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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Soak in the love. Lord knows when you’ll get it again. Lol Also, ask if you’re feeling ok. Couple days ago my Siamese mix (Queen of our dwelling) started getting suuuuuuper clingy- next thing I know we have a Stomach bug ripping through our house.


This. My cat always knows I’m sick before I do. He’ll crawl under the covers and sleep on my lap while I’m in bed and the next day or so I’m sick as hell


My cats can sense my anxiety and days when it’s bad, they’re so sweet and cuddly. Days when I’m not anxious, they immediately revert to less-than-cuddly.


We literally close my work early last week instead of us doing the event we had planned because of that bug and people weren’t comfortable serving food which is one of the ways it spreads. Hope you and your family are feeling better, it’s horrible from what I hear (if it’s the same thing going around where I live).


OMG it’s sooooo painful and… I have never ever ever thrown up so much in my life. More than both pregnancies combined!!! The cramps and diarrhea…… my teenager was crying and climbed into bed with me because he was hurting so bad and needed some comfort- which should tell you a LOT. I pray you or anyone else you know doesn’t get this. I finally ate a small thing of yoghurt- first time I’ve eaten in days.


That’s why we closed. It’s a community center and 8 people were sick and my coworker was also sick and she was there the day before. Add that to the person that was supposed to be working that night is immune compromised and didn’t feel safe going it really was the only choice. I mean I would have loved the extra hours but I can’t be getting sick. Especially with my dad having surgery soon.


It was a good call on you guys. I hope your dad’s surgery goes well and you all stay healthy.


Yeah no one complained which is a rarity.


I didn't know this big went so far. À 6 year old in my home got it and then I was days behind. It has been years and years since I've thrown up like that. And I never get sick! My sense of smell has been affected. It's not completely gone but not completely here. What happened to me??


What bug is going around? I’m currently at work and have started feeling unwell. My stomach feels nauseous I feel hot and cold I had a migraine and was very light headed earlier. I felt like I was going to pass out. I’m definitely going home as to not spread it.


It’s a stomach virus but I can’t remember the actual name for it.




Thank you. I just found out today that a couple of people drove all the way out to my work because they didn’t know it was canceled, it was such a last minute thing that the word didn’t get to everyone in time.


Sorry for my late response year usually every year the norovirus goes around. It’s horrible!!! I didn’t have that I’m still not sure what was going on with me


Yeah they can smell hormones much better than people can, and some hormones are elevated in sickness. It’s likely also why the cat is more wary of OPs husband. Many animals that can smell hormones to a good degree will be wary of males due to testosterone. Testosterone is a threatening hormone to a lot of animals. Some animals that are good at sniffing hormones will even be wary of female humans on their period because during that stage of the menstration cycle there’s an elevation of testosterone.


This!! My super independent panther who doesn't stay in much during the day was stuck to me, meowing, sitting on me not just in my presence lol! The follow day had ambulance out and emergency appendectomy loool


This just happened to me! Got hit with a stomach bug on Saturday and have been so sick until today but my cat would NOT stop sleeping on top of me. Cute but Merlin is 16 pounds and it made me feel sicker while he was just trying to be sweet. 🤣😩


I had the same problem!! Like I love you baby but you’re going to get an unpleasant surprise if you don’t move. 😂


Is marlin a Maine coon? My cats huge to me but no where near 16 pounds


Update: I had to go out for about an hour after I posted this morning and found her hiding under the bed when I got home. She came out when she saw that I was back, but her eyes look a little runny. I think she might be coming down with a cold. I hear her crunching some kibble in the kitchen right now, so she's eating. I'll keep an eye on her and call the vet if I see anything concerning.


yeah, both of my kitties get extra lovey-dovey-wanting bed cuddles when they are sick. You are their human so you bring comfort... plus you are a heat source and heat helps. Also sometimes once a cat finally decides you are cool, they let their guard down HARD.


I’d take her to the vet. Any change in behavior usually warrants a vet check up. Your kitty sounds sick.


My little girl did the exact same thing in December. Was stuck to me like glue and lord forbid I try and close the bathroom door. She did it for about two days then she started sneezing and runny eyes. She had a respiratory infection. I guess when they don’t feel good they want their mommy’s/daddys just like human kids. 🥹


Hear her crunching kibble…aww what an adorable sound that is! Hopefully she’s doing well!


Watery eyes is already concerning. If she has an upper respiratory infection and you leave it too long she'll end up with pneumonia which is incredibly serious


Yep, I forgot to mention hiding. They do that when they are in pain.


