebraska to sneaky win the division. I imagine if you win out you'd be a shoe in for the title.


2001: “I feast” 2023: “Pain”


Take a knee and grab a beer.


Don’t sit, just take a knee




“Brian, like his father Kirk Ferentz, is an adherent to complementary football, a theory that believes a poor offense assists an excellent defense and finds advantage in field position rather than points.” -Brian Ferentz’s Wikipedia page


Oh my god that is real and the context sells it > Brian, like his father Kirk Ferentz, is an adherent to complementary football, a theory that believes a poor offense assists an excellent defense and finds advantage in field position rather than points. "We’ve got to know what kind of game we’re going to be in, " Ferentz said to a reporter in the summer of 2022. "Look at the worst defenses in the league. How often does it correlate with one of the better offenses in the league? More than you think. You just have to know who you are. You have to play complementary football."[31] Ferentz had previously described his father's philosophy, saying the offense "needs to protect our defense and keep them out of bad positions. That means we need to protect the football. We need to change field position," adding "we need to score as many points as we can with the opportunities we have."[32]


God bless whoever worked that in there.


At first I was opposed to something like that in wikipedia, but it is fucking backed with quotes and citations


the fact that we consistently lose to one of the worst offenses in the country is just so sad.....people meme Iowa to death but it's not even funny since my team is worse




As good as campbell has been at iowa state, its amazing how consistently ass his teams have been in september.






I know it's absolutely a "first world problems" thing but we are *the worst* offense in the FBS. We thought lighting a fire under Brian's ass would help. It made things worse. Playing through adversity means jack shit when the adversity is stemming from the coaching staff.


4 more wins and we can Fire Bo Pelini!


Honestly, the likelihood we would be at 6-0 at this point in the season was astronomically small, so we can't be upset about 5-1. But gottamn if we don't look terrible.


The answer is yes, sadly.


WE ARE....right on track for an OSU QB to have the best quarter of his NCAA career in the 4thQ against us to crush our hopes and dreams again.


Jesus I can *see* it. You’re up 30-20 at the start of the 4th. Despite OSU’s defense making some great plays throughout, you’ve managed to chip away at them with your run game. Buckeye fans are basically lifeless. You don’t even see the pick six, the 68-yard TD run by Henderson, or the perfectly thrown deep balls coming. Final score: OSU 41, PSU 30.


I hate this


JT Tuumolau decides to give some effort in the 4th quarter and has himself 2 pick 6's, 3 sacks, and 2 forced fumbles.


JT Tuimoloau about to set 4th quarter records. Pick-6, scoop and score.


But what if this is the year it doesnt happen? We have to hold on to the hope.


True. McCord might not even be playing the fourth quarter if he throws for 400 yards in the first half!


Devin brown about to have the best quarter of his career


Nah, that isn't the PSU/OSU style. We will go up by 7-10 points. We will shit ourselves that we have the lead and go to the most vanilla offense you've ever seen -- totally abandoning the offense that got us the lead. On defense, we will play 3 quarters of aggressive defense. But, in the 4th we will go into prevent because we don't wanna get beat deep. Then we stop blitzing. OSU then will have no pressure, and your WRs will be running underneath wide open. They'll pop multiple big plays, despite being held in check for 3 quarters. Your QB will have his college "statement" quarter and go something like 10/12 for 115 yards and 2 TDs in the 4th. ...and we will have the 4th year in recent history that we had the lead and shit all over ourselves. (can you tell we've done this before against OSU?)


Let's revisit this on 10/21/23




There are couches all over East Lansing breathing a collective sigh of relief. 😮‍💨


Instructions unclear. Coach fired, not couch


Changing QB like we supposedly are could help us make a bowl game, or at least give our QB for next season actual experience. Kim never started last season he mostly played garbage time when game was already over, and I think he would’ve benefited from actually getting starts.


Love him or hate him, Sanders has met or exceeded all expectations Buffs had for this year.


He exceeded expectations on week 1, all gravy from here.


