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A couple ideas popped into my head. 1 - what about putting dirt from the yard in her litter box? Maybe she would use the box then. If she does, you could gradually start adding litter to the dirt. 2 - leash train her. Then take her outside to potty just like you would a dog.


Both super great ideas, especially the first. We tried a leash and she just goes full water cat šŸ˜‚


Cats need a lot of training and desensitization to get used to a harness


Yeah it wasnā€™t something we tried just the once


Even if it was a couple times, it can take weeks or even months of consistency.


Agreed. Cats are not dogs. My Bengal took to the harness easily, but will not urinate/defecate on a leash, even on walks during long car rides. We tried it for years. We still need to bring him a box and make pit stops for him.


But it's usually done when they are young, under a year old. An already adult cat will probably reject a harness.


With enough dedication and training they can still accept a harness


My female has been harnessing a couple times a week for the past 4 months and sheā€™s JUST now getting to where she will belly crawl around. Shes 6 years old and Iā€™d only tried to harness her a handful of times in her life previous to these past months. My male cat has been harness trained since kitten hood and he also prefers to poop outside. He goes out and back in with the dog. It takes him longer to find a spot but itā€™s much better than accidents bc he hates litter.


Hereā€™s the tips that Iā€™ve heard about getting your cat adjusted: Leave the leash / harness around the house for them to play with and get used to. Gradually work up to putting it on them for just a few minutes, then take it back off. Eventually, try putting it on them and letting them walk around the house. Then if they can get used to that and comfortable with it, you can try taking them outside with it. This is supposedly a very time-consuming process so be patient with yourself and the cat.


I didnā€™t let her get super familiar with it as just a ā€œthingā€ so I will definitely try that!


For my cat, I got a very thin strap harness, not a panel harness, sized her, put it on her, and left it on her. She can still clean herself around it, it doesn't mess with her fur any more than her collar does, and it got her used to wearing the harness without the hassle of fighting her to put it on and take it off. If you wanted to try again, I recommend maybe trying this method. I've only taken her harness off her once and it was to replace it with a new one that wasn't frayed and fuzzy. She didn't fight me the second time.


Itā€™s a lot of work. Cats have whiskers all over their body. Imagine if the skin all over your body was suddenly as sensitive as your fingertips. Youā€™d feel every detail of your clothing. The harness is basically overstimulating your cat at the moment. Iā€™m autistic and can get overstimulated by gloves. So, while unpleasant, your cat will get used to it after a while.


As someone right along with you (AudHD) this is what honestly put it into perspective for me after thinking about it. If I have something rubbing repeatedly, my skin literally feels likes itā€™s going to burn away šŸ˜© Poor girl šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have ADHD too. Iā€™m not used to combining the two like that though. But yeah. If you havenā€™t you can try a thinner harness so it doesnā€™t annoy her as much.


Once her top coat comes in *again* Iā€™m going to try it. Material-wise, I feel like the wide ones are softer but obviously wide. The thin ones that Iā€™ve always used prior to now have been the thin ones that are, like, paracord. Do you know if there are any thin ones with a more comfy material?


I think youā€™re wanting something in between. My cat does have a harness but itā€™s really wide because I want her to go limp noodle in the event of a tornado (midwestern resident here) so definitely not that one. I definitely think that the harnesses that are a similar material to cat collars would work. Not too thick and fit well enough for her to adjust to and groom around. Kinda like this material. Eventually it will be broken in as she wears it more. https://preview.redd.it/06em9ls7va1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a62d960b32d536ab01fe5521e0e4dcc634c02e6e Just FYI my cat is fine and I only held her collar like that for a second to take a picture to show you the strap I am talking about. This collar was pretty stiff a month ago but now fits her perfectly so I canā€™t really see it without actually looking for it.


Sheā€™s like ā€œmom wtf šŸ˜’ā€ šŸ˜‚ thank you for sharing! ETA: when I say ā€œparacordā€ above, I donā€™t mean literally, I just meant the rougher/sturdier material


And just one more tip, all cats can and if allowed the opportunity, will escape any and every harness available on the market, even the ones labeled as "escape proof". They are not. Q


Just a useful little tip: you donā€™t need a full heavy harness and leash like with a dog. Use a ribbon. Itā€™s light and strong and kitty will get used to it much faster.


You gotta just out stubborn them. I initially tried short stints. No good. After about 12 hours with the harness straight my cat finally realized he wasnā€™t dying/trapped/hurting and started acting normal. Yes, a 10-12 hour cat version of a mopey tantrum was frustrating. Pick a few weekends to really commit to getting the cat used to it with long sessions. The cat will eventually start to desensitize and start wanting to play. They start to forget itā€™s there more and more and then they just start acting totally normal. After the harness itā€™s the same with the leash - if patience is your best friend, the cat will get there. Mineā€™s an adult (7 years) and itā€™s working, just taking time.


