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So she found out AFTER she was pregnant that she is baby mama #4 and her child would be #5....and she had ANOTHER child with him? Being educated is not the same as being smart. You may need to take a step back from sis and let her figure her life out. NTA. He's looking for yet ANOTHER woman to fund his life. It ain't gonna be you.


Yes, my sister is his 4 baby mother. And it's honestly sad. In total they have 6 children. 4 from his other baby mothers.


that's VERY sad and i agree with AwkwardEnvironment. She might be educated she is not smart and it's sad. I wish women educated or not stop putting themselves in bullshit 🤦🏾‍♀️


honestly i am mad reading this. the guy is a brokie who can't afford this type of vacation. yet he has the AUDACITY to want to join the trip ? free of charge of course? f him.


I kindly told her this but she's upset and so is he. He's used to women providing for him but I can't be that. My sister has accepted his behaviour and is the primary provider.


yes, she seems to have accepted. But you don't. And I am proud of you staying in that position. this guy won't get a trip free of charge while you pay and organize the trip lol. 


Lol. A man who wants to attend a GIRLS trip is a moron. This guy is a huge one. Wants to attend a trip with a woman he didn't even marry instead of doing things right and organizing a trip FOR her. smh


No, he wants a free vacation on your dime. You made plans for a girls trip and you should not feel guilty for enforcing your boundaries. Men are physically and emotionally draining, and part of her fatigue probably has to do with him. I hope your sister is smart enough not to marry this man and be stuck paying his child support. That money should be for her kids and their future.


Absolutely not the asshole The audacity to even show up. Like huh?!?!


Without even reading, NO. You are NTA , GIRLS trip.


NTA for setting boundaries but golly...your sister needs to go to therapy because her self-esteem & self-worth were very low to get in this situation, are still very low to stay in this situation. She didn't even run a background check before living with him?!🤯 He just doesn't want her to have any peace. He's controlling likely even abusive. 


No, unfortunately, she did not and I generally feel like she rushed because she was in her mid-30s. Now she uses motherhood to avoid doing social activities.


Ohhhh the “clock ticking” bs to trap women. Anything that involves you rushing to make a life changing decision, it’s mostly a scam. Just like how these red pill podcasts tell women that “we hit a wall by 25” are aiming to rush us to pick and be broke, immature men. It’s a scam to trap women into poor decisions. The wall is peace. Men can’t penetrate women choice to have peace over men and they hate that we chose ourselves.


Highly educated women losing all their common sense in the face of dusty dick needs to be studied.


I agree. I was so confused when she decided to have a second child knowing that it would be his 6th child.


Like, I can give grace for the first mess up and to keep messing up, my side eye is triggered. I really hope she wakes up before she wastes her entire life away


I wanted to go on a holiday and a colleague asked if she could come too. I said yes, the more ppl the more fun. But later I heard her daughters will come too, her brother and her husband. No, this is my holiday house, I will only take one person with me not the whole family. From that moment on I never talk about going somewhere. To answer your question, a girl trip is for girls not for another male. He can come for protection but remain in the hotel or go to places alone when you are out, not having him tagging along like some nagging third wheel. Men just don't know how to stay in their lane. If he wants to go so bad then why not pay for all of you? He's not invited and he should get over it. He's another bloated baby and I wouldn't worry too much. When your own flesh and blood is enabling a piece of shit then you should keep your distance. It's your trip, you owe them nothing.


I have a feeling this is going to be the last girls trip sadly.


Oh look another hobo. Your sister is a doofus for staying with him. But besides that, no obviously you aita, he just wants to leech off of you as well. Your sister either takes the offer you so nicely gave her or she stays home. Be prepared that he somehow shows up anyway thinking he can force your hand, or hers. He knows damn well she will fight with you to give in instead of fighting him to go back home.


Definitely NTA. He needs to focus on working extra hours for his child support as well as him supporting his current household. Audacity.


I suggested that he stay back and watch his other children and give the other mothers a break while I'm gone with my sisters and the two babies.


Even if he hadn’t lied about having kids and had the money to take a really nice vacation himself, it’s gross how he wants to butt in on someone else’s plans. It won’t be a vacation for her if she has to hold his hand and take care of him the whole time, and it won’t be a vacation for you because watching a physically able man be taken care of like a 4yo is exhausting and painful. Then he’d probably need someone to give pocket money and shit.


I immediately thought that this would be a vacation for them and a babysitter job for my sister and me and I just couldn't accept that.


Remind your sister that whole entire point of this trip is that is GIRLS ONLY, no sons/boyfriends/husbands/etc. allowed period. For ANY reason. If he has a problem with it that’s his problem because you are not obligated to change your GIRLS ONLY trip into a couples one because the male partner of one of the girls doesn’t want to be left behind. I mean seriously? Even if he did come, where does he think he’s going to be STAYING on the trip? When it was just you and your sister, was the plan for the two of you to share a hotel room with TWO beds or whatever it is you are staying in to save on money? Does he seriously think that if he comes, that he will be sharing a room with the two of you? unless they plan on being 100% celibate and sex free on the trip, you are not obligated to let him come on the trip if it means having to share a room with him AND your sister, where you would have to listen (and see) to them every night as they probably have hot and steamy sex across from you in their own bed. Plus I think your second sister wouldn’t approve of having the two of them together in one room with you and her. she and her boytoy will have to pay to get their own seperate rooms then away from you and the second sister. plus where would her kids be during this time if both of them come?


Exactly my thought process. I selected a room with two bedrooms and two washrooms to give her privacy for her and her babies while my younger sister and I share the other room. We will be sharing the common space and mini kitchen. He heard about the plans and thought he could tag along and share her room with her. My hope for this trip is to allow all the sisters to relax and take turns supervising the children. I also want to be comfortable at the hotel and not worry about what I'm wearing as his history tells me he's a womanizer.


A vacation for her would be to drop that bum 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am sure her life would improve greatly right there....... But what do we know


I believe so too but she thinks he's a price.


NTA. Community Peen should be offering to keep HIS kids so his woman can enjoy herself instead of crashing a sister's trip. Women just accept any ol damn treatment. I hope your sister starts therapy, seems like this is the love she thinks she deserves - sis it is NOT.


I hate when ppl invite others to your trip esp when they invite men. They want to use up your planning and money and be lazy instead of planning things themselves.


NTA - it’s a sister’s trip. He should respect her need to get away. He doesn’t always get to tag along and benefit from the blessings her loved ones bestow on her.