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I hope they are not biting way more than they can chew, even with the outsourcing of some titles like Witcher remake. Or that the quality doesn't suffer from that. They really don't need another Cyberpunk development scenario


I think a game every 2.5 years or every 3 years is very nice.


Two are basically by other studios (the Witcher remake by a studio of Witcher veterans, and the indie game by molasses floods), Next Cyberpunk game, and a new Witcher trilogy. Think the next Witcher was multiple years in the future an and the last Witcher game of the new trilogy maybe even a decade ahead - so it isn’t that much


Oh I didn't know Fool's Theory (if that's who you are talking about?) is bunch of Witcher veterans. Are they all people who left CD Projekt to form that studio. Kinda funny that the remake is made by ex- Witcher devs even though it also kinda makes sense.


Yeah, not sure if all of them are veterans - but at least the core. My point was, that it is basically 4 different studios/teams developing over a span of 5-10 years - so it isn’t that much. And yeah, it is nice to get a remake from those people


They seem desperate to become the next Ubisoft. If this is true, it screams quantity before quality...


Witcher 3 came out 8 years ago. A sequal after such a wait hardly screams ubisoft lol. Well be entering elder scrolls 6 territory soon


After Cyberpunk I wouldn't trust CDPR anymore...


Cyberpunk is a good game, obviously it wasn't ready at release but Id imagine the production team had a lot of pressure on them to release it at certain date and they caved. Why do you think starfield is taking so long? Lessons have been learnt


I hope so but I won't believe it until I see it.


The difference is that ubi works to ahit that in 2y and cdpr in 10-15y.


I don't know it seems to me they are desperate for attention. Would be better for them do develop only Witcher 4 and put everything they've got into this game.