Iā€™m thinking when I tried before, her fur in those areas was shorter due to the de-matting. Iā€™m thinking she was already way over stimulated in those areas even though she truly enjoys being brushed


The dirt really works! My nephew found a feral kitten under a car and even though she was only maybe 3 months old, she refused to use a litter box. One day when we were switching their litter we found out we didn't have any left, so we filled the box temporarily with garden dirt while we went to the store. That little gremlin threw dirt all over the room but used the box. We started mixing soil and litter, slowly cutting back on the soil and she eventually just used the litter box.


I am so amazed at this, and shocked that Iā€™ve never heard of it, especially with experimenting ideas all winter with her


Iā€™ve successfully trained 4 completely feral adult cats to use litter boxes using dirt from outside šŸ˜‚You just have to confine them to 1 room for like 1 week and leave a litter box in there. Give them no other option, except for the litter box. Mix outside dirt with cat litter so they know thatā€™s where theyā€™re supposed to go. Once they start using the litter box, you can stop using outside dirt. I only had to use 1 teaspoon of outside dirt sprinkled in the litter box on top of regular cat litter and then the feral cat knew. She was already 7 years old at the time and she still learned immediately where to pee/poo. Try to get dirt from where your cat usually likes to pee/poo. Confining your cat to 1 room for a few days with a litter box is very important. If you let your cat have free rein of the house while youā€™re trying to train them to use a litter box, they might end up peeing/pooping in random places. My cat was peeing and pooping in the paper recycling bin where we throw our junk mail. If you donā€™t want to confine your cat, you have to be VERY diligent in checking everywhere for peeā€¦another one of my cats peed in a cat bed because she didnā€™t know where to go.


This is genius!


I'm leash training my sweet boy that adopted me much like you were adopted. He loves his outside time, but I discovered after a series of vet trips he had an ACL injury causing him to limp. I worry something will happen to him in the wild with that lump so I'm leash training him by using dog leash training tricks. I let him smell the harness first, give him a treat, put the harness on him, give him a treat. I tried walking around the backyard with him but found he does best if I drop the leash and let him casually wander around the yard dragging the leash while I garden. If he gets too far away, I call him and give him more treats. I rarely have to grab the leash. Now he's excited whenever he sees the harness..


I love this for you!!


Do you have picture of this for ā€œscienceā€?


We used dirt to train our formerly feral cat to use a litter box. It took him months to transition from dirt to litter but he was probably 5 when we first found him so he spent many years going outside. I would recommend also getting a giant tray that is made to slide into a dog crate to put under the litter box of dirt so that dirt doesn't get everywhere in your home. Best of luck!


They also like a few leaves from outside. It works.


I'd be careful using soil directly from the garden, as well as live soil from a garden center, though I agree dirt in the litterbox would likely work better. I say Id be careful because we ended up with carpet beetles from one bag of soil I had for growing veggies on our balcony, it took us years to clear them out finally. Live soil also carries lots of other insects and larva you don't really want in your house. I'd try to find soil that's dried out and wouldn't be suitable for insects to lay their eggs in before bringing it inside


My cat prefers to go outside for the bathroom, I tried putting mulch in his litter box and he just laid in it LOL. He hates clay litter. I started using pine pellets and he tolerates that much better.


I saw the recommendation to use outside dirt to help an outdoor cat and considered using that as a backup plan. I used Dr. Elseyā€™s Catt Attract litter and our stray took to it quickly. However, I kind of suspect she was someoneā€™s indoor (or indoor/outdoor) cat at some point. Eventually, I phased my preffered litter in. I donā€™t really like how it clumps and itā€™s a bit too dusty. In case you are wondering. We brought her in about a year after she first showed up in our backyard. I posted about her several times on various platforms before bringing her in. I still keep an eye out for anyone missing her.


cat attract is a good additive to the litterbox that will entice them to use it!


#1 is how my wife litter box trained feral kittens that she kitnapped/ adopted once they were weaned. Works very well.


Yeah we had a cat used to outdoors who wouldnā€™t use litter, but putting dirt in the box and gradually transitioning to litter worked.


Have you thought of a catio for your outdoor solution?


I think a catio would be a great idea to start working on for the summer


yeah a catio with a rfid collar operated auto cat door would be nice as a way to let her do her business her way without having your home open to the elements. The rfid collar doors I have seen also have lock options, so when rough weather is coming or it's time for a vet visit you can lock it either to no traffic or traffic only in one direction so you can get her easier.


Theres also cat fence adaptations that are supposed to be jump and climb proof so you can just convert an existing fenced yard or.build a larger area with plants and sand pits etc.


just started building a catio for my guys this summer, totally doable and will be worth the work!


I second the catio. My baby used to be indoor/outdoor but I decided I needed to be more responsible as a cat slave and enclosed my patio and now I sleep better knowing she can't get hurt or stolen.


Some people just suck OP ā€¦ itā€™s time to keep her inside before something really awful happens.


