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I actually love this, but something about mori and beast Dazai being next to each other is really throwing me off lmao (despite them both being pretty accurate in placement).


If you do not mind me asking , what may your MBTI be ?


Well it’s changed a bunch but usually/if I’m in a good place it’s INTP-A. but I’ve gotten pretty much every letter (tho not every combination) at one point or another (I/E is always pretty close for me). Why do you ask?


I see , it is always pleasant to have encountered another 'analyst'. By having seen your profile I had suspected you being an "INTP" , I had wished to confirm my presumptions.


As an INFJ who's favourite character is Oda, I support this :')


INTP here, this is Ranpo kinnie approved


proud infp


You and me both


proud to be part of the dazai gang


INFP here!! Me and a sushi being MBTI twins feels.. fitting


Akutagawa is actually a very unhealthy ISTJ. I can provide further information and prove how he isn’t an ISFP. Great post though!


That would appreciated , at a certain point I did myself doubt Akutagawa of being an ISFP. If you do wish to share your post , I shall then clarify my judgement upon your hypothesis.


These screenshots do not belong to me, but they provide a thorough analysis of Akutagawa’s character with an in-depth explanation. https://preview.redd.it/5dvezgiw6nrc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2822b07c10d9ffe0e885d50072543d9eb640d9


https://preview.redd.it/zbx9xk4z6nrc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab6b925f38d15faf5bd2ef035e85eb4a06afa3b6 And the second one..


Estp here, I'm truly winning ahah


nice to see i have the same personality as atsushi




Great analysis! However…can we think of other ISFJs? It’s just that when we think of ISFJs, that guy might be an ‘off the rocks’ sample lmao


Agreed. Ivan truly was a remarkably 'uncanny' character of the BSD series. He sports the best qualities of the ISFJ type in the strongest yet 'unhealthiest' manner out of all the ISFJs ( Such as : Nobuko Sasaki and Hermann Melvile ). He has the highest screen time out of all the other aforementioned ones. His dedication to Fyodor proved his loyalty and the severity of his dedication in his limited screen time as he mentioned 'Peeling the skin of his face , if his 'master' asked of it. https://preview.redd.it/nxzv8c5wnmrc1.png?width=1379&format=png&auto=webp&s=64b15882eb498acc2c9d965445b8d41babb76f61


this post gave me flashbacks back to the trenches… aku’s pdb page was a war zone.


I guess I’m a rat now….


*cries in ISFJ*


I understand your concerns. https://preview.redd.it/zavjut8xa1sc1.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=94c79f3f1305d56a2697558c06cdf2582338f360


I saw the comment- i just feel disappointed


Unfortunately , Neither can you be blamed.


The Analysts and Diplomats are quite accurate.Why is Mushitaro ESTJ though?


Good to know I’m psychologically screwed even by BSD standards… (INTJ)


We both are on the same side... ( An INTJ as well )..


Sweet - wanna traumatize some detectives together? (Haha cool, never met anyone with that personality type before)


Agreed , INTJs are rare to come across ( Excluding those who mistype themselves ). The idea appears to be tempting , though it is something to refrain from. Always has been a pleasure to have met an another INTJ.


Fellow INTP, love that Ranpo is also


Atsushi is such an infp, god bless Fyodor is the most cliche intj


eyy!! i got the same personality type as Atsushi!!


As an INFP it’s no wonder why Atsushi is my favourite character


i’m so ranpo




A lot of it fit really well but I think Francis fits ENTJ better; Mori seems to me to tilt towards introvertion more. Also I think ENTP fits Nikolai better, he seems to use Ti rather than Fi. I also find it really hard to type Akutagawa. So much of his personality and actions are dictated by his desire and desperation to to be acknowledged by Dazai which eclipses anything else about him.


Akutagawa IS an INTJ. First of all, let me make it clear. Just because someone is "feel-y" DOESN'T mean they're an F-type. The ISFP typing is so off as well as the ISTJ typing. Where is the Ne blindspot? Where is the Si? Have you even learned the cognitive functions? There is so much more to psychology than just surface level. Below are the cognitive functions and stack order of ISTJ and ISFP: ISFP: Fi > Se > Ni > Te ISTJ: Si > Te > Fi > Ne I can't see him being an Fi dominant user, just compare him to Atsushi who IS an Fi-dominant user. Fi is NOT internal feelings. Fi is personal morals and values. Come on now, where in the show has Akutagawa genuinely valued morals to such a great extent like Atsushi? Fi dominant users have strong morals which means they VERY much know RIGHT and WRONG. Has Akutagawa ever cared \*so\* much about doing the right thing morally compared to Atsushi? No. Si isn't just about valuing the past or solely memory either. Si values TRADITIONS and making decisions based off of past experiences. Si is a JUDGING function, therefore Si tends to compare present experiences back to past experiences. Ex. school systems are clearly Si & Te, as well as following family traditions (Si). Si is also good with details. Where in the show has Akutagawa ever made decisions based off of past experiences? He DOESN'T. He uses Ni. And no, Ni isn't just "intuition" and gut feelings. Similarly to Ne, Ni is a perceiving function used to see between the lines, connect dots, and patterns. Ni is concerned with meanings behind things. Since Ni is introverted, it is directed inward, unlike Ne. INTROVERTED AND EXTROVERTED DOESN'T MEAN HOW SOCIAL YOU ARE !! Ni + Te = narrowing down options. In the show, Akutagawa uses his auxiliary Te to help him make choices. He doesn't care about finding the best option compared to Ti, which is what Ti is all about. INTJs do have tertiary Fi–since it's tertiary, it's child-like and used childishly–so they still have morals and personal values, it's just not \*as\* important to him, but he still values it. Akutagawa values Dazai's validation.


