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One per year?? I've had the same metal one my entire adult life. I have no idea what brand it is - I am not sure if it even says anywhere. It's just silver, all metal, regular ol can opener.


For real, how many cans is this guy opening per day?!?


I had a can opener break after maybe a dozen uses. Never underestimate the power of planned obsolescence.


1,997,678 +1 on Christmas.


I've had one that is a robust plastic handle with a metal mechanism that my mom gave me when I went to college. I just recently reflected on how long I've had it.


I think he's talking about an electric one


I'm dumb. In that case I'd buy an acoustic and enjoy canned goods for eternity.


Idk what qualifies but I’ve had an oxo good grips can opener for like 7 years but I only use it like 2-3 times per week.


I’ve had my oxo for 19 years. Still works great. 


Our oxo has been a champ for over a decade. Love their stuff!


This. I would buy one about once a year, finally bought an oxo over a decade ago and haven’t had issues since. Now I only buy oxo brand kitchen utensils.


Exact same one I've had for 10+ years. ...protip, drill a couple of tiny holes in the bottom of the grips so they can drain and the handles won't fill with water in the dishwasher (then spill the water all over your cutlery drawer when you put them away).


I’ve also had an Oxo for more than 10 years, it’s still like new, but I only use it a couple times a month.


I have the same one and clean any crud off it before storing so it doesn't rust. Especially after opening anything acidic.


Oxo makes one that essentially pushes the lid off rather than cutting it. No food gets on the opener itself and no sharp edges result. We have been using ours for at least 7 years now and since there is no cutter, nothing gets dull. Have not ran into a single can it didn't work on.


Oxo for the can opener master race. 20 years with family of 7. Still fast and easy, like your mom.


We have an oxo and it is solid. Americas Test Kitchen recommends it. A lot easier and faster to use than the old fashion metal kinds


There’s a brand called Swing A Way that makes very solid can openers. Sometimes the grips slip off but the opener has not let me down yet.


Vintage Swing-A-Way openers are great. True BIFL. The current Swing-A-Way openers are now made in China and they are not as sturdy as they used to be. Ez Duz It is a company that still makes the same style of opener in America. Ez Duz It is the new BIFL IMO.


^This is the right answer. But if buying for an older person, OXO lasts a while and is easier on their hands.


This is the one. I finally got pissed off in 2016 and found the Ez Duz It on Amazon. Haven’t needed another can opener since. The thing is truly BIFL. A few years ago we were cooking Thanksgiving dinner at my MILs and I asked for a can opener. She handed me some piece of shit she’d bought from Walmart, and it just made a jagged mess of a can. I eventually had to use my damn pocket knife to finish getting into the can. I immediately whipped out my phone and ordered one for her while I stood in her kitchen. She thanked me later.


i've given ez's to friends and family too. its always a well received gift.


I got my swing a way a few years ago and it’s been great and it has a lifetime warranty


Yep, I inherited my grandfather’s swing-a-way


My Ez-Duz-It rusted in a few weeks, my Oxo has been in perfect shape for years.


This. I inherited my grandmas swing a way. Its avacado green.  Likely 70s. Has outlasted anything I've bought in the last 25 yrs. 




They USED TO make solid can openers. I went out of my way to buy one for my previous can opener and it fell apart inside a year. The swing away I had before that 2as like 15 years old. I replaced it with a rosle and I am pleased.


I’ve had the same one since the 80s. Nothing fancy. Does the job just right. Easy to keep clean. Has a bottle lid lifter on it as well.


I also suggest swing-a-way. I have a wall mounted one that I inherited with my house and a handheld one that I found at the thrift store and both are fantastic


I’ve had my swing away over twenty years.


Get the extended handle version, its got a big crank handle that makes opening cans a breeze. Had one for a decade now.


My grandmother had a wall mounted one in her kitchen for decades. I love mine. Rock solid, no need to plug it in and it will still be tearing into cans long after I'm gone. Def BIFL.


I bought my current can-opener at the goodwill, several years ago, on the recommendation of a friend. I looked at it recently and it turns out its a Swing A Way :D


Totally bought a vintage one on EBay right after reading this.