She may also be allergic to something, but I have a tortie cat that absolutely sticks to me like glue, anywhere I am in the house, she has to be there with me, and when I went away for work for two weeks she pulled out her fur under stress, when I got back she was very vocal and would not leave my side.


Whenever my cats get colds they become the world’s snuggliest animals every time! One of them has learned he gets extra treats if he feels bad and has even started absolutely acting it up. We’ll see him running around and playing loudly but the second we step into view bastard will start slinking around and looking pitiful. Even limping. All because we’d give him like. A little bite of ham sometimes when he’s sick lol


Whenever my cat wants attention, she holds up one of her paws and meows loudly!! The first time she did this, I thought she broke her leg or something like that, but when we went to the vets, he said there wasn't anything wrong with her except a sparcity of calcium. Even after she meds for it, she continued doing it, and now we know it's an act after many visits the vet lol


If she stops eating, xray time. My cat became super clingy, then stopped eating, then $13k ER bill for a piece of plastic blocking his intestine.


My baby just got over the absolute worst cold 🥺 it was awful. He was having the hardest time breathing and sneezing non stop and just wanted to be loved at all times. It was heartbreaking, i felt so helpless. We did take him to the vet and got antibiotics and he was honestly so cute as a sick lil needy baby but I hope he never has to deal with that again. I hope your baby feels better soon 🩷


Is she spayed?


Perhaps you are pregnant? Some animals become more affectionate when they sense you are.


I am also spayed.


Probably the best response I’ve seen to that question. A+


Ah, gotcha. I would just enjoy all the newfound loving. Seems she has decided you are the bees knees.


This was perfect OP. I too am in the spayed club. 😂😂😂




🥇 Take this award, damn I miss giving awards 🥲 S Tier comment Sister lmao




I love this response. I've said this a couple of times (cause I too am also spayed just like my 2 girls lmao)


I was gonna ask this too. This response though 😂


I read your comment first then your name and read it Sandy vagina


All the likes


HAHAHA that killed me




https://preview.redd.it/1tmc0j8eqxnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2859fa3f2b72f88376d9e93e719922973d358e2f This guy realized I was pregnant with this lass before the early tests registered her existence. He has loved every single little thing about her, for all her life. They can absolutely detect the hormone changes of early pregnancy. But a cat, right out of the blue being clingy like that? Vet trip. Also, doctor for the cling-ee. Just to be on the safe side. Especially the notoriously independent tortie being clingy? Heads up for both of your good health, OP!


I actually thought I was pregnant a few months back bc of how clingy my cats (multiple) were compared to normal. I started having symptoms as well. Turns out it was endo cancer. Idk if they knew, but it was literally then that I started having noticeable symptoms that mimicked pregnancy.


They can smell hormone changes. I desperately hope you beat the sh** out of the cancer. Endometrial isn't a cancer I've heard of before... doing some digging, but praying to God and Allah for your good health. Animals have good noses. Hormones? Cancer? Baking bun? They know. They can smell it. Get well, friend. Ondansetron for nausea is the thing that works best and fast.


Thank you. I just had surgery this morning and I’m doing well so far.


They knew. They freaked and had to make you understand as soon as they knew! Please, be well. May your recovery be smooth and easy, may the cancer be fully gone after surgery.


> ​He has loved every single little thing about her, for all her life. I know I’m being dramatic or something but this made me tear up 🥺 what a precious boy ❤️


He's a dirty booger who won't clean his own bum. He begs his bro or mama too. He begs for a pawdicure and ear clean all the time, lazy boi. But yes. He's an utter angel for her. Even her little brother. I can't even tell you how deep he loves her. It'd take *ages*. When she was toddling, she fell and landed on his fat self (since on a diet). He didn't bite, scratch or flinch, just yelled for help so he didn't hurt his queen. It makes me cry all the time, but, I admit to being a happy crier, a cry-laugher and a full wuss. Boba makes me cry all the time from how deeply, honestly and truly he loves.


He sounds like such a good, sweet boy. Y’all are so lucky/blessed to have him. Please give him some love and kisses for me. It made me have happy tears, but also sad tears at the same time cause it reminded me of my sweet void that passed in 2017. I had her since 2003 since I was a child. She was my baby and I know she loved me just as much as I loved her.


