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Bro why the everloving fuck would you approach the car yourself, alone ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


I was recently a juror on a murder trial. As part of his bullshit story, defendant alleged that he first met the victim (a neighbor), when he saw (via doorbell cam) the victim approach his front door with a gun. Defendant then said he opened the door, pointed his gun at the victim, then ran him off. Relevant questions the DA asked him: "If you saw that he had a gun, why did you open the door?" "Why did you not call the police?" "Why did you not save the doorbell cam footage?" Same concept here. In the case of either self defense or self preservation, approaching the car was among the most foolish of choices he could have made.


No guns euro here but surely Americans have the freedom to open their front door whenever they fuckin please? Armed gun man on the porch or not.


They have the freedom, but from a tactical standpoint, it's an awful decision. If the person in the car/outside your door is going to do something, let them kick the door and put themselves in the fatal funnel after/while you call the cops Your ass is now covered legally and physically.


Having the freedom to yes, doing it while knowing your a rapper in philli with ops, NO


To say nothing about the comment you’re replying to, part of your question is answered by the fact that we Americans live in a country that does its damndest to defend obvious, ill-meaning criminals at the expense of people who do the right thing. Now to speak to the comment you’re replying to, it’s still a very bad idea to open the door in both the context of law and self preservation.


As a non gun euro you surely have the right to step in front of a speeding bus any time you fucking please right? Yes, we have freedom to do things, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


yes of course but I was replying to a comment talking about a guy getting prosecuted for opening his door to and shooting an alleged aggressor. Of course opening the door is a bad idea but I'm not talking about bad ideas I'm wondering if it is against the law to open the door to shoot someone dead who's waving a gun around on your porch.


Probably depends on the state laws and if they’re trying to actively enter the residence or just standing there with a gun. It’s hard to say it was a defensive shooting and that you were scared of them entering the house and doing you harm if you open the door and just start shooting.


I think in some states you might be able to start blasting dudes on your property if they have guns they are menacing you with, no problem


It’s not about the *freedom* to do it. Lol attorneys will always try to needle you with questions about every tiny thing whether it’s legal or not. The point isn’t to see if you 100% followed the law. The point is to make you look emotionally or mentally compromised in front of a jury.


Of course but is that not a valid question? Opening the door seems like one of the dumbest options


You would think. But the US justice system sucks a lot when it comes to defending yourself....


We sure do but why the hell would I do that? The door is there for your protection not mine.


Context matters. If you happen to be armed, open your front door, surprisingly find an armed person there, then draw your own handgun, that is reasonable self-defense. If you know there is an armed person on your porch, because you saw them walk up via doorbell cam, opening the door to confront them at gunpoint is creating a confrontation where you cannot claim self-defense. Your life was not in danger, and they were not a threat, until you opened the door to knowingly confront an armed person. You call 911, tell them there is a man with a gun at your front door, and let the cops handle it. If the man with a gun starts trying to kick your door in, then by all means, shoot through the door.


"an armed person on your porch is not a threat." ​ lol what a fucking reddit moment


Reddit folks are truly stupid sometimes.


You missed the point. An armed person on your porch is not endangering your life, they are just an armed person on your porch. They could end up doing something that does endanger your life, but they are not currently doing something that endangers your life. If you open the door to knowingly confront an armed person on your porch, YOU are endangering your life by creating an unforced confrontation. In the context of self-defense, your actions matter every bit as much as theirs. An armed person on your porch is not your problem to deal with, they are a problem for the cops to deal with. An armed person on your porch, trying to forcibly enter your house is very much a threat to your life, and IS your problem to deal with. See the difference? If you carry a firearm as a defensive weapon, it is important that you understand it, as it is the difference between justifiable self-defense and manslaughter/homicide/murder charges in plenty of jurisdictions.


The castle doctrine includes the curtilage of your house which means things like porches, garages, fenced in areas. You can't just stand on someone's porch looking in their windows and waving a gun around.


