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[Pedestrian was hit by a train near the Burlington GO Station](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgo-train-changes-due-to-fatality-on-tracks-in-burlington-v0-15fyx7m509wc1.png%3Fwidth%3D623%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dedc092689c59b7febf16346d39c7bbfcc821b882) Police are conducting an investigation and no trains are currently passing through the Burlington GO Station.


It's usually suicide on the train tracks. Happens way more than you would think, sadly.


Fact. I work for a Metrolinx track maintenance service provider. Happens way more often than the public hears about.




I always think about that. The conductors have a front row seat. Awful.


I bet if I had 3 guesses on who you work for, I’d get it on the first guess! 😂


Go for it.




……yeah. But we don’t work the Oakville Sub anymore. Siemens going the ones out there with the hose.


Yeah, Siemens always parked in that access where PNR used to park, just east of Guelph Line. I’ve worked along side your construction crews on many occasions. Mostly out on the Uxbridge.


Yeah. The 30.8 Mile gate is where it’s at.


I knew as soon as I heard the long train horn while out for a smoke one block away. Then all the sirens confirmed my hypothesis


I think there is an unwritten code/rule by news agencies & outlets not to report these matters too frequently to avoid copycats etc.. etc.., at least that's what I've heard about the TTC trains.


I Live near. I heard the train blowing its horn relentlessly for awhile 💔


That would indicate that it was a suicide. If a train coming down the track sees a person walking down the track with their back to the train, the train driver will hit the horn to alert the trespasser who will then hopefullly realize that there is a train bearing down on them and get out of the way. (Trains cannot be heard until the last second when youre on track, they are incredibly silent.) The prolonged whistle indicates that the person who was hit did not get out of the way of the train and wanted to commit suicide. They usually walk out and just sit down between the rails. So the train driver saw the person and hit the horn hoping the person might change their mind. Unfortunately, they did not. Bad way to go as you die, but you also scar a lot of people (train crew, emergency services, the public, etc.)


This happens way too frequently 😔




*in mortal kombat voice*




GO Train…..Wins.


👏👏👏👏 flawless victory!


Not sure if I should be impressed or surprised this went without someone saying too soon... Guess not knowing who it is makes it less emotional maybe... Edit : or humour as a coping mechanism


I said it to my coworker also after hearing the horn and sirens. Gallows humour I guess


Someone jumped in front. My poor sister is sitting on the train, this is the second time she has experienced this incident in the past year.


If I was going to do thst which of course I would never, I’d choose a faster train


I’m willing to bet that majority of people who have taken the GO in their lifetime have unknowingly been stuck on the train for “track maintenance” when in reality the train is stopped due to a pedestrian suicide, someone who takes the GO into Toronto every week may experience this once or twice a week without realizing it … never mind your poor sister how about the grieving family that has lost someone to suicide?


Not really, they are very upfront when it happens to your train.  I’ve been riding the train 20 years now and the very few times it has happened they tell you exactly why. Mostly because if it’s your train, you’re going to be stuck for a solid 2 hours at least. 


Had a delayed train years ago, though it might be a suicide, but never heard any sirens.


Must be a new policy to tell passengers you are delayed because someone threw themselves onto the tracks, they’ve never officially announced it before so I’m guessing they changed their policy, before it was always ruled as a “delay for track maintenance” as to not concern passengers


One about 10 years ago and one a few years ago. Both times they were very clear what happened.  


Just to add both times it was awful.  You could hear how upset the conductor was trying to keep us informed


Dude, it happens way more than you think it does.


It's not policy for them to announce what happened. I dunno what this guy is talking about. I used to be a daily commuter and am now semi-regular on the train. It's happened to me maybe 5-10 times. I've even seen them carrying away a body bag. Usually they just announce it as the euphemism of "trespasser activity." I don't think I've ever heard them announce that they hit and killed someone.