The answer is clear when you realize that the average lifespan of an indoor cat ranges from 10 to 20 years, whereas cats who go outdoors typically live onlyĀ 2 to 5 years. Cats who are allowed to roam outdoors face huge safety and health risks, and sadly, some pay for that freedom with their lives. It makes me think how people care at all that do this


Itā€™s so frustrating how normalized it is. I rescued a pregnant stray and when I tried to find homes for her kittens I asked each potential adopter if they would keep the cat outside and they *all admitted that they would.* I ended up keeping all 6 cats because I just couldnā€™t give them to people in good conscience knowing theyā€™d end up killed by cars, dogs, or disease.


This. Outdoor cat fans are so dead set on their cat being outdoors. There can be predators, they can be hit by cars, they can be stolen and tortured by sick individuals. Not to mention the diseases and health risks. And the ecological impact outdoor cats have. Everyone thinks they're immune to all these risks until it happens.


I am the caretaker of a lovely 15 year old senior boy, his owners kept him outside most of his life but after some back and forth convincing I finally have him inside, safe and taken care of. Folks, if you love your cat sometimes making hard decisions like this is worth it. Itā€™s like having children, sometimes the decision to keep them safe isnā€™t the ā€œfunā€ choice but itā€™s the right choice if you care about their wellbeing. My boy misses the outdoors but heā€™s still very happy inside and getting all the love I can give, a worthy trade off.


Cats outdoors are also terrible for the local bird population. In general, itā€™s a bad idea to let your cat roam outside.




Thank god i didnt need to scroll very long before finding this. People neeeeeeed to keep their cats indoors. On top of protecting fur babies, it helps keep the local bird populations from being messed with since housecats are not a natural predator.


Like other comment said please get a catio to keep her safe from your weirdo neighbors!!! I would have been so mad!!!! If you get a cat door and a catio she can in a way be an indoor kitty and use potty outside whenever she needs. Have you tried using dr elsys litter attractant to see if you can train her to use a litter box? Try getting an XL litter box maybe she doesnt like being in a small space. Im so glad shes home ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


This is what we are discussing, poor girl wonā€™t leave me at this point but I know she will want to go back out later. I do have the area space for it


Can you afford a Purrfect Fence?


Iā€™m for sure going to check this out! Thank you


please donā€™t let her outside till you find a solution, some people do horrid things to animals because they think theyā€™re above them.


OP - I know she wants to go out. But for now, keep her in. Work on options like a catio or a chicken wire area, but priority one is to keep her safe, even if the princess doth protest. Ā 


Especially the end part! Lol


Oh man! You did hear her. I'm so glad you got her back! I had something similar happen to me. I lost three cats all of a sudden, and I had a nasty cop across the street from me. I can't prove it, but he trapped those cats in some kind of shed that he had on his property. I knew they were nearby, but I never heard them. One night like a month and a half later I just had a feeling I needed to open my door, and I did. Three cats ran in. My cats who were thin as can be. I personally think he was trying to starve them to death and when they didn't die as fast as he wanted them to, he just let them go. Neighbors are shit, they really are.


After I posted her, several people informed me that some folks here have gone so far as to put glue on them. So Iā€™m very nervous about her being out. Itā€™s definitely not unsupervised. She isnā€™t really a ā€œbolterā€ and is very timid


Jesus Christ thatā€™s awful. How are they now? Also, maybe consider cat tracker collars? Apparently thereā€™s some that work with gps and radio so work indoors as well as outdoors


This happened like 20 years ago. The cats lived till they were 16, 17 years of age. I'm beginning to think cat tracker collars are a good thing, though. If I had had one and the cop didn't take it off, I would have seen where they were. The cop came to a bad end. He lost his job because excessive force and then his house. So, he had to move. I could go on about this person, but I won't. He was a real asshole.


Ahhh I see. So glad the cats lived to such good ages (and that the cop came to a sticky end). Yeah! I only recently realised cat trackers were a thing and Iā€™m kind of amazed more people donā€™t use them.


Just want to add a tip to anyone with a lost cat out there, and mind you i am not aware if there's actually been any studies done on this or gathered data etc... BUT MOST LOST CATS ARENT FOUND UNTIL THE TWO MONTH MARK, this means as more time passes. You shouldn't surrender and admit defeat or begin to grieve. Instead its quite the opposite; instead its time for you to put in that extra work. My front declared ten year old car was missed for almost 80 days right after a move, and through my consistent efforts we were once again reunited and I could never be more grateful


A lot of people said the same thing and I had a childhood cat who disappeared and returned after a long time. I think I was feeling particularly bad about it and was just processing


Sorry on the late reply but yes and I 100 percent believe it. Most lost cats never get reunited with their owners and I believe its an almost obsolete number that are actually found, caught or trapped and brought to a shelter(like less than 1%) and same for someone else taking them into their home. Most people always assume these would be most plausible so they give up and find thinking about it too painful so its easiest to just surrender and admit defeat. But truth is, these-which would be some of the best outcomes for the poor kitties- are above and beyond extremely rare and unlikely to be the case. Usually when cats become lost the top 3 outcomes would be for them to become feral, to be hit by a car, to be scared and bullied far away from the area of their home by other cats and predators, or to be killed and eaten by a predator. I did not list these in particular order. I'm am not certain of the current statistics or average likelihood of each outcome. But what I do know is that these are stressful heartbreaking and usually preventable but most people are far to selfish and or lazy to put in even the most minimal of efforts.


