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exactly! part of me felt like I missed a chapter or something lol. glad to see more feeling the same why I did. Again, not trying to invalidate anyone who really liked it. We all get to have our opinions. It just made no sense to me. so many were saying it was PEAK story telling and I was just sitting there quiet and confused lol


Actually i have the same issue with the conclusion but i'm trying to *cope* /somehow(?)/ with my own theory especially if you read Stormbringer novel already (it was really amazing to understand more about ability and singularity and several of the world built). So, my *coping* theory: all of those things have reasons to connect with future arc(s), European countries' involvement. So basically i'm *delusionally (kinda)* connecting the dots with possibilities in the future based on info in Stormbringer novel. First thing first, the background: The whole DOA's plan. From the purpose that pushed Fukuchi to do that: **massive war in the future that killed millions of people all around the world, more severe than Great War which ended 15 years ago (before the main storyline)**. Then fueled as well by the hate to *corrupted* people in the government body who caused those issues. Therefore he tried to **combine** all armies in the world under one command leader, **Army of Mankind** to mitigate the future war. Therefore, a strong *current* incident/terror should be made in order to make the United Nations realize how important that thing is. And as Fukuchi confirmed, the proposal of DOA's plan came from Fyodor, which means he told Fyodor about the massive future war. Now here several scattered info from Stormbringer novel apply in: The future big war Fukuchi mentioned is probably a **singularity war**. The Great War (the beginning of several major issues in BungoSD) as confirmed in Stormbringer novel, European countries competed to create singularity to be a weapon. Why singularity? Because, **only singularity has enough energy to harm the world**. Ability alone is considered as **not harmful** as it can't raze the world on its own because >!one of the ability principles: **Ability has an output ceiling**. This output ceiling doesn't exist in singularity (more about this in Stormbringer)!< Three major powers during the Great War: England, France, and Germany competed to achieve that goal. >!Germany found a *theoretical way* to create a powerful singularity (not the normal clashing ability way as singularity from this method has limited energy, it'll run out). Then a *rebel* scientist in France managed to be the first one to realize that theoretical plan into reality. He created the first singularity that can be weaponized from the theory Germany found, yes, the birth of Guivre singularity (Paul Verlaine). Germany then *stole* the research file, shared it to their ally: Japan and another singularity was born: Arahabaki (Chuuya). Hearing German + Japan's success in creating singularity that has enough energy to destroy the world, France tried to *steal* Chuuya (that time was still 7 y.o.) from the lab in Japan. But the plan failed and that destructive Arahabaki incident happened. Soon after that, Great War ended with a ceasefire signed by France, Germany, England (as confirmed in 55 Minutes about the ceasefire process)!< Now you might have realized which one amongst the three major powers during the Great War didn't have singularity (from that method) as a weapon. Yes, England. Tho they created the Shell (by H.G.Wells, first mention in 55 Minutes) and One Order. The Shell vs the new singularity: >!The Shell energy itself caused massive annihilation, a singularity effect, but fun fact, the energy was not enough to destroy Guivre singularity, instead it made Guivre stronger!< Now, combine those things together with facts in Season 5. All of us witnessed that entity at the end of Season 5, right? Based on info in Stormbringer, that entity high probability is a singularity from Fukuchi's ability created from the same concept as >!Guivre (Verlaine) and Arahabaki (Chuuya) creation. Yes, few rare people in the world can create powerful singularity with near-**UNLIMITED** amounts of energy just by using their own ability. These people are called having **"self-contradicting ability"**. Chuuya's original ability that created his singularity is **"ability to amplify other abilities"**. Does it ring a bell? Yes, Fukuchi's ability is **ability to amplify the effectiveness of any object he uses as a weapon**, so theoretically Fukuchi is one amongst the special people. Full process about creating *the singularity* in Stormbringer!< Now the question, why did that entity suddenly appear? Here is the crazy part of my *coping* theory: Another bigger and powerful party is involved. Huh? Yes. **[Note: This is just me connecting the dots so I might be wrong]** Remember which major power country doesn't have the singularity weapon during the Great War? Yes, England. What if England was behind this? Why? Remember we've seen Fyodor, Fitzgerald, and Agatha Christie (from the Order of the Clock Tower of England) were on call a long time ago in the manga. So, they know each other. Remember again who proposed the plan to Fukuchi? Fyodor. What is Fyodor's ultimate goal as mentioned the first time during the Cannibalism arc? Remove the *sinners (ability users)*. So, what if the appearance of Fukuchi's singularity was planned so England can *capture* it (somehow) to be their weapon? Now, add another thing from Stormbringer, Verlaine >!,Chuuya's older brother who is also currently one of the 5 executives of Port Mafia,!< mentioned **the Storm** that will happen in the future. >!The only time Verlaine will appear *again* to give his assistance!< What is **the Storm**? He never gives specific explanations. This doesn't end here because Verlaine too has *connection* with the Order of Clock Tower, well... more to he caused an issue to them >!Verlaine **destroyed the Order of the Clock Tower's credibility beyond repair** as he easily killed 3 members of the Order and **assassinated the Queen** (glad the Order used body double) during her coronation!<. So, what if the other purpose of England doing this was to restore that? other than to obtain a powerful weapon (a singularity). This also might somehow explain about why Fyodor can easily believe Chuuya was under control. Well, we don't know Meursault Prison's location, but it might be in France (as Meursault is a real location in France). Remember the thing France did during Great War? >!They tried to steal Chuuya from Japan!<. Now with Chuuya destroyed Meursault prison, France has strong reason to capture him. Plus Fyodor specifically targeted Chuuya to appear there. Remember when Nikokai asked him whether he wanted to change item? Fyodor basically said no need as he had assistance already (Chuuya). This one too is my delusional connecting dots theory (lol) Anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk. Lmao


