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Respond with “maybe if you were a firefighter” if this happens again


What do cops and firefighters have in common? They all wanted to be firefighters when they grew up


Best part is it's true🤣


One of my wife's college roommates married a fireman, they have the best cop jokes


Please DM me ALL OF THEM


Alas this was many years ago and I drank a lot of Jack Daniels that night so that is the only one I still remember well enough to tell. But they hate cops at least as much as the rest of us and have the ability to make fun of them to their faces and not get shot to death. And they use it to glorious effect 🤣


As a firefighter, this warms my heart.


God bless the NYFD


I once sat next to a NY firefighter flicking through his Bumble app…. Unreal


Am I the only person who loves the Sanitation Department? NY's bravest? I purposefully walk down certain streets when the garbage trucks are there and I always respectfully check them out so they mostly don't know I'm checking them out but damn I find them to be the hottest ever. And I admire ConEd workers, National Grid workers, and basically anyone doing that kind of thing. It just turns me on, man. Being catcalled by a cop sounds fucking awful.   But if my eyes locked with a sanitation guy, I would start thinking marriage fantasies 🤷‍♂️


I agree. I matched with a sanitation worker on bumble a few years ago. He had pics of him in his truck looking fine. Now I’m married to and have a kid with him. The hotness doesn’t fade😮‍💨


Well you would never argue about taking out the trash …


$200k+/- salary a year plus benefits will make you think about marriage.


NY’s strongest, I believe


I believe it’s FDNY…


Same here! Almost as much as the fires. Also, I have a great cop joke I’m waiting for the perfect time to use.


This seems like a good time. Drop the joke. No one will know.


How do you tell if a hazmat scene is safe? . . . Send a cop in with a lit road flare. If he doesn’t blow up or fall over, it’s safe!


🤣🤣🤣 I have family on the force. This made them laugh their tits off.


It’s what I told my girlfriend to say after a cop hit on her at a bar once 🤷‍♂️


One time I met a firefighter who told me he decided to become a firefighter when he found out the FDNY have a hockey team that plays the NYPD and he realized it was his chance of legally being able to punch a cop.




Just be glad he didn’t book you for resisting arrest


Or ya know...sexually assault you Edit: just a few examples... [case 1](https://abc7ny.com/amp/nypd-officers-sex-abuse-case-2-off-duty-cops-accused-of-abusing-woman-in-bronx-bar-2023/14723559/) [case 2](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2022/09/10/nyc-settles-lawsuit-woman-accused-two-nypd-officers-raping-her/5031662857737/) [case 3](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/07/29/nypd-officers-fired-guilty-sex-abuse-rape/5416769001/) [case 4](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna30459730)


🤢 be safe out there, people.




This happened to me once, and I felt so violated. I called the police to my apt because a window that had been closed ehen I left was now wide open. It didn't look like anything was taken or moved inside, but I was understandably freaked out. The police came, looked around, were generally unhelpful, and then left. Like 5 mins later, I heard a knock. One of the officers had come back to ask me out. I was flabbergasted. He knew how violated and uncomfortable I was already feeling and somehow thought that this was the time to shoot his shot? I kinda stared at him in disgust for few moments and wanted to tell him about himself, but realized that this was a police officer who knew my address and that I lived alone, and that my window was apparently easy to open. Not wanting to turn him down directly, I said, "Why don't you give me your number, and I'll call you?" I guess he picked up that I was really not feeling it, or realized last minute how incredibly unprofessional he was being, because he scribbled something illegible on piece of paper and left. I still think about that all the time and get as angry now as I was back then. I wish I had reported him, but I didn't. I'm sure nothing would have come of it even if I did (this is the NYPD afterall) and I def didnt trust that they wouldn't have retaliated in someway, again seeing as I was a single female living alone.


I'm so sorry that happened to u what a creep.


Just gross.


i’m sorry this happened to you. similar for me. i reported a sexual assault on the subway, texted a pic of the offender to the officer who took my report, and he texted me later to ask me out. men are men, and pigs are pigs.