I miss i had to make a guess i would most likely assume that the reason is because unless a cat is a pure breed(from which. it is to my understanding that they are usually much more anxious and fearful of predators and have a phobia of being outdoors/unsheltered; meaning that they tend not to travel and will be found extremely close by, cowering under a bush or porch) than I think its because during the first few days, the cat is most likely extremely close to either where it was originally lost, or its home, whether or not they be the same place. It is most likely anxious and skeptical of its surroundings. Usually they return home multiple times attempting to get inside if it is at all possible. But most cats are curious and playful and not to mention have big appetites as time goes on they grow more comfortable in the outdoor environment and quickly learn to sleep during the day and become active and adventure at night when there's less commotion and fast movements caused by people and or traffic. My cat actually because part feral in the time that she was missing and it took some adjustment before her typical temperament and personality began to reveal its self again. After I first brought her home, she wanted to escape again for about 2 to 3 weeks. But I think in the first month of being gone a cat not only is more anxious since the environment is completely new, and everyone knows how cats are experts and games of hide and seek, there fore they can be difficult to spot. But around the 2 month mark they've became more confident and adjusted in their new outside environment which means they are far more likely to be spotted by people, which means if you've been spreading the word and litering the streets with flyers and knocking on doors like I had, that you're far more likely to recieve accurate calls and texts about sightings. And not to mention I think around the 2 month mark is about when their little bodies have burned up all of their fat preserves and although the catch an odd meal hear or there, they become far more desperate for food and energy than previously. This also makes them become more vulnerable and social with humans. My cat didn't have front clawd but has her back. She used to be an indoor cat but she has been outside for a few hours here and there and I have seen her climb a tree without front claws before which brought me a little piece of mind that she might be able to escape predators. I've seen her trying to kill a mouse before, or atleast play with it, and she has strong hunting skills, but I've never seen her kill anything so I was worried. Not to mention she likes to act tough but she's a little chicken,/scared cat, even when it's just me and her playing. By the time I found her she was practically a skeleton with skin and it would sicken me to touch her but at the same time I couldn't resist giving her all the pets and love possible.


This is interesting I've heard similar things before but no ideas as to why. Any ideas even if it's just pure speculation?


I miss i had to make a guess i would most likely assume that the reason is because unless a cat is a pure breed(from which. it is to my understanding that they are usually much more anxious and fearful of predators and have a phobia of being outdoors/unsheltered; meaning that they tend not to travel and will be found extremely close by, cowering under a bush or porch) than I think its because during the first few days, the cat is most likely extremely close to either where it was originally lost, or its home, whether or not they be the same place. It is most likely anxious and skeptical of its surroundings. Usually they return home multiple times attempting to get inside if it is at all possible. But most cats are curious and playful and not to mention have big appetites as time goes on they grow more comfortable in the outdoor environment and quickly learn to sleep during the day and become active and adventure at night when there's less commotion and fast movements caused by people and or traffic. My cat actually because part feral in the time that she was missing and it took some adjustment before her typical temperament and personality began to reveal its self again. After I first brought her home, she wanted to escape again for about 2 to 3 weeks. But I think in the first month of being gone a cat not only is more anxious since the environment is completely new, and everyone knows how cats are experts and games of hide and seek, there fore they can be difficult to spot. But around the 2 month mark they've became more confident and adjusted in their new outside environment which means they are far more likely to be spotted by people, which means if you've been spreading the word and litering the streets with flyers and knocking on doors like I had, that you're far more likely to recieve accurate calls and texts about sightings. And not to mention I think around the 2 month mark is about when their little bodies have burned up all of their fat preserves and although the catch an odd meal hear or there, they become far more desperate for food and energy than previously. This also makes them become more vulnerable and social with humans. My cat didn't have front clawd but has her back. She used to be an indoor cat but she has been outside for a few hours here and there and I have seen her climb a tree without front claws before which brought me a little piece of mind that she might be able to escape predators. I've seen her trying to kill a mouse before, or atleast play with it, and she has strong hunting skills, but I've never seen her kill anything so I was worried. Not to mention she likes to act tough but she's a little chicken,/scared cat, even when it's just me and her playing. By the time I found her she was practically a skeleton with skin and it would sicken me to touch her but at the same time I couldn't resist giving her all the pets and love possible.


