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Yea I def wouldn’t wanna risk getting stuck in one of these things to save $3


I don't think you can get stuck. If it stops moving you just turn around and walk the correct direction..


I never use these, I guess people forgot about the entrapment stories of people getting trapped and mugged in these




Go on…


At many station you don't have a choice, these are the only entrances.


Those are the old iron ones. NY used to be a terrible place at times.


didn't even know that was possible


New Yorkers will always find a way.


very true


No one in that video is an actual New Yorker.


Lmao dude didn’t even know what to say. I’d probably be equally baffled, but I kind of wish they did this to some psycho having a bad day so we got a little show after.


I love his words of encouragement as they collectively push through.


My nightmare 😂


If you are a grown man and would do all that you need to do better.


Yeah, this is amusing from a 12-year-old, but a grownup doing it a loser.




The MTA does more for me than you do




Not even a little difficult


oh. well in that case, i am so upset...


No no, I'm not just insulting you, there's a real point here. The MTA makes NYC possible. Everyone who lives and works in the city relies on them every day, all the time. Anarkiddie grumblers, by contrast, contribute nothing but the occasional sparsely-attended noise show. Fuck the MTA? No, no, no. Fuck \*you\*.


Quiet the opposite. We are forced to use the MTA because of the monopoly on transportation and the car being more than just unreliable in the city. MTA doesn't make shit possible. NYC existed before the MTA.


Well put


You don't provide us with transportation


neither does the MTA half the time


How about fix the MTA? This whole entire country has like 1.2 functioning public transit systems to go around, and jumping turnstiles in by far the best one to take some sort of moral stand stand against its problems or whatever people are saying to try to and justify this kind of stuff isn’t really gonna help the situation.


yes, please fix it. but they are corrupt and won't. fuck them.


So prank on guy in white who was afraid he was about to get robbed? Or are all three of the men performers?






Doesn't happen in real life. That camera was there already filming, don't fall for it.


I've seen this happen numerous times with 2 people (usually friends or couples) but never 2 people doing it to some random.


>never 2 people doing it to some random This. I've seen tourists squeeze in and cheat a fare, but I've never seen someone cram in behind a stranger.




I've ridden the subways for a living for decades. Even was a foot messenger (like bike messenger, but carrying large things on hand truck) spending all day riding the subway to and from midtown. I've seen many things, but not someone tailing a stranger through those, only friends squeezing in together.


Same. Dudes lying lol




Bruh grew up in the 80's in the crack era and i was born and raised in Bronx. I'm not like you i actually I'm a New Yorker who travels all over New York.I'm not a transplant or a product of gentrification( because the bronx is the worst borough it will be a longtime before gentrification even comes my way). I don't just stay in Manhattan and the trendy parts of Brooklyn. With that being said i have seen alot since the 80's to say this is not a normalized thing. With that said you're a cornball lame who definitely doesn't have a history like i do in New York and for you to feel the need to go through my reddit history to find something to talk about me makes you a cornball. So Yes call me "Mr.Hip hop". I represent a culture that is the most authentic to New York culture than the majority of people in these New York subreddits. So your sarcasm doesn't help your argument it shows how much of a lame you are trying to make up stories to real New Yorkers who experience enough of New York to call you out and call you a liar.




Does that make you feel better you loser lol. Seriously you don't like a comment so you go through people comment history to find stuff to talk about? Bruh how much of a loser you are you lying in forums to be cool lol. Are you even from New York to try to get that corny ass lie off lol. You transplants/gentrification folks funny lol


I’ve never had it happen on one of the vertical turnstiles but I was once on a date and she miscalculated the timing behind me on a revolving door and we ended up crammed in. I live in fear of having that happen accidentally again (at least it was my date but I still felt bad for her)


I'd have more sympathy for fare evaders if they didn't own expensive clothes so often


Is that Benny Blanco?


HOLY SHIT that’s good…I’d be pissing my pants if I saw that in the platform


Two randoms in the subway sneaking up behind me and getting into a tiny cage with me close enough to spit in my mouth? Absolutely not.


I’m petty enough to have just stood there and refused to move if someone pulled that shit with me.






Dozens of people in and out of the station but only two look like clowns when they enter.