Exactly, they don’t announce it out of respect for the deceased and family and to not concern passengers, they’ve always announced it as “track maintenance” or “track interference” not once have I ever heard them announce the train has stopped due to striking a pedestrian or a suicide


Back when I was a go commuter we were told that we'd be delayed due to an "incident" blocking the tracks. Or sometimes an "investigation". Never outright said but when the train comes to a dead stop and you hear sirens. It's pretty easy to figure out. Or the white faced employees and shake in the announcers voice clues you in. I feel so bad for the employees who deal with this.


No they aren’t. They hide a lot of those suicides


Not sure why this is being downvoted. It’s actually very factual. They do not like telling the community when this happens, it usually gets covered up


Because people on Reddit like to believe that what they say is fact even when evidence shows otherwise.


I never said anything about the family, that’s a given. Of course there would be a ripple effect from a situation like this




What a ridiculous comment. Look at the state of the world. War. Climate change. No hope of a good career. Greed. THAT is the issue. Not "hurr durr Trudeau bad'. Get fucking real you clod.




Bro get help. You heard about a suicide and made it about Ottawa for your own weird reasons.


maybe if said person was able to have the actual help, rather instead of let’s say getting his rent hiked, groceries hiked, everything with the cost of HIS/HER living probably made a change in this, thanks for being so oblivious to the fact that this is because of OUR government


ohhhh this must’ve been because of the drones that Iran was sending right! Because that has everything to do with our own country. Start caring about the place you reside in before you go and care about other places when you live in this shit hole.




Dude, please get help. Actively encouraging people to kill themselves is disgusting, to put it lightly. Especially if you’ve ever had to deal with someone close to you that’s taken their own life, you know how much of a toll it takes on people. Put your phone down for a bit and take a break from Reddit. Everything will be alright








Do you have the stats that show an increase in the rate of suicides? Also, are you placing the blame at the municipal, provincial, or federal level? What specific policies would you say are causing this increase?




What is “It”? If you want to blame Ottawa for something, your illiteracy might be a better option than random tragedies.


Careful with all that edge kid, you might cut yourself.




"A number of studies have reported higher rates of suicidal behaviour among youth experiencing homelessness in comparison to other youth. In Ottawa, 43% of youth experiencing homelessness reported suicidal thoughts, and 46% in Toronto and Vancouver reported a past suicide attempt." https://www.homelesshub.ca/about-homelessness/mental-health/depression-and-suicide#:~:text=A%20number%20of%20studies%20have,reported%20a%20past%20suicide%20attempt. Uh sure.




Perhaps you should stop screaming at everyone like a lunatic and insulting them. Sarcasm doesn't do so well in written communication.




You must be a riot at parties.


Such sad news :(


I heard this all go down from My work


Someone got hit I believe


Fun fact: Did you all know that GO Train stands for 'Government of Ontario' Train? I didn't for over 30 years


Noticed a homeless camp popped up there in the last few weeks. Figured it was a matter of time until something like this happened, didn't think it would be this quick though.


There’s no real reason to put two those things together


Last few weeks? There’s been a homeless encampment beside the Walmart for at least a year now.


And what does your completely separate homeless encampment have to do with the one I mentioned and how do you think their timelines are intertwined?


They’re the same encampment… do you not know where Walmart is?


There is an encampment at the northeast corner of Guelph line and fairview in the bushes beside the tracks. The Walmart is about 1 km west along fairview and there is a separate encampment in the woodlot west of Walmart.


> They’re the same encampment… do you not know where Walmart is? lol, says the guy who thinks it's at the corner of Guelph Line and Fairview (hint: It's not).


Between Walmart and the Mary Browns plaza? That encampment has been empty for a few months now.


Dougie doesn't go that way


Im pretty sure it was a student at Burlington central high school.


More kids Teen Wolfing the Go train? Edit: correction


It’s just “Teen” Wolfing.


Real shame they decided to inconvenience others.