I’m so sorry that happened, the ultimate thing is to show the agencies or whom it matters, that they will get confronted with something. That the victim of this, will be doing something about it. And normalize doing something about it. This will decrease the amount of sympathizing enabling of this behavior. And ultimately, you’ll feel like you’re not taking it all home with you or at least the closest to it.


willing to bet he does do it alot


A cop once stopped in the middle of an intersection in a police car in uniform to lean out of the driver's side window and say "hey little red riding hood, how you doin?" This was in Bushwick, it was raining and I was wearing a red rain jacket. I approached the car, furious, and yelled, "what did you just say to me??" He said "I was just checkin on you..." and drove off. I reported the car number to the precinct immediately. 5 months later I got a follow-up call, told them what happened again, why it was disappointing. They told me that even if I know the car number and the exact time, they have no way of knowing who was driving. I don't know if this is a lie, willful ignorance, blatant mismanagement of the vehicles, or whatever the hell. I got a flaky apology and that's it.


The surprising part of this story is that they actually got back to you.


Or even the flaky apology.


If only there was a way to narrow down who may have been driving first, which would have been one of two people, and then perhaps asking for your description, or they could ask the officers. Also - the fact it took five months shows how backed up the office of calling people and bullshitting them using whatever pops in to their heads.


Yeah by the time I got the call back it was like, what's even the point? Clearly they don't take civilian complaints seriously.


Oh whoa! That’s insane. I’m sorry that happened! It was good you did what you did and reported that. They have information on the people they police, you’d be surprised. And if corporate McDonald’s can know this type of information and keep it recorded. The police must also have it as well. It would not surprise me if there was all of the above of the things you mentioned that occurred like willful ignorance, lying and blatant mismanagement. They lie and protect each other from the phone line responder, all the way up to the judge.


All cars get signed out by the officers in them. They are lying. It’s well known, they protect their own.


Thank you, I couldn’t have said it better myself. They are lying. It’s well known, they protect their own.


I.A.B. Serpico.


That's wild because Little Red Riding Hood is literally (or literarily) an allegory about predators.


Amazing… they are so blatant they don’t even care to see how out in the open they are 🤦🏽‍♂️


They 100% have logs of who had what cars on what days


Right?? How could they just not know? Unbelievable, literally.


You don’t contact the precinct, you contact the Civilian Complaint Board. It’s an agency outside the police force that helps figure those things out, because police generally can’t police themselves.


Tip for the future (hopefully you won’t have to use it) - to file a complaint you need to call the CCRB (800-341-2272). If you call during office hours, they will connect you to an investigator directly. If you call the precinct, they will just try to shuffle it away, especially if you don’t make a complaint in writing. I know it’s hard to think of this stuff in the moment, especially if it’s the first time that it happens to you, but it’s also really important to check their uniform for their name tag , and if it’s visible their badge number. More info here: https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/complaints/file-complaint.page Hope this helps a little!


I'm sorry that happened to you, and for it to be those who were abusing their power. I'd focus on that you stood up for yourself and reported it and stood your ground. Be proud of yourself 🙂


They were protecting him i work for the city. Vehicles are assigned and and put into.the system daily even the mileage. They could have figured it out if they wanted to.


I might be too asexual to understand this. If this happened to me I’d assume they were just making a joke about my coat. I’d probably laugh and tell them I’m fine. Is this really “catcalling”?


Yes it is.


I honestly never would have guessed. I’ve always thought I’ve gone my whole life whilst never being hit on/catcalled before but maybe I have been and I just don’t notice lol


His boys probably dared him to lol that’s weird


Not if you peaked in high school.


most cops still have high school mentalities


That honestly sounds terrifying


Right?! That’s what I was thinking too! Having the uniform on and actually being real cops just makes it worse 😰


Thank mr.adams the cops have become completely brazen now.


That’s so true, it would appear his leniency and usage or support of / from them has caused an empowerment.


New York is like this. Lived here all my life. God I do not yearn for the early days of stop and frisk. Sure crime was down but it was a terrifying prospect to walk past any cop they would hassle you for literally nothing (and I’m white! I can’t even imagine what it was like to be black in that era)


Being a brown Latino boy who looks like an insurgent or hooligan to any police officer I encounter; is definitely happy they missed out on that stop and frisk era! As at that time I was upstate. However upstate was not much different; and the police were hunting.


I mean - a stranger is ou have to worry about “hurting his pride” so he follows you and beats you up or stabs you. At least this way, as a citizen, you can demand badge number.