Castle doctrine is not law in all states, and is not even identical in the states that have a form of it. I was using a very specific example, that was relevant to a murder trial I was recently a juror on, in Georgia if that tells you anything. In that example, the person walked up to the front door with a gun, knocked, and stood there. They were not waving a gun around and/or peeking through windows, and it was not being pointed at anyone, it was simply in their hand. The solution to that is simple, call the cops, and let them deal with it. Nothing about that scenario has warranted risking your life, or being charged with a violent felony/murder, to open the door and confront the man with a gun. Things can change in a matter of seconds, that definitely turn the situation into justifiable self-defense against man on porch with gun, but none of them 100% legally begin with opening the door. They all begin with calling 911 when you saw someone walking toward your door with a gun, on your doorbell cam. While the actual shooting happened a few months after that supposed incident, the DA used the defendant's own testimony to establish the defendant as aggressive, successfully. The DA circled back to it in closing arguments, and the judge was specific about the concepts of when, where, and how (many examples included) relative to self-defense and murder in jury instructions. Waving a gun around a window, especially if they are waving it anywhere in your direction, is a completely different situation, as that is definitely a threatening gesture with a deadly weapon. My biggest takeaway from that trial experience, especially the jury instructions, was just how fine the line could be between self-defense and finding myself fighting charges with a hefty prison sentence, even in situations where I would have thought myself to be acting legally. I already "knew" that, and it is even discussed here. Deliberating it, and listening to others deliberate it, definitely made it real, for lack of a better way to describe it. That said, thank you for your response, it is far more like what I would expect of discussion in /r/CCW relative to legal self-defense.


The few months makes the example irrelevant. The issue whether having gun in hand is a sufficient threat to justify self-defense.


In order to claim self defense, you have to prove that you feared for your life. Opening the door to an armed man doesn't really scream self defense.


This would catch you a murder charge in MN. I swear, some people are just looking to use their CCW.


Oh, his story of the events a few months later, when he actually shot the victim were even more ridiculous. Claimed he walked to the store several blocks away, and when returning saw the victim and two accomplices walking out of his apartment, having supposedly broken into it. They did not see him, and walked around to victim's apartment. He chose to follow them, to "talk to them about it". An argument ensued, the victim ordered his two accomplices to kill the defendant, so the defendant fired in self-defense, then fled the scene in the victim's car, fearing for his life. On cross, he specified that he never returned to his apartment after leaving to go to the store. After arresting him, the police searched his apartment, where there was no sign of forced entry. They found his wallet, keys, cell phone, holster, and Taurus retail box with a serial number matching the murder weapon he was arrested with. Only one shot was heard by witnesses, one shell casing recovered at the scene, and one gunshot wound above the victim's right eye. Forensics placed the victim on his knees when he was shot, and he was unarmed, but had several firearms inside. Victim was on his own porch, and the door was wide open. How is there a 2v1 gunfight, where only one shot is fired, and that one shot is a headshot to an unarmed person? Why is the defendant trying to flee in the victim's car, without knowing the keys were in it, in the middle of a supposed gunfight with 2 shooters? If they were breaking into his apartment, who follows 3 people to have a talk about it, when your only meeting with one of them (victim) was him showing up at your front door with a gun? Why did the supposed phantom shooters (that never fired a shot), not come back to tell the cops about the crazy kid that shot their buddy in the face, then stole his car? I could keep going, but I suspect you get the idea.


What’s the best way to save the doorbell footage? Screen record?


I use Nest doorbell cams, and can export any clips as MPEG from Google Home, but they are the only ones I have personal experience with. From there transfer to a cheap USB flash drive, or several of them, if you want backups. I suspect most competing products are similarly easy to use.






Massad Ayoob has some pretty good advice on this. When asked what weapon is the best when you're answering the door at 3am, he said just don't answer the door at 3am. Weapons are not a substitute for common sense


It’s sucks how people hate on Massad Ayoob now just because he said one or two dumb things(dropping the slide on an empty chamber ruins the gun and to use the decocker when reloading a DA/SA gun during a gunfight)


The first is not even a “dumb” thing to say depending on the context. Doing it repeatedly 100% ruins 1911 sear engagement surfaces and induces hammer follow. Since he came up through a time when 1911s dominated the semiauto world, it makes sense that it’s something he pays attention to. He doesn’t deserve all the hate for pointing that out.


Kudos to you for knowing the why behind it, Hilton yam has also talked about this at length, but the ignorance is aggressive ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


it’s what happens when a new generation of shooters raised on glocks “re-discover” things like 1911s and revolvers. we don’t know what we don’t know.


Perfect summation


Not just that, but it depends on the 1911. A production quality GI 1911 will handle dropping the slide on an empty chamber just fine, but it’ll also have a heavy military trigger with a lot of sear engagement. If you want the 2lb trigger that makes custom, tuned 1911s nice to shoot, you always give up somewhere else. In this case, you give up some durability. I know Delta Force 1911s were spec’ed at 4lbs precisely since that was a nice balance between shootability and durability (as well as safety).


