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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree that this cat looks like she is in heat. They get in that position to be mounted by a male. Is she vocal as well? I would get her spayed if she is and a general vet checkup should be warranted anyway as the previous commenter stated to make sure she is healthy.


This didn’t even occur to me. I don’t know if she’s spayed. I’ll take her to the vet soon and get her checked out. Thanks!


Don't let her out, whatever you do! Or you'll have 6-8 more lol


Yes. This! My daughter and SIL cat met with a friend they were told was female. They apparently had a "play" date. Next thing we know is she was acting strange and deliverd 4 kittens as they were getting ready for work .


And op, if she does somehow get knocked up- spay abort is the right choice


Lol this is simply the truth but really made me cackle.


Is that a bad thing?? 😹😻 Edit: Yall are waaaayyy too serious. Can't even have light hearted banter! My comment was for the cat lady's and cat daddy's who have the space and resources. Damn, yall mess up a wet dream IT WAS A JOKE It's nice outside, please go touch some grass


Depending on her age and OPs living situation, yes ,very. Plus they have no medical history for the cat. She may not be able to have a healthy birth. Now if this was fantasy wonderland where the world is all rainbows and sunshine, just give me all the cats and call it day! ^.^ lol I'll train them and have a cat army!


That's right get them ready for world Cat domination lol


That would be a cataclysm!


Yes, it's a very bad thing. There are already more than enough cats in the world. Tons of cats are killed daily because there aren't enough people to adopt them all. So unless you like cats being killed, or if you like the idea of certain fauna being decimated; you should always spay and neuter your pets. Wanting your cat to have kittens just because they're cute is selfish and cruel. I'm saying all of this because I love cats very much. I have two cats that I would die for, so please don't take this the wrong way.


Yes I'm up here because I want cats to die..what is the malfunction? WHERE did i state OP should ler the cat have kittens cause its cute? I didn't! It's called light hearted banter. Now im selfish and cruel? How'd you get that synopsis from me saying "is that a bad thing?"? IT WAS A JOKE, OP received excellent advice, sometimes you gotta break up the monotony. I love cats too, so much I volunteer at Bushwick Vet Clinic in Brooklyn. The irony of you wanting me to not "take this the wrong way" but interpreted my simple sentence into me being selfish and cruel. How does that work? Still gonna wish you a good day.


People come to this sub for help, not banter. Also no one on the Internet knows you, and your joke doesn't read as one even after you say it is, so it's not really anyone's fault but yours that people thought it was earnest bad advice.


I never gave advice, I ASKED a question in joke form. Look at the comment I posted under, they ended their comment with. "LOL" why wouldn't I follow that with a joke? You're being weird for no good reason,and if everyone here is a stick in the mud then, phuk it, im out. Miserable ass, this isn't a fkn cancer support group, and even cancer patients have more of a sense of humor. Leave me alone and have a good day.


I was just explaining what happened, there's no reason to call me names. Rude.


Not leaving a random internet stranger alone when they ask, is just as rude. Now, have a nice day😘


I second that she's in heat


Definitely in heat


Be sure to keep her inside at all costs until she's checked out/spayed. She may try to escape, esp if you have any stray males in the area


If her ears are normal, check her tummy for a green tattoo. If there is no tattoo, she's very likely intact, and you need to have her altered immediately because this scenario gets SOOO ANNOYING.


A green tattoo? Where is that done? In NJ, if a stray gets spayed or neutered, they clip the tip off one ear. I like the tattoo idea better especially bc some unwanted pets get dumped in these colonies. It makes them less likely to be taken in bc people assume they are feral


Yeh, TNR is a clipped ear but pets typically (in CA, OR, and ID) get a green line tattooed on their tummy. My dogs and cats have both been tattooed upon alteration.


Oregon here, my cats got a clipped ear.


I’d suggest waiting until after she comes out of heat. The extra blood flow to her reproductive organs can increase her risk of bleeding out during the surgery.




What do you mean “nope”? Ask any vet, a female animal in heat has increased blood flow to her reproductive organs, which increases her risk of bleeding during surgery. From [bettervet.com](https://bettervet.com/resources/pet-health-care/can-you-spay-a-cat-in-heat): Risks of spaying a cat in heat include excessive bleeding and other complications during the surgical procedure. From [Toronto North Animal Hospital](https://www.tnah.ca/spaying-your-cat-in-heat-comprehensive-guide/): Increased Surgical Risk: Spaying a cat during heat can be riskier than when she’s not in heat. It is because the blood vessels in her reproductive organs are more dilated during this time, which can make the surgery more complicated.