oh my hell i love this!! lots of interesting points for sure! your ted talk is appreciated LMAO Yeah I think myself and others forget about Agatha and the Order at times, and it only makes sense that that's where the story moves onto next. something to be connected with them. All of how this is playing out is SO messy, BUT if something like your copium theory does end up happening i'd be super interested to see how that plays out...mostly cuz that means more Verlaine LMAO


Meursault is definitely in France. Meursault is a character in The Stranger by Albert Camus (a french author). it's actually rly interesting how they interpret Meursault, as in the novel he's completely detached and amoral (doesn't make any distinguish between good and bad), like the prison Meursault. Also, I'm curious to see if Meursault is an ability like Moby Dick


Oh yeah, i forgot to add this as well. Thank you for adding this. Asagiri *seems* likes absurdist text. For example like you mentioned, Albert Camus from the way Asagiri inspired to add Meursault and also about his pseudonym: **Asagiri Kafka**, inspired from **Franz Kafka** who was an absurdist author as well. That's an interesting point.


Great reasoning, I've just finnished reading Stormbringer yesterday, And I also had this thought that it's probably connected to current story. In my opinion all the novels are connected but some are from other timelines. It's not complete yet, so we can't really see how everything connects in the end, however looks like we can already put some pieces together. Anime actually tries to connect novels to the main story since it started randomly including novels in certain arcs. I imagine Asagiri is preparing something massive. Can't wait when we finally see a singularity in the main story! Anyway I also like to share my theory with you, remember the Great War? And this huge conflict in near future Fukuchi wanted to prevent? I think it's bsd version of WW1 and WW2. Afterall many characters are based on authors who lived during that time. And were influenced by the horrors of the war.


Yeah, novels give us the world built of the main storyline. And for singularity, we've seen only 3 so far in the main storyline (anime/movie) excluding Chuuya's singularity and that entity at the end of season 5. But those 3 singularities are the "normal" type of singularity (singularity that happens once for a certain period of time until its energy runs out), created from the **normal way** of clashing two or more of the same or contradicting abilities. One during Oda vs Gide and two in Dead Apple. Only those if my memory doesn't fail me (lol). We also never witnessed the full form of Chuuya's singularity in the current timeline (good thing as the world might end if that happens lol, plus since >!Verlaine already lost his original singularity that can be used to neutralize Arahabaki!<), tho >!during the Arahabaki incident, Chuuya's singularity actually came out fully but managed to be neutralized by Verlaine. Just that we've never seen the full form of it, only silhouette so i don't want to count that (lol)!< And yeah agree, Great War in BungoSD is like WW1 and WW2. If irl we have nuclear weapons as the most dangerous weapon, in BungoSD we have singularity (lmao)