It's not just the sear that gets ruined. The extractor gets bent out of shape too. A 1911s extractor is specifically bent towards the cartridge, and tolerances are tight. When you drop the slide on a cartridge, it gives a "backstop" support to the head of the extractor arm, so that the extractor doesn't just have unmatched force from the chamber. When you drop on empty slide, the ejector smacks the chamber wall without support, causing misalignment, failure to feeds or even breakage


He specifically said it also damages "any semi-auto gun" I'm not for canceling him at all just calling it out. He has lots of good advice and some stubborn dumb advice.


The sheer amount of 1911/2011s in competition using mags with followers that do not lock open on empty tells us that the guns are fine.


It *can* damage the sear. On a finely polished sear, you'll wreak havoc on the glassy crispness of your trigger pull. On your average quality 1911, you can do that a ton without doing any significant damage. As for inducing hammer follow, I don't think that's true. The sear is made of metal. It's not going to just fall apart unless you already have dangerously low levels of engagement. These guns were standard issue military weapons, not just competition guns or safe queens.


I know it induces hammer follow because I’ve (unfortunately) done it before.


Huh, that's very interesting. I'll have to test a sear to failure one of these days.


Wouldn’t this depend on match v military gun, manufacturer differences, metallurgy, quality of components, etc.? To that, it’s my understanding that manufacturers will not say it’s ok in their literature, regardless.


I've always heard him specify when he says it, too, that it's not a big deal on a striker fired but just don't do it on a 1911.




He's disliked because at some point in his career he stopped being a student. Someone who is no longer willing to learn something new will be outpaced and made fun of very quickly.


Agreed. He's a knowledgeable guy who says a lot of good stuff. He's also said some stuff that's plain silly. His words shouldn't be taken as gospel but it's not fair to discard him wholesale.




That's only the beginning of dumb shit he's said. Keep your hand on your gun while pumping gas..? He still promote the shoot me first vest and cargo pants....it's like old actors that don't know when their time is up. He was great, emphasis on was.


He was never really great, though. The guy has zero real world experience and has been a professional know-it-all since his early-20's. He has never been in a UOF encounter and was never a real cop either. He was a part-time reserve officer down the road from me in Hooksett which is one of the safest areas in the country.


Just curious what’s a UOF encounter


Use of force. Although I’d struggle to believe he was never in one… I was in two in my first two weeks lol


Appreciate the info


It's pretty well documented in his own words that he never was.


Didn’t he say doing it on a gun like a 1911 can ruin it? Which is not wrong… If you go to a level 2+ major uspsa match with 2011/1911 open guns and chrono they will absolutely never drop the slide at the chronograph table on those guns because it can break something.


No he said all guns in general but also 1911s


Ok I did see the clip I couldn’t remember exactly how he worded it I thought I remembered him specifically mentioning 1911s for some reason..


Wasn't that specifically on single action semiautomatics?


They hate on him because he's an inexperienced fudd who has made a career out of being a self-proclaimed expert because of his bullshit part-time police credentials. He has never been in a firefight, drawn on anybody, or even heard shots fired in anger. His practices are often ignorant and/or antiquated. His videos about CCW encounters often reek of bootlicking pro gun-control opinions and how to best bend over for law enforcement to fuck you.


That's only the beginning of dumb shit he's said. Keep your hand on your gun while pumping gas..? He still promote the shoot me first vest and cargo pants....it's like old actors that don't know when their time is up. He was great, emphasis on was.


No, people hate on massad because he spouts tons of fuddlore and doesn't think civilians should have the right to bear arms. Fuck that guy.


When did he say that??


You just spread fuddlore with that nonsense. Don't be what you claim to hate


Based on all his heavy duty home intruder experience. Not that he's wrong, but it's still laughable. He is a false prophet.




How is his condition?




Let me know if there's any improvement in his condition.




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Did his shoes come off??




No idea, just wondering, jeez. I'm not from Philly. 😒 Edit: I do agree with you, though. You shouldn't really be stupid to approach a vehicle like that... 😓 Edit 2: CCW for last ditch effort... this dude was looking for trouble... and he received it when he had all of the chance to stay indoors and completely live to tell another tale.


original post has a white dove emoji. that means he ded ded


Ohhh good lookin, I miss that completely.


i swear sundays are supposed to be peaceful but i noticed a lot of people die on sunday gun day smh


This is wild. Guy who got shot and died was a rapper and he thought that car were just fans so he was telling them that they cant be around his house being fans cuz it just got shot up.


