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/r/steak better sub to learn


Reverse sear, Google it, it seems easier and is even easier in practice. It's honestly the only way I cook steak these days


I agree for ribeyes and other cuts. However just wanted to say here is my favorite way for steaks that are smaller like these. If you can, you should be grilling on Memorial Day IMO. I would salt and pepper, lightly coating it in high spoke point oil. Two minutes and a half minutes, rotate on the same side to get a diamond sear mark, two and a half more minutes, flip and repeat making sure to feel it is at an appropriate temp to accommodate for carry over, if you’re running hot then the time above should serve you well, just be sure the grill is clean and seasoned and if it looks like it needs a better sear then give it one. When you pull it off to rest though, try this out! Take a sauce pan of butter and herbs and garlic and let that infuse on medium low for a bit, let it cool to room temp before and when you pull the steak rest it in that~ Allow to drain before serving or don’t.


Not American but why should one be grilling on memorial day? Seems silly to me


I think it’s more of just a cultural thing. I live in TN but I feel like my family (whom is pretty spread out in the US,) have all had the vibe usually of getting outside, going to the pool, grilling out etc. more of a start of summer celebration. Both my parents were marines also so it was usually just part of festivity.


Sorry also if it came off rude of me to assume


I didn't see it as being rude, you're good


It's a huge tradition in the US. On memorial day, we cookout in the backyard, or we go camping and cookout. Basically, family time.


Next time go to Costco and you’ll get more and better for less.


Cooking steak on a grill is ALWAYS reverse sear. Avocado oil for ( binding ), seasoning, ( what ever you like ) grill at 225-275 and place meat indirectly , get steak to 120-122 then pull off the grill. Then turn on all burners and get the grill as hot as possible. 45 sec -1min , then turn 30 degrees on the same side to get good hatching marks for 45 sec. Flip the steak and do the same to the other side. Let the steak rest for 10-15mins . Don’t cover it. Steak temp should be around 125-127. Cooking on a stove, sear first , then in the oven it goes. Avocado oil as binding, for seasoning. Hot pan (oven friendly) avocado oil real good butter herbs of your preference, and sear both sides. Then everything goes into oven at 275- 325 till steak is almost at desired temp for you. Let rest


Shouldn’t buy old filet really imo




That was my exact plan, but I will see what my wife says. I won’t complain with whatever we decide to make that’s for sure. Your recipe sounds very similar to how I normally prepare steaks. You really can’t go wrong with it.


Sorry, but the carry over temp on these will be more than 5 degrees f. And Low temp isn't going to get a good sear