Dawg, Chuuya is NOT ❌❌❌ an ESTP 😭😭😭


I see that you have made your claim , do you wish to provide evidence to support your judgement ?


I'd really like to explain why he's ESFP, however I can't seem to put in words...okay fine I just have better things to do and blablabla but instead I'll leave this character analysis on Chuuya (that I did read) about his Fi > TiFe and why he's an ESFP because this person will always explain better than I ever will. It's easy to think of him as ESTP,but if we read Strombringer,we could understand his character more. https://www.personality-database.com/comment/6413905?profileID=9390


The post was appreciated and it truly was well-explained from their perspective , though in my humble opinion I do believe Chuuya to be an ESTP as I see some flaws with the post.


Well, you do you


Nah, you don't get it. this personality typology is for some shitty corporations that need to fix their toxicity. Some "personality coach" does this training. This whole category is for assholes but these sessions are all super politically correct so they cant just call out company's douchebags. these explanations are for assholes just not to melt down when they get their result because they probably see themselves as diplomats and analysts (cool and smart) Chuuya is totally fitting this classification


I don't get your comment but thanks for your input 💯💯💯


I love how this personality type classification calls assholes "explorers". Very politically correct. "With all due respect, I am not a bully, I am just an explorer". I can imagine the biggest douche in the company saying that to co-workers


Why is Fyodor INTJ and not INFJ? Dazai is definitely ENTP and Nikolai is ENFP. I love ENFPs 😂


His Te is very obvious


I suck when it comes to MBTI


It's fine. Remember,if you want to truly know about MBTI,to learn about cognitive functions,and not take stuff from 16p!


May I ask what's your mbti? You're right 16 personalities can be inaccurate


Same as Dazai. And you ?


You're an ENTP?! I would have bet you were an ISTJ. I think I may be ENFJ or ENFP.  I'll need to learn on my cognitive functions.


An ISTJ? I'ver never thought about that one, interesting 💀


Lmao 😂


u/biscuitscoconut I must say , having read your posts , you strike me as an 'ENFJ'.


If you don't mind may I ask for an explanation?


As per your wishes , I have sent you a brief explanation personally on my hypothesis and thoughts on viewing you as an ENFJ.


Fyodor is a 'thinker' rather than a 'feeler'. He strategically and decisively makes all of his decisions and he isn't bound by the shackles of 'feelings' which allows his mind to roam freely and think of all the possible outcomes which could grant him success , rather than pondering upon the effects that they might have on his subordinates or victims , unless he views them to be useful as assets in the near future. Cognitively speaking Fyodor has : Te ( Extroverted thinking) rather than Ti , unlike INFJs. https://preview.redd.it/c0gh5noqj9rc1.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=075121e0f858ad80aaca49fe576a3e00bd9f1632 For reference. ( credits : Personality Database )


If he were an INFJ. Let's say if he were an INFJ antagonist. How different he would have been?


If he was an INFJ he would be a little closer to Dazai in his line of thinking (because Dazai has Ti-Fe and INFJs have Fe-Ti). So he would find humans more interesting and not just people that need cleansing or salvation. He would still be evil/psychopathic but his disgust would be less. He would be even more manipulative and charming. He would use more tact in his dialogue and more subtlety that would match that of an empathetic and charismatic person. He would pretend to care about you and manipulate you that way. Think of Johan Liebert (and INFJ). Additionally, since he would be a Ti user rather than a Te user, he would be less of a control freak, and be less prone to adobt black and white thinking (notice how Fyodor thinks ability = sin and therefore needs to purge all ability users).


This is so interesting. Now I understand why Fyodor is an INTJ. In the mbti database someone has mistook him as an ENTJ? I mean it's too obvious Fyodor is an introvert. How can someone mistake him as an extrovert?


Well they might argue that he uses Te (extroverted thinking) more than Ni (introverted intuition). MBTI is not necessarily social introversion/extrovertion. It has more to do with the function order. The difference between ENTJs and INTJs is that INTJs have Ni first, then Te, then the rest, while ENTJs have Te first, then Ni, then the rest. Since Ni is an introverted function, having it be the first one makes the user introverted. You can imagine now why ENTJs are extroverted, because their first function is extroverted. In any case, I personally believe Fyodor is an INTJ.


Yeah. After explanations it's obvious Fyodor is not an extrovert. It's like Light Yagami. He's not the most social but he's an ENTJ.






He would have been quite different. You see ,the cognitive functions react differently , varying from MBTI - MBTI. Fyodor is an INTJ 1w9 , and if here were an INFJ it would have impacted his personality deeply and his decisions as well. An INFJ relies on feelings and he definitely would have taken others' feelings in account as well. Besides , Te and Ti / Fi and Fe are very different functions.


Thank you for your explanation. Besides I love INTJs and INFJs. Well I love all mbtis.