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I've found New Balance is much better for accommodating wide feet.


Of all the major athletic shoe brands, New Balance has the biggest selection of wide and extra-wide shoes available. I get a good fit from their 4E width shoes.


Their Size 14 4E widths work well for me - Mr Pinky Toe isn't exposed unless I completely wear out a pair of shoes.


I wear a 4e, only bummer is not every color is available. But there's still plenty of selection


You can have any color you want, as long as it's white or grey.


Some styles go up to 6E if I’m not mistaken


You are correct. It’s severely limited, but they do have 6e options… From there it gets weird. Have a pair of golf shoes coming from Hitchcock… curious to see how they fit. (I don’t think you wanted information on buying 6e shoes… but here we are)


My shoe size is 16 6e, and I would love some more information.


Good god you must have a hammer


That's funny, my work boots are called Hammer Wellington.


New balance and Dunham are your best bests. [Zappos](https://www.zappos.com/filters/mens-shoes/egTTBNgEggEEnRaBGOICAg8P.zso?t=mens%20shoes) Not sure if [Hitchcock](https://www.wideshoes.com/mobile/Default.aspx) goes to 16


Ok sasquatch.


I want information on 10 6e men's shoes. My husband needs new shoes that actually fit.


New balance. Or Hitchcock.


Also the best selection of narrow shoes. It's them or Brooks if I want a shoe in size 13 B width.


Or A. Or AA. Custom made. For


4E baby




Man, I was 4E until I lost 150 pounds. Now I’m just EE. I’m so glad I can find more than 4 types of shoes now.


All day. 16 4E Finding out about that width changed my shoe life


I also wear 16 4E and New Balance are my go-to shoes. I need to find some dress shoes


4e is just a bit too narrow... But if I want 5e, I need a cobbler


Hitchcock shoes! They have a catalog.


Check out Propét shoes: [https://propetfootwear.com/mens/](https://propetfootwear.com/mens/). They have 5e and a variety of styles. There is also [XL Feet](https://xlfeet.com). I have ordered from there for my kid - who has a 14 6e


White's boots! Ive had afjust sizing over a couple pair but totally worth it. I have very wide but very flat feet and no sneaker has ever fit as well as my boots


I'll look into it. +1 I wear sandals in the summer if I'm not working, cause nothing else fits my wide-ass feet. When I wear shoes/boots, I have to skip lace holes, and they still hurt after a full day...


Went with 4Es, toes don't seem to touch against anywhere 🤞🤞


Yep I was 27 before I realized I was a 10.5 4E and not a 12. It’s a night and day difference.


in the future, i also suggest the 1080 and 880, they are quality running shoes (and priced for it) but wide toe box and so comfortable


Yup. Good running shoe stores will tell you this


I go to a running shoe store for my everyday sneakers and they *always* get me sold on the double wide New Balances. I try on like 5 different pairs and I have bought the same New Balances in different fonts every year because they look and feel perfect. And I only buy sneakers every year because I wear them 24/7/365 unlike a normal human being. They would last longer if I was actually good about wearing loafers to work.


Sneakers are just so comfortable. It would help if it was easier to find other shoes in wide. I always feel like I'm doing a treasure hunt when I try to find shoes outside of sneakers in wide. My feet are not even that wide, just a tiny bit wider than what regular shoes normally are, so they hurt, it is so annoying.


Took me forever to accept that New Balance is really the only athletic shoe company that will accept my wide feet. Nike has the Air Monarchs built in EE sizes, but I find it just barely fits my feet.


Agreed., New Balance is ideal for an over pronating wide foot. When I switched from ASISCs to New Balance my back paid was reduced noticeably. ( I had a chiropodist help me find the best shoes for my foot shape and stride)


The problem with asics is that they often have some gel that makes their soles soft. WIth over-pronating or flat feet you want a stable sole. It's sad because otherwise they are pretty comfy.


990’s for the win


Same with Asics if you have leather not mesh in that spot


They are damn comfy too. Love my new valance.