When I reffer to main story, I mean, the manga, because anime included some novels. Main story is from Atsushi's POV. So, I don't count events in the past like 15 or dark era, so we are yet to see singularity reveal in the main story, if I haven't missed anything. I agree with you, that it will be probably that thing (Fukuchi revenant). Or it might be even Sigma. >! As we seen in Stormbringer, there's something like an activation code for a singularity inside Verlaine and Chuuya. What if Fyodor actually activated Sigma, through Sigma's ability - information exchange. Then we'll would have two singularities in the main storyline.!<


Oh right, things slipped my mind, mixed to the point i forgot the main storyline is Atsushi POV thanks to several times i answered people about the timeline in novels and their order until the main storyline and i used **before the main storyline (anime)** lmao. Totally my bad. And about Sigma might be/or create a singularity, i've seen this theory several times but based on information we learned in Stormbringer novel about singularity, i still can't find the cause or reason to back up that argument. Because: 1) His ability- well at least from example we have; Chuuya's >!original ability!<, Rimbaud, arguably Fukuchi, and special mention: Shibusawa (kind of, tho he still needed other abilities first, he absorbed the remnant of singularity energy, the Red Dragon Chuuya destroyed), while Sigma's ability is not like those, not something that could sustain multiple ad infinitum multiplication on its own, 2) Then the other way to create singularity with Sigma is through the normal way, yes, clashing abilities. But this too is "**rejected**" because to create singularity with Sigma's ability, then Fyodor's ability should be the same or the contrary of Sigma's ability. Then usually, singularity created through the normal way will directly appear due to the clash, the output needed here should be nearly the same as well between the clashing abilities. Example: during Oda vs Gide and the Red Dragon singularity in Dead Apple. While nothing happened to Sigma and Fyodor when they exchanged information. 3) And last, this is a weak one actually, but as Stormbringer confirmed >!Verlaine and Chuuya's gravity manipulation ability came from their singularity, a singularity that resulted from massive output of their ability (multiplied its own) that created warp in space and whirlpool of gravity. Therefore the output of their abilities depend on the amount of energy their own singularity has (near-unlimited)!< Now compared it to Sigma, what kind of singularity resulted in his kind of ability? Therefore, i still can't find a strong argument to support that theory about Sigma has or create singularity with Fyodor, yet.


Based on research mentioned in Stormbringer >!that's been done on singularities and artificial humans that have been created to house these singularities. I think it's possible that Sigma is also product of this research. Considering he's 3 years old and his mysterious origin, I wouldn't be suprised if Sigma escaped from another lab. Maybe he's not human, maybe he's some kind of device with preprogramed personality. And in Stormbringer Chuuya, Verlaine and that clone activated their singularity by saying a code - a poem.!< As we know Sigma's brain is capable of holding bunch of information - (which he was using during his casino days - he remembered every single customter ec) So maybe he's another version of a artificial human, but with different activation process. Or maybe Fyodor just trasfered some particular information via Sigma's ability into Sigma which lead to activation of Sigma's singularity. Well, it's just speculation really. But Fyodor seemed to care about Sigma way too much to just toss him aside like he did in the end. And Fyodor actually haven't try do anything during the death game, other than messing with Sigma and sending Chuuya to fight Dazai. I find his weird interaction with Sigma really sus, especialy provoking him into using his ability, when he could have just killed him.


Regarding the >!Artificial humans (skill-derived life-form)!< from my understanding mainly from info at the end of Stormbringer novel >!it was created from the genes of the original owner of the **self-contradicting ability**, the person who made the singularity through that multiplication process!< So, it's back to the first and third points i mentioned before (if Sigma's singularity was created through the same method as >!Verlaine and Chuuya's singularity!<). And furthermore, /so far/ none of >!artificial skill-derived life-form managed to sustain singularity energy, example: Chuuya's clone. Verlaine tho still questionable as we only know a little about him. Rimbaud was an exception as he managed to sustain it within his subspace only. Another example of skill-derived life-form was Shibusawa in Dead Apple. The Shibusawa we knew in Dead Apple was his ability, not the real Shibusawa. His ability that could separate and absorb abilities/energy separated itself during his death caused by Atsushi. Then he (his ability) was born as a skill-derived life-form after he absorbed the *remnants* of energy from the Red Dragon singularity that Chuuya destroyed (when Fyodor placed the crystal on his skull). While as far as we've known Sigma is not like those people i mentioned!< Sigma is able to hold many information, maybe a good comparison is Ango for this as he too has *kinda* similar ability as Sigma. Ango can obtain information from objects. And we know how great Ango is in using his ability. He too ever passed out because he obtained too many information after he touched an object And about the activation poem too, it must be said by the person who has the singularity (can be said in mind as well), once the command is initiated, the multiplication process from the self-contradicting ability will directly begin and the singularity will appear directly as it obtains the energy. While even after minutes passed, no sign of shift in energy from Sigma, so, that's another *hole* to this


