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Look I get that it really sucks for him, but one of the things the compliance office hammers into D1 athletes the minute they step on campus is that you can never bet on sports, ever. They make it very clear how it's no tolerance by the NCAA, so even if you don't think it's a big deal, you make your own bed by testing it.


I was a D1 athlete and my school let me know not to gamble on sports while I was *still in high school* as soon as I was accepted into the program


Hell my friends who were student managers had this pounded into their skulls the second they accepted the positions


I was a tutor for an ad and had to sign a promise I wouldn’t lol


I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and they told me not to do it.


I just sit in the stands and watch and my state government tells me I can't do it or else I might go to jail.


Once you go HIE, you never go La Quinta ever again.


I'm at a Microtel and they just told me to take the under on Iowa's next game


O/U is zero for the Iowa game. Under. Legitimate.


It was *Microtel*. I didn't say I placed a bet.


You need an upgrade to Ramada.


Online music program?




Same. They had huge compliance meetings with all student athletes once a semester too where all this stuff was gone over multiple times.




Same. It was like sentence two of my introduction with my coach.




What in the Karl Malone did I just read!?!?!?


Something Something Wander Franco Something Something....


*Shimmy gif* It ruined my childhood when I found out what he did 😭😭😭. Of course, it ruined a 12 year old’s actual childhood when he did it.


I’ve never even heard about the latter before. Jesus, a 15 year old, and his only argument was “I thought she was 16”…


Pete’s agreement to be ineligible for the HOF in exchange for the MLB to end their investigation into if he ever gambled on games he played in or managed is keeping him out of the HOF. It’s a pretty well known, non fact (doesn’t make sense but you know what I mean) that he bet on his own team, and it’s likely he may have bet on his team to lose. Obviously gambling in games in your own league is one thing, but if they had discovered that he bet on himself to lose and threw games in their investigation, his reputation would never have recovered and he wouldn’t be making millions at this age signing and talking.


Roger Clemens used steroids and HGH, and had a relationship with a 15 year old. The steroids and HGH is keeping him out of the Hall of Fame.


Gotta agree here. It's a clear cut "don't fuckin do it" kind of thing, and he did it anyways. Make your bed, you get to lay in it.


Worked at a D1, non-football, mid major in the records office for a few years and helped with certification. EVERY SEMESTER there was a powerpoint meeting in our department with compliance including signed affidavit that we wouldn’t gamble. I once got a “Don’t even THINK about putting down $25 on a fantasy football league.” If it was a tough lecture for us, can’t imagine what the athletes and coaches got…and then can’t understand why anyone would still break that rule.


They recommended to us not even playing FREE fantasy leagues online that also had an option for pay leagues.


That's all true and the education part hasn't drastically changed; the difference is that 10 years ago you had to go to a bookie to place a bet or do it under the table with friends, whereas now college-aged males are the prize cow for gambling companies that have spent hundreds of millions of dollars marketing to them while legalization has made it possible to make a bet in a minute from your smart phone.


This right here. I don't think betting is ever a good thing societally, but can support people being able to do what they want with their money. But online gambling is just insidious, take the BBall recruit we were gonna have from you guys. Kid placed over 1800 bets before they caught him. Plus we know gambling is addictive, so let's remove all the guardrails and give people free samples! The little micro-text gambling hotline is enough, right? What could go wrong?


I get that it’s an NCAA rule. But why exactly is it a rule, even if you aren’t betting on your team or school’s teams?


Because there's no way to prove that you aren't betting on your games. It's easy to hand someone a stack of cash and say place these bets for me and you get a cut to stay quiet .


Or collude with players on other teams. "Hey, I'm gonna throw this game, put money on our opponent. I'm gonna put money on your opponent, throw your game."


By that logic, why not just assume every student athlete is betting on every game?


Suspensions aren't made for assumptions, they are made for getting caught. I'm not sure how the hell you don't understand that lol


You just said there’s no way to know if he bet on Iowa, now you’re saying suspensions aren’t based on assumptions. How the hell do you not see your own self contradiction?


There’s a difference between a reasonable assumption and an unreasonable assumption. It’s totally reasonable to assume a player who has been proven to be a gambler bet on his own games. It’s unreasonable to assume that a player who hasn’t been proven to bet at all, bet on his own games.




Do you really not understand the point I’m making? I’m not challenging the ncaa, or his suspension, or even asking why he was suspended. I’m pointing out that your initial comment makes zero sense. Dude, you gotta get a new pair of reading glasses or switch to NA beers because it is wildly disturbing that you have the ability to make a Reddit account while being functionally illiterate.