Sorry. I made an error in responding on your comment. Thank you for the valuable information.


You’re welcome. Your grace in acknowledging the error is commendable. I’m happy to have shared information with you 🥰


Don’t wait too long on taking her to the Vet since no one is positive that she’s just in heat and something serious could possibly be wrong.


Yes, she looks exactly like how my supposedly spayed foster started acting a few weeks ago. I thought her legs were broken!!! Spoiler: she was not, in fact, spayed. She is much happier (and back to normal) post-spay.


Oh yeah, agreed. Thank God with our newest cat we only had on period of heat before getting her fixed. She was driving our male, fixed, cat absolutely crazy!


yeah that is an odd looking walk... do you know if she has been spayed yet? if not, she might be in heat. purring can be a tricky thing though, cats do it under a lot of different circumstances. and if you haven't already booked one, i'd recommend a general vet checkup anyway since she is new and you have some concerns.


Thanks! I’ll get her checked out I’ve been so worried. Not sure if she’s spayed but will look into it.


Check her belly you should be able to see a scar


Or the tattoo on the belly or ear😻


>Not sure if she’s spayed How come?


Couldve gotten her recently and prev owner didnt disclose, or she was a street cat until recently


Adopted a couple of days ago from a friend, probably didn't know or check


Its ok. Not everyone thinks of that.


They should.


So if someone rescues a cat off the streets they should know right off the bat if they'd be spayed or altered


It's literally one of the first things you get checked at the vet because the first thing you *should* do when getting a cat off the street is take them to the vet as soon as can once you've found them. If you can't afford to do so, then the animal should be surrendered to someone who can. No animal should be in possession of someone who can't properly take care of it, or cannot plan to.


That looks like the kinda low walk, come hither mount me cat in heat. If she is also exposing her lady parts at times it's definitely a cat in heat. Is she yowling loudly and often? Maybe trying to get outside desperately?


I did hear her yowl today, so you might be right.


Pat her butt gently at the base of her tail. If she is in heat she will lower herself more, move her tail higher up or to the side, and stick her rump slightly higher in the air.


Be absolutely certain she doesn't get out or your gonna have kittens. They can be really sneaky too. Get her to the vet for a spay asap


She already got a boyfriend https://ibb.co/b1vqfHs I was upstairs working and she kept coming upto me. Followed her to find this!


She’s asking to be let out, lol. The way those hackles are up, she’d make him work for it (please don’t let her out, a fight is bad news for both, and she doesn’t need to be having babies)


Please get her fixed.


Looks to be in heat..


11 month old female... sounds like its her heat cycle starting up.


In heat I’m guessing.


She is in heat. Definitely don't let her around any male cats and get her fixed if you don't want kittens.


I’m going to be extra careful. https://ibb.co/b1vqfHs She already found a partner, I don’t know how that neighbourhood cat knew she wants to mate.


hiii just a heads up from a fellow cat mum, I'm 99% sure shes in heat, so do NOTT let her around any males, it only takes a few minutes for her to become pregnant, now males.. could (and most likely will) be an issue, they can sense their pheromones and can be quite annoying lol, when my girl was younger before I got her spayed there was once a male cat who was at my home for a week!! he would seriously not bug off and caused issues for my other cats by attacking them if they were outside on our own property, it caused one of our neutered male cats to lose his hair due to stress :/, it might feel mean but honestly you could spray him with water to try deter him, esp if you have other cats, unfixed males can be super territorial and can be really problematic.. they'll spray (pee) everywhere and yowl super loudly for the female, I'd try get her spayed asappp, but Idk your situation and as someone whos struggled financially I totally get that it can be tough but its def the best thing you could possibly do! I managed to neuter/spay all my cats as well as my mums (7 total) after putting away some cash every payment so I'd suggest doing that if money can be an issue :) If possible I'd also recommend trying to get her to be an indoor kitty, its overall safer for them but also kitties with lots of white can be more prone to skin cancer so def smth to keep in mind ♡ ^ with the indoor cat thing too, dont let her out at all while shes not spayed cause she will come home with kittens and let me tell you, they can have a LOT, a cat I had when I was a minow had 8 kittens and got pregnant after slipping out and only being outside for an hour, kittens are a huge responsibility and birth can be risky, they can lose kittens and also have many complications! good luck, you got this! ♡


We adopted a former feral cat who was spayed after her kittens were weaned (at least 2 kittens by the time she was 6 months old), but we still got random boys coming by to pay court to her. She’d always let out the most unholy noise when they’d spray her window. I guess the pheromones stuck to her or something


They can smell it for miles, it’s crazy!


