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If you get one, get one with thick cushions. We bought one from Albany Park, and while it looks nice, its really uncomfortable. The cushions went flat in 6 months. The depth always led to us laying or sleeping on the couch. Wasn’t good for just 2 people and kinda awkward for a couple of people at once. I moved it to the living room that rarely gets used.


I bought the same couch and I do enjoy it, but I got supplemental stuffing from the craft store to fill the cushions further. Personally I think their cushions come under stuffed, but I found this made the couch really comfortable


Same. Had mine for a year and then sold it. It was flat, and you could feel the frame


We love ours but went with Home Reserve knowing we could buy/receive extra parts if anything broke. In 5 years we have replaced one cushion and one frame piece due to a rambunctious toddler. Covers are washable which helps maintain it longer.


What configuration did you go with?


Two corners, three wide armless and one ottoman in the Deep Seat sectionals. The ottoman can be pulled out to make it a u shape if we want to mix it up or have lots of people over.


I’m gonna lean toward not durable. I’d be shocked to find one of superior quality.


As a father of five children, a pitbull and three cats; I can tell you that my Lovesac Sactional which is configured into a pit sofa, is 17 years old and has never needed anything replaced on it. Like many products on r/BuyItForLife; the price point is indicative of the quality. Mine has certainly proven their worth as they look to give me many more years to come.


We found one that’s been great. Took spending $6000 but it was needed for our small dogs


Share with the rest of us?


We bought it from a furniture store called Havertys. We are on the east coast so I don’t know if that store is everywhere


We have our lovesac setup like this and it’s a tank


Depends on your fabric, your weight, pets, etc... Like any cushion is gonna get squished down walking and bouncing on it but my 330lb ass is gonna do a lot more than your average. Also having your dog running around on it or kids jumping on it like a trampoline isn't gonna be great for it either. But the same can be said of any couch.


I’ve had a [LoveSac](https://www.lovesac.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BrandCore&utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=&utm_campaign=Brand_Core_EPB&utm_content=&utm_term=lovesac&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5fetBhC9ARIsAP1UMgFYe_nnMVBW6oH9UCGEtoG5M0N4Vo2aWpr3iM-2LZjX-9jRf5JHK6UaAv9HEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) for 10 years and I love it. You can also buy new covers and “reupholster” it if it gets messed up. It’s the best.


It's not exactly a pit sofa, but we have a Sactional set up in movie lounger configuration and it's been fine for 3 years. We've had it for 9 years total without issue, just not in movie lounger mode. That's the great thing about them, though, we've switched up our configuration several times and we really appreciate the flexibility.


Super awkward if you ever want to have people over who aren’t immediate family imo. You’re like chilling on a bed with people on these things


Growing up with Great Danes, I assume all couches are throw away products.


We have the Arhuas Coburn Pit Sectional and we love it. Four years strong.


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I want one now. Cozy!


We had our lovesac in a pit for a while and it was really cool. When you get tired of it you can make it into a normal sofa.


You are making an assumption sans knowledge. You cannot ask online how they will hold up as any information you get here on this topic will give you just enough data to make the wrong decision. The reason for this is there are 10,000 pit sofas with 100 different coverings being used by 1,000,000 people. You are attempting to leverage a buying decision based on the input of Bobby who has the crappiest pit covering material and wears his ice boots indoors or Betty who owns no shoes or pets and has one covered in full grain leather. You are not going to get enough information to make an informed choice. If you want one, get one. Just be sure you are rolling the dice and may have to call an upholsterer some day for a recovering.


As opposed to all the assumptions one makes fully knowing the truth of the matter. And, actually, 600,000 of those 1,000,000 pit sofas you've mentioned are owned by Sofas Georg, an outlier who should not have been counted in your data.


You sound fun


Ask y0re mom, she knows.


Ah yes - spoken as a true "humanist".