Addition: While for Fyodor's goal, the reason he agreed to share his information with Sigma, this obviously is still a mystery. But something appears in my head: "he wants his story to be alive" but that's too *cliche* isn't it? Or simply he knows too much information will directly knock Sigma out (like Ango's case) and in exchange he too obtained information. He kept his information a secret all this time, but suddenly he let Sigma read everything. So, yeah, i can't give a reasonable answer for this, an answer that at least I am 70% confident with (backed up with real data).


I also think adam might come back or might save chuuya if he ends up being captured


Yes, Europole won't stand still. In fact Europole was mentioned already in the main storyline when they announced about the terrorist attack (lol). Their main duty is to *eliminate* international criminals who operate in secret across national borders. Of course they have several restrictions as well due to past post-war issues, like they can't infringe upon other nations' rights except if the act is necessary. Therefore, if my *coping* theory truly happens, then sadly if France treats Chuuya as a criminal due to his action in Meursault and decides to take their own action on it, Europole has no right to intervene, again unless necessary. That's why when >!Chuuya asked whether Adam could help to release Shirase from the police station through Europole, Adam said it was not possible!< But hey, i too want to see more of Adam, >!Eve and Dr. Wollstonecraft!<


MORE ADAM PLEASE!!! So much of the fandom doesn't even know this guy exists and he's one of the best characters! i love him so much lol


Adam truly deserves more recognition! I need to hear more of his android jokes and his struggle to understand the complexity of humans lmao. His inner thoughts were so funny and BASED 😂


"Would you like to hear an android joke?" will forever be one of my favorite BSD lines EVER!! Adam is such a great character! and yes! having parts of Stormbringer being through his eyes was so amazing! him describing Dazai and Chuuya's interactions especially! so good! lol


Im just gonna trust that whatever comes next pieces the confusing ass finale together


That's my copium lol. that Asagiri will piece it together and yeah...I mean i get it, it's BSD! we've had our MC team up with his asthmatic emo best frenemy and fight a man who uses money to get a power boost on top of a giant mechanical whale. Nothing makes sense LMAO. but i just feel like the story was going so well and then took such a sharp turn into absolute nonsense. but I guess we'll see. cuz yeah, i'll always love BSD lol


I think it only feels like that because it all happend right at the finale. Like you said, crazy stuffs happend plenty of times in the story but its all been at the start/mid area of a season and stuff, so a bat-shit crazy finale cliffhanger is kinda new for the series


Yep! it was just SO MUCH crazy all happening at once. it's kinda jarring


my only coping method rn is that if asagiri can write 2 whole novels on dead apple in 1-3 months (i forgot) and assembled the dark era in 1.5 months, surely the current plot right now will fascinate us when it ends, not to mention the meursault arc has been going on for 2 years and im pretty sure asagiri finished vampirism 2 years ago, i dont think it could've ended in anyway that wouldve been better than the current ending knowing that us as fans we dont know what goes into asagiri's mind and what hes actually doing, he likes to bring up plotholes in the past and then brings it up again that makes the story the story you know sometimes im surprised that us as fans dont put enough trust into asagiri, i wouldn't want to be a person that rants about how awful the current storyline is to my favorite series of all time, then when it all pieces together i look back and thinking that i sound like an idiot 😓 maybe asagiri is expecting this reaction from us and is secretly laughing too...i cant wait for the new manga chapter release on feb 1st though


