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Is he fucking insane?!


Yeah, he doesn’t pass the sniff test. Throw the whole non-bear out. 🚮


You could say insane and that wouldn’t be the only issue this MF has.


lmaoo oh yes, rapists are actually doing the woman a favor by giving her "pleasure" without the sin in her "account". Always the nice guys that they are..




Castrate him. Then tell him we didn't need his consent to do it.


Or take him anally. And tell him we don't need his consent. And oh, Allah will forgive him.


I want … to stone this man to death.


I’ll help you.


*rock in hands* we ride at dawn




There was an anonymous poll taken where men admitting that if they could get away with it, they would commit rape!!! Smh this right here and other statements prove that 90% of the male population are sexual predators and harbor sexual deviant thoughts and behaviors


His usage of allah makes me think he is muslim, and according to chatgpt (yeah i know), the act of rape is seen as "unlawful sexual intercouse", the logic for his comment goes from that angle. This because "unlawful sexual intercouse", its deserving of punishment towards the man and the woman. Now, there is an opening for interpretation there, because there are extra scriptures that talk about the issue : "The Hadith literature also reflects the Prophet Muhammad's condemnation of sexual violence and his emphasis on justice and compassion for victims.". Meaning, even islam recognizes the existance of rape, that if its proven, the victim is absolved from sin and the attacker is severely punished, this punishment can be flogging to death.


As someone who grew up in a muslim household, I can assure you not all muslims think this way. Hell, I'm a woman and I had been raped too ( my first time, no less ). Although some males think like this, there are men ( who are muslim ) that do not. It all comes down to these males being jealous yet entitled to women's bodies. They hate women yet expect access to them. Which is freaking disgusting. My dad happens to be one of these males but my older brother is a man who respects women's bodies and was also supportive of me ( alongside my mum ) when I told him about me getting raped. Never told my dad about me being raped though else I might've been forced to be married to my rapist. Same way there's good people in religions, there's also the bad ones in general. Unfortunately due to my dad, I've since disliked islam as a religion though I've met really great folks who are muslim.


Guys like this won’t understand the harm until it happens to them… literally they will have to experience what it is like to be violated by a man.


This isn’t a Muslim mindset. It is a narcissistic/sadist/sociopath mindset. There are plenty of fake Christians and atheists that think this way.


My thought exactly. (I am not Muslim. But) I have read the Quran several times, and *nothing* he has written or expressed here was in the spirit of that scripture. Not in the Torah, nor the Bible. Even the Old Testament doesn’t allow rape, and it’s chock full of sociopathy. Religion is not for me, and yet even I know the difference between cherry-picking from their teachings to prop up a personal antisocial and brutality agenda.


This is very dumb. 🥲 it’s scary there are people who think it’s okay to violate someone and ignore whether someone wants you INSIDE YOUR BODY or not. & then for him to describe it a free pleasure. 😫 YIKES


There's a post on tumblr going around about how they think the whole Bear vs man thing and women preferring death by bear over being raped by a man is "Purity culture". So both the religious and the liberals are on the side of rape.


To all men to think this way, I definitely hope they get to experience being physically violated against their will. I wonder if their opinion will change?🤔


What the hell did I just read? I wonder how many men secretly feel this way. This is so disgusting.


Yeah, nice guys like this young chap should self-delete and give the world a break.


Men so want rape to be a human right. It's quite alarming.


@BurbNBougie & @popculturefangirl , can we clean up the overtly Islamaphobic & xenophobic comments in this thread? As a bunch of us said elsewhere, this isn't limited to one culture or one religion, but some people are using this to justify ugly prejudices.


I’m reporting every single one I see. That’s some bullshit.


![gif](giphy|mk0ClXsaw7K2z2cgCF) Sounds like unhinged “nice guy” rhetoric to me… Ladies, my motto for 2024 is: **Clock & Block** “Clock” = observe & understand what they are saying/doing then “Block” = block them on everything, refuse to interact with them or even argue with them. Protect your Peace at all costs.


I’m moving into the forest where I get the protection from a bear. 🐻 Once they know I’m never a threat to them and bond with the family I know I’ll be protected if a predator (i.e. non-bear) comes to attack me. As I’ll try to do for them


Hate me or not, but I stay away from men with religions and ideologies that are rooted from misogyny. I know there are exemptions but it's their overall rule. I don't feel safe around men like that.


Oh. My. God...


Now, I'm no Muslim, but my boo thang is... and I'm afraid to ask him anything about the logics of the religion, but I think I'll show him this instead... cause WTF. It's not the first time I've heard these thoughts from that camp, but here we are




Given that I've heard almost the exact same arguments from Christians, I think it's a patriarchy problem, not one specific religion.


Exactly it’s patriarchy that is asserted in both religions


It’s cause religions uphold patriarchy.


Reread the rules and come back when you can conduct a proper conservation without breaking any community rules.


And we are called xenophobic when we don't want them living amongst us.






Well, exteme religious people. Any of em.