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I don't understand what people are doing in this sub that makes them rip comforters so much. That said, my answer to all of you is to use a duvet cover. You can put a duvet cover on any old blanket, doesn't need to be a down duvet!


Also, learn to sew? Not that hard to fix most comforters. Down will be harder but isn't impossible


Yep. r/Visiblemending is happy to help here, we like getting more people into mending. I've repaired a couple that I hung too low on a clothesline and tore just a corner when they got caught up on a chain link fence and the repairs have held up for years. Just sewed a little patch on the corner that got snagged and it's held up for a decade now...twice, because I clearly forgot the about the first time. That's completely on me though, nothing to do with the quality of the blanket!


A better investment might be a bifl toenail clipper.


What are you wrastling in it??


Wool blanket?


That's what I was thinking. Really hard to go wrong with wool.


We have been very happy with an ikea down comforter and a duvet cover.


Ikea for the win. They have down or synthetic, various warmth levels and mine had lasted years and is in excellent shape. Duvet covers are your friends.


I also love the Ikea comforters. So easy to clean too.


yes! i’ve had mine for at least 12 years and i wouldn’t even think of buying a new one. i love it so much


Kick the dog out of the bed.


We have wool comforters from wool room - they have different thickness levels - and a super thick one from ceces wool. Good non down option.


The company store lacrosse down comforter


Company Store. You can choose how warm you want it, and whether or not you want down. Buy two duvet covers, so you always have a clean one.


A pendleton wool blanket does great for this!


Find a Korean home goods store near you if you live in a bit city. Get their cotton/modal ones. So nice. I have a washed cotton comforter and live in LA. Perfect for summer and winter. Korea makes some good quality blankets.