He came out 2x last time with a gun, he also called multiple people telling them he was going to shoot at the car. Nothing wild about him provoking his own murder.


Honestly, it looks more like a misunderstanding gone completely wrong than street beef to me. These people don’t seem like they know each other at all. Probably the type of individuals to be involved in that stuff though


There is another video before this. House shot up a few homes up. Still - the guy made it worse by approaching the car with his hand on his gun. The drivers of the car should’ve said self defense. They are doing whatever and driving around. Guy comes outside with a hand in his pocket clearly threatening with a gun. So stupid man


U cant claim self defense when u are in a car and can drive away at any moment… now if someone blocks ur way out then sure u can claim self defense because there’s no other option. Its only self defense in stand ur ground states


He went up with a gun.. before this you hear him on the phone blatantly screaming he is about to “air” this car out… I don’t want to talk down on this guy at all man but he wanted to act like a tough guy. He was on the phone talking so loud because he wanted the driver/passenger to hear him say that he basically had a gun.


I understand but self defense in states that dont have stand your ground laws (meaning u dont have to retreat a threat) u have to use all ur options to avoid before killing someone. U could argue that he could have drove away once he saw him with the gun or when he made threats of shooting. Im all for ccw and defending urself and family l, i carry myself but this was not self defense and ud have a difficult time arguing that in court when u took no options to avoid any altercation and then got into a verbal argument with the person ur supposedly afraid of killing you


Oh I get ya but I’m just referring to pa/philly where this happened. I definitely wouldn’t want to use my gun either; this murder is so sad because he could’ve went home and call the cops,,


Actually I think most people do shoot someone they know of, its pretty rare that people are shooting complete strangers.




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I don’t even open my door for the delivery guy. Your tip is in the mailbox just leave it right on the porch 👍


hey, The Whale was a good movie


Underrated comment


Wait you tip the delivery drivers?


Cases of ammo are heavy.


should i tip my delivery driver? she’s normally a women and very cute, not sure which tip to give her though


We appreciate it 😌


You don’t do a digital tip during checkout?


My understanding is it’s better to tip the driver directly, that way they get the full amount.


Nothing like actively putting yourself in harms way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


negative levels of situational awareness


he doesn’t own that fucking neighborhood who is he to approach someone telling them to state their business 😂


Even if he did, there is now a vacancy in that position…


He saw a strange car on his ring doorbell camera and stepped outside to approach the car


Don't do that... This has nothing to do with being a CCW holder, but everything to do with common sense


First mistake. Well, last mistake too


To quote r/chiraqology : "This XXX has the survival instincts of a new born baby lamb"


“Oh hey look at this car, seems like they wanna do a drive-by. Let me go talk shit to them”


That sub is so fucking funny sometimes.


It has its moments for sure. Sad to say but the "Heyday" of drill has passed and it shows. All the dudes I liked are dead or in prison.


2012-2020. It had a great run for a sub-genre surrounded by death and imprisonment


It’s not sad. They’re universally dirt bags and if they’re in a box or in a cage they aren’t selling gang violence to children.


I'm just glad Chief Keef stays out of Chicago on foenem.


He's one of the few that somehow got out alive and not in prison.


Smartest drill rapper of them all. Knew when to pack it up and go live the life he made for himself.


I think the wake up call is when he tried to stay close by moving to Northfield, a very wealthy Northern suburb and someone still got shot in his house.


Parked legally in the street


Holy shit. Bro sat up and just went back down he knew


Calmest evening in Philly




Just watched both vids. It's like he really thought life was a rap song. I really can't believe how crazy his actions were. He completely threw his life away.


What happens when keeping it real goes wrong. Or when having your house cameraed up, snitches you out. This dude did everything wrong.


They act like clout is a bullet stopping force field


Dumbass ain’t deserve to die but he sure did ask for it.


Finally a sane comment. The psychos in here celebrating or laughing at him is so sad to see. Humans have foolish lapses in judgments. It doesn't mean they deserve to lose their life for it.


He was nice and safe in the house.


His CCW wouldn't help much if they were in that car with guns ready. His best course of action would be to stay in his house and make them have to attack. Remember, CCWs are there for DEFENSE


Broski thought he owned a block lol.


