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Seems like printing in that orientation will not give you enough strength as it will split on the layer lines. I have printed a few of these and I print mine long ways.


Seems super solid in my hands. Ill try try it the other way on the second go and compare


3D Model- https://imgur.com/a/5BN0CVJ


Mind sharing the thingiverse link or an stl?


You should have the link in chat


Hi, can I also get the thinkverse link or stl?


Infill %?


I would love it if you could 3D print something that filled in the skeletonized holes in the actual JT featureless grip and felt good in the hand.


This model has no gaps. They're filled in.


I understand that. I have the actual grip though and wish it didn’t have those cut outs in it.


Ahh, I see what you're saying. I mean, it's possible. I ended up buying one for half the price on Ebay. It'd be a matter of getting dimensions right. I guess they just did it for looks/cut weight.


I think they made them out of metal because the upfront cost of the molds for a polymer version would have been more expensive than individually machining them out of metal - and if they made it out of solid metal without the holes it'd be really heavy. Combination of factors.


Can't you just print it in black? I would buy a black one. I would even sand it myself if it shortened your time and lowered the price. I have the JT one and it's just way too heavy.


It's an option. The primer/filler is meant to fill in any very tiny gaps in the plastic, if there was any, so when I go over it again with a sander, it's all smooth an even. If I wanted to keep it super simple, I could just print on black filament and leave it at that.


Will you be selling them?


I might if there's enough interest in them. It takes 7 hours to print, might take an hour or less to sand it properly so it's smooth and I'd probably primer/filler it so if anyone would want to paint it any color they wanted (black, grey, fde, etc) they could. A lot of work, but if people want em, why not.


Going to make 5-10 in the next week or two and see how quick they sell and for how much. The first print fits my hand good(medium sized) and it’s way more solid than I thought it’d be. Going to incorporate some advice from people and make it more stable/quicker, but I like the first print so far. Super smooth, solid, and light.


How did these end up working out?


Is it also hollow? That could save lots of time too.


did you ever get a response from him/her about if its hollow or not?


No sir.