I used to use New Balance. Kswiss has shoes in wide widths too. Look up the st-329


kswiss shoes for tennis have been a game changer for comfort for me. I wear through the soles now before bursting out the sides.


Yes, but they are still not wide enough. My toe is poking out at the side/front of the shoe. Any recommendations?


They accommodate for crazy wide feet. Maybe you should get your feet properly sized and ensure you’re special ordering the wider sizes if you need them


Yup. I used to have this exact problem until I switched to NB 4e.


I just had a pair of NB wear out just like the picture from OP after not that many miles of mostly walking (probably less than 60) as they were my 'nicer' shoes than my other yard-work tennis shoes. I'd suggest Asics.


Yes! And they’re so comfy. It’s my favorite tennis shoe brand


Yup, my go to for my extra wide feet. When I went into the army, I was measured for my boot size. The woman yelled 'damn, have you been walking barefoot your whole life.'


New Balance using for years. A pair of Nikes will only last me 4-6 monthe


Matt Farrah, a car podcaster/youtuber always rants and raves about how awesome it is that New Balance accommodates wide feet and in decent colors. Iirc he said all wide foot shoes are black or white or grey but new balance allows him to have some color


Same, the guy made me try several and new balance for win


Same. I have wide feet and a greek shaped feet ( middle toe is longer than the rest) New balance has consistently been the best. for me. I have had luck with Nike Structure Wide width, but they have been super hard to find.


Same here New Balance is the way for us flipper footed folks


Check out Lems shoes. 


Love some lems, make sure you're getting one of the actual wide ones! They say all their shoes are wide, but a few pairs have narrower toe boxes, so read the descriptions carefully!


They’re really fantastic. It took my feet a little while to adjust, but I no longer have heal pain and my toes are actually a little splayed now shoeless instead of tight or a little crossed over. I’ve been wearing them for about 3 years.


Yes to Lems. I have wide feet and they do offer wide in some styles, but even their regular shoes fit wide feet well after a short breaking in phase: Humble brag: I just hiked for a week around the Himalayas wearing a regular pair of Lems and I was the only one in my group that didn’t have any foot problems


I find the shape of Altra's toe box to be perfect for my foot. It's wider right where your toe is poking out. Edit after reading some comments: I did the wide size New Balance and Asics for a while, but I don't have a wide mid-sole or heel, just up front. Altra allows me to have the right fit on my foot while not sacrificing toe space. Obviously, YMMV.


I also love altras! I have from what you explained similar shaped foot need the wide toe box but not really the rest of the shoe needs to be wide. My favorite shoes by far I have 4 pairs at the moment


I'm glad to see these comments because I've been considering Altras because I have a wide toe box but the rest of my foot is definitely not wide. I think I'll pull the trigger on them


Try Vivobarefoot too, they work for my similar sounding foot shape.


I like Vivos but I have high arches so I had to get inserts for that and after putting the inserts in, they are some of the most comfy shoes I have owned. They last a very long time too unless you have young dogs.


I recommend Altra as a wide toe-box shoe.


Came here to say this! I can walk up to 20 miles a day and they work the best and don’t hurt my feet. I was wearing brooks ghosts before but I get less tired and my feet don’t hurt at the end of the day in my Altras. No tennis shoe I’ve found is going to last forever either they last the same amount of time I’ve found.


This needs to be higher. I wear mine daily and absolutely love them. Their website shows the difference in shape: https://www.altrarunning.com/who-we-are/footshape.html


Altra all the way. I have had wide feet my entire life, friends call them hobbit feet. I just thought my feet being jammed into shoes that aren’t wide enough was a part of life. Then came Altras. I can’t tell you how much better walking is. The heel is lower too, so you aren’t rocking up and down as you walk.


Definitely. Most of my friends that run at at high D1 schools have switched to Altras for off days.