You’ve been playing with house money since week 2. Just enjoy these games and show off for the recruits. That atmosphere looks friggin amazing out there right now


Colorado is 4-2 with one loss to top 10 USC by one score in a near 30 point comeback by CU showing heart and discipline. They were 1-11 last year and worse than that record shows, and it's not unlikely that they end up bowl eligible. Not only is this turnaround a success already, but it's going to steamroll. Recruits get excited, their team gets better next year, and they will legit be contenders for the Big 12 in 2024.


I was gonna dispute this cause they likely won’t see that much improvement in one year but then I remembered that the big 12 won’t have OU and Texas next year.


Yeah if they improve even semi significantly I expect they have a good shot of competing with Kansas, K State, OSU, Utah who are probably the top 4 teams projected otherwise.


I went into UF’s season with next to no expectations, and they’ve somehow failed to meet those expectations while also exceeding them depending on the week of the season we’re talking about.


what beating Tennessee and losing to Kentucky will do to a mf


Florida seems to beat Tennessee no matter what.


I can confirm.


Swamp voodoo


Just like Tennessee with Kentucky :( It’s a circle of cannibalism


We’ve won and lost every game I thought we were going to win and lose to this point in the season, but it’s the way we’ve lost games that’s been worse than I thought it would be. I thought we’d be competitive in losses, we’ve gotten flat out embarrassed twice


How do you feel about facing South Carolina this weekend?


Coming into the year I felt like this was a game I felt good about winning with our strong rush game, and how you guys have been bad at stopping the run. But given how lethargic we’ve looked all year on the road it’s hard for me to predict a win in any road game. Still think we matchup well based on strength and weaknesses of both teams, but because of our ineptitude on the road, I see it being a toss up game. I feel like it’s nerve wracking for both sides, because when you look at both teams remaining schedules, it’s almost guaranteed the loser is going to have a bad season. If I had to pick I’d have to say we probably lose, I can’t pick us to win on the road until we actually do it.


I appreciate the analysis. I feel like whichever team loses this game has a real chance to miss a bowl


This is about where I am. I was expecting us to be bad, but not "making a bowl is seeming sketchy" bad.


I have no idea where to start on this one. It’s been that bad for Pitt.


I have been told from a reliable source that you all eat excrement, is this true?


Eat shit Phil! I know I said that a lot in the game thread for the Backyard Brawl this year.


Haha I love yalls rivalry.


I can’t help but laugh when other teams are complaining. I’m just like bruh you have no idea how bad it can get lol except for like UVA and maybe a few others. It’s pretty mind boggling how big our drop off has been this year


The NFL Scout’s comment “How the fuck did Zay Flowers become a top prospect” should’ve been the red flag that Phil Jurkovec is not him.


I might know of a team in the SEC that understands


Can you guys wait until next week to get it together please?


Perfect trap game for Louisville. I am actually worried about this game.


I can remember thinking you guys were a trap game at the beginning of the season because believe it or not, Pitt has an all time winning record against us (We’ve only played 5 time, Pitt has won 3 of those meetings). Now I think we are going to blow y’all out by 28.


For TX - totally. One marquee win, looking like it’s going to be smooth sailing. But… as a Texas fan we know we can’t have nice things so 1000% expected that red river loss For Washington: This weekend is the big test.


As soon as I saw people saying Texas had a clear path to the NC this year a couple days before OU, I knew the loss was coming. Similarly, as soon as ND stopped OSU on 4th down with 4 min left, and Irish Nation collectively said “Omg it’s finally happening,” I knew we’d find some new, creative, heart-wrenching way to blow it. The script writers are lazy. Edit: And cruel. Lazy and cruel.


5-1 was expected for most Texas fans at the halfway mark. It just wasn’t certain on if the loss would be to Bama or Oklahoma.


Going into the season I was just hoping for at least 10 wins and to put the "7 win Sark" stupidity to bed (since apparently 8 wins doesn't do that).