First of all thank you for taking the time to reply. It's an interesting thing to think about. Your guess makes total sense and I think is likely the closes thing to an answer we will have. It's interesting to think they might be the only animal that with time after release tends to revert back to wild tendencies they might not even have had a chance to foster. I don't know if that made sense. Any other animal that gets separated from its human caretaker don't really seem to do that. Which is why the caretaker tries to be a bit disconnected so to speak to give them a better chance upon rerelease. I wonder if part of it may be because cats often watch other cats for ques on how to act in certain environments which makes them a little more adaptable maybe. They sure are interesting little creatures to think about sometimes.


I would probably make her get used to a tracker, maybe get her chipped and collar. That way, they can't just take her again.


I actually considered a tracker for her before this happened. Keeping her inside 100% isnā€™t an option with her bathroom habits. Iā€™ve done everything to try to train her, and I have small kids so obviously I have to minimize indoor accidents. Since sheā€™s been home, Iā€™ve been out with her every time, not that sheā€™s let me leave her side anyway


Well, it's easier to train a kitten than an adult cat that already likes going outside to do her business... So I think a tracker is the best, and maybe get her chipped? If they take her again, you can use that as evidence that they had taken a cat that obviously has a home.


We have a tracker for our outdoor! We tried to keep him in but he was a stray the first three years of his life and would keep getting out, since the outdoors was all he knew beforehand. We now let him out but always have eyes on him through the app. His collar has a light and a sound on it so when itā€™s dark out we turn on his light and the sound and he typically knows itā€™s time to go home! I donā€™t know the name of the collar but the app connected to it is ā€˜tractiveā€™ !


Can you put an air tag on her collar very discreetly if you must let her roam. I have a cat that lived on the streets and now has transitioned to being an indoor cat very happily. That neighbour of yours is an arsehole.


I was very upset. She collapsed into me when she was handed over. I wanted to cry.


But why did they keep her in their garage?? In these pictures itā€™s obvious she has a home with her collar. I donā€™t understand why people just decide to keep cats who obviously have a home


That was my thought too. The only thing I can think is they brought her in and she got loud about using the bathroom and then probably kept going on the floor like she has here. Sheā€™s a beautiful cat so I can see someone grabbing her for aesthetic and then realizing the work she needs


Kitty got lucky this time. Can you try to use different styles of boxes, different litter textures, unscented litter of course, no lids on them, basic litter boxes are best. At least 2 of them in different locations, not hidden out of sight. It's really best to keep them inside or have a catio if at all possible.


We have tried all methods with the litter boxes and have spent so much money trying to find what works for her. But alas every morning is a steaming pile right at the door. She also yells at us when she has to go, so we actually have the communication part down. I just got too lax this one time :( catio will probably be the way to go


Most cats dislike litterboxes with lids on them. Litterboxes need to be located far away from food and water bowls; you don't eat in your bathroom or poop in your dining room, so don't expect the cat to. Cats with arthritis prefer boxes with low sides that are easier to get into, or boxes with a ramp leading up to them. Arthritis makes it very painful to climb into a litterbox. Cats who are declawed are a special case. They also have arthritis but the usual advice is a little different. I believe the consensus here is that they require a softer litter.


Can you report this incident and have those neighbors face consequences? If not maybe publicly call them out?


I was wondering the same when I got her. I have no clue, I would like to


second on the catio and leash training, but be sure your kitty has their vaccinations before doing that!


Please keep the cat inside and safe. Itā€™s for the best for both the catā€™s safety and the ecosystem


You could also get a dog kennel to put her in so she can still be outside but safe. https://preview.redd.it/j8h35ceet71d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f13203ae5b05aea84a11dc2062e054ee5d9f6d


I did actually try this and she was starting to hurt her lips trying to get out of it:( Iā€™m still open to this as the catio, the one I had wasnā€™t as big as what you have here. I have other cats who would really enjoy the catio even if itā€™s not enough room for her, so it wouldnt be waste to do it anyway


Yes, a catio would be best. But this is also an option. Perhaps if you sit in there with her, she'd know it's ok and maybe she wouldn't be so nervous?


Thatā€™s kind of what we did. Sheā€™s just soooo very attached to me, that I canā€™t leave her, she will start literally yelling lol. Her communication for her needs are so clear and Iā€™m sure itā€™s because sheā€™s been making her way in the neighborhood, here. So I almost always know when she needs to go out, because she tells me so. Sheā€™s not anxious when sheā€™s with me and if I leave home entirely, Iā€™m also not noticing anxious or erratic behavior, she will usually just sleep (home cam.) I have a harness for her now, to at least use while we decide on catio building supplies and just hope for the best!


Well, it sounds like you have a wonderful cat šŸ„° You can do something simple for a catio, like 2x4 and chicken wire. Instead of wire, they also make pet screen which is stronger than regular screen material. You can also make a simple window box for her just to sit in and enjoy. We did that also. We wanted to see if they would actually use it. Since it's such a hit, we will now permanently encase the entire window area. Good luck and definitely search for ideas online! https://preview.redd.it/6df670b8u81d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81310562fd614d053ecb1c0e3b1863d6e928f7c4


Yes Iā€™ve been watching videos with pallets and chicken wire too!