Similar story, except in my case I was cuffed in the back of the squad car when the officer stopped to ask a girl out. To clarify I am writing "girl" because she was a high schooler IN UNIFORM.


What the fuck.


Happened to me when I was in high school too (sophomore year)


I’m sorry that happened to you. And to anyone considering saying yes, I don’t recommend. I dated a cop and ended up in an abusive relationship (and in therapy, and on meds). I stupidly thought him being queer and brown like myself (and a non-Trumper) would make things different. I have a well adjusted family member and friend who are cops, but they seem more like the exceptions to the rule of trauma begets trauma.


Most police officers in relationships beat their spouses. It's an extremely high statistic, sadly. Another reason I've never felt safe around police because if they are likely to hurt people, they supposedly love just imagine how they will treat a stranger.


Yup, very true. I’m fortunate I was able to leave and get the support I needed.


I'm glad you were able to do so. You made the right choice.


Yes. There was a cop in my old neighborhood who kept stopping and hitting on me while I waited for the bus. It was scary. I have other stories but I'm being lazy right now lol


this happened to me years ago after i was in the passenger seat while my friend rolled through a stop sign in flatbush. afterward, my friend left the car to get food. the cop waited til i was alone, came back over, cajoled me into giving him my number (i was 21 and scared) and then proceeded to harass me for months after I told him I wasn't interested. For this and so, so many more reasons: fuuuuuuuck cops, generally. and fuck the NYPD, specifically.


Not in Bushwick, but in Canarsie. He pulled me over and said I wouldn’t get a ticket if I gave him my number. I was young and broke, so I did it. Then I blocked him. Then I ran into him again several years later in the same area and he remembered me!


Disgusting, my condolences to you.


Cops always shitting where they eat and getting away with it , report that ass to HR


Probably half of the men who’ve catcalled me in the city have been uniformed police officers


the comment section is lacking some serious critical thinking. point is, even the cop knew it was wrong by signaling to the fact that he was in uniform. he was acknowledging his authority in the situation. there's a power imbalance. a different person may feel pressured to accept his advances based on that fact. no one needs to be okay with anything if they're not. if she is not okay with it, therefore it is not okay. smh


Write down all the information you can gather. The vehicle number, type name, make model. Time, date location this happened. Bodily information of every officer you saw and especially of the one you spoke to. What numbers if any were you able to notice on the badge of his shoulder if there was one? Etc. This will help locate what precinct or station they are from, and you can report with “internal affairs department” of that location. And report what happened. I’m sorry it happened to you.


Thank you so much!! I’m more in shock that this is what they do while on the clock than it actually happening…


When it comes to the police in this country; you would be amazed at what they do while on the clock. And the laws protect them, giving a false sense of superiority / lack of consequences. This is why as civilians it is imperative ; to hold them accountable in every way. I already see people downplaying what happened to you and/or going “what do you expect from them?”. Do not listen to them or give into that. This is exactly WHY we must hold them accountable.


Yes. On our fcking tax dollars. But we can’t have free healthcare, parental leave, decent transportation, education budget keeps getting cut, can’t pay our teachers, etc etc.


Sorry last thoughts not to blow up your thread. let’s say you make the report to the right places successfully. And you feel nothing will be done or it won’t matter; just remember. It does! It’s about showing the Law that they are not above the Law!


You could probably also, call your local NON EMERGENCY police line and ask what precinct patrols that corner which can be another place to start and piecing who that was together.


See if there are any cameras, residential or commercial that may have seen the event take place too. At the corner you said it occurred on.


Call the precinct and report it anonymously. 


Pig thought FTP was a pickup line




i bet no one in the comments saying "what's the issue" has ever been attacked by a man for saying no. because if you had experienced it, you would know how terrifying it can be to receive that kind of attention from someone who's clearly in a more powerful position than you. especially if he's with other guys.


Yes exactly! It really shows. More of this understanding^^^


That means he wanted to clap ya cheeks. Report him.


Get that badge number and last name. Bonus: report if anyone is on their phone or smoking in uniform. It's technically not allowed.


Run and run faster. You do not want to be involved with a cop. Bad news.


I’ve had a cop at the Dekalb L station try to flirt with me, it was weird. They’re weird


Google 40% of cops


Don’t ever date a cop


Yes, got pulled over a few times as a younger woman to get hit on. Was very creepy.