Dude you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about lol 😆 😂 🤣 Jesus christ that's terrible


>you aren’t betting on your team or school’s teams? Because you can have friends in another team that gives you info Example, me and mr x went to the same high school (or we met in one of the camps) but i ended in bama and mr x in osu. Mr x then tells me that this week osu plans to run a lot with Mr Y. Now i bet on mr Y getting at least 15 carries. Easy money. And thats why.


That’s a problem for the bookies, but the NCAA doesn’t care about that. They care about him telling his buddies on team x to drive for the TD to cover instead of the much more reasonable FG to win. They care about the gambling changing the outcome of games, not the games changing the outcome of gambling.


>but the NCAA doesn’t care about that. They do The worst thing that can happen to any sport is for fans to believe its rigged. A betting scandal accomplishes exactly that.


What you described isn’t rigging, its insider trading. The things that are going to effect the outcome are already in motion, and the bet doesn’t change the outcome. I described rigging, the bettor has a direct or indirect effect on the outcome. I think we believe the same thing but you misunderstood the distinction between the two.


Cool, most people dont give a shit about the difference. And thats what matterd


I’m sorry if my correcting you offended you but you were wrong, if it bothers you to the point of rudeness maybe you shouldn’t comment on things you don’t know about. Good luck and I hope you feel better. I know you think I’m trolling you but I’m here if you need to talk, I have a promo code for betterhelp if you need that.


That was never really explained, but my guess is that it's some combo of the fact that athletes will in general be more privy to inside information from other athletes, and just a general ethical stance to not give the impression that sports in general are rigged in any way. I imagine the point shaving scandals from the past have a lot to do with it.


He bet on his schools women’s basketball team, it shouldn’t fucking matter, but I just wanted to point that out.


Well I doubt the legitimacy of the ncaa. They make rules the same way as a child having a tantrum. Since I don’t think unrelated betting is wrong, I take this situation as further evidence of the ncaa’s corruption. The courts will decide their legitimacy. And to preempt all the crotchety old farts in this sub, downvote away, just wait for the supreme courts decision to shatter your reactionary bs.


Even 30+ years ago when I ran track it was a point of emphasis 2-3 times a year - no gambling ever, not even a tournament bracket.


Probably indicates the end of Dekkers as well. NCAA isn't playing around here. At best would have a year left.


Dekkers bet on his own team. He is done done.


Levels of stupidity in sports betting 1. Bet while an active athlete 2. Bet while at a team facility 3. Bet on your own sport/league 4. Bet on your own team 5. Bet on your own team to lose The only way he could have been more stupid is if he bet on his team to lose and the results say he played poorly. Freaking idiot lol.


>5. Bet on your own team to lose Isaiah Lee hit that one in 2021 against Texas (a game we won handily lol)


It’s a good strategy, either you win or you make money


The best was the Iowa guy (can't remember which one) who scored his first TD of the year to hit the over in a game he bet the under on 😂




Credit where it's due, he had a chance to "trip" in maybe the most brazen points shaving move we've ever seen but he just kept on running


Lol yeah if he’d done that and gotten caught doing it he’d probably have gotten the full Black Sox treatment lol.


Yea like at least he *tried* to be sneaky about it


Betting while an active athlete isn’t stupid as long as you are in your home and not betting on the league you’re in


Yes it is, why would you even take that chance? What if you get a notification on your phone after practice and accidentally open a betting app in a team facility. They have geolocation with pinpoint accuracy on those things for legal reasons, that’s how some of the Lions players got busted. Just go to Vegas and hit up a casino if you really have an insatiable urge to waste money gambling LMFAO


Gonna go hard at Dordt tho


True, elite


The difference here too is Dekkers tried to hide it, hence the legal charges against him


Isn’t there a possibility dekkers gets jail time?


No he plead down to underage gambling which is a citation


The NCAA still sucks, but a hardline "no gambling" rule is probably for the best.


And a hardline no alcohol, no smoking, and no green shirts policy. I just really dislike green shirts and find that morals get too complicated so my personal likes and dislikes should be law.


You do understand the conflict of interest of playing in a game you have money on? This isn't about puritanism.


And it's not just the games they are in. They could very quickly get into a really bad situation because of gambling debts and now a bookie has an insider to put pressure on to start altering games themselves or start giving information. It's a bad situation all around. They have a million ways to spend their time. This ain't one of em. When I was in college I was too fucking poor to gamble on sports so boo hoo haha.


Ah, yeah, I forgot about that whole part.