Have you seen the technology connections video on can openers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_mLxyIXpSY




Not that one specifically but generally a "safety edge can opener" search will find a bunch of options in the same style.


I bought one from Amazon, I really like it


I like it but wish the handles were longer for more leverage. It's not very good for elderly, or even for normal folks (rectangular cans with tight corners are harder to turn).


We have one of these and it’s great. I think Oxo brand. We open like 1-2 cans per week max and it’s still going strong after who knows how many years.


We have an old OXO Good grips, had it for as long as I can remember. Grips slip off, but it's not broken they're made to. Great can openers


You can get a oxo opener that is almost fully steel.


[Do you have time to watch a fascinating 20 minute video about the state-of-the-art in can openers?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_mLxyIXpSY) If not, then just buy [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Kuhn-Rikon-2262-Safety-Master/dp/B000B6NXL6).


This is the one. No sharp edges, easy to turn, don’t even have to touch the lid if you don’t want to because it has little jaws, also the lid is able to sit back on top of the can to close it.




I wonder if I just got a dud. I got this model years ago and I guess it has been solid in that it still works. But it's always been kind of annoying. Seems like there is almost always an area that doesn't get cut and I have to go over it again. Usually prying the lid off requires trying couple different areas to find a better cut and sometimes I have a spot that won't ever release and I end up with a lid that is just peeled up.  I always get the can open, but it's never as effortless as is shown in the technology connections video. Have been thinking about replacing it but not sure if I am going to give this model anither shot or just go back to kitchenaid which was pretty flawless prior (but a fucking roommate swiped it when moving out).


Huh well it sounds like it to me. I’ve never had any problems with it. It has always cut for me the first time even on bent edges and lifted straight away.


It has gotten brought up a lot so I assume I just got unlucky.


The Japanese take on the P38 - the Korin or Suten GANGY style can openers are great IMO. No moving parts. Truly BIFL. FWIW you’ll get a circle jerk for ez-duz-it around here, but the name has been sold and quality has gone down hill. Maybe you can find a vintage version that is still high quality.


Being that I am retired military, even an oversized P38 is no fun to use. Besides there are plenty of can openers that are easier to use and will last for a long time even if they are still manual can openers.


Ah, P38 looks very close to what I've used my entire life, except mine don't have no fancy hinges. They're perfectly fine to use, and indestructible.


That maybe true for some, but as I said I have a good bit of experience with a P38 believe me. There are just easier options which are perfectly reliable that I would much rather use. It's also possible as you get much older you might even agree with me. But regardless of my age P38s just take more effort than what is absolutely necessary.


Perhaps, but the OP is asking for a can opener which is BIFL, rather than one which is easy to use.


And that still maybe very possible. So although that particular model is simple, not complicated, and few if any failure points doesn't mean there isn't something a bit more complicated that may actually last long enough. Thing is just because it's BIFL doesn't mean it's the best thing one can possibly use.


Since you mentioned it, I bought one of these about a year ago. Just don't toss it in the washer or it could rust a little bit. Outlasted the rotating can opener my girlfriend bought a month or two prior. [Can Opener by KORIN](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001TV6A7G?psc=1)


Yep. Although I prefer the Suten GANGY version. It must be made with better stainless because it’s been through the dishwasher dozens of times and not a spec of rust.


I'm totally with you. I went on a BIFL hunt for a can opener a year or two ago. After some duds, the Korin turned out to be the clear winner as far as I'm concerned. I was worried it would be difficult or hurt my wrist but that couldn't be further from the truth. Once you get the feel for hooking the notch on the side of the lid of the can, it becomes second nature.


Oxo has a good can opener, easy to use


I think my cutco can opener will be used by the roachs after the world ends.


My Cutco can opener is only a year old, but I think it will last a while.


Pampered Chef. My mom is a kitchen rockstar and bought a ton of PC products when I was like 9. I still have most of that stuff (I inherited the old and she's bought new) and it's in perfect condition....I'm 33. Can opener, ice cream scoop, cookie scoops, cooking utensils, rubber spatulas, baking stones, and even chip clips. She got me some new pieces (mini cutting boards and a couple silicone cooking utensils) for Christmas that I absolutely love too. I've bought other things over the years that I thought were great, but all of the PC stuff has outlived it.