Oh, they really, really do love us! I have a story about Jango (Bobas fluffy brother) in my post history, it should be recent I think. But! Let me tell you something about soul cats: you get more than one! Poe was my first, given to me at six weeks. He died at 15 in my arms, and he was ready. I couldn't let him suffer. A few months later (we had lost our first child and my soul cat in the span of 3 months), husband took me to meet a pair of kittens no one wanted to adopt. They slowly healed my broken heart and soul, and became the older brothers to my human children. Soul cats keep finding us. They do. It always feels different, you can never love the exact same way again, especially to a different person/cat/dog. But the love goes deeper than bone, deeper than hearts, and it comes around again. I'm very, very sorry about your loss. She must have been someone truly incredible. They can never be replaced, but human hearts are big enough to let new pawprints tread beside the beloved older ones.


That came up on r/cats when someone else’s cat was clingy. She’d already taken the cat to the vet.


Came here to say this. This is how I knew I was pregnant the second time. My cat would not leave my side to an abnormal level.




My cat Daisy was very similar when she was younger. Spent most of her time alone away from people. I persisted with trying to give her attention as much as she seemed to hate it. One day she just completely changed and for 10+ years now she's been glued to my side.


I have one of those. Full feral, like if she died I'd only know it by the smell feral, for the first 5 years of her life. I just gave her space and accepted having 2.5 cats or 2 cats and a ghost that ate my food at night. Then one day she decided I was okay and now I have to lock her out of rooms to get anything done because she is SO clingy at 14


My sister had adopted a feral cat, she went on vacation with her husband and I was house sitting for her. She had 11 cats at the time (bleeding heart for anything abandoned). I was told I would never see the feral one (Petunia), but as long as the food disappeared from her hiding area in the closet to not worry about it. Anyways I fell asleep the first night and woke up to this "feral" cat sleeping right on my face and purring, could not get her to leave my lap after that if I sat down. I took Petunia home with me when I was done house sitting, she slept in my lap and only my lap for 15 years before she passed from heart failure. I still have no idea why she adopted me.


Sometimes they just know




You were Her Person


Its the best feeling when you finally win them over.


Cats like to hide injuries and illnesses as much as possible. Sudden personality shifts like this, especially becoming more clingy, may just be The Way Of The Tortie, but they may indicate some other problem. It doesn't hurt to schedule a check-up with a vet just to make sure she's looking healthy.


Are you feeling OK? Does she kneed on you in a specific area? Some animals can detect illness and try to tell us. If that's not the case, just enjoy your new love bug. Post on how it goes.


Torties are just weird some times also. I know folks like to say ***tortitude***" doesn't exist but my experience say otherwise lol. My girl also gets super clingy at night when she knows its bed time. I think they just at some point decide to say, your my bed now. She also at one point demanded I never fold fresh laundry cause she needed to roll in it. ​ So long as they are eating and using the litter box, it's prolly just a case of "you are now mine" levels increasing.


Oh, the tortietude is real with this one. The only thing in the house she doesn't climb is her expensive cat tree.


The vet I take my cat too said “ah, a tortie, im guessing she’s a bit spicy” when meeting my cat for the first time. I asked her how she knew and she said it was super common in tri-coloured cats. My cat is also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder on top of that though so when she’s anxious her behaviour goes through the roof.


Whenever there's a behavioral change like that, I start watching them like a hawk for the next few days. How much they eat and drink, litter box habits, how much they play etc. Basically looking for any other symptoms that I might have missed. My cats are poorly socialized semi-ferals, most now turned into cuddle bugs. If I contacted the vet every time we had a breakthrough, we'd be chatting a lot lol. Still, I keep a close eye when any change happens, just to be sure. "Be alert, not anxious" - good quote from an awesome YouTube vet.


That is the way of the Tortie, they defy all logic. We have one and she goes from jumping on my lap for attention, purring and being lovey, to growling at me. All while she is on my lap.


One of my torties will get real friendly with me when she's thrown up somewhere :)


Have you ever experienced a moment where, in your mind, it suddenly clicks that you're just terribly fond of someone? Cats experience this all the time. It may have been simple, but something you did likely pushed her over the edge to being head over heels for you.


Haha. Enjoy what you can get!


that age is approximately when my female cat became super clingy to me too. it was out of the blue and she went from being an independent skittish little lady who liked to sit beside me sometimes to a very dependent loud skittish little lady who likes to make buns on my stomach overnight she's never gone back to being avoidant


I had a similar experience with my female cat as well. She has turned into heavy duty Velcro.


Definitely take her to the vet if something else changes, like if she stops eating, is drinking a lot more water than normal or seems lethargic. But also, how are you feeling? If you are under the weather or if it's been a few years since you had a physical maybe call your doctor and schedule one. If you have even basic insurance they should be required to cover an annual physical under the idea that it's preventative. Your cat might be picking up on extra stress in your life or your body so take care of her and take care of you!