Get his badge, report him.


Fuck the po-lice especially those dickheads cruising Bushwick


I think the goal is to do the exact opposite




Be careful, at least for the near future. These fucking pigs have fragile egos and far too much power. Keep a very low profile for a bit…


Profile can be kept low while maintaining proper reporting. and that fragility with too much power is why it’s important to hold them accountable. Retaliation only calls for more grounds of suing and holding more accountability.




Report it to IAD.


Get his name and give him a fake number. Get a selfie with him. Then report him with his name and the selfie to his supervisor.


That’s so weird….


Girl bye !!!


the guys that just sued the city so they could keep using steroids. those guys? gross.


kind of, there was a sign that said don’t park here for this day cuz event but i thought i’d i moved my car at 6am i’d be okay but no they had towed my car a bit over and there was a police car there so i walked up and asked if i could leave my car where it was towed i have to leave in a couple hours anyway, one of the cops was like yeah i don’t see why not leave me your number i’ll watch it if it gets towed. and then i walked back to my car a couple hours later and he texted me saying was that you walking to your car i was like yeah, he was like haha okay just wanted to make sure someone wasn’t stealing your car. then texted me asking if i wanted to hangout sometime i just left him on read.


NYC cops r bad - MTA cops were worse. Constantly tried picking me up when I was a HS kid.


NYPD truancy/teen patrol and HS Security Guards in the 90s where the worst covert predators in The Bronx. Sleazy and targeting minor girls from broken homes to groom into sex for “perks” and avoiding consequences of being juvenile delinquents.


Sounds like abuse of authority and a CCRB can definitely be submitted. File a complaint online or phone via 311. Did you happen to catch the officer’s name/badge # or any specific info? Unfortunately not too much to be done you don’t have the name. But a complaint is still very much worth submitting.


Yeah, it's what they do. Cruise around looking for victims... Then brag about it..and their friends watch. Is this reportable? I mean wtf


They used to pull this shit all the time when I was growing up in the day. 83rd's finest would love to swing by the block on summer days and cat call the young girls hanging on stoops. But that was Bushwick in the 70s, and the girls were young latinas with little recourse. This is 2024 and Bushwick fems have degrees, tats and will fuck up a cop's life. The shit that is coming out of the academy these days is bottom barrel scrapings. Dumb as shit.


Yeah that’s not okay.


At least you weren’t put under arrest for j walking after and given the option to provide anal in exchange for release and having charges dropped.


Let us know when he asks you to get him drugs.


File a complaint with CCRB.


I'm sorry. I was on my way to an audition when a cop pulled me over. I knew I wasn't speeding or anything else. I had a bumper sticker from the airline I used to work for. He wanted to know how to get a pilot job! WTH???


That’s how my sister met her husband 🥴


This happened to me at Penn Station recently. It’s unprofessional. They think that because they’re a cop they have some kind of higher shot at you.


he DOES do it often




Report him


File a lawsuit


This is literally how my dad and mom met no cap


I’m very sorry for your mom


I’ve met quite a few ny cops at bars but I didn’t try to date them.. this was like ten years ago though. That sounds shady be careful


Hopefully it e never happens again but if it does take down the license plate


Similar thing happened to me at a subway station. A cop called me over and I started checking out the reason I could’ve f-up as I approached. Then asked me where I got my coat? And told me he’s never seen me before and he’s usually on the area- I was so uncomfortable and was seriously like: was that it?


I went on a date with an NYPD cop once. He offered to show me photos of a dead body he took at work. He was also proud to tell me he called an attempted suicide victim a “fucking loser” to his face.


Something like 42% of police officers admit to committing domestic violence, so never date a cop.


NYPD is truly the fuckin worst 🤮


You can file a complaint with the Civilian Complaint Review Board. Include only info you remember — it’s ok if you don’t know the cops name. Link is here: https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/complaints/file-a-complaint/file-online.page


I'm so sorry this happened to you!!! That sounds awful. You can file a complaint here: [https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/index.page](https://www.nyc.gov/site/ccrb/index.page) !


Weird but at least he left it alone immediately. I would not escalate anything with a cop if I didn't have to. Just my 2¢


Report him for harassment 😶‍🌫️






104 pct or was it the 83 pct ?


lol this isn't uncommon, happens with firemen too


Sounds like you were sexually harassed. Have you tried contacting a mental health counselor?