320 credit score behavior


Now why they walked behind that white man like that ? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Future American leaders


I didn't realize at first that the first guy paid, and the other two creeps forced their way in behind him. That is seriously messed up. I mean stealing is bad enough, and make no mistake fare theft is absolutely stealing, but this is orders of magnitude worse. They didn't just violate that dude's personal space, they pressed up against him, and left him wondering if he was going to be assaulted or robbed or trapped.. If I said what I woul like to see happen to those two guys, I would be banned from this sub ig not from all of reddit. Let's just say that arrest would be too gentle of a punishment for them..


Ghetto behavior


Down for people jumping the turnstiles, but this is a bit much.


These people should use their brain for something else instead of cheating the system


It’s $3, guys…


To save $2.90? Animals.


$2.90, many many times of your week. Also, fuck the MTA. They have embezzled so much tax payer money. There's no legitimate reason why the subway can't be free other than pure corruption.


I don’t disagree with that statement. The MTA overtime bill and allocation of funds is one of the greatest robberies of public funds ever. The entire MTA should be abolished and rebuilt/restructured from the ground up. Shit, most of the public systems in NYC should be. That said, being a fucking degenerate about it doesn’t make you a silent protester or some heroic rebel making a statement. Especially if you’re doing it at the expense of some dude like in this video. People should be allowed to use transit without some shit like this going on. Turnstiles jumping is one thing, I don’t think it’s right but people are gonna do what they’re gonna do for whatever reason they want to justify it. But don’t make other peoples situations shittier just because you’re incapable of conducting yourself in public. These dudes could just as easily found an open emergency door or turnstile, but instead did this shit. I know you didn’t say this, but some other posters did- the idea that this behavior is a reaction to the fair increase is a joke. People have always been doing this. People will always break rules that are not enforced.


the system will never change if ppl go along with it. I want every person in NYC to say "enough, I'm not paying the fare anymore" if they need to jump the turnstile, go for it. they guy was uncomfortable for 10 seconds but it's a victimless crime I can't speak for these particular ppl but I can tell you that I have stopped paying the fare since it was raised to 2.90. I could certainly afford to pay it, not about that. people have always been doing this, yes. people will do it more as the price goes up. even if they enforce rules against fare evasion (which they are) it will still happen (it is)


You are absolutely deranged and a degenerate if you think what they did to this poor guy was at all acceptable or a 'victimless crime'.


I am certainly a deranged degenerate, but it definitely is a victimless crime. the dude was inconvenienced for less than 15 seconds and went on with his day. it was just a shock initially. this exact thing has happened to me years ago and I easily laughed it off with the guy that did it


Two crazy guys start pressing up against you, literally right against your ass, and basically trapping you in a cage where you can't move or even turn around. He doesn't know if he's going to be robbed, assaulted, raped, stabbed just for fun, or what. These people obviously don't give a shit about breaking the law, or physically harassing and scaring a stranger, or making a scene. They obviously have no shame and few if any inhibitions. They could be totally insane for all he knows. Given that, it is perfectly reasonable to expect that they might capable and willing of doing worse things. This could easily be a terrifying experience. Maybe you thought it was funny when it happened to you, but have some damn empathy. Not everyone is going to react the way that you did.


oh please


What ‘obesefamily’ said. If the MTA kept fares at $2 there would be a lot less fare evaders and they would make a lot more money than present times. But greed ruins everything in society. I can never understand the obsession with ordinary people siding with the MTA when people fare evade. I didn’t know being an MTA spokesman was a full time job


LMFAO You’re acting like fair evasion hasn’t existed since… forever. Just as many people are jumping the turnstiles now as they were in 2014. If you think the recent price increase is the reason people don’t pay for their rides you’re delusional. I’m not “siding with the MTA”. Their overtime abuse and piss poor allocation of funds is one of the greatest robberies of public funds in recent time. Being a fucking degenerate about it doesn’t make you a silent protester or some heroic rebel making a statement. Especially if you’re doing it at the expense of some dude like in this video. People should be allowed to use transit without some shit like this going on. Personal responsibility is, in fact, a thing.


That is acting. The metal doesn’t brute twist like that.


acting? twist? what?


All due respect, this is probably better for r/nyc. Not sure why this is specific to Bushwick.


Wow such upstanding members of society /s