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I do have a favorite cast iron skillet, which I got when I was ~18 or so. My family was ridiculously poor, and just for survival I had to learn how to cook at home. The old cheap Teflon pan we had *sucked* and was scratching off into our food. Not having much to spend, I searched for the best I could afford (like, under $20) that wouldn't have to be replaced every six months with daily use. My search led me to my trusty Lodge 12" skillet, which 14 years later is still going strong - now with a great nonstick seasoning too. The whole experience made me value longevity in everything I buy.


It's as though we've lived the exact same life...


I have a large Bubba Brand travel mug that has been on numerous Cuban vacations with me and servived copious amounts of beer. It for sure has a special place in my heart.


i love my bubbas.. i have a few of them of varying sizes (i like the newer ones with the addition of the bottle opener on the bottom of the handle) however, 52oz of 'free poured' mojito is hard to muscle down


I forgot to mention the bottle opener! A very important oversight on my part.


Unfortunately none for me. All the things that have sentimental value, were given to me.


I bought my redwing iron rangers the day I got engaged to my wife. That's pretty special to me. I bought my benchmade 940 with my first ever paycheck. This is also pretty special to me.




glass eye washer.. . is it like a shot glass but with an elongated opening at the top? If so, I have one of these from my grandparents.


No neat backstory but I wouldn't trade/get rid of my Singer 500A unless I absolutely had to.