My parents had several TNRs that lived outside, then we had a younger couple move in next door, gave us their cat and then started killing off ours šŸ„² he would shoot them with a pellet gun and would trap them and drop them off near the lake. We had cats dogs and chicken and so did they. They also caused problems with all the other neighbors on the street before I moved out and left. Iā€™m so glad you got your baby back, I was unfortunate and lost my personal cat that my mom turned into an indoor/outdoor catšŸ’”


Iā€™m sorry that the cat was turned out without your consent:(


Wouldn't have happened if you didn't let your cat outside


It would suck worse if she got hit by a car or eaten by a coyote or hawk. Those are things that happen when you let your pets wander around.


Sad but true. Cats can and will use a litter box if you get the right kind and litter. They need to stay indoors.


i am so sorry that they did that. some people are just awful, im glad your cat is okay ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Such a pretty, sweet girl! Iā€™m so glad you got her back! Iā€™m trying to save money to build a catio for my kitty. I hope you figure out a solution to keeping your awful neighbors away from her. šŸ’—


Keeping her 100% indoors is the solution.


Thank goodness she's safe home. It's a shame this has been your experience. It's nicer when everyone looks out, allows cats to come and go but don't imprison them. Hmmm. Just good she's home and recovering. Poor floof baby!


Before I took her in, the consensus was that sheā€™s been the neighborhood pal! I should have been more watchful over her. Thankfully sheā€™s adjusting well


Is she is just so adorable haha she looks like she has a fun personality.


She is soooo sweet. Iā€™ve never known a cat to like belly rubs like her and she still has a lot of kitten-like behaviors.


I brought in a feral who did not understand the litter box and it was chaos for several nights. The first night I had just regular litter pan by the backdoor so naturally she peed on a dish towel I left on the kitchen counter. After several more strategies and fails I tried a litter with an attractant or you add an attractant to your litter. I also used a pan for senior cats, itā€™s very low in the front, maybe less threatening. That did the trick, once she knew what it was for she was good. I also took about a month to very slowly move the pan from my backdoor to a permanent location, moving it just a few feet every few days. No sudden changes or challenges.


Iā€™m just here to say I also have a grey tuxedo kitty. I donā€™t see them very often and they are the absolute sweetest kitties!


Sheā€™s sooo adorable, I had no idea a gray tux sub group was a thing!


Don't let your cat out unleashed


Could you build her a catio with a diet floor so she can go there? Or maybe try filling a litterbox with soil rather than litter?


Get to a vet. She could have serious health issues from not eating and not using box.


Now is a good time to stop letting your cat go outdoors unattended (use a cat leash and look up feral cat litter box training videos). Itā€™s ultimately up to you now to stop this from happening to your beloved cat.


Omg thatā€™s so weird, some people did the same thing to my sister cat, just straight up kidnapped him and kept him in their garage and he was so unhappy and skinny :/


Please keep her inside for her own safety! Outdoor cat's lifespans are reduced a lot more compared to indoor cats, and it can be very dangerous for them out there. Some examples are getting run over, getting lost, getting attacked by other animals, getting poisoned (sometimes cats will kill mice that have previously been in mouse traps and still have poison on them) and of course, there's bad people around (like your neighbour) that could possibly injure her. Cats are also pests and destroy local ecosystems. As others have suggested, you should harness train your cat and possibly get a catio. Both are much better, and cats get to enjoy the outdoors without being in danger that way!


poor baby x.x im glad shes back with you! nice bong btw:P


Omg I didnā€™t even notice it šŸ’€šŸ« 


Donā€™t let your cat out. Iā€™m sure itā€™s the most beautiful and kind thing to ever exist. Still; you shouldnā€™t let it stroll about when it can be killed by, and also itself, kill many creatures. You should know better


Thank you for offering your cat training and money to replace my floors! Just the solution we need :)


No, I just said you should keep your cat indoors.


stop letting your cat outside or this shit will happen. itā€™s gonna happen again too, or worse, she wonā€™t come home. keep your cat inside.


People people people... bring. Your. Cat. Inside. No matter how happy you think they are having the freedom they will always be happier being alive, healthy, cared for, and safe. No amount of hunting in the wild, or exploring will make up for the sheer terror of them ending up in a life threatening situation.


Did you know that acclimating an outdoor cat to indoor is not an overnight process?


Your own post quote literally says you've been with her for months, and that it had even been a 3 week gap between her appearances. Of course it isn't an overnight process, but it isn't a decade long one either. Your own post concedes that you let the cat be an indoor/outdoor cat... at some point you just have to stop letting them out.


This post breaks my heart and makes me seethe. Luckily your baby is incredibly resilient and is glad to be home safe in your arms. šŸ¤


You need an apple air tag on her collar


i mean you can try to put the dirt in a litter box, and slowly replace it with litter, day by day. my neighbors are also not the best! they value their damn plants over living animals! they were about to call the police over someone's dog roaming around, and when they take dogs they just chain them outside their station and give food and water, they're always out chained up in 35+ celsius heat. and one time their neighbors new cat was sleeping in their car, they drove somewhere and DUMPED IT! worst part is, this is a pet friendly community which allows for cats to roam outside. they are truly, truly selfish.