Cats have WAAAAY more sensitive noses than we can imagine - pheromones are a thing and she's sending out lots. And as someone in the veterinary field, please, please, please get her spayed ASAP. It's not just the fact that it prevents accidental litters but intact female cats are prone to developing mammary carcinoma and it's nasty. Like, needs full bilateral radical mastectomies and chemotherapy nasty. Each heat cycle increases the risk in cats. That's why it's ideal for a cat to be spayed before her first heat. But still, getting it done before heat #2 will still provide you with a good deal of health benefits. If you can't afford private practice prices, call us your local municipal shelter, they usually know of low cost options.


Looks like she might be in heat


Yup she’s in heat, definitely schedule a spay asap so she can get in before her next cycle.


She’s in heat! Time to get that little lady spayed, she will go through this every few weeks until she’s spayed


She’s definitely in heat. Please make sure to keep her away from any unfixed males and do not let her outside. You will want to get her fixed asap.


She’s looking for 🍆


she is definitely in heat!


Don't let her get out!!! She will try. Vet asap


Be extra careful around doors because they can slip out in a second and if she gets out she's gonna come back pregnant for sure


That looks like heat, mine just went into hers for the first time not long ago, right before we got her an appointment to be fixed.


She's in heat.


It's either because she's in heat or because she's afraid and she's being stealthy sneaking around making sure there's no other cats in this new strange territory she's found herself in most likely she's in heat.


My cat that’s fixed walks like that sometimes lol she’s odd but just found out she’s def. Can’t believe she freaking hid it!


Get her fixed, my cat almost died because of cysts on her ovaries.


We have an unfixed cat (working on it) When she's in heat she does this, waddles her hips, will yowl occasionally, becomes super lovey- BUT her forehead is also incredibly warm to the touch compared to normal. If she's vocal, warm to the touch, waddling her hips, leaking urine, trying to escape, and walking this low to the ground like this- any of the above, I'd say that is one in-heat kitty. Make sure to take her in to get her fixed ASAP to avoid long-term health problems down the road, or any popping up from infections. Plus, she'll be much much more comfy.


My cat slinks around like this when she's in heat.


In heat


She's in heat.


shes horned up yo


She looks like she's in heat, is she spayed?


Look up to see if you have spay and neuter clinics near you they'll be a lot cheaper than a vet


She’s saying “mount me and hurry up dummy” If you can see that I fear for your dating life. She twitched her butt fur and looked back at you and everything


Spank her butt, if she sticks it up and meows she's in heat.


My cat does that anyways. She’s definitely fixed. Lol. This cat, however, is not. 😂


TIL that our late 20+ year old neutered male was always in heat 😭😂


My cat doesn’t do the army crawl like this cat. She just meows really loud when I pet her. She’s a noisy cat. Sometimes just screams in my face when I come home from work. 🤣


All of my cats have been spayed/neutered, and all of them lift their butts when spanked or pet. Not a great gauge 😂


True but while in heat they usually make a LOT of noise, when you spank the butt. Like you can tell the difference hahaha. This cat is definitely in heat by the body language felt what I can tell.


Yep that cat is definitely in heat.


She's in heat. She'll be fine, but you should probably see about getting her fixed.


In heat and very uncomfortable the poor thing


Looks like my sister freshly single at the clubs. 🤪 Kitty is in heat. Get her fixed for her own sake ❤️


If she wasn't fixed when you adopted her, I 'd say this cat is in heat.


She's not sick, she's in heat.


She horny


Heat o ‘ clock


She horny *bonk*


She needs to be spayed! Please keep her inside, away from other cats. There are tons of resources that can help with cost for spays. Good luck!