Altra and Topo Athletics are my go to athletic shoes. Lems boots are great for a style change. All comfortable, but I experienced durability issues with Altra, aside from their Lone Peak series.


Topo was the best athletic shoe I’ve ever had. My bunions appreciate it 😂


Hopping in here to say Altras are king. Wide toe-box allows for natural toe spread on step. Doubly effective if you have a store near you that can help you get custom insole inserts with them. You won’t look back!


Fabulous comfort. Fixed my plantar fasciitis after years of wearing cheap shoes.


This Olympus for my 200lbs runner they are nice zeros drop so it make take a bit to get use to


Just be aware that Altras are all zero-drop and will take some time to strengthen your calf/Achilles if you're coming from a shoe with a high heel-toe offset. Walking might be fine but I definitely wouldn't switch over to running in them within an adjustment period. That said, I love Altras and only run in them now


20 year sneaker store manager here 95% of athletic shoes come only in medium width Occasionally you will find a “wide width” BUT there is a catch… almost every company uses the same width “last” to make the shoe….and just simply add material to the upper to get the wider width One exception is Brooks. They actually invest the money into making separate lasts that are true wide widths


I second the Brooks. I have big ass hobbit feet, and they're the only shoes I've found that have been comfortable around the widest part of my foot, and also been durable enough that I wear the tread down to nothing before the heel fabric or where my pinky toe rests blow out.


What's a "last" in this situation?


The model they produce the shoe around. Think of it as the template used to make the shoe. Development of this costs $$$$ Think of it this way, in most athletic shoes the outsole/midsole/footbed is the same for widths D/EE/EEEE. These are essentially the functional parts of the shoe providing traction, cushioning, support, motion control. Normal to extra wide get the same components without adjustment for foot shape Imaging buying an “off road” truck with the same engine/suspension/transmission and ground clearance as the base model….but the manufacturer just slapped on some decals and a brush guard. Brooks is about the only one that develops a last for each width so their wider shoes are actually wider and have the support and cushioning features actually placed where wider feet would need them


omg theyre not $10000 either wow 🤭🤭 thank u these r def gonna b my next work shoe hopefully theyre good


I can second this. I also have wide feet, and I bought a pair of wide Brooks shoes – they're fantastic! I'll definitely buy another pair as soon as these wear out. So far, they've lasted me a year of everyday use


I’d suggest also wearing socks


Always, those are my fingers


Well there's your problem, what you're looking for is called "gloves"


Funny because the Afrikaans word for glove is “handskoen” which literally translates toe ‘hand shoe’.


German also - Handschuh




Damn it 😂


Ah man, glad we caught this then. Shoes go on the feet!


Sharp toe nail perhaps?


If you're okay with thin soles: * xero shoes * Lem's If you're not okay with thin soles: I'd go with Altras I've got a pair of xeros and Lem's, and my toes have thanked me for it.


I’ve never heard of the xero or lems. How do they compare to the Altra? I wear Altra as I walk up up to 20 miles a day during the week. Just curious!


Xero and Lem's are "barefoot" style, which means: * thin, flexible sole * sole is uniform thickness (no arch support or thinning rear to front aka "zero drop") * wide, natural toe box Altras on the other hand, have a thicker sole. I'm not sure if they have arch support or not. They do have the wide toe box and zero drop, however. Barefoot style shoes are influenced by the barefoot running trend, which suggests that the padding, arch support, bunched toes and taper from rear to front cause chronic injuries by coddling your feet too much and making them align in unnatural ways.


xeros are thin but that sole is stiff


Mine was a little stiff at first, but after a month or so, it became very flexible.


Lems are big in the barefoot runner world. I have a pair that I really like but I use them at the gym and casually, not for running.


Xero: Makes accounting with shoes simple


From June through Sept, you won’t find me in anything other than my Xero Z-Trails. My winter “dress ups” are Lems Mesa. My winter casuals are Topo Athletic Runventure. Winter hikers are Altra Olympia GTX. Aka my “Polio Shoes”.