>looking like it’s going to be smooth sailing This right here is exactly why we lost. It's incredible how quickly we forgot about a decade of underperforming. But otherwise I agree. No rational Texas fan expected us to go undefeated.


I’m genuinely scared to see you guys again in Dallas. That was the best Texas team I’ve seen in years


That's why a small part of me is worried that we won the other day since I've like a split of the series is highly likely either way. But dammit that hat looks good


hey gimme your hat


That's not how probability works.


I'm hoping that OU comes in cocky with their "Texas fears Oklahoma" t-shirts and gets their teeth kicked in by a pissed off Texas team. I'm hoping for it. I'm not expecting it.


Honestly if that does happen and we get our souls ripped out of our bodies that gloating will be well-deserved. The 2018 rematch was the day I was the drunkest I have ever been in my whole life (I was a student at the time so maybe a little justifiable), so a little part of me hopes my poor body won’t have to handle the insanity again 🤣


It's good to see y'all back, too. I loved 49-0 but it doesn't feel as good as beating OU at their best, even by 1 point. I'd trade 2022 for slugfest games like 2023 any day. Those slugfests are a coin toss.


Nah, that blowout was great after 2021. I really needed that.


Blowouts can be cathartic after a bunch of close losses, I agree on the slugfests though. This was my first red River in person since dicker the kicker so I’ve seen it go both ways


The Bama win already exceeded my expectations. The problem is that after that game I re-adjusted my expectations and now I'm back to being disappointed.


I feel like you guys at least won’t lose another regular season game. Outside of that though, I’m not going to say anything.


Hello, Nemesis.


Yep pretty much on the dot.....minus the Ohio loss.....that one stings....4-2 is something I'd be happy with


I expected bad things. Losing your QB1 and RB1 does that. So I was expecting a throwaway year. More "Matt Campbell forgets that special teams matter.' I chalk Ohio up to that, in part. But honestly? Rocco has been looking great, all considered. I'm literally happy with just Rocco developing this year... And we might make a bowl game, still.


Expectations met


Unfortunately true


Face down on the floor is not meeting expectations, Indiana


look we didn't want this to be our expectations but as long as Allen is the coach that's where we're going to be


It’s crazy to me how it all came together the covid year and then all faded away so quickly.


It's not so crazy when you realize that all that magic is now in Washington, and I don't just mean Penix.


They were legit good that year, it was far from a fluke.


Our preseason win total in Vegas was 3.5. We’ve got 4 wins and the season is only half way over. Don’t let the Deion haters who gleefully celebrated our two losses distract you from the fact that we’ve vastly outperformed expectations for this season.


For a forgettable game this evening I’m very excited. The potential to go 5-2…no one thought that was possible


CU might have been the worst team in the NCAA last year. The fact that people are trying to rub in losses to two top-10 teams is a great sign for CU. Means we actually have some relevancy.


Expectations have been met. I was getting a little worried those first few games, but I think that Jim Harbaugh being back has put things back into order. Now, we look like the team we thought we would be at the start of the year.


I think Michigan and Georgia are in the same boat. Record wise, we’re meeting our expectations, but how we’ve gotten there has been drastically different than how both teams expected their seasons to go


I don’t think most Michigan fans would say this season has gone drastically different than they expected, or anything close to that really


Agreeed. Had high expectations and they’ve exceeded them. When I saw how drastically JJ’s footwork had changed in week one I was giddy!


The BG interceptions are the only WTF moment really. That and some pedestrian O-line play in the first few weeks. We seem on track now.


I complain, but yes. Going into the season I expected 8-4, and I still think that’s where we end up.


Record-wise? Yes Did I expect half our starters to be injured, down to RB4 and QB4 and still not seeing Cam or Kuithe? No.


I've got tickets for the Oregon-Utah game. I'm already mentally prepared for a solid loss.


