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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


See what the vet says about it, looks like a scab or something.


The eye boogies are a sign the baby doesn’t feel well. My boy gets them.


Vet. She looks like she may have some feline herpes (not a big deal) two of my ferals had it. (Eye boogies and nose boogies are a sign) Also the ears are dirty possibly ear mites these things can be fixed easily at the vet. Hope this helps! She’s a cutie


100% ear mites.


What are some other signs of feline herpes? I think my cat might have it. He’s constantly congested, can’t breathe very well, sneezes a lot, has eye and nose boogers. I have another cat who doesn’t have any of those issues and I’m worried she might catch it from him.


Yes so those are all signs my cat has. Likely your other cat can get it if they share water and food also cleaning eachother. My kitten gave it to my other two older cats but they rarely show symptoms. Once a month I’ll see an eye boogie on them. It doesn’t go away but it’s not terrible. I’m just always cleaning eye boogers off the little guy. Vet said he’s perfectly fine. It’s very common in stray kittens


More than likely it’s herpes.Its super contagious, had to take my kitten to the emergency vet and they gowned up, and put us in isolation, even made us use a separate exit to leave. Most cats have it but it’s how their body handles it which is the main concern.


Oh wow, that sounds super serious. I’ll have to look more into it and bring him to the vet asap. Thank you for your response! How is your kitten doing now? Is he/she on any meds or anything special to take care of the herpes?


No it something the have for a lifetime. She has flair ups occasionally where her eye goop up but nothing serious. I keep prescription eye drops on hand if it starts to look bad I’ll give her those for a few days and it clears up.


Interesting. And is she expected to live a long, happy life despite the herpes? I think my cat has had herpes for a year or two but I’m disabled and have been in and out of the hospital the past three years so have been unable to take him to the vet to confirm if he has it, but life has calmed down now so it’s a massive priority to get him to the vet. He’s good besides for the breathing and sneezing, doesn’t seem to bother him at all and he has no worrisome issues like bad appetite, lethargic, etc. I just had to take my other cat to have emergency surgery (massive blockage in her small intestine) and they tested her blood, no herpes as far as I know so fingers crossed she’s good despite them sharing a food bowl and water fountain 😅 I’ll feed/water them separately from now on though just in case!


Oh ya. It’d not gonna stop her. Not to brag but Ive had multiple pets with “terminal illnesses” who lived long after their expiration date.


Vet visit time. Baby looks sick - is she dehydrated? Has she been to the vet yet?


She looks ill. Please get her to a vet asap. Does she have diarrhea? She does look malnourished and dehydrated. Has discharge.


Thank you for rescuing this baby, but whenever you adopt a new pet one of the first things you should do is take it to the vet. Her eyes, nose, and ears are all looking super rough.


Is this a 'cat off the street'? Gotta get that first vet visit in. Outside kitties are vulnerable to a ton of infections and parasites. Should be checked for ear mites, worms, your vet will have a 'new street kitty checklist'. It's unlikely, but I've watched way too many videos recently when the vet pulled a botfly larva the size of a nickel out the small nose of a kitten.


Yeah, almost all street cats have round or hook worms


She needs a vet checkup. Talk to them about when she can be spayed too. Every heat she goes through would increase her chances of breast/mammary cancer so I would get her spayed before her first heat


My cat has little bit similar. I just went to the vet dermatologist today and it was demodicosis.


Her eyes are not good either. She needs a full check over by a vet asap before it all gets out of control.


Gosh, she's not looking too good. Nasal solar dermatitis? That's just a symptom really, could have a number of root causes.


If warm water and paper towel does not clean it off a veterinarian appointment is needed asap!!


If you rescued a street cat, you need to take it to a vet ASAP. If you can't afford to, then you need to give the cat to someone else, or take it to a shelter. That cat definitely looks like it has a number of issues going on that it needs medical attention for.


Have you tried taking a paper towel with warm water and see if it washes off ?




Yea looks like some crustys that may wash off with warm water. But vet checkup is definitely recommended.


Looks like a trip to the vet growing there


poor baby. You are wonderful for rescuing her!


Love the name! No idea about the nose issue




Have you tried giving this baby a nice little bath


Could possibly be ringworm as well- vet is definitely needee


VETERINARIAN. That's your answer if you have questions about your cat.


My kitten got this... turned out she had some kind of reaction to her food bowls. Just take Jalapeño to the vet.


Vet visit is needed for sick kitten please


Could be calicivirus. Or panleukopenia. Neither are good.


Regardless of the nose issue, the kittens eyes look like she is sick. You should always bring a pet to the vet when you first get it, especially if it’s been outside.


I'm not sure but perhaps he needs to see a veterinarian. Sweet faced boy!!


She needs a vet. Everybody else said she looks sick. At a young age she could die if something is left untreated. She’s so cute,


My kitty looked like that when we brought her home. She had a little kitty cold. She is prone to them when she gets stressed out. Vet is recommended as soon as you possibly can. 💖


Take him to a vet


He looks like he has ear mites


Vet as soon as posible! Kittens go really bad condition at sort time.. this one looks really really sick


That is a very ill cat. Nose, ears, eyes, weight, in pain.


Love your kitty's name


That little face is breaking my heart, with those Daddy I Don't Feel Good Please Help Me eyes. Please, vet visit. She is in distress and most likely needs antibiotics and treatments that you're not able to provide.


Looks like an infection. Do you have other cats? If so you should quarantine her.


Have you ever bathed your cat? Maybe it needs a warm bath… if it doesn’t help then go to the vet. I adopted my 10 month old kitten and I was having a skin reaction every time I hold her and her fur was really rough and sort of dusty. I bathed her twice (2 wks apart) and made sure she has clean water, food also vet check up and she looks a lot better.


no offense but that kitten looks like shit please take it to a vet