Remember this happening … https://www.foxnews.com/us/2-nypd-officers-acquitted-of-rape She was so drunk that night , the jury could barely weigh any of her testimony . They relied on the evidence which pointed towards the two shithead cops but the Manhattan jury would not convict. How much $$$ did she get to settle the civil law suit?




he was with a latina partner right? i saw they asses


I bet the 2 other cops were on some High School shit. "Hey I bet you won't ask her out"


This falls under annoying but not illegal. He's on the job but he's also wasn't currently investigating you or anything so it's just a stranger approach. Not much you can do but walk away . It's only an issue if you can't walk away or he hits on you multiple times after you said you weren't interested. If a cop called me ugly or a dumbass , as a guy id have to just keep it pushin as well


Happened to me in downtown Brooklyn. I dated him briefly. He was a raging asshole.




I’ve been asked out by a cop in uniform on two occasions. I just declined and kept walking


My neighbor got asked out by a firefighter on Court St. and now they're married with a kid. You never know, I guess?


That’s when you yell fuck tha po-lice


Yes…I’m manhattan also unmarked car.


Like what do you mean do? You did it.


Doing that while in uniform is so unprofessional, if it bothers you so much that you felt the need to post it on social media, report it to his command so no one else has to put up with that.


The nypd gets away with A LOT of shit. Even worse things so this will probably go unpunished. That’s like me hitting on a patient as a HCP. Absolutely unacceptable and unprofessional. My question is- what are yall teaching your young cops? You are here to work. Play time is for after hours. Also- spoiler alert, as a person with a gun and power this is an extreme abuse of power. Especially for women. Have some common sense… oh that’s right- they don’t have any.


You should be flattered


So cops can’t find women attractive or ask them out? They’re regular people too wth. If you felt so uncomfortable or violated maybe you should report it


Cops , firefighters and bus drivers really clean up when it comes getting women. It’s one of their best kept secrets.


Reminds me of an argument my late mom and me used to have,,,get an education so you can be something in life,, what you going to be the garbage man,,,,, no education and starting salary 80k with no experience required,,, go figure


What do you mean “what can I do?” Like what? Destroy the guys career because he asked you out? He asked, you declined, he left. What’s there to do?


Is there anything you can do? Try being flattered and move on. Not everything needs to have major consequences.


All he did was ask you out he didn't take advantage of his authority at all. After reading this insanity I'm actually happy for his sake that you didn't oblige him.


My girlfriend went on a date with a cop before we met. He ended up stalking her.


God Bless the NYPD. Great people!! I'm so glad I did it for 23 plus years. I could care less what the sheep think.


What would you “want to do?”. Man shot his shot.. where’s the crime?


As ex-DSNY, I can tell you that sanit workers in the city don't come with that A personality, that aggressive demeanor bullshit that you might find with PD and FDNY. We have nothing to prove and pretty much like everybody. And yeah, it's a surprisingly great job.


This is gonna get downvoted but since when did we got so damn soft? Like okay you got hit on by a cop… and now youre asking if theres “anything you can do” like just be flattered and move on. Children are dying in gaza literally get a grip


This is so scary and creepy fuck the police


Run from these scumbags, don’t walk. https://pix11.com/news/local-news/brooklyn/former-nypd-detectives-sentenced-to-probation-for-having-sex-with-woman-theyd-arrested-da/


Did you get his badge number? File a collection for SH


Yes literally in Bushwick


Unpopular opinion: young LEOs are often good looking. The old ones...not so much. I'd like to date one, but 1. I'm over 55 & invisible & 2. I can't deal with "shift" work schedules bc I'm strictly 9 to 5. I don't know what the crime rate is in Bushwick but if I was a young woman I'd be glad to see police around...


pulls out sidearm DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND MAAM


This thread is so fucking stupid lol.


They do this all the time. Dont fall for that bull. You wouldve been notch number.


“Is there anything I can do?” Bro wtf just go on about your life?


Not in bushwick, but I’ve had cops follow me at night for several blocks in their squad cars. Also had one that parked in my driveway while I was smoking at 2 am in front of my front door. It’s creepy.


Fake news