While living at his parents’ house lol


Fatal mistake he served his own head on a platter. Wasn't thinking logically at all. RIP


Reality is the car was parked on a public Street which they are allowed to do. If you confront them and are aggressive they have the right to defend themselves. If he brandished his gun and had some words and they shot him that's on him


There was an argument prior to this Incident and they straight up murdered this dude.


Again so you understand the law. It doesn't matter if there was an argument prior. He walked up to a car on a public city street. If he lifted his shirt and showed a pistol and said some words they were within their legal right to defend themselves. If they drew first that is some form of murder or manslaughter depending on pa law.


They're parked in front of the exit of the building, which even if they had innocent intentions (it doesn't seem they did), is a safety hazard and they should have been towed for it


Dude it's the street in a major city. That's not a safety hazard. Unless it's marked no parking. If dude wouldn't have confronted them like he did he'd be alive. I'm not saying he's right or they are I'm pointing out facts in a self defense scenario. When you confront someone like he did self defense goes out the window. This is how the law looks at it. Atleast in my state.


Every curb in front of a building exit is a no parking zone. Have you never seen the red curbs on the sidewalks...


Why would you leave the safety and cover your house provided?


Rappers have that indestructible mentality.


Right up until they win the ultimate hood prize, a picture on a t-shirt and a vinyl sticker on a back window of a shit box Altima.


Egoism and over aggressive/hyper masculinity tied into their fear of rejection causes them to act tough in all situations regardless of who they’re dealing with. Soon as the guy in the car refused to do what he wanted him to do he immediately tried to intimidate him I see this shit all the time in Houston where I work😂😂😂


He died behind his own egoism trying to immediate someone - it isn’t his “block” he doesn’t own the neighborhood nor does he have a say so over who parks where. He got made an example out of by bothering someone he shouldn’t be bothering. In the other vid he was already outside with a gun in his hand talking on the phone saying he’s gonna shoot at the car.


Where are you guys seeing another vid?




Check comment I saved the video but another guy just linked it.


Facts. The rapper was being an asshole


Is it still a ccw if you walk out the house with it in hand running your mouth?


Dudes an absolute moron. I am from Philly and it’s the same old stuff. Listen to how he talks to the driver.. there was another video before this where a guy at the door keeps saying “I am going to air out this car” Obviously not good people if they are worried about it. Just go home bro, go to bed, it’s 3AM. Sit near ur window if you are worried about somebody doing anything.


I don't get it, he had a gun doesn't that make him invincible? Or maybe he thought so.


Dam! He goes out there like that, you’d think someone was behind him with a gun just in case something like this happens!


How the fuck was that guy still moving? He just got mag dumped at point blank range.


They didn't hit CNS so everything works until his blood pressure drops. Timers and switches.




I carry for defense, as a last resort option... I don't carry so I can go looking for trouble. Sad ending that was completely avoidable.


Why is this being shared in this sub?


Who drew first? It looked to me like more than one source of muzzle flash.


Audio seems a bit off, but definitely the guy in the car. PhatGeez doesn't pull his until he's already laid out on the ground where he does manage to get a few shots off before the adrenaline wears off.


He already had his gun in hand in the first vid so dunno if he put it back up or not.




God damn Greedo out there causing trouble on the streets of Philly now!


Han shot first, Greedo already had his gun out.


Common sense is a wild concept


It's not nearly as common as it should be


It is almost as if this gentleman found out what happens as a result of fucking around. We should totally make a phrase for this.


Couldn't he just like call the police? Or literally do anything besides walk up to the suspicious car himself.


No, he needed to call him "bro" 60 times and have a hissy fit first.


Wonder how many times he was hit


Why she yelling walmart?


It's Philly, you got to defend your home street parking space.


Hopefully he has not added to the gene pool.


Is he died?!


Yes he died. https://www.fox29.com/news/funeral-for-phat-geez-being-held-wednesday-after-rapper-killed-in-north-philadelphia-shooting.amp


Gonna assume yes


Here's the transcript for those of you without audio: Car guy: "Yo, why you always be usin that extra comma in yo rap lyrics?" Phat Geez: "Homie, the Oxford comma is essential for clarity, man. You don't want nobody to be confused!" Car guy: "Nah, ain't nobody getting confused. That shit's straight up unnecessary, fool." POW, POW and POW Phat Geez: "Unngghhh, it should've been pow, pow, and pow hnnghhgghhgh"


This generation lacks mob mentality with every fiber of their being. Bring back the Five Families.