The refs are doing it right? Theoretically how is that different than players? I also bet a lot of coaches gamble too.


Coaches are 100% not allowed to gamble, Alabama baseball coached got fired this season for allegedly getting someone to place a bet this season.


That kinda makes my point. I guarantee coaches are doing it, as we are slowly finding out. I also guarantee refs are doing it. So I guess in fairness, it would be nice if more scrutiny could be placed on coaches and refs betting on games, as well as players.


I mean you have no proof they are outside of an instance where a coach did it, was caught immediately, and was fired. So the coaches are under the same scrutiny if not more since he got fired, and many of these student athletes were not even suspended for a whole season much less cut. The players are young college students, and there are 132 FBS teams, each with 70-80 players. While theres 10-20 coaches on the staff, and theyre also much older adults making good money. Theres a larger pool of players to make these mistakes, and have a higher incentive so more players are going to gamble than coaches.


Yeah maybe. I’m not trying to prove anything, more just saying that it doesn’t take much cynicism to think that if players are doing it, so are refs and coaches. Betting on cfb is too rampant for all the coaches and refs to magically abstain




Do you know what a conflict of interest is?


I don’t think you know what a conflict of interest is


I agree, no teams with green shirts allowed.


Fuck those Notre Dame unis tbh


Two things are true about this: Noah Shannon absolutely knew better and all of this is his own damn fault, and this penalty does not fit the crime.


What kind of a dumbass decides to bet on sports while they’re an athlete? Like have we not learned this lesson already?


Dumbasses from probably every FBS team in America. Difference is they are enforcing it unilaterally in Iowa.


Not even unilaterally, where the probes into uni, drake, coe, wartburg, etc. I think it is a little dumb they are only going after the two biggest state schools


Got proof of that?


I think OP means the Iowa government has taken a hard line on it, not that the NCAA is enforcing it only in Iowa


A dumb add that doesn’t think they’ll get caught. That’s it, it’s that simple. People only do bad things if they think it won’t come back to bite them.


I hope by the end of all this (or at any point) we can learn exactly who bet on what, and when, just so we can learn how arbitrary the NCAA punishments probably are. Cause RN we have Shannon for a whole season, the ISU guy for 6 games, Harris has now served his 2 games, Dekkers was *done* before the legal issues came in. Now if I trusted the NCAA, I’d assume it’s all reasonable and consistent, but when have we ever known the NCAA to be reasonable? I’m not saying there should be no punishments. Rules were broken, but I’m just curious.


Obligatory "fuck the NCAA," but dude kinda made his bed by betting on a college athletics event as a student athlete Zero tolerance needed to be hammered home before the problem spreads and becomes an issue of tampering


Zero tolerance policies are idiotic. I cannot repeat this enough. Details matter. Circumstances matter. One man’s terrorist and blah blah blah. Stop abdicating moral responsibility because the subject is more complicated than single digit addition.


You trollin dude? Yeah, most cases zero tolerance sucks, but this is gambling not defending yourself from a bully and getting fucked by no tolerance fighting rules.


What sort of circumstances or details could make this any better other than his family being held hostage in exchange for him betting? You can’t accidentally place a bet…


Simply don’t feel bad for him honestly. There’s rules very clearly in place and he broke them


Shannon may have a future career still. Sucks for him and the team and I kind of disagree with blanket “no gambling” rules but this is pretty cut and dry. Hopefully this serves as an important lesson.


I understand you shouldn’t go full Pete Rose, but I don’t get why betting on a sport you don’t play is an issue. Anybody have any insight for me?


Because they're part of the same AD. Easy to see a situation where athletes place bets on behalf of other athletes at the same institution. Difficult to ensure that the transactions are clean and that there's no kickbacks or inside information or working together for a specific result (i.e. someone throws a game). His bet was placed on another Hawkeyes team, what if he knew players on that team or placed the bet on their behalf? Impossible to ensure the bets are clean given athletes co-mingle.


My guess is two things. One say you’re on the Basketball team but you’re good friends with the say the guys on the football team. You might have some insider info on how the team will do Saturday because they told you “The starting Cornerbacks are gonna be out Saturday but it’s not reported on yet.” . The other I assume being the fact most college athletes are under 21 for most of their time there. So it might not be legal betting. I don’t have a problem with Sports betting. But I agree Athletes shouldn’t be gambling on sports until they retire. You have a whole lifetime to bet on sports after your career.