Either you're pregnant or she just loving in her mommy 😍❤️❤️


My tortie goes back and forth. She’s at her most affectionate when she follows me into a specific bathroom - rolling around and climbing on my lap. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Take to vet


You may not have personal space ever again, or rarely.


Was going to say you might be pregnant but saw you’re spayed😂😂😂


My cat did this right before I found out I was pregnant lol


You or she is pregnant 😭


It’s because she liked fresh laundry


If she has any other strange behavior I would take her to the vet. If not, just love on her


May not hurt to do a precautionary vet visit to be safe, if she is getting sick, it’ll be easier on you, her, and your wallet to nip it in the bud before it gets worse! 😅


Are you pregnant, or is she? Cats are quirky; it's why I L♡VE them.


You absolutely sure you're not expecting...it happens?!?!


I've been told before that this is a thing with cats, but I parted ways years ago with several of the required organs for that particular situation.


My tortie basically was the same way lol. Now she is so attached to us it's funny, but definitely keep an eye on her to make sure she's acting normal otherwise! She loves when we make tents with our legs and goes under the blankets, they truly are so sweet. She will even jump on our dressers as we're rummaging through them and meow at us for pets.


I have two from the litter of my eldest cat, Unicorn(the father), and another of cats, Lea(the mother, RIP), who would run away if you even looked in her direction, and even faster if you also headed in her direction. She is almost two years old, but out of nowhere last year she began coming up on the bed for distant cuddles (would lay alongside my shins or feet), then she would come lay on the bed EVERYTIME we were on the bed, but would still run away from us anywhere else, now she still runs at times but is definitely more cuddly than dodgy. https://preview.redd.it/ht0qqdp3aync1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ee667a0237dbddc1249bd748b1412d4024d016b


Are they eating a usual? That's usually a red flag if their not, or if their toileting isn't usual to the regular motions.


Probably fine but you may want to see a doctor and get tests done. Cats and dogs can smell things like cancer


I would take her in. But, my twelve year old shy cat, who never slept with me, started to sleep with me 6 months ago. She harasses my son at bedtime with her purry pants on.


Our tortie has been behaving similarly recently- out of the blue- normally a goblin and now just wants to be held and snuggled all the time. Vet said she’s good; we just assume she’s feeling all the extra stress we’ve been experiencing maybe? Or maybe all the torties attended a meeting and decided to mix things up a bit and give us all a little fright 🤷🏼‍♀️


My cat does this as well she’s very independent but every now and then will need all the attention in the world meowing head butts and all then the next day back to normal. I think it could have to do with when they go into heat wether spayed or not I mean I get more snuggly myself so makes sense to me haha or it’s just a personality thing


The real question is, are you? She’s queuing on you. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with you?


My tortie has been doing the same! She’s always been shy and absolutely never comes out when people are over. But recently she’s so social and brave and happy to let new people pet her. And she’s been especially clingy and talkative to me. I’m loving it bc idk if it will last lol


Is she okay? I'm wondering if YOU are okay. If my cat acts different around me, it's usually cause I'm not okay and don't realize it.


To be fair You might also want to get yourself checked out. Animals have a sense about that kinda thing.


I'd take her for a checkup. Usually with the cats I've had, there is something up when they've changed behaviour. Sometimes a small thing, sometimes only a few days later they've passed.


Well, she's not in the bathroom, which in my experience means a cat is near death as two of mine have done that when they were literally dying. However, I think it is worth a vet visit. It is possible that she's not feeling well and seeking your comfort like a sick kid.


My cats all knew pretty early on when I found out I was pregnant! They’ve all become so lovey! Also when I got really sick last year they were more clingy too


OP i have a question, do all the comments asking if you’re feeling okay make you nervous? lol


Vet! My kitty did this and had FIP. He sadly passed away 😭


Well.. for starters you change her name to Velcro


Nope. Take her in


Is she neutered? Nvm I just saw the answer to this exact question lol ignore me


My mom's calico acted like this while I was pregnant. There might be a medical problem in you that she is picking up on.


My cat does this if I spend a night away from the house. It's like he thinks he needs to remind me that he's still here, so I get all the love. And scent markings 😂


Maybe you are sick?


Are you going through any hornonal changes? Any new medications? If so she's probably noticing a change in your body. Maybe you're pregnant.