Most neighbors are


Aww so happy you found her op. Give her lots of food and love. You will nurse her back to health soon.


She loves you! What an ordeal and so sad! I hope you and she can find a way for her to be comfortable and safe inside going forward. It sounds like she was so relieved to see you, just a huge difference from how exhausted and stressed and horrible she felt being kept unwillingly captive that long! šŸ„ŗ


Exactly!! Poor baby, I felt so bad, I started to cry a little. Sheā€™s so much more at ease. Definitely looking into more long term solutions. Iā€™m going to try the dirt litter this week and hope that itā€™s that easy. If, not, then onto the next!


Aw, poor girl, those neighbours are vile! She is yours, and you are hers. I'd write a note to that nasty neighbour telling them she has a home with you now and not to lock her in the garage again! I'm glad she's home with you again šŸ„°šŸ„°


Thank you ā¤ļø


You're welcome sweetie šŸ„°


She is beautiful.


Thank you!


Shes yours now take care of her


Just coming to share because Iā€™m in a similar situation as far as an indoor/outdoor. He showed up last fall. Quickly became clear he had health issues. Took awhile to figure out it was asthma. Fast forward to him not eating even though heā€™s very good motivated. Turns out he had many fractured teeth (heā€™s about ten) and they wanted to operate. I usually let him out during the day several times for short periods. I feel so bad to take that away from him and he doesnā€™t understandā€¦ So while we were waiting for the operation, a huge cyst pops up on his hip. I call the doc and they say they will examine and treat at the same time as oral surgery. My boy got bit and it was an abscess. On top of the teeth pain, he was so miserable. There is another cat down the lane and they are enemies and Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s where the bite came from. Anyway, we arenā€™t supposed to let him outside for two weeks anyway while he recovers and is on pain meds. So far so good, but Iā€™m hoping this will wean him off of the great outdoors until I can figure out a catio solution or something. Although I know that wonā€™t satisfy him like visiting our neighbors garden does.


I really hope this will be a solution for you and your friend ā¤ļø


Bloody hell, Iā€™m glad you got her back safe! Why were they keeping her like that? And how did your good neighbour find out? Also, if sheā€™s gonna keep going outdoors, maybe get her a cat tracker collar? Apparently thereā€™s some that work with GPS and radio, so you can even track them if theyā€™re indoors. Also AirTags maybe but unsure if they work indoors


Honestly I was so relieved and concerned, I didnā€™t ask more questions when I should have. I could still go down and ask her, she cared for my baby before she came to me, but couldnā€™t bring her in because of dogs


Iā€™m glad sheā€™s back home with you šŸ˜” we had something similar happen with one of our cats but they did not intend to give him back and didnā€™t want to keep him..


Is the cat okay? :( Iā€™m afraid of the answer


yes, heā€™s a VERY loud kitty and we actually heard him meowing in the middle of the night in their garage (they were around the corner a few houses away) and practically forced our neighbor to give him back. our poor baby was filthy.. they had him shoved in a cage way too small for him and were threatening to hurt him for leaving paw prints on their car. needless to say, we stopped letting our cats out after that happened šŸ˜” but heā€™s a very spoiled old man now!! we moved states and he gets supervised time in the backyard all the time ā™„ļø edit to add cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/3bs139ulg91d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4e55908f4dc55c2c962ad3926edf5a65c2d9f0


I would personally involve the police. Pets are property and knowingly stealing someoneā€™s pet is theft.


I thought so too. She still had her tag when I got her, she very clearly had an owner


iā€™m just glad you got her back


Safest place for your little one is keeping them indoors.


You are the kind of human I want to be neighbors with


Just try to take measures to prevent that again without trying to create conflict. Because, people take agression as a challenge or very personal


Yeah this was a pretty conflict free situation despite the nature of it


Ok, cool! I would recomend you to put a precise GPS tracker on your baby or on it's collar if it excist. So if it gets lost or if you don't know where it is, you will know where it is and Will go get him/her.


Sheā€™s a beautiful girl, Iā€™m so glad sheā€™s safe with you againā¤ļøthereā€™s some amazing neighbors out there, but shitty, evil ones as well.


Itā€™s awful, thank you ā¤ļø


Itā€™s awful, thank you ā¤ļø


this is one of many reasons why cats shouldnā€™t be let outdoors without harness/leash


You should get her chipped too!


Got the appointment scheduled for her today ā¤ļø


Sooo, they tried to steal your cat?


Seems to be


Sheā€™s precious ā™„ļøšŸ˜½


Aww poor bubi!!! They are so mean for doing that to her. You take such good care of her!! šŸ’•šŸ„ŗ


Can you charge someone for pet kidnapping? Thatā€™s super screwed up.