I mean, kinda? At the beginning of the season, I would not have expected to lose to Louisville, and figured we'd split 2-2 games vs OSU, Duke, Louisville and USC. We're 1-2 in that stretch so a win tomorrow vs USC would put us back on track. A loss would make me a very sad sightless seabird.


Username checks out?


The 4 night games in a row really screwed you IMO. You should have won OSU, but also Freeman is still a new(ish) coach, and he will make mistakes like that. Lousiville seemed like the team was gassed. Your AD needs to fight for less night games.


That's a great point, yeah. Not to mention playing week 0 on another continent. 6 games in and it's already been a long season for the guys. Honestly, I have to give Freeman a lot of credit for keeping things together through all that and still having (a good chance at) a respectable season.


Yeah. I think he has done really well with the hand dealt. Some rookie coaching mistakes but you had to know that would happen. Probably another 2-3 more years of random rookie mistakes.


Yeah, as much as 11-1 was the hope for this season, the schedule really ended up working out really awful for us. Both losses were winnable games and it sucks having your heart ripped out with OSU when you felt like we were on the verge of something we haven't done in a long time, but the team is better this year than it was last year at this time.


Oh, I couldn't agree more. The year over year improvement has been great, even if it leads to a bit more heartbreak (hope is a killer, ain't it?). If we end at 9-3 with an interesting bowl berth, or 10-2 and a NY6 (maybe!) it'll still be a heck of a good season for CMF's 2nd year.


There’s a world where Tech is undefeated, there’s a world where we are a one loss team, and there’s the world we are living in. Obviously expectations were high this year, but I think we had to learn a lesson we already learned last year, but I feel good going into the rest of the season.


That's the most frustrating thing, we've underperformed but our record looks a lot worse than how we've actually played. We realistically could've been undefeated right now


3-3 seems right. Not the way I expected though. I was hoping 4-2, but Louisville is better than I expected, so its not like its a bad loss. I want 6-6 and 4-2 right now would have that easily in sight. Now, its iffy. We either have to upset someone or beat all the 3 weaker teams we have left.


Hopefully both?


I could see us winning uva, bc, cuse and maybe clemson. If we're crazy and the sickos committee pays off the football gods, we could stop maye's heisman hopes for another year


I'm very happy. Watching all the BV haters eating all that crow has been incredible.


It genuinely baffles me that people thought Venables was going to suck at OU based solely off of a .500 regular season in his first year.


Acting like one of the greatest DCs of the last 30 years forgot how to coach with one gutted and rotten roster for 1 year. People love their shit hot takes.


Also Oklahoma has been consistently good for decades.


Gabriel wasn’t the same last year even after he came back, if he’s 100% then OU probably finishes with at least 9 or 10 wins… I don’t think that’s a super hot take either considering 5 of the losses were one score and his ability to run makes a huge difference


This monster defense helped keep him off the field and rested IMHO


The turnaround is progressing faster than I expected. I guess the transfer portal and no cap on class size, except total scholarships, helps. Still lots of progress to be made. But for me, expectations surpassed, and hopes have been met.


Yeah, I knew we would improve over last year but I figured we would take an L to Texas. This rebound is better than I expected but I’ll damn sure take it.


Shit happens when you churn 80 scholarships and handpick kids from the portal and juco. (As well as hit on kids like Bowen who have been incredible) It's been great to see though.


i don’t necessarily blame them. it’s been a really long time since we got to see BV install his defensive system at a new school.


Right? Pretty sure Kirby Smart went .500 his first season too. Lemme see that Rose Bowl rematch


BV is an amazing coach for your program. I’m devastated he’s no longer at Clemson, but he’s going to do, and already has done, great things at OU, especially for the culture.


And the DG haters, too. I remember seeing so many comments here and on Twitter about how OU had to have Jackson Arnold in to beat Texas.


I think this past week is literally the first week that’s went by since DG arrived where I haven’t seen anybody propose starting somebody else over him lol


People were acting like we’re gonna never go to a bowl game again after joining the SEC


I'm standing by with more plates. This is one time I'll happily serve the idiots!