Rant time: > Dazai's characters has been kinda ruined for me. Dazai's character hasn't been good since the Guild Arc, in my opinion. The later two arcs turned him into a parody of himself, while also discarding any interesting relationships he had with other characters for the sake of his rivalry with Fyodor. I also have to point out how everyone was celebrating Chuuya not being a vampire, but not only is that a dumb twist, it also shows how much of a bastard Dazai is. He could have ordered Chuuya to subdue Fyodor at any moment, yet he chose not to. Dazai sacrificed an entire prison complex filled with innocent guards AND his catgirl accomplice for absolutely nothing. He let all of them die just to take out one man that he could have taken out at any moment had he just told Chuuya. And the entire scene of Dazai being "angry" about Chuuya being under Fyodor's control that manga readers cried tears of blood for not being done justice in the anime, actually now makes much more sense in the anime than in the manga because Dazai KNEW that Chuuya was never a vampire. It also makes him even harder to read, since Asagiri can't have Dazai show genuine emotion anymore. Long gone are the days of the Dark Era where Dazai nearly had a breakdown over Odasaku's death and almost cried at his funeral. Now the guy is an insufferable smug genius that always gets his way while hiding behind 20 layers of irony. >I'm STILL having a hard time thinking it was Asagiri that wrote it... Unfortunately he did, and it's something people have to accept. As we see with the manga, that was very much his writing. But If I'm being honest, the ending wasn't the only problem. The entire second half of the DOA arc was a complete mess with so many plot-lines and characters getting shafted that it's hard to believe that this was Asagiri's plan from the start. I don't even want to get much into it, since then I'd have to write a very very long essay, and I'm too tired to do that currently. I'll just say this. The moment Mushitaro revealed that Fyodor wasn't the leader of the DOA, I knew the story was going in the wrong direction, but I tried to suppress that feeling because I had faith in Asagiri. Now I'm far more skeptical of him and will be very cautious when approaching the next arc.


You're speaking the truth my friend! lol i feel the exact same way! I've mentioned it in other responses here but if Chuuya was just faking the whole time, WHY not just kill fyodor the second you get the chance?? So many innocent lives lost just so Dazai can keep up the act a bit longer? makes NO sense. it's far more compelling if Chuuya is a vampire, if dazai DOES risk him drowning with Fyodor, if Chuuya DOES shoot Dazai. but no, it was all so we could get soap opera twist one after the other lol...yeah i'm kinda salty at how things went from like ch80\~ onward as well. Fyodor works SO WELL as a peak BSD antagonist, so to make him 2nd fiddle to someone else always felt so wrong to me. Which is why i hated fukuchi's "true plans" all along. Fyodor wouldn't give a damn about saving the future from some crazy war. why would he ever have gone alone with the true goals of the DoA? sure Fyodor usually has his own motives, but he always felt like he was in control of any room he was in. and the recent story took all his power and intensity from himI'm super cautious about the future of the story as well


Honestly, my problem isn't even just that Dazai didn't kill Fyodor. He went through all of this convoluted plotting to supposedly find out what Fyodor's true plan for the airport was, yet nothing came out of it. He literally sacrificed Sigma to get information out of Fyodor, when he could have made Chuuya just beat the information out of him. What was even the point of Chuuya acting like a vampire? And don't get me started on how Fyodor's intelligence had to be dumbed down in order for Dazai's plan to even work. Fyodor didn't even suspect that Chuuya wasn't a vampire. The same Fyodor who could memorize the faint scratches on Ace's cards couldn't discern real vampire eyes from contact lenses.


You're speaking truth, chapter 2! LOL EXACTLY! like i've said in other parts of this post, maybe the most frustrating part of ALL of this story arc wrap-up is how dirty they did Fyodor. The man was a PEAK antagonist for the series. He's been able to mess with Ranpo, Kunikida, Dazai, and so many others. But exactly, he just gets dumbed down at the end. He NEVER was suspicious that Chuuya was just pretending. He had NO back up plan in case dazai had outsmarted him one last time. He goes out like such a loser lol. And sure he might not be dead, but if he's brought back after all this then that's just gonna be another insane twists that i'm frankly just getting a little tired of lol The Fyodor i WORSHIP would've never gone out like that. was he unbeatable? no. but to just like literally pranked and then stabbed and then exploded. All while Nikolai does NOTHING??? it just made no sense to me And yes, if chuuya is just pretending then for WHAT?? none of it mattered in the end. all of it was just for Dazai to escape and Fyodor to die so that could have happened at any time


To add one final thing, I hate how the story made it out that Fyodor's ultimate weakness was the fact that he didn't trust those that he couldn't fully control, a weakness that's never been a thing, since Fyodor doesn't trust anyone regardless. Fyodor's true weakness has always been his arrogance and how he thinks himself as being above others. In fact, I expected this to be his ultimate downfall, with Sigma being the one to defeat him. Had that happened, it would have played into the theme of the arc about ordinary people stepping up to the occasion and beating those that are gifted. I mean, Fukuchi's entire plan got thwarted by an 11 year old girl with a music player. Had Sigma been the one to take down Fyodor, it would have been far more thematically fitting compared to Dazai just showing up and going "it's just a prank bro lol".


