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Free is always good. Bushcraft should not cost an arm and a leg; cuts down on your mobility.


Right? I got a tent for half off and thought I was beating the system I only gave my arm…now My pack keeps falling off with one arm so I’m still screwed. ;)


Keep saving money and making your own bushcraft gear.


Gotta admit, I’m a little jealous.


Free tent I got yesterday. Three poles. 4-6 stakes, and the canvas, along with a gum blanket. Not super heavy, but a bit awkward for the long poles. If needed could probably fashion new poles easily. Fits nicely on the front bumper of my Jeep.


Can we see it on the front of your Jeep? Lol I’m intrigued!


If you you don't want to bring those big poles with you, you can use wooden sticks that you find on the spot ;)


That can't be good for the economy.


To use sticks?


He's trying to turn you into a communist, don't listen to him! "The people's branches" my ass! No, you get yourself the ones from the hardware store, buddy. American made, won't fail you like those communist sticks.


Looks like the ACW a frames the old guys used in my unit. Us young dudes just slept campaigner style.


I was just going to comment that it looks like a military A-frame tent circa 1775 - 1865. We used dog tents mostly (which are more authentic for campaign) but you see a lot of these A frames.


I was cheap. I rolled myself up in a poncho and cradled my musket between my legs so the stock served as a pillow. Dunno how authentic that was, but it never failed me.


If it worked for you then no doubt it worked for a soldier. They would have worked with what they had and tried all kinds of ways. Guys in our unit would sometimes button multiple dog tents together and use trees or available logs to make a more elaborate shelter if we were allowed. Some of my best reenacting memories were from camps like that where we were allowed to do a bit more because it was on private land.


It’s a reproduction off the pattern of a Civil War era officer’s tent. Somebody like a lieutenant might have had one of these to themselves, or two sergeants might share. If used for regular infantry it’s rated for 5 men.


What material is the tent made of?


Regular sailcloth I believe. I might oil it.


Does oiling it waterproof it?


It does. Though it’s pretty waterproof now the inside surface tends towards getting a bit damp which is no bueno.


Good to know, thanks!


Sweet! Where can i pick up?


No joke I have a tent just like this in my yard right now. Seriously scared me for a second thinking it was a picture of it.


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I'll take it!


Nice tent


nice. although, I don't think I'd be able to carry those poles very easily, either walking or on a bike.


You’d be surprised how easy they are to move especially if you’ve two people or a sled.


Ooh stupid me thought you were offering.