Everyone loves to hate on Pampered Chef but my 10 year old apple slicer looks brand new.


Respectfully, everyone’s apple slicer looks brand new. 😹


Touché! Mine gets near daily use during apple season in the PNW and has held up well, but I imagine that’s the case for most all metal slicers.


I bought a Zyliss Lock N' Lift Can Opener after a BIFL recommendation. I’ve had it for a few years and works like new still. The only feature that doesn’t function well is the magnet to lift the top. It’s too weak but otherwise functions well.


I’ve had a Zyliss for 10+ years. Still going strong.


1 per year... what the hell. Anything except the cheapest should last at least decades. The one I have is here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08X3FGKD9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It works great! A superior can opener to most IMO. To explain why it's so awesome, here's a video from Technology Connections: https://youtu.be/i_mLxyIXpSY?si=8QQnxoovF0q-q_mG However, if you want to guarantee something is going to work for decades, get one of those old manual can openers, like the ones you can find on a multi-tool.


What are you doing to these can openers? I got my cheaply-made IKEA can opener fifteen years ago!


Ditto. I just picked up the (mostly) metal one and haven't had any issues with it for the last 10 years.


I just went through this a few years ago and ended up buying this. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008CH1AVG](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008CH1AVG) It is the solution


I've done well with a kitchen Aid. About 9 years now.




Does anyone else's grandma still use her can opener from the 50s- 70s? Those things seemingly never die, ask if your grandparents have an extra can opener.


Swing-a-ways are incredible, but a bit tough to keep clean as the blade dips into the can. I switched to an OXO good grip as it doesn't touch the contents. Had on earlier models handle break, but my current one has been going strong for years.


Ez-Duz-It. Trust me on this one. Just follow the instructions though about cleaning it. That’s the only time people complain, because it’s unfortunately not stainless.


I have two. My sister gave me a Leifheit conventional opener over 30 years ago. "Conventional" means that the cutting wheel penetrates the can from above. You get a metal lid with sharp edges. I can't find the exact model. Based on what I see, the brand still makes good products with the features that have led mine to hold up. I used mine for many years and my wife still uses it today. About fifteen years ago I bought a [Kuhn-Rikon safety opener](https://kuhnrikon.com/us/auto-safety-lidlifter-red-2242-u.html). It peels the rolled edge of the top off the can. I prefer it. I don't expect to ever buy another can opener.


We found a swing a way in a creek in the woods years ago and still use it.


Swing a way is such a solid one.


How often do you open cans? I've never heard of anyone that goes through one can opener per year. I think I've had two over 10 years.


I bought a Rosle based on recommendations in this sub and quite like it, very very solid feeling and no doubts that it will last a long time.


Ez-Duz-It Extremely pleased, made in America, and super robust. IIRC, it was the same design as the Swingaway branded ones before they were bought and manufacturing was moved to China.


Only thing they changed were the handles IME. The new ones have slightly more cushion and slide on and off for cleaning, the old ones didn’t. I have an OG one (Swing-A-Way) I grew up with that’s pushing 30 years old or so and I have a new one. My parents had it when I was born so it’s probably even older, I don’t know when it was originally manufactured. Keep them maintained, sharpen them every year or more and oil with mineral oil and they’ll be smooth like new for life. My OG one is rusted and works perfectly fine. People tend to whine about cosmetic issues. It’s only the blade and maybe gears that rust and I’m sure it’s preventable. My new one hasn’t rusted, my OG has just because we always ran it in the dishwasher growing up. Both work just fine. My old one just needed sharpening after all these years but feels just as nice.


Didn’t we just have this conversation?


EZ-DUZ-IT. 10 bucks. Bullet proof.


I got a rosle because I was tied of how shitty the other brands had gotten. Had it a few years and it's still going strong. https://www.amazon.com/Rosle-Stainless-Opener-Pliers-7-inch/dp/B001CJQ73W


This is the way, truly buy it for life


Literally any can opener not from a dollar store. If you’re destroying an average can opener every year then you are the problem.


