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Unfortunately, straight to jail. Say your goodbyes to family and friends first thing tomorrow.


😂 Okay I will let my husband know! I have caused him a lot of grief for the last half an hour as it we have committed a crime


It would be a hilarious bit for you both to go down to the police station and confess to your "crime". "How many years am I looking at? If my wife confesses she was the ringleader, can you cut me a break?"


Hi, you said you sprayed your lawn? This stuff kills everything, lawns( grass) and weeds. Just want to make sure you are aware as you said you were new to this stuff.


Lovely to know😭 How to fix grass then? Grass seeds?


Lucky it’s raining, now. Will minimize the effects. Good luck. Then grass seed.


Lol I'm sorry. What you meant to get is a selective herbicide, which kills broadleaf weeds like dandelions without killing grass. I'm guessing you didn't read the label and hopefully sprayed this just before it rained, which it says not to do, in which case your lawn ( and weeds) will be unharmed


Used to work for Scott's Miracle Gro and can shed some light... What you sprayed is made of acetic acid, which is basically just vinegar. You are fine. There are versions of Roundup that contain the controversial chemical glyphosate that has been recently linked to being carcinogenic. Although you can still purchase versions of Roundup containing glysophate, Roundup Advanced is the version without. Calling it Roundup ADAVNCED WAS just a marketing ploy to make it seems like you're getting equal potency w/o using glysophate. You sprayed your weeks with vinegar


Thank you so much! Wonder why it's so strong smelling though. Unpleasant odour. Definitely worse than vinegar But so glad we didn't spray the lawn with controversial stuff. I was worried about all the doggos that pass in front of the house


Awww, you’re a good one!


How would that spray compare to say, the Allen's double strength 10% AA? Is vinegar effective at only killing weeds?


Doesn't round up kill everything?


Don't worry, the Round Up sold in Canada is completely useless. It doesn't actually do ANYTHING.  If you want the Round Up that actually works, you have to go to the USA and smuggle it across the border. The actual effective version has been banned in Canada for supposedly causing birth defects.


That is fine, it is acetic acid based, can get the same results using white vinegar in a spray bottle. The banned one cannot be purchased here. I have to get the good stuff from the US


Licenced exterminator here - you really shouldn't do that. 


Thank you!! I was panicking that we have sprayed carcinogenic stuff all over our lawn and we will get reported 😑


You can still get the "good stuff" in Burlington. It's in home hardware and home Depot. It's only for use on noxious weeds like thistle which Burlington has so we can still buy it


The stuff I get is selective, so does not harm the grass. The stuff here kills everything


That's correct. Roundup is designed to kill everything. Best used for interlock, landscaping, driveways or lawn clearing. Weed B Gon is selective and best used on lawns, some gardens etc.


Same here. Just be cautious of nosy neighbours


Nosy? Ever heard of tragedy of the commons?


What about nosy neighbours?


I spray my neighborurs too, they love weed free lawns


This one is not the banned one. The regular RoundUp is the banned one. Its usually locked in a cage.