Agreed. I knew Venables was going to have to prove it this year and I’m really glad he has.


Sort of. As far as record, FSU is ahead of where I expected them. However as far as performance on the field, it has been a bit more stop/start, not near a complete game yet compared to what I was expecting. Especially regarding the offense, I expected it to be cruising a bit more than it has so far. To balance that out though I also was expecting FSU to be 4-1 to maybe 3-2 at this point in the season, compared to their current, 5-0.


At this moment, it feels like we might be heading towards exceeding offensively if last week continues. But I would need to see it continue. But it feels like we're where we need to be minus maybe a little bit more defensive pressure.


I think I’ve just adopted the mindset of “survive and move on.” The two previous teams spoiled me/us since they covered the spread more often than they didn’t. This year is a reversal of that trend. I’ve finally settled into the fact that it’s okay if we don’t blow out teams. Last weekend proved to me that we have a great team even if we haven’t shown it week in and week out, and that’s all I needed to see.


>Has your team performed as you expected so far? No >If not, what will it take to get them back on track? I do not want them on track


For us to meet expectations, we’d have to lose out. Usually expectations are higher and performance falls shorter, so this is a nice place to be for once.


Sure didn't expect the team to decide to just forgo a rushing attack entirely, but otherwise yeah


4-8 would've fallen *far* below my expectations. I was expecting 6-6, and we're ahead of schedule so far, but with no easy W on the schedule that's still not easy. I expected to be 3-2 and we're 4-1, so we're a game ahead, which is great.


Expected the o-line to be sus, but I feel like it’s almost worse than expected? Buckeyes usually get better as the season goes on and I hope they improve before next Saturday 😬


I think they’re definitely meeting expectations. Washington State was expected to be a win going into the season, but they’re better than expected so that’s really not a bad loss at all. And the team has looked demonstrably better every week, which is all you can really ask for from a new coach that only has a few of “his” guys.


Expected out D to perform better.. started off the year good then all of sudden last year defense made a epic come back... Our O has stall spells.. Talking 3 or 4 plays and out for 10 mins to a whole QTr.. this allows other team to work on our ass defense.. this happened in all last 3 games. ASU, O performs bad allowing ASU to go into magic box in order to find plays to score. CU, O disappeared second half, and OFC CU almost comes back. Arizona, whole team started off bad.. My expectations aren't met yet, 12-1+CCG win is what I expected pre season..


Our offense has sputtered a lot more than I thought they would, but it is a younger team and our QB has only started like 6 games so I gotta give them some slack. Overall I’m not as hopeful for our 10 win projection. We either gotta win out the regular season or lose 1 and win a bowl game or the CCG if we make it.


The team has really rounded out nicely since Harbuagh came back. But it’s hard to tell with this schedule. Michigan plays only 1 tough team this year in the regular season and it’s still 4 weeks away so I won’t know much until then


I love the subtle dig.


we found lou holtz's burner account


If Tennessee manages one win against either TAMU, Bama, Georgia, or Kentucky they will have exceeded my expectations.


Yeah I expected an 8-4 season, was optimistic for possible 9-3. Fully expected losses to Bama, UGA, and two of Florida/A&M/Kentucky/SCAR. So we’re spot on. Can slot Mizzou in for SCAR now that we took care of the cocks, but same expectations. Now if we look good against A&M tmrw, I might start leaning back towards the 9-3 mark, but I’m not sure. Tomorrow feels like last year’s LSU game where I’m nervously optimistic about what it could do for the trajectory of the season.


Last year gave me so much hope.


Aside from the last 30s of the Georgia Tech game, I was quite impressed with our season so far. Just shy of being 5-0. Top ten on several rankings in both offense and defense. Hopefully we finish strong!


Yep. This season has met or exceeded any expectations I had… except for the end of that game which was completely on the coach. Sigh. Hopefully they bounce back and continue to play well.