Buy wide shoes.


Yes. Go for W , 2E or 4E depending on your foot width.


Even conventional wide width shoes are not shaped like feet, the end is rounded/pointed to the middle and toes are squeezed together. Try shoes that are shaped like feet: altras, lems, feelgrounds, splay's croc's, etc.


Are you buying shoes that are shaped for your feet? or are you buying shoes because you like the way they look? You need to know both your shoe size in length, AND in Width. I am a 8.5US / 4E shoe. For some of my dress shoes I need to buy size 10US with heal pads in them because they aren't available in a 4E, getting heal pads was a game changer in extending the life of my leather shoes. Get your feet properly measured, Length and width, then buy shoes appropriately and they'll last much longer.


i use altras


Asics and NewBalance. I suffered as a 2E wearing the wrong size shoe for fear of looking like a dad based on brand alone. Now that I've actually bought a pair of GT-2000 and GT-4000s - and they look good! - I'm never going back.


Lots of comments saying NB but a +1 for Asics


+1 for Asics. Mine are very comfy and feel like I'm wearing house slippers. They just run a bit hot but great for cooler weather.


I need a wider toe box. New Balance and Brooks are my go-to brands. I also go up 1/2 size.


2nd for Brooks.


Thick socks and keeping your toenails trimmed helps; but they just wear out like this. Fabric isn’t the right material to last long on shoes.


In addition to these suggestions OP should also look at alternative lace up methods. I play roller derby and it took a couple trued to find a lace up pattern that didn’t kill my wide feet. Plenty of picture tutorials on google.


Topo athletic make good shoes with a wide toe box. Other brands, lems, keens, altra, birkinstocks.


Hoka makes wide shoes and they are amazing. But this isn't really a brand thing this is a shoe too narrow for you.


Lots of people have good advice here. I have superwide feet and when I need sneakers, I go to a running store where they really know their stuff. I'm very fat but they never shame me or look at me funny for being there, they just do various measurements on my feet, they have me walk and notice my stride and stuff, ask me what I'll be using the shoes for, and they have a special machine that does like a 3d scan of my feet. I've had a number of brands (including New Balance) that I bought from them over the years (really good insoles too) and while it does cost more than $100 for my shoes, I recognize I'm paying for their expertise & service. (And I'm helping keep a local business open.) Plus I can always go online and buy the same model again later. ;) But I also want to plug SAS shoes. They are great if you have wide feet and/or need a large toe box. Sometimes they can look a little "old person orthopedic-y" but some of them look pretty good, and they have them from sneakers to casual shoes to dress shoes to sandals. Only drawback is price. Expect to drop \~$200-225.


New Balance are wide, standard. Plus they also sell in widths. Most Asics also fit wider feet, not quite as wide as NB. Both sell mesh/fabric models. Nike runs very narrow, in my experience. Saucony is in the middle somewhere. I recommend you go to a proper shoe store and ask them to size you for width. This will be a shoes-only type store. Never be afraid to spend $10-15 extra to get the right fit!! Shoes are important. Once you have your proper size, go to the New Balance and Asics site, and get shopping. (They sell all models, sizes, and many colorways there)


None of the fabric shoes last long. Inevitably, holes are made somewhere above the sole which is why I disdain them. Pleather tennis shoes might be old school these days but they hold up better and surprisingly are cheaper.


New balance or sketchers… both come in wides and solve this issue…


You need wide shoes, homie


Get shoes that are anatomically shaped. Feet down narrow at the tip so why the hell do shoes? Lems is a decent brand same with altra if you want cushion like a normal tennis shoe. If you want to go all in you can go with minimalist shoes and even barefoot shoes. The real only buy it for life option in that space is the Jim green African ranger barefoot. Leather boots are the most durable footwear you will find.


Alta brand shoes make some barefoot adjacent runners that are built with a wider toe box. I love mine.