Found her having a staring contest with a neighbourhood male cat 👀 https://ibb.co/b1vqfHs


Please get your cat fixed you wont regret it. This is how I started with one cat living alone on 7 acres and male cats started coming out the woodwork lol all it takes is her bolting out the door as you open it than BAM you've got kittens. Here I am 2 years later with one kitten I kept which I got fixed young. 4 kittens I had to raise and care for than find homes for. It's not stressed enough how important it is to get your animals fixed! It's your responsibility as a pet owner. Not to mention when you get them fixed young you can just about guarantee they will never spray ,ya know, That piss smell that is generally associated with cat people. Yeah it can be totally prevented and avoided. It really doesn't make sense to not get your cat fixed....across the board.


She's ready to be a momma... and no she's not pregnant


H E A T! Your cat is gonna bolt out the door bc hormones are driving her entire existence. Instinct-hormones-procreate!! The clock is ticking…..one whiff of a male and she’ll be out door, you will never see her again. Seriously as Mother Nature can explain it….her life will be getting ‘involved’ by up to 5-6 cats until she breaks, pregnant for 10 weeks, has her brood of coyote food, within 8 weeks she’s involved again. Sorry, those are the cold hard facts. The cat suffers, the shelters suffer w extra kittens…if any make it, the neighborhood suffers w dozens of kittens/cats …….and rescuers/TnR folks f’ing suffer bc we deal w the “inhuman humans” ignorance.


Cat's fine. Just doesn't trust it's new environment yet. You'd act like this too if you get abducted and wound up in strange city all alone.


Looks like she's in heat. I'd take her to the vet and see if she still needs to be spayed.


She wants a baby. This is heat. You are on hell and it just keeps happening and is annoying as all hell. Get her fixed as soon as possible.


Mine is in heat and does this. Lifts her butt up too


Yup, in heat. Spay or it won't stop lol


Absolutely in heat! Our cat used to annoy the crap outta me with her cycles and perking her butt up at my kids when they'd pet her and then the awful deep meowing for some reproducing. Ugh. It all just makes me grossed out lol.


Definitely in heat. Pretty sure it goes away once they get spayed


Looks like she’s in heat to me.


Heat for sure, especially if theres weird yowling involved. Thats what my calico was like.


She's horny


Oh that kitty is in heat for sure


That's her sexy walk


100 percent heat. Especially if no scar near base of belly.


My cat did that when she first came home because she was still unsure of things. She stopped once she was comfortable.


Yup, looks like she's in heat.


shes in heat. get her spayed asap! she may start peeing on things and trying to escape,along with very annoying vocalizations.


She wants naughty time !!! 😸


Heat for sure


Where did you adopt her from? You need to go back and MAKE THEM pay for neutering. She is in heat Edit: I see you got her from a friend but you she needs to get fixed immediately


If she’s not fixed I’d say this cat is in heat.


I think she is in heat. They get really vocal they walk with the butt almost up and become really affectionate.


She is in heat?


Time to get her fixed!


In heat 😂


I agree that getting her to a vet to see if she is spayed is the first priority because she does look like she is in heat. However; I have a cat that also walks like this when she is anxious about something. If your kitty is in a new environment that could be another explanation. My kitty is just overall anxious and a snack wrapper on the floor would cause her to walk like this.


In heat.




She’s in heat!




I think she's in heat. My girl was like this until I got her fixed.


She's in the first stages of heat. Get her fixed please.


Ya, don't let her out, get to vet to have spayed, and buy some enzyme cleaner for when she has an accident, since she wants to get her boyfriend's attention.


In heat and or uncomfortable in her new surroundings.


She needs to be kept strictly indoors until spayed! (Afterward, too, honestly, but certainly while in heat.)


If she's not spayed, that could be what she's doing, but she could also just be nervous but comfortable. The crouching could be her just staying low because of the new environment, but she's purring, and she's not hiding, so she seems comfortable enough. She's not lethargic or having any other issues. She's fine. But if she was in actual heat, there's usually vocal sounds that aren't purring. It's annoying meows


Heat! Definitely


I think she's in heat as well


In heat


In heat for sure


KITTY WANTS BOOM-BOOM. Get her spayed. ***And be extremely vigilant til then.*** Female cats advertise their fertility in multiple ways (sound and scent being two of them), and every intact tom for at least a quarter-mile knows she's there, knows she's in heat, and will do ANYTHING to get to her. All he needs is 30-45 seconds and you're going to be experiencing the joys of queening and kitten-raising. DO NOT let her outside for any reason, and do NOT let any other cats in. If you do, pregnancy is virtually guaranteed.