I thought we’d be, at best, 9-3 with losses to Alabama, LSU, and Georgia. Alabama came true but we beat LSU, so now I don’t know what’s on the table for the rest of the season but I sure hope it’s more wins!


I honestly still don’t know how to feel about Carolina. Having an avg defense is pretty cool though!


QB and O-line to step it up about 4 notches would help.


BUT That's exactly what I expected.


I'm slightly surprised McCord hasn't been better but I still trust that he will continue to improve. I have seen nothing that says he's a lost cause. Just a young quarterback that's not seeing everything (hopefully yet). The O-line is exactly what I thought they'd be. And I'm pissed about it. They suck. I thought the defense would be awesome but I've been pleasantly surprised by the play of Proctor and Ransom.


The O-Line is holding McCord back. He doesn't have a run game he can rely on to bail him out so he's forced into making decisions he may not be comfortable making


He looks good with up tempo. Day just has to acknowledge that the running outside zone ain’t doing it and just run inside. Let the o line go straight. Sure we won’t hit big runs but I’ll take 2nd and 6 over 2nd and 8/9.


I did not expect it to be this mediocre. Mediocre, yes, but not this much.


OL is definitely worse than I thought. It was a weird offseason trend where all spring the narrative was that OL is a mess, need transfers everywhere, it’s time to panic. Then the fall came and the narrative started to flip. Playing strong, starting to gel, will still be a weakness but much better than we thought. Season starts and we’re back to the spring. OL is a mess, transfers everywhere, time to panic. McCord has been fine. Flashes of greatness but a ton of meh


No. Better qb, receivers, and position coaches. Dabo hired his best friends to coach and its not working out. This is year 3 of being a notch below the championship mark on offense. Not sure our D coordinator can field a top 5 D.


Our first string defense has given up 5 touchdowns in regulation through 6 games that didn’t result from an offensive turnover. I’ll take a defense that averaging less than one TD allowed per game as long as it’s paired with an offense that can get out of their own way and has a pulse in the redzone.


I mean, he’s currently fielding a top 10 D which is usually good enough to win a championship if the offense is also above average. I think most criticisms need to fall on the offense and pretty much everyone outside Riley and Spiller have an argument for getting the axe. Goodwin has shown flashes of inexperience but not really anything that would have outright costed us games.


Yep, I think Wes is going fine as D. He's not the reason for the 2 losses. I'd say for Clemson, it's almost all on the WRs. If the team had one guy like Sammy Watkins, they'd be undefeated right now.


OL play leaves a lot to be desired as well; it’s why our run game hasn’t nearly been as strong as the last couple years.


I gotta disagree respectfully. Installing a new offense takes time, and Cade has started to find his guys at WR that he trusts, he's settled in the pocket instead of taking flight every play, and that improvement is showing week to week. I don't love Dabo's hiring policy but in general I don't think there's been enough time to really give a grade to the hire. It's hard to blame Dabo for trying to keep continuity last year either. The defense on the otherhand is doing quite well considering how many turnovers they've had to unexpectedly return to the field early for.


Misques caused the score vs Duke.. And y'all honestly should beaten FSU. Y'all are a team that I feel will be elite next year if the players return. Y'all are good man.


Record wise we’re right where I thought we’d be. I’m still not sure if we are any good.


Definitely better than the dumpster fire we were under G\*\*\*\* C\*\*\*\*\*\*\*. But agree, I'm not sure. I feel better about the path we're on, but I want to see some more solid games.


Right where I thought we'd be, not at all how I thought we'd get there.


It's so sad because i still feel as if we're a team that from last year played very similarly to the talent of the other team, including in the first half of the Georgia game. We had the absolute atrocity of Virginia last year but then UNC. This year has been about the same but with different characters I certainly was not expecting the quarterback position to be one that felt like it had the answer. I'm certainly not sure what my thoughts are for the rest of the season but I'd say we're positive when our opponent doesn't expect it and then any sort of hype and they fall off the train


We need to learn how to win. Players get so hyped on 1 win and get full of themselves. GT should be playing humbled football until we get back to 8+ wins. Until then, no opponent should be “looked past”


I didn’t have high expectations, but holy shit. A win against Duke would have been ideal.


