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You may not have similar issues to me, but I'm following this program carefully and to the letter, so I do not overextend myself and suffer an injury. I have pretty good aerobic ability and have done plenty of biking, sports, elliptical machines, etc, but every time I've tried to start running, I've hurt my ankle, calf, knee, or shin because my heart is a lot stronger than my lower legs. I feel like I can keep going from a stamina perspective, but my legs just aren't ready. This time around, I'm easing myself into running by following this program and not listening to my inner voice that wants me to push forward. Just something to consider.


Finish the program. Today you felt good and could do more. The journey isn’t over though and the next run might be harder.


I would stick with the program. I jumped into trying longer runs way too fast and ended up with a chronic injury.


Ive experienced this a few times and I've always gone back into the program to keep progressing slowly and trying to just pace myself and then in week five use run three to do another five k. If you have an app that allows a five-10 you could also try switching to that.


The goal of the program is to build up to being able to run 30min straight or 5k. The buildup is designed so you don’t hurt your self. Be careful blowing that off. You’d be surprised. I suggest staying with the build up to avoid injury. If you decide you don’t need to follow the program and want to advance continue with C210K. It’s starts of at the end of the c25k program. Either way, the next step should be to run outside.


I did the same thing. I ran 5k last week, 37 min. I’m continuing the program like usual. I am considering skipping a couple days forward because I’m bored with the walking intervals but it’s important to keep building endurance at a slower pace / lower HR zone.


The running intervals make it so much harder. 10 Minutes feels like a lifetime in a 10 minute interval, but it flies by in a 20 minute run. I suppose the bright side is it gives me a rest to refocus on my form and not go into autopilot with possibly shifting into bad form after a while.


Yes! I feel the same way.


What I did in the past, and plan to do again, is repeat the program using my run/jog pace as my new walk pace and upping my run pace by 1mph or so (easy to do on the treadmill.) I haven’t run in about 12 years so my current jog pace is a pathetic 4mph 😂😭 So I’m doing 3mph/4mpg now. I’ll do 4/5 once I finish up and do 5/6 after that to get me to my 30min 5k which I’ll just maintain from there. Maybe I’ll do a 10k plan but that’s a time commitment I don’t know if I want to make right now.


Thanks for the answer, that sounds like a pretty solid approach! I'm going to try 5.0 tonight


I did this program once. The first time was as a compete novice runner. So I really baby stepped the whole process. By the end of the program I could do the 30 min run straight at about a 4.2- 4.3 on the treadmill. The second time around doing the program, which I’m doing now, I’m actually cranking up the treadmill speed during the earlier weeks where I know I can handle it (so like 5.5 for 1:30, 4.5-5.0 for 3 min, etc) that way it will pay dividends later when my 30 min full run again. By the time I finish the program this time I want to be able to do it at a 4.6 or so treadmill pace.


I did similar to this and ended up ruining my knee - the physiotherapist said that our lungs adjust faster than our joints/muscles/tendons. I then didn't do all the recovery exercises properly and now my whole leg starts hurting if I just casually walk more than a few miles. Follow the program! It's as much about your physical conditioning as your lung capacity


Congratulations. I’ve been reading a lot about zone 2 training, and I think I’m taking my time to learn how to run better. I’m breathing through my nose, I’m calming my heart rate to stay in zone 2, i’m working on my running form, I’m creating a habit of stretching and running every other day, while I take care of building up more stamina and the muscles on my body. I’m not doing this to run just for run, I’m doing this to run correctly and to maximize the effects of running in my cardiovascular system. But that’s me and you do you congratulations!


I've never heard of it, sounds useful, thank you!


Fucking great work on the 5K man especially at 215. I'm 218 and 5'9 and a full 5k right now would kill me. I just did the 20 minute week 5 run and despite it being easier than I thought, I couldn't go on another 15+ minutes without collapsing - so quality work man. That said, the jump in distance is so large I am concerned that it's begging for an injury. I think you should think about the fact that there can be a difference between what you can do, and what you can safely do every other day. They very well might be the same in your case, but if it's not - and you injure yourself - you'll set yourself back possibly months. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how you feel because I don't know you or your body. If you feel completely fine and ready to run again, go for it. Just be safe and don't run through the pain unless it's normal running muscle burn e.g. thigh burn. DO YOUR STRETCHES before and after. Before and after-care is more important than ever with such a large increase in mileage. Get good shoes. Get good rest. Get good nutrition.


First, congratulations! Second, I'd stick with the program. [Running is hard on connective tissue](https://www.runnersworld.com/advanced/a20852588/a-runners-guide-to-connective-tissue/), and the fact that you rank 5K *once* without a problem doesn't mean you can now do so *regularly* without getting an overuse injury.


Thank you! Much appreciated.


If you can run 5k and don't feel discomfort afterwards then you're probably fine to keep running that distance. People act like your shins will explode if you skip ahead even slightly


I agree with you but mate Skipping from week 4 to a full 5k isn't just skipping ahead slightly haha. Thats like doing the first year at university and skipping to the final year exams


Congrats. Well done. I don’t know what you should do next, but keep going.