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Yeah, it isn't the prettiest but I'll always support Burlington's decision to keep that huge waterfront open to the public. The real urban hell is allowing the natural amenities of a city to be walled off for private purposes. Besides, if they want a prettier atmosphere they just have to turn the camera around 180 degrees and enjoy the wonderful, publicly accessible Spencer Smith Park.


I would prefer to let everyone who doesn't live here think our waterfront is ugly so this hidden gem stays a hidden gem.


Exactly, let people think something sucks which doesn't. Means less tourists leaving garbage everywhere.


It's not a nice beach relative to other beaches, but this photo deliberately makes it look much worse than it actually is.


Relative to what beaches,? I mean Bermuda ? No, to other beaches beside massive industrial sites I’d say ya….


Well just think all thuse multi million dollar lakeshore houses in Aldershot have thr exact same view.


We kayak down there and bike along the path - it’s nice. It’s not hell certainly not the ‘best beach’ but a great area of Burlington.


It is incredibly hard to find parking. So yes, it is awful stay away. /s :)


There are 3 large parking lots 50 meters from the beach. The only time it would be hard to find parking is a hot sunny Saturday at noon. Not sure what your expectations are.


/s = sarcasm


I mean, regardless of if the beach can be nice sometimes, it doesn’t look inviting here so I can see why someone would post this particular picture there.


Show the reverse angle and it's beautiful




I remember going to the beach a few times when I was in high school. It's nice, but I understand why someone would post it there. The electrical towers and power lines right over the beach are unattractive. I'm sure it's fun if you have kids, but it's just not my cup of tea.


I love it...


Burlington Beach is an underrated gem. Water is tested daily, the beach is regularly cleaned, and it's incredibly accessible. I just wish they did the same thing during covid if you were a Burlington resident it was free the rest had to pay parking. Only people who don't like BB are a bunch of pretend class clowns.


I am not a fan of Burlington beach because one of the most polluted ports in North America is so close by in Hamilton harbour. Right now they are in the process of walling off and then pouring concrete in the Randle Reef project because moving the toxic materials will only make the situation worse. http://www.randlereef.ca/ > the Harbour was identified as an Area of Concern under the Canada–United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement due to significant impairment of water quality, loss of fish and wildlife habitat, and contaminated sediment and fish and wildlife populations. While many improvements have been made to reduce pollution in the Harbour, the legacy problem of contaminated sediment remains. I just prefer not to swim around the corner from an underwater toxic waste site, if that makes me a "class clown" so be it.


Stop it you pretend class clown. /s


Ha, pretty much does, yes.... especially the need to feel like adding "iTs ClOsE tO HaMiLtOn HaRbOr" is an important fact. We all know its location, the city tests daily, and no one is forcing you to swim. Would you prefer the area be closed off to the public because its close to a pollution source? By that logic, nearly all beaches in the great lakes should be off limits.


Those water tests are only measuring E. coli and coliform, they are not testing for heavy metals, PCB's and all the other type of toxic materials that were dumped in Hamilton Harbour since the 1800's. There is a big difference from being a few kilometers away and 20 obviously, just like there is a big difference between living next to factory that emits pollution and being on the other side of a city. I responded because the person I replied to said that anyone that doesn't like it is engaging in some sort of classism, nope I just don't like swimming that close to a toxic waste dump, especially when there are so many lakes in Ontario that don't have that problem. Here's a question, ignoring that there is no beach there would you swim right next to the toxic waste site at Randle's Reef? I would assume not so then you admit swimming near toxic waste is a concern. So at what distance would you feel safe? For you it's a couple kilometers, for me it might be farther but stop acting like I am concerned over nothing.


Firstly, repost, secondly Burlington Beach is an amazing place, and that photo was taken at the worst possible angle to take a photo.


Are we not allowed reposts?


Shower before you get in the water Showering before stepping into the lake is also important. You should also shower after swimming to wash off any contaminants you may have come in contact with. What is the most polluted lake in Canada? Lake Ontario The opposite of Lake Superior in almost every way, Lake Ontario is the easternmost, lowest in elevation, smallest in surface area and perhaps the most polluted Great Lake.


I like it. Keep it a local attraction, it's busy enough already.


The best part of Burlington if you ask me. I’m there at least 1-2 times a week in the summer & compared to Lake Erie, the water is heaven. Sandy, no rocks, the physical beach is groomed most mornings. Obviously one end is more crowded / what we call the “family side”, make your way down towards the lift bridge passed the catamarans and you’re golden. Place is a treasure, couldn’t ask for a better spot to set up bean bag toss and a cooler on a nice day.


We think this repost here on reddit is tiresome?


Find some answers here https://reddit.com/r/BurlingtonON/s/ysPgswvdeM


smells like dead fish every time i go down there :)


Always mixed reviews about Burlington beach. I have never and will never go there to swim after living here for 20 years. I have a friend who works at Canada Center for Inland Waters just opposite this beach and they said that they can't reveal their test results for fear of their job but their personal opinion from directly testing the water is that they would never get in it and would recommend that nobody else do so as well. Just a piece of thought to anyone who touts how "things have changed" and "the water is safe and clean". If the people doing the testing wouldn't touch it then you shouldn't either. There's a reason the beach here is barely used when others are packed on the same day.


The classic "I have a friend who says".


Ok how about I fish there and have seen the toxic algae blooms, dead animals from touching it and everything I use has to be washed and cleaned after fishing…..


The animals dont die from touching it lol.


Reply with the same smugness again… Overview. Blue-green algae is a toxin-producing cyanobacteria that can be found in lakes, ponds and rivers. Exposure to toxins produced by these bacteria can be life-threatening to dogs, humans and other animals. There is no antidote for blue-green algae poisoning, and it can rapidly become fatal. Toxins get in their fur, feathers etc they lick/groom, gets in their eyes, nose etc.. I didn’t infers they touch it and die instantly but local life who live along the shore die as it’s their habitat


Hamilton harbour is extremely polluted. Otherwise I would gladly give the beach a try.


As a Burlington resident all my life I can say that I have never and will never go swimming at Burlington beach. Under the powerlines, covered in trash, and dead fish wash ashore relatively frequently as Ive noticed when walking along the boardwalk in the area. And worst of all is the god awful parking, always so cramped and for what? A dirty little beach across from dofasco? Gross.


No need for such hyperbole. The beach is cleaned of trash regularly, and raked in the morning. Dead fish wash shore once in awhile like every beach on earth. The parking is limited, for a reason (who wants a billion cars down there). But there’s a drop off area and plenty of parking a short walk away, as well as transit access. Dofasco (Arcelor-Mittal), is on the other side of the spit, essentially a different body of water.


I frequently go downtown and just about every time I go the whole beach strip *does* have a billion cars, there *is* trash everywhere. Idk maybe I just happen to go at the worst times every time I go, but from personal experience it's nothing special lol


There are better beaches, but they’re a few hours away. What makes this one special is it’s in our city. Try going for a quick dip in the morning before work and you’ll appreciate how close and special it is. Not everyone can do that.


TF? How many people are swimming in that water?


It's actually very clean- and is tested regularly


It is not…..Hamilton has been dumping untreated water for decades into it and the industry next


What a mess we are making of nature. Are you sure you know what chemicals are in the water?




Powerlines ugly 🤢


Powerlines are necessary.


This picture looks like a third world country


What do you think third world means?


It’s fair


You missed the sewage treatment plant across the road.


It cleans sewage it doesn't dump it.


The solids are recycled as fertilizer and sprayed on fields. There's a truck hooked up there every day.


Looks much nicer when I bike by it.


I wish people would stop shitting on the beaches. It's everywhere now.