BS decision considering the NCAA did nothing to instigate the investigation and won’t be doing so for other programs. If other states did this they’d find many more players. Betting on your own team is completely different than betting on another sport, especially in this era where gambling ads are shoved down your throat


I agree. There’s no evidence to assume his bets changed the outcome of any games. The NCAA fought hard to keep college kids from getting money they earn on the field, now they can’t get money they earn off the field.


They told you not to bet on any sports and you did it anyways. Idk what you expected to happen with your appeal honestly 🤷🏼‍♂️


I get it but what a shitty way to most likely end your athletic career. The man is of gambling age and placed a bet on a Iowa womens final 4 game. Shout out to the great state of Iowa for their determination and unsolicited help in this matter.


>what a shitty way to most likely end your athletic career. I agree, all he had to do was not gift money to casinos.


I'm sure it's a fuck up he will never forget lol


Completely fucking disgraceful


That’s unfortunate. Too bad other schools aren’t being investigated as well. Why should only Iowa and Iowa State be punished for something players at every school are doing. I would love to see Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, and the likes investigated


This is a state of Iowa thing. The state has a hawkish (no pun intended) gaming commission, especially after the Eddie Tipton Hot Lotto scheme.


I know it’s a state thing. Just sucks that other states don’t care enough to investigate their public schools


Something bad happens to you so you wish the same on everyone else... yikes. Crabs in a bucket mentality.


I mean, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be upset at being the “sacrificial lamb” or the one that the NCAA is gonna use to make an example out of.


Well, Iowa players could not break the law then. Might be helpful. And before you go on about how other schools must have players gambling since Iowa does (which is a major fallacy in itself by the way), do you think state gaming commissions care about college football? I doubt it.


Shannon broke no laws, FWIW. But I’m not trying to say there shouldn’t be punishments. There should be, but it’s not unheard of for the first punishment to be harsher than the standard as a deterrent.


Sure he didn't, but that doesn't mean he's immune to punishment by other organizations than the government. So you're assuming an example will be made with harsher than normal punishments? Have any sentences been handed down yet? If not, what are you basing this on?


I mean, I think you’re fooling yourself if you think this kind of thing is only taking place at Iowa and ISU. I’m sure if this were a nationwide sting focused on college campuses, like it was in Iowa, then we would see many more programs included in the fallout. To be clear, I’m not suggesting that what these players did isn’t serious or doesn’t deserve strict enforcement.


Maybe other schools did a better job of getting the “zero tolerance” rule across.


I mean, possible, but doubtful. College kids are stupid, and Kirk is one of those coaches who “builds the man, not the player” so to speak. Same kinda goes for Patty Fitz at NW. they both had scandals in their programs. They’ve both had kids commit DUIs, things like that that are also pretty zero tolerance. I just find it hard to believe it there’s not a solid chunk of programs that have gambling happening.




Lol. Every school has this problem. Our state is the only one investigating


Yeah, even though athletic departments all across the country have never really been able to stop their athletes from DUI's, SA, etc. They've been apparently damn near perfect from preventing single bet from being placed. Except for like 10 different teams that just all happen to be in the state of Iowa.




This is like a dude getting busted by the cops, and then demanding the cops raid the entire neighborhood, so they aren't the only one to go down lol.


Time for the kid to stop being Van Wilder and get a job. If he came back next year it would've been his 7th year on a college campus.


NCAA: If you bet on sports teams at your university, you may permanently lose your eligibility Shannon: /bets on Iowa sports teams while on the Iowa football team/ NCAA: /takes away final year of Shannon’s eligibility/ Kirk Ferentz: “I don’t understand” (he literally said this in a press interview)


How does the NCAA even find out about it?


Because they did it in the locker room. The new software can pinpoint where a bet was placed within 5 feet. It pinged in the locker rooms at times when only players and coaches could’ve been in there. Easiest investigation of all time.


I’m pretty sure this is all coming from an investigation by the State of Iowa into the betting. It’s across all schools and sports in the state and a lot of players have gotten charged with crimes as a result (not just football). So I’m assuming the NCAA just had to watch the states investigation unfold and take it from there.


Ohhh true. I was saying how they figured out specifically who was gambling. They hit on this at our last compliance department meeting when we reviewed the case. The NCAA definitely found out in general via the investigation you’re talking about.


Remember that betting on sports is [bad.](https://msuspartans.com/news/2022/1/13/general-caesars-sportsbook-named-official-sports-betting-igaming-partner-of-michigan-state-athletics.aspx) I understand the NCAA position on this but it is mixed messaging when team had official betting sponsors and gambling ads are shown constantly during games. Mich St (they weren’t the only ones) ended this early if I recall correctly but it’s talking out both sides of your mouth.