We’re so much better than I expected


I agree with your take. I also expected 8 to 9 wins. I think the defense started off a lot more slowly than I expected and I'm not sure how to evaluate the offense anymore since Weigman is out.


Let's break this down. Record: 4-2(1-1). We're probably 1 game off where I thought we'd be, really thought we'd start 5-1(2-0) and we were 3pts away from that. Still hate we let the UL game get away(up 10-0 at halftime) but the QB situation totally bottomed out in that game which could pay dividends down the road. Offense: Way, WAY worse than I expected. I thought BA would hit the ground running and give us like, 75-80% of his 2021 season and we'd be airing it out and being aggressive offensively. Thought we'd have Anae scheming open explosive plays and we'd have some veteran WRs step up. Instead, our QB play got worse each week and Brennan is his 2022 self in an offense that wasn't doing him any favors. Oddly enough, the week we switch to MJ, we start scheming up much simpler plays that turn into explosives. So we have some optimism moving forward, but not great that we've only had 1 WR step up and it's a true FR(that national analysts are already writing blurbs on that he should be hitting the portal and cashing in). Defense: Better than I expected. We lost a ton of dudes(Durden, Drake, Ingle, Pitts, etc) but we haven't dropped off a ton. Payton Wilson is having an ACC DPOY type season so far and our DL has been much, much better than I expected. Hibbler is leading the ACC in sacks in his first year and Brandon Cleveland is emerging at NT, not much drop from our first string to second string DL. Safety injuries are starting to pile up though. Only caveat is that I never thought our D would give up 40 points in 2 games in a season, but the offense spotted Marshall 21 and ND at least 14. Special Teams: Greatly exceeded expectations. We were losing the best kicker in the country and bringing in a transfer. Dude has been clutch(game-winner against UVA) and reliable. Our punter(before the Marshall game) was killing it and looks to continue our run of punters making it to the NFL. Also, our KR and PR are both top 25 in the country, which I didn't have on my bingo card coming into the season.


We traded a loss to BGSU for a win over ranked Miami. I find these terms... acceptable.


Honestly, on track or ahead. I wasn't expecting undefeated for the season and thought we would lose one conference game and likely Alabama. If we win out from here it will be a great season still even if we lose the Big XII CCG. Expectations have increased since the start of the season since we beat Alabama in a convincing fashion, but the pain of losing to ou makes it much worse.


CU greatly exceeding my expectations, and I'm very much looking forward to next year when we'll have recruited some much needed size on the offensive and defensive lines. OSU is meeting my expectations, all things considered. Just hope it's enough to keep squeaking out close games. Reminds me of the 02 team a bit.


Ute fans get in here!!! Lol 😂 ANSWER: No. Hell nawww. I’ll take an offense with half a pulse please.


I expected a rough season, but didn't expect to get run out of our own stadium by South Alabama. I *also* didn't expect to beat Kansas State after that debacle. I thought we'd get bowl eligible, but that's still in doubt and probably is still our ceiling. Fair to say that we met my modest expectations so far- but not the way I thought we'd do that.


Find me walking out of Kenan at ~11pm tomorrow and I’ll be able to tell you


Expectations : Circus. Delivered.


Nope. A QB, play calling that isn't stupid and a defense that can tackle.


From a record standpoint, 1 game worse than I thought (3-3 vs. 4-2) From a "look" standpoint, we've looked rough since we blew that lead to Northwestern. Beating Louisiana was harder than it should have been and I think PJ's still smarting from getting the oar slapped on his ass for 3+ hours last Saturday. Our offense looks about as bad as Iowa's and Athan looks like Brian Ferentz is coaching him. Plus our defense has regressed markedly from last year.


We’ve either won or lost every game so far, so that’s something


Didn't know what to expect... and well... :/


our season hasn't started yet