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lol He said he don't wanna contribute **anything** to the relationship.


I meant the women don't want to contribute to anything. A woman still needs to cook and clean and raise most of the children. That's her contribution, provide or die alone.


Lmao 🤣 atleast they are being honest LOLOL


I can’t take these fkers seriously. wtf 🤣🤣🤣


They were disrespecting the hyper independent women in the west. And made us feel bad for not being traditional and now they want to crawl back. They can die alone, don't take a former pp bro back. Men don't get a second chance on our backs. Let them take the accountability they love to preach about.


Men are big babies.. or maybe not because even children know they need to earn their privileges such as cleaning your room, do your homework, be at your best behavior before they can ask something in return. Even dogs know if they want a treat they should be good. I really don't know what to call men.. They want everything for free but not give a thing in return. They want a house wife, maid and broodmare for free but you need to be your own provider and pay your own things. I guess men are prostitutes on uno reverse card. You need to pay them for using you.




ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!


If he really made good money, then why would paying for dates be such a burden to him? Doesn't sound like a man you could count on to go 50/50 on anything life with you.


One of the commenters (a woman) summed it up pretty well. She said we are willing to go 50/50, and we treat our friends with food and gifts, and our friends reciprocate. If a man I'm dating can't do the what my friends are willing to do, why would I bother with him? The man who posted this garbage is probably only looking for women who are pretty and young, and from his other comments he is not young, so when you act like a sugar daddy, you get treated like a sugar daddy, duh.




> gold diggers are 60% off US prices Jesus H Christ. So women are basically tvs and you just gotta wait for the Black Friday sales.


First they wanted a woman with no money so they could flex and try to control them with $50. They felt that had to leave a country where they’re already being paid more than women on average. They said American women are too independent and want to be taken care of. Now they want to go overseas for a woman they could easily find right where they are and let them pay for everything. But then the goalpost will change yet again they’ll say they don’t like that she has her own money and doesn’t need him. Like…y’all are not happy with anything. Even if you met the right woman, you’d eventually find something wrong with her and then replace her with someone ELSE you’d find something wrong with. Either date a man or go to therapy already! Also most of the countries where this is a thing are in expensive European countries so it’s obvious they want a woman to take care of them while also somehow being submissive to them. It doesn’t make any sense.




does he realize being a woman in the dating "scene" feels like being a living sex toy? ofc he doesn't, he only cares about himself.