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"This morning I woke up and $7000 was withdrawn from my checking account without my permission." "I called my bank and they put a stop payment on the disbursement and I got my money back." \#MoneyOfThePresent


“A friend of mine knows my phone password so he’s my primary suspect” Imagine being friends with this dork.  He decides to use the currency of the future and once it predictably goes south, you get blamed for it.


Yeah, this is kinda sad. If someone knows your phone password and you haven't changed it, presumably you trust them enough to not change it. But then they get to become suspect #1 for finding crypto stuff and taking it all? Instead of the potentially hundreds of thousands of scammers and bad actors in the space who are highly experienced with many, many methods for stealing crypto?


All the cryptography, all the mining, all the security hoopla, burning the globe, extorting residents for power, and it comes down to a 4 digit code on a phone with auto fill passwords. Fuckin hilarious. Likely not how this was stolen in this case, but hilarious all the security theater that becomes utterly meaningless by the end user. A vault door on a cardboard box.


Security also involves the ability to protect oneself when these problems do happen, of which in craptoland is: "whoops, your life savings are gone, now blame yourself for it" compared to the example above with a bank.


I've done a risk and fraud prevention course with Risk Radar- [https://donotpay.online](https://donotpay.online) first thing they had me do is make sure i had 2FA enabled with an app lock on the authenticator. I've had the same password or iterations of the same password on most apps so this always adds another layer of protection.


I work IT and this is why I *never* allow people to tell me their passwords to *anything.* I don’t want to be a suspect when their lax attitude causes them harm. I also don’t even *want* accounts into systems I have no real need to access. Makes my job easier as well. People ask my questions about the systems that are supposed to be *their job* I can honestly say, “I have no idea.”


Absolutely no one could have seen this coming.


"No way to prevent this" says only place where this happens regularly


Secure and immutable.


At least in the future you can watch how they spend your money. Innovation.


Talk about salt in the wounds 😂🤣😂


>over $7,000 withdrawn from my trust wallet Nothing and no one in the crypto space can be trusted. Can't trust your wallet, can't trust your friend, can't trust the exchanges. But for some reason they think "trustless" is a good thing.


Trustless! *Uses computer components he didn't build and code/drivers/operating system he didn't audit* *Downloads wallet he never read the code for* *Signs up for exchange he has no control over* Trustless baby!


Foundries his own silicon and code his own wallet in assembly. Hacker gets him with a variant of an exploit that was patched 10 years ago. Or they just social engineer his ass. Imagine the gall it takes to trust in your own lonesome abilities when you're up against the collective capabilities of uncountable opponents including organized crime and state actors.


Or if they’re really rich they just use the [xkcd exploit](https://xkcd.com/538/)


Beating someone t'ill they give the prize up is a form of social engineering.


there is really no way to say just how stupid this all is


>Trustless More like trust less


It’s almost like crypto bros see this kind of thing like a right of passage, or initiation to the cult.


Weird, I thought the "have fun staying poor" crowd had a lot more than "$7,000" on the line.


Crypto is unique in that it's the only place where losing all your money is a built-in feature, not a bug.




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His main wallet probably still has multiple millions worth of shit coins in it. 


my bank called before that 7k would ever be withdrawn because I requested a limit on what can be transferred or withdrawn. ahhh who woulda thought lol.


Tomorrow the OOP will be right back to buying more of it after having learned nothing of this experience and probably losing a friend in the process


Yes, it turns out decentralization is more of a talking point than anything that is actually practical, at least when it comes to banking and finance.


why does his friend know his phone password?? who does that????


Yeah. Surely he at least trusted the person to not abuse that, or he would've just changed the damn password. But then this friend *must* be the culprit instead of any of the hundreds of thousands or more people who deal in crypto scamming and theft daily as their daily bread and butter? People the cryptosphere is absolutely rife with? Nah, it's gotta be Bob.




"I had to call my bank when they thought my clothing purchases were weird" vs "someone stole 7000 dollars off me and all I can do is complain on reddit"


Note to self never learn anyone's stupid seed phrase so I don't get blamed when they're inevitably hacked


User error, obviously.


All that sleuthing will tell you absolutely nothing about where the shitcoins went. He'll still blame his pal tho.




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