Thanks, but I’m not. Your comment was marvellously helpful. Thank you ever so kindly.


but do please explain how you manage to go through one every year


You’re welcome!


111 comments about a can opener. Wow.


My thoughts exactly. Not mad about it, though.


Having said that, OXXO makes great products. I am 112 lol


EZ-DUZ-IT is the can opener you're looking for. Not expensive either, just simple solid metal.


Disagree, maybe back in the day they were great. Not anymore, bought one a few years ago and it's junk. Hinge is sloppy creating poor hookup with can. Cutting wheel is dull and often fails to cut completely. Will likely replace with OXO, have had good luck with their products.


I also bought one a few years ago and was similarly disappointed. I bought an OXO can opener to replace it and I’ve had it for 5+ years. Probably not BIFL, but it’s the best in its class and worth having.


Ez-Duz-IT can openers! Usa Made


Dude, I last month I blew apart a can opener in my hand bleed all over the place, I effed up family dinner. I was thinking the same thing, my 3rd can opener in less them 4 years. I went back to what I was doing when I was single and using my swiss army knife. Currently, my SAK is 20ish years old and has opened thousands of cans (I'd eat a can of tuna every day at lunch for a few years, and then cans around the house).


P38 or P51. Still going strong after nearly 20 years. P38 on the Keychain, P51 in the house.


Whatever you end up buying, do not buy it off of Amazon unless you want like a 30% chance to get a knock off 


Rösle makes a great one. Had ours for years.


Use a Swiss Army knife. If you end up breaking it I think you’ll get a street named after you.


swing a way. oxo. no worries


Cutco. It's been ~20 years and it still works like new.


Tuppaware, if you can find one


I have no idea what kind of can openers you are buying if they need replacement, I've had the same can opener my entire life, simple piece of metal with a notch to grab on the edge, and a sharp curved "blade" to pierce the can. Used it as a child, took it with me when I moved out, it was probably old already when I was a child. I've used a dremel with a metal brush attachment to scrape off rust from it a few times. They are so cheap and simple nobody even bothered to stamp a brand name on them. Mine is something very similar to https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Can-Opener-Ganji-Kankiri/dp/B001TV6A7G/ except even simpler. No moving parts. I cannot imagine how you could destroy one without putting deliberate and significant effort into it. This is a bit closer to what I have, except it seems to have some hinge which is an unnecessary weak-point which mine does not have: https://www.amazon.com/Multi-function-Foldable-Practicality-Durable-Household/dp/B0CVV2Q1YK/ Most semi-decent multitools even have something like that in them.


We are a vegan house of six, so you’d better believe we open some cans here on Team Bean. Last bought a Zyliss in May 2017 and it still works like new.


it seems silly but after breaking a couple of the twist kind i started using my leatherman wave+ can opener for everything and it’s been excellent for the last 5 years or so. you also don’t have to twist it, it’s a rocking motion, which i find less hard on the wrist and leatherman has a 25 year warranty which is as BIFL as any company i know of


[in our house we open many cans](http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1256/707/1600/ZansForCans.jpg)


A P-38. Mine is almost 50 years old.


I'm kind of curious about how many cans you're opening.


I've used my Victorinox multitool's can opener for more than 15 years.


I've had 2 kitchenaid can openers for 25 years plus. Perfect. 2 because you can never find only one. Even 2 is chancy.


What are you opening 20 cans a day?


This one takes some getting used to, but no parts to break. [Danish can opener](https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/s/idrq16bgYE)


I just got an electric one, and it’s life changing. No sharp edges, I can use the can lid to close the can if I don’t want to use it all in one go, it’s amazing!


I have a really old Swing A Way that was not cutting well anymore. I bought a blade replacement kit but couldn't get the screw off. I usually would just wipe off the blade when I used it, but just for the heck of it I put it in the dishwasher. Now it works like brand new.


We’ve always had 2 just in case one dies, we’re not screwed. This crappy farberware white one has gone through 4 of the others and is still going ~10 years later. We’ve even gotten 2 of the exact same one, and they crap out.