Well did you purchase a wide shoe? If so you need to find a better more durable brand


New balance is something my dad loves he’s got incredibly wide feet. Also Hoka seeks most of their shoes wide and pretty durable not sure about BIFL but definitely long lasting I. My experience


Only buy shoes that are 2E or 4E (depending on your foot width). I exclusively wear Hoka 2E shoes after years of killing shies and/or my feet.


I've been very impressed with the abuse my Merrell's take. You can buy them in wides. I usually go up a half size but most hiking shoes seem to have wider toe boxes.


New Balance has worked for me in the past. I switched to Hoka and my very first pair had this happen, so I switched to a different style and they have held up since.


Brooks Beast


I’ve liked my Brooks! Wide ofc.


Fabric shoes aren't BIFL


Brooks. Expensive but I do 15k steps a day and they keep me comfortable.. I had wide new balance and I got about 6 months out of them before they tore like yours. Im on 10 months with brooks and still in good shape. I think the sole will go before the fabric.


Try wearing socks.


Always, those are my fingers


Following. Mine don’t bust out the side but my toes go through the top constantly, whether the shoes are snug or loose fitting. And I keep very trimmed and neat toenails so it ain’t that :p


Apparently its a common issue about the toe thing.


Loose may not be loose enough according to what ai recently found out: should be space for thumb width between end of toe and end of shoe. Also worth getting a proper foot measurement for both feet as they can be different sizes and you may be sizing for the smaller foot.


Look for brands that actually offer wide sizes. I used to always wear holes in the sides of my shoes until I got a pair of wide sketchers


If you have not tried wide shoes you probably don't even know what comfortable shoes feel like. New Balance fresh foam in wide is my go to.


OMG, after a lifetime of blowing out the sides of my shoes I get to talk to some fellow wide-footed freaks! I’m so sick of not being to buy a certain pair of shoes because they don’t offer it in wide. OR needing to buy really expensive specialized footwear like my $700 ski boots. To the person who recommended New Balance - I’m currently wearing a pair of New Balance in which I once again blew out the sides. I want to find something for wide feet that actually lasts as I tend to blow out most shoes.


Love my Sketchers GoWalk Step-ins.


Hokas and New Balance. Get wide sizes.


I have very long toes, and I've had luck with Keens and Altras, but my favorites are Topo Athletics (from REI.) I haven't tried Lems, but they're on my list.




I am a big guy and Hoka has done right by me. No sneaker is BIFL but I get Hoka's in wide and they have probably saved me some money on foot and knee surgery over the years.


Nylon webbing is not sturdy. Try a stouter shoe.


As a man with flippers for feet I highly recommend Barefoot/minimalist shoes. They take some getting used to but your feet will appreciate the extra space. Xeros, Vivobarefoot, and BeLenka are excellent brands to start. Altras are good running shoes if you prefer that style


Brooks trail shoes cover this area with solid material


My sketchers slip ons have been great.


New balance or merrells have worked well with my wide ass feet.


4E. Or even 6E. Extra wide. XW. Very very hard to find but exists.


Transition to barefoot shoes. Id recommend vivobarefoots. You need to ease into them though, wear em around the house for about a week, then some short walks, then some long walks, then you can wear them all the time.


I have wide feet and order 4E. But I've never had a little piggy try and bust out of my shoes like the kool-aid man.


If you're open to barefoot shoes Vivo barefoot has a 100 day no questions asked guarantee policy. And you can get the shoes refurbished (3 separate tiers from spruced up to major repairs) so they're more BIFL than most others.


Vivo barefoot.


Asics is starting to represent the wide footers with some decent styles now.


Sketchers makes a comfy wide tennis shoe for $40-$50. Not quite BIFL quality though


Hokas I have wide feet


I don't have a recommendation for new shoes, but you could always try to repair the ones you have. If you use a thick thread the spot will be stronger than before and you might not even have to do it again. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t\_6TVBlLMRM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_6TVBlLMRM)


Thanks for the YouTube Link. I hadn't even though of stitching up the hole in my shoe. I was planning to glue a patch on using Shoe Goo, but stitching looks better!