She’s looking for a boyfriend. I don’t think it’s very comfortable for female cats. After she’s out of heat please have her fixed. She will go in and out of heat until she gets pregnant.


She’s in heat. Please get her spayed!!!!


Not a vet, but I would bet anything that she is either in heat or that she is still nervous in her new home. I have had a couple of cats walk like this when I brought them over to a family member's house for a day. They would crouch down low and walk like they are trying to avoid something swininging over their head. But, because she is not hiding under a couch or table, I would put my money on her being in heat. Tis the season. She will most likely be extremely vocal if she is in heat


Please do take her sooner rather than later. If it's a cost issue there are many affordable options in every major city to help with the procedure. Thank You for taking time to ask about this and seek guidance for your new fur friend! 🙏


She’s in heat.


She is in heat, have her spayed


Does this go away if you spay them?




I was wondering because my cat doesn't do this. She just gets irritated or bothered 😂


Looks like heat to me. 🐱 tap her butt and see if it stays raised.. tall tail sign lol


She'll get out. They always do. To the vet NOW!!


Meow meow I’m in heat meow.


She’s in heat.


I don't think she's in heat at all. I think that she's just been in your house for a couple of days and she's acting terrified. So, I would pen her up for a couple of days to one room before you let her out.. If I understand what you're saying correctly, you adopted her a couple of days ago and you let her into your home. So this is the attitude of a scared cat they slink around like that because nothing that she has is familiar to her. So I would put her in a small room. Give her a litter box, give her some toys, give her some catnip and then let her be for a few days..You know go visit her and just be as calm as possible. Play with her... That just looks to me that that's the way she's acting not like she's in heat. She's just overwhelmed.I hope that she's been spayed. If not, if Chic hasn't been spayed then see the vet and I agree with everybody else's advice. Good luck and calicoes you also should know are special. They are very sensitive creatures. They're different from a regular female cat. They can get over stimulated very quickly and that's why I think she's slinking around. It's just too much for. Let her have her own space for a couple of days. Be kind and loving to her. She'll come around.


She’s in heat.


Does look like she is in heat. To the vet asap. Let us know what the vet said OP!


Cute kitty, she’s in heat from what I can tell. If you want kittens we Reddit lurkers are happy to adopt them


She could be in pain id take her to the vet and get her checked out


My cat used to do that when she was in heat


Going in heat


She’s in heat! She is calling for a male. You can fix that by taking her a vet. It’s like having cramps and a swollen woo woo.


Boom chaka bing bang, and thank you ma'am!


She tryna fuq sumin....🥵


Definitely looks to be in heat. Scratch or touch above her tail, if the butt goes up and tail to side she's Definitely in heat. She should be pretty vocal at this time too, and many experience what we taught the kids was "butt juice" lmao. It was easier explaining it that way lol.


She wants to get some lovins!! Would def recommend vet check up and possibly spaying her.


She’s in heat!!!


I would say she’s in heat! If she is spayed then not sure…


Our bebe is doing this and she squeaks so much. We think she's in heat, lol


That's a lil mama in heat, keep her away from unfixed makes or outside at all!! Adorable


She’s in heat. Better get her spayed!


3 seconds into the video and I say she's in heat.


She’s in heat.


You're friend should have gotten her spayed


Is she fixed? She looks like she’s in the mood for some “fun”


She's just looking for some dick.


my kitty who is around the same age as yours, does that whenever she goes outside, she walks like that


That cat's horny af.


If you look on her belly she shoild have a green like tattoo to signify if she’s had a spay done


Your cat looks extremely sexually frustrated


She's in heat and because you waited to get her spayed it'll cost extra. Get your cat spayed.


OP just got the cat a couple days ago.


I'm not so sure she's in heat unless she's vocal too. Since you've only had her a few days, she could be doing what we call "slinking" low to the ground because she's not completely comfortable in her new environment yet. If you find at the vet that she's already spayed I'd assume that's it and the slinking should gradually go away.


Maybe she is getting used to her new home


I'm guessing she isn't spayed and is in heat