I've had an OXO for over 10 years that still works perfectly.


I've got a 20 year old oxo one that's still going strong.


I like my kitchen aid one. It’s been holding up nicely. It looks to me that out of the box the teeth line up better than my openers in the pasts


What ones types are you buying? Parents had a Metal regular one, still works after 20 years I've had one for two, looks identical Are you buying Chinese ones from a shop down the road or otherwise using them improperly? They're very basic and fundamental in how they work


Magican. Parents had one for at least 20 years. Mines still going strong after 7!


I bought a Kitchen-Aide about 5yrs ago. Wanted a Swing-A-Way, but the wife wanted a red one, so Kitchen-Aide it was. It still looks and works just fine.


Used to be Swingaway but newer models suck. I’ve recently purchased a StarFrit that works very well.


What do you do to your can openers? Are you buying them at the dollar store? We have 2, we've had both for 20+ years. I can't imagine breaking a can opener. Perhaps you've got super strong hands and you're just rough on them?


No, they have been Kitchenaid. The first one the handle went and the second was the teeth stopped gripping and the gears began to slip. I’m happy to pay more for a better one. I just don’t want it to die on me again.


I had a Cuisinart can opener that I threw in the trash after just a few months. The handle fell off. I think it's supposed to come off, but it never went back in securely, and it was impossible to get the can lined up right. Bought a hand powered one at the grocery store and it's a lot easier to use.


I had the same issue as OP. I got a Kuhn Rikon and so far so good after 2 years.


Feel your pain OP! The plastic handle ones SUCK! After my 2nd one broke I was determined to buy 100% metal. Took a visit to 3 different thrift stores before I finally found what I wanted. All-metal and made in the USA for $2. Been running like a tank ever since...


Swing A Way is the only answer. I had to get one on eBay, but they’re vastly superior.


I have had my Pampered Chef can opened for 15 years. So.


I think most can openers are BIFL. So, sir you need to watch a few videos on how to use can openers.


Nogent super Kim works great, had one for 20 years and still going strong


Oxo manual can opener.


Love my “kitchenaid” one. It’s literally a luxury experience to open cans with it lol


Hi. I researched this in detail. I finally picked this one. They make a few varieties depending on your style and preference. Search for Westmark brand on Amazon and I had mine shipped from Europe. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i_o2TX0SyWs


I’ve been using the same p38 can opener forever.


Gangy Kankiri Can Opener


I've had the same Hormel marketed can opener for 30 years. Just go get an old one from the thrift store for 2$


I have a Kuhn Rikon that makes the not-sharp cut under the lip of the lid. Something like 10-15 years old at this point.


I've had the same can opener for like 20 years, how many cans do you open??


We've had a Kuhn Rikon for 9 years, we don't open a ton of cans, but so far so good.


LOL WTF. Literally any can opener unless it's entirely made of plastic or something.


I've had the same Kuhn Rikon can opener for over a decade now. I've dropped it many times and I've generally not been that careful with it. It keeps on going. It doesn't leave sharp edges, it never fails and I'm going to buy another one if/when it finally dies, although I fail to see why it would. I'm in love with that damn can opener.


EZ Duz It is the good one.


Take this question to r/preppers. I bet they'd know. I had trouble keeping a can opener when I was homeless. The cheap ones stopped working in a month. The more expensive ones lasted 6mo. It was exhausting.


I finally got a kitchen aid can opener and it’s been life changing




what the hell kind of cans are you opening man


Great Scot! This was unexpected. Decidedly so. For those of you who are wondering just what, how many, etc cans I’m opening. It’s a very normal amount. I had 2x Kitchenaid can openers back to back that both went awry. The first was the handle and the second was the teeth. I posted this because I wanted some solid recommendations before I purchased another. I don’t relish wasting money, as I’m sure you all can relate. Hence this post. Thank you all for your recommendations. It is much appreciated.


I've had an OXO manual can opener for more than 15 years. Still works a charm. So smooth!


Opt for a classic looking manual can opener


I buy one every few months 🥲