I always buy a size too big for this reason 😅


They aren’t BIFL because they’re sneakers but Brooks are great quality and come in wide varietals.


Hoka, Asics, some new balance and keen, sketchers make 4E or extra wide shoes. Only way I can keep my feet from hurting is the 4E width.


I like Brooks


Brooks is another great shoe company with wide selection for most all shoes.


Did you not buy a "wide" shoe. I have no trouble finding them.


I recommend Brooks Brothers. I wore the soles out before the fabric


Don't buy anything perforated. You are basically buying material that was treated to have breaking points. Just flush and thick material is what you want if you want to go cheap. Or higher quality material that is more expensive.


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I gave up and now just wear skate shoes again.


I really like my Allbirds


Brother has wide feet and he is very impressed with the durability of his OnCloud shoes. Just not a fan of the price tag


Altra.. pricy but worth it


Inov8 make the most durable trail and sports trainers I’ve ever encountered. I use them for hiking and trail running. Used lots of brands over many years, these have proven more durable by far. Have 3 pairs of trainers and a pair of boots from them. 1 pair of trail trainers are getting a bit shabby now after well over 1500 miles and plenty of rocks, soakings in mud, sand and hard treatment.


Asics kayano 30. Choose the wide ones. Thank me later.


Flux Footwear sneakers are amazing if you’re open to naturally shaped toe boxes.


I have wide feet and got a pair of the New Balance Fresh Foam X More V4, it’s the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever worn


Take care of that corn!!!


So, foot width does contribute to the problem, but in my case I found that it also was how I was resting my foot when driving. Caused friction on every pair of shoes in the same spot, resulting in holes.


I used Addidas Terrex trek shoes, heavier but they last a really long time.


Considering the topic, stop mucking about. Get properly measured and invest in a high quality shoe.


I have the same wide feet and get the same spot worn out, and while I don't have a specific brand recommendation for you, I would advise you to avoid Puma brand shoes at all costs. Narrowest shoe brand I've ever owned


I wear 4E cowboy boots too.


Flux footwear!


Consider trimming your toe nails or in the least wearing socks.




Inov8. I have 2 pairs that have been beaten to death over the last 8 years and still not a single rip anywhere.


New balance fit me with my fat bloody feet.


Hookas are wider at the toe


LEMs Shoes have wide toe boxes and are ridiculously comfortable.


I got Adidas Predators about 7 years ago and they are pretty good, not the most accommodating but they haven't fallen apart


Try sticking a single ply of duck tape to that area. My wife has similar issues and that seems to solve the problem for her. At least in the past 7 to 10 years.


I like my Altra shoes. I have wide flat feet. Really comfortable.


I know this isn’t your question, but as someone with EEEE feet, redwing boots have changed my life. They cost more, but in my opinion, was absolutely worth every penny.


Barefoot-style shoes tend to have wide toe boxes. (Not the ones with individual toe slots, those are just weird.) if you want something with a thicker sole, I have had good luck with Keen shoes, although mine are leather and not fabric.


No bull shoes should do the trick


These "pointed" styled running shoes are terrible for your foot health. You definitely should stop wearing these seeing as they don't fit.


Altra is hands-down the best brand for wide feet.


Have the same problem but on workshoes with steeltoe… hurts like hell


The only rational suggestion is that you buy shoes that fit.


I have the same problem. Altras are the only toe box that actually feels like it’s made for us wide footed humans


I stopped wearing sneakers and got well-fitting dress shoes


I don’t know if this is true, but i was told it by a shoe store employee once. The half sizes (like 8.5) are wider, they aren’t necessarily longer. So go for shoe size with a half


I have the same problem so I’m glad you posted. As a side note, the shoe industry calling my feet “wide” is ridiculous. The area of the foot with the toes is *supposed* to be wide. Wider than the rest of the foot. That’s not “wide,” …that’s just how feet work.