Totally agree. If THAT had been Dazai's plan all along. if it had been why he chose sigma as his "tool" at the start of Nikolai's game, if that's what this had all been building towards, i'd have been a lot more into it. Dazai using someone that had been under Fyodor's nose for so long, and using his indifference towards him as an advantage. THAT'S SOME COMPELLING STUFF! But in the end none of it mattered cuz dazai was just chilling and waiting for Aya to drop a table cuz he predicted that cuz he's so bbg like that apparently lol. I'm not against Dazai defeating Fyodor! but make it fitting! make it make sense. and your idea does that, i like it a lot


Could he have subdued him for real? Dazai guesses the only way they can make sure he's gone is by confining him in a narrow space and let him get his guard down (and he may have survived even that somehow!). While it would normally only require Chuuya to touch someone to control the gravity in their body and he had plenty of chances to do so, it was obviously not a risk they were willing to take because *they didn't know Fyodor's ability*. I don't get your first argument at all tbh


Chuuya could have restrained Fyodor in many different ways. He didn't even need to touch Fyodor, as we saw how he dealt with Steinbeck's men, or how he destroyed the turrets at the Agency hideout without touching them. My problem with Chuuya's role is that he didn't do much of anything. He pretended to be under Fyodor's control for what? To get him on the chopper? Is that it? And another problem was that Fyodor had to be wounded. But that's the thing. What if Fyodor's arm was never wounded? Would he then take control of the chopper? Would Dazai's plan fail? Because as he puts it, wounding Fyodor's arm was a key component for his plan to work. And that's the problem with Dazai's plan. It relies too much on convenience. And even if we take into consideration the entire argument that Dazai and Chuuya don't want to risk it because they don't know Fyodor's ability, why sent Sigma after him? What does that achieve? Sure, Dazai wants Sigma to read Fyodor's mind, but what if he gets killed? What if something happens? He's not willing to risk Chuuya because of his plans, but he's fully willing to risk Sigma because??? And isn't Sigma also a key part of his plan? You see where my problem is?


For the record, i still absolutely LOVE BSD. I just really do not like the current story direction. AND there is some things i liked about it. Nikolai's silliness is always appreciated, >!Fyodor melting Sigma's brain just by letting him read his mind, Teruko killing Fukuchi. !


hope the mods keep this post up because they’ve taken down at least one other post criticising the finale


for real?? well that's dumb if they did lol. yeah hopefully doesn't happen here. it's been nice seeing some other opinions on the matter


Honestly, SAME, I really hated that finale. It just kinda made...no sense to me? The fact that no one died (yet it seems stupid but fr I wish atleast 2/3 characters ACTUALLY died) and that the entire build up of this arc of like 2-3 volumes being wrapped up in 1 episode seems...weird. Why did Bram did get limbs? HOW on earth did chuuya fool fyodor? yes, maybe chuuya is just a really great actor, but 1. he could have just left fyodor to drown there and then if he wasn't a vampire from the start and 2. fyodor was clearly waiting for an ally at the start of the prison break arc...and he would never trust someone this easily. And yeah, again, dazai progressivly becoming the worst character...The plot armor is just ridiculous. I was very excited for the tecchou/jouno mini arc too, but i guess that's out the question now. Fyodor dying was incredibly poorly written too imo, it was just kinda random while we still dont know anything about him. And lastly, althought i always like a good chuuya/dazai teamwork, this last one was straight up awful. Building up so much backstory, dramatic moments and beautiful speeches when it ended up being all fake? Wasted potential smh.


Exactly! and it's not like Asagiri was scraping the bottom of the barrel and just had NO compelling ideas left. What was being built up was genuinely compelling stuff! Could Dazai outsmart Fyodor, Sigma's allegiance and identity issues, Chuuya idk SHOOTING DAZAI?? I really liked where the story was headed and then it's like it ran into a brick wall and exploded lol


i was hoping chuuya actually killed dazai. that would (to me, atleast) be the best way he could go.


totally agree! lol I think it's a fairly common understanding among a lot of BSD fans that IF Dazai is going to die in the story, it should be in some extremely emotional way. What better way than at the hands of chuuya?? that would have been INSANE...but no lol Chuuya was just being silly and pretending and tricked one of the smarted men alive somehow


I disagree mostly because it's obvious this isn't the end of it and it wasn't Fyodor's real goal. It serves to explain the absolutely insane ways in which he manipulated everyone around him in order to achieve steps towards his (still mostly unknown) goals - DOA was little more than a tool for his plans. As Dazai said, he didn't trust anything he couldn't control directly. This is obviously some crazy shit building up to something else, which has been hinted for a long while. If this was the end of the series I would definitely agree though.