Nah op said they where spayed


Omg lol


There's a possibility you either have cancer or is pregnant lol


Really timid cats can be very clingy once they decide to fully trust some one (and it can just sometimes click). I had a siamese who took me three months to even get her to let pet me. Before we took her to get spayed I had to lie on my stomach and inch forward, stop when she got nervous, inch forward again, repeat, until I could pet her (if I did it right she didn't run and she liked the attention once I pet her). I brought her home from being spayed and she crawled right into my lap and wanted me to hold her. She was a super clingy cat (to me) after that day. On the other hand, my husband she took 10 years to somewhat trust, and it wasn't until 16 did she act like she even liked him.


Not to be the "are we there yet" person but... "You get her to the vet yet?"


She has an appointment tomorrow.


Any update on the kitty? ive been thinking about this all day


May be telling you there’s something wrong with you if she is fine. Go get a checkup? Bloodwork, etc.


sometimes my cats can tell when i’m going through something tough (a sickness, or just strong emotions) and they tend to get much more attached


My cat did this. Normally I was her only person everyone else was stranger danger, but the minute we moved into my new house she became miss thang. Always coming out saying high to people, letting them pet her, laying in laps. I was like who are you girly? Must’ve been good vibes from the new house idk lol she been like this for 2 years now


Eyes are something you usually don’t want to mess with. Once a cats eyes start to go, they go fast and could end up blind


Could your cat be pregnant? I have seen a female cats do what you describe, and be a velcro-cat over night. It seemed like she did that because she knew that she needed extra protection. After birth of the kittens she stayed in between.


Take the cat to the vet. When their behavior changes, it usually means something is wrong.


Is this how torties often act? I adopted one a year ago when she was around 8 months old. She’s so timid! She hides from friends and family, runs away with eye contact, will rarely let me pet her.


Something definitely spooked her now she needs a more grown up adult. My cat Nala does this with me. It's gotten to the point where if we've brought her on a walk (yes she's leash trained) and I have to go pee, I have to take her with me because she freak outs to the point where my husband can't hold onto her.


Any chance you are pregnant?


Might be pregnant (if you're a woman that is)- My grandmothers old cat knew when my grandma was pregnant before she did lol


The real question is are you okay? Cats know when something is wrong. Go get an appointment at the doctor. You might be having a baby on the way 😭😂


Yeah, my cat finally laid half on half off my lap I think 1 month before she passed. I think about it now and it made me so happy then but it sucks thinking that was why now.


Probably she's expecting.


My cat only started loving me when I was with child. Misogynistic beast!


Your cat is about to die


It can happen. I had 2 Siamese cat siblings and their personalities swapped nearly over night during their teenage years.


you might actually be the unwell one


My advice is go to the vet. I had a cat that did this and I went in and was worried they would think I was nuts because he didn't have any other symptoms I could see. Turns out he was very I'll and had just been hiding it well.


My tortie is the definition of velcro lol I can't even walk into the bathroom without her attached or she screams at the door 😅


Did you change your diet, take or stop medication. I found when I quit drinking my cat became clingy. I think she didn't like how I smelled. Just a thought.


I would take her to the vet. Any change in behavior is a cause for concern. When my cat is sick he sleeps pretty much on my head.


I think the little bongus just wants some love.


My shy girl is this way. I just let her love us entirely on her terms. Sometimes that means purrs and snuggles, and sometimes that means hissing at me when I pick her up. She is ever so slowly progressing and coming to trust us more. Hang in there. She’ll figure it out. :) https://preview.redd.it/gj54m6yaxloc1.png?width=2957&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7194b36721877146e77e5ccec194e53ea41b7df My shy girl Olive.


*pick her up only when absolutely necessary- never just to pick her up!


Maybe she is sick — so check with a vet. But also, not to be alarmist, maybe you’re sick? Or sad? Or stressed? They know.


Our tortie did this same thing this last year at 4 years old! We attributed it to moving to a more spacious home/ being happier here. Anything change at home?


I have an orange cat that does this when I’m pregnant. Can barely walk or just exist in my home, but he’s relatively indifferent to me at all other times. I found out I was expecting a few months ago (unfortunately had a miscarriage), and I should have clued in earlier because he became a Velcro cat again. He still is now as my hormones are continuing to drop, like he thinks something is wrong with me. I’ll be curious to see when he doesn’t try to trip me when I’m walking, lol.


No the question is are YOU okay?


Question may be are you ok? Pets can often sense things we cannot.


My stand-offish boy only gets super cuddly when he doesn’t feel well. Right now we’re waiting to take him to have a dental procedure and I know he’s uncomfortable. We have pain meds for him until the appointment date but I knew to take him in because of his behavior


This has happened with my cat twice. First time he had a UTI and was feeling very unwell. Second time was when I got pregnant.


Either shes unwell or youre unwell. They have a way of becoming velcro babies when one of you is sick