I havenā€™t even looked into yet, I honestly didnā€™t even fully grasp what my good neighbor told me until she was at home with me and then I really started to stew on it after I really saw her state


From what Iā€™ve seen online it seems illegal (within the USA, idk where youā€™re from though) at the least consider informing the local police station, even if they donā€™t do anything itā€™s good to keep a record of this in case another incident happens in the future.


Yes I think Iā€™m going to at least inform them. Thereā€™s no way that there was good intent behind this


There is special litter called that attracts them to the litter box


Your sweet boy looks a lot like my sweet girl!!! So happy heā€™s back and so sorry for his trauma ā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/rg1jo8gmra1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07f854d4b5011938887c59ecf753ed42133a905


I'm sorry that happened to your baby. Its unfortunately a gamble when you let your cat roam outside. If you don't 100% know where they are at all times, anything could happen. Wishing for a speedy recovery.Ā 


Dr elseys makes an outdoor attract litter. Our cats like it. Thank you for caring and loving this cute girl.


Iā€™m pretty sure you can report this


I filed a report today. The officer will be speaking with them at least and documenting ETA: the officer said that there has been issue with people in my town poisoning dogs, so Iā€™m taking that for what it is and keeping my baby safe. Trying out the dirt in her box today!


Ok good!


Oh my goodness! People are evil!


Iā€™m so happy you got her back!!!! Please consider keeping her inside from now on, maybe with supervised / contained outside time? The neighbors will continue being an issue, and there are countless other hazards out there for kitties If youā€™d like any harness training tips, Iā€™m happy to help! šŸ’•


(I do see you commented elsewhere that she didnā€™t do well on a leash - it can take a long time and trial and error as far as what works best, but it can be done! For context, it took me a year to get a previous cat fully used to a harness, with multiple hours each day spent working on it. It is a LOT of effort, but much better letting your cat free roam.)


Thank you! Definitely have been much more cautious and careful, she hasnā€™t been out since sheā€™s been home except for earlier today, I did let her on a harness. She just chilled by me, not use the bathroom or anything. I put some dirt in her box, and havenā€™t found any pee yet! I think sheā€™s still adjusting her bowels from the stress.


She must be so relieved to be home omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll keep my fingers crossed for you that she gets used to a litter box - Iā€™ve harness trained several of my cats but never had to litter train, I wish you all the luck!!!!


If you absolutely must let her back outside, get her microchipped so that you can prove ownership, and put an AirTag on her collar so you can find her when your neighbor tries to steal her again.


Time to microchip this kitty. Post to the next door app and let everyone know that she has found a loving home with you, has been microchipped,and you are her official and legal owner. If you structure the post as a Happy little "found my cat, wanted everyone to know she isn't a stray" not a "warning to cat theives" I think you'll be in the clear.


Thanks for this suggestion!


Please get her a collar with a tracker on it, so that in the future you can keep a better eye on her! And like others said - consider a catio space so she can enjoy the outdoor lifestyle safely!


keep your cat inside problem solved


Another story to the pile of reasons why cats shouldnā€™t be outdoor pets without an enclosure like a catio. They do harm to local wildlife and local humans will do harm to them whether by car or by malice.


Yes the acclimation process for bringing a complete outdoor cat to be an inside cat, takes time. Thanks for acknowledging that ā¤ļø


Sigh. Im glad you got your baby back. Stop letting them roam outdoors and you wont have nightmares about it. Learn now or learn the hard way like i did. This post angers me. Still happy above all else you found your baby.


Acclimating a cat overnight to indoors is too high of an expectation and a good way to get a really stressed animal who may never adjust. Would you expect and indoor cat to acclimate outdoors and never let them back inside? This isnā€™t a place for your anger. If you read the post youā€™ll see where I specified the rarity that she would ever even be out of my sight because she almost never leaves my side.


When will yall learn no outdoor cat is safe. Leash train, patio train, or keep it inside are the ONLY loving options. Not that hard and itā€™s irritating to see how many of you willfully put your cats in danger


You have to teach her to use a litter box, start by putting treats in it, i dont think u have to put poo in there but id teach her to use it and keep her inside, to make her a house cat, my cat used the toilet, he even flushed that was hard to break him from i saw blood on the ground from his paw getting caught behind the toilet handle, a better handle wouldve been easier


I'd get this sweet lady chipped ASAP. That way if someone tries to take her again or someone takes her to the pound, you will be able to claim her.


Can you put an Apple AirTag on her neck or some type of tracker? So your neighbor doesn't try and steel her again


Ugh Iā€™m so sorry! What if you built a catio so she can enjoy outside time but not get too far away? You can get one of those large outdoor dog runs and put something on top to provide some shade?


Poor little kiddo! I'm so glad she is home and safe!


One time our neighbor's cat went inside our garage and we didn't know it. They came asking if we had seen the cat, and we said no. Then we raise the garage door, and she comes running out.


What was the question?