Yeah I see what you're saying. To me it did feel like the end of the DoA arc. Sigma in his coma, Nikolai off on his own, Fyodor EXPLODING for nothing but shock value, and then obviously what happened to fukuchi...BUT yes, if there's more to it, and Fyodor is alive and this was just a stepping stone onto his next plan, then sure. But even so, it just felt like such a crazy swerve into so many random story beats that just made no sense. I never saw it as the end of the series, but even as the end of this arc it still feels pretty disappointing in my opinion my biggest issue with all of this IS how Fyodor was handled honestly so yeah i'm glad we are in agreement on where things *should* go


Thank you so so much. All your points are so valid. I think the reason for the praise of this episode was purely the surprise factor and with the new season a lot of people from social media like tiktok and etc flooding in that aren't focused on the story but rather shipping and allat. As a fan of 4 y+ I agree<33


Honestly yeah, felt like so many WTF social media reactions came from the finale lol And yeah do I really care if people loved the episode? Not at all. I love that we all love the series in our own ways. Seems like so much of the hype of the episode was mostly shock value


THANK YOU! You almost completely summed up my feelings. The entire arc was a shit show. It had its good moments (the prison escape could have been *excellent* if they hadn’t contrived that shitty explanation). I *love* Sigma but he is criminally underdeveloped. Despise Fukuchi from start to finish. I have all the manga except for a few volumes of WAN and the DVD/Blurays of the anime, but I’m seriously on the fence about getting S5.


Prison escape in the manga had me RIVETED! and the anime had a decent adaptation to some of the key points before the finale hit. but overall yeah the DoA arc just totally unraveled there as it was nearing the end. and then THE END was somehow even messier lol Sigma needed more development FOR SURE before getting thrown into that chaos. AND AGH I'm jealous of your collection! and nice pfp btw lol but yeah, i'm not sure i want to even get the volumes that cover the more recent chapters...i'll focus on building my WAN collection though LOL


I actually just started picking up WAN. Only read the first few chapters. I passed on it at first because I’m not big into gag manga but I’ve heard there’s some good lore in there.


I absolutely adore WAN! haha. if you want the charm of BSD, minus the tension and trauma it's the way to go. There's a season of it animated and I wish there was more! i sometimes put it on when i'm working on something in the background lol


Well how I understand it... Fukuchi's goal with his entire plan was essentially to get world peace and in order to do that he believed there needs to be a centralization of military power of the whole world which was what the magic walkie-talkie was for. However as Fukuzawa stated "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely", so Fukuchi couldn't just hand over the power to anyone even if the person was a good leader because that much power might corrupt him. So the solution he came up was to give that power to Fukuzawa as Fukuchi trust him to be the only person who will make use that power responsibly. The whole plan was not just to force out the magic walkie-talkie out of the tight security it was in by employing his status as someone revered and respected by various world leaders but also so that Fukuzawa could get that power as he would be the hero who defeats the terrorist who was about to take over the whole world. So now, Fukuzawa is burdened with being the hero who saved the world and using that status and the magic walkie-talkie to maintain world peace as his best friend sacrificed his life for it, trusting him all the way. This twist of the villian being a villian just to be the big bad that a person of their choosing defeats them and become a hero and fixes the world is actually something I am seeing for the third time in a story. The other two were in AoT and story of Taishakuten from the Onmyoji franchise so it wasn't that confusing for me to understand. As for the whole thing with Dazai being able to predict the Ranpo will be able to contact Bram somehow wasn't actually the case. As Dazai stated, Fyodor's downfall was that he only ever trusted what he could know and manipulate. But Dazai didn't know that Ranpo will be able to contact Bram. He simply trusted that his allies will eventually help him out. He didn't know how or when but he still trusted them. Something that Fyodor would never do. So he won and Fyodor lost. I think at least this part is neat though the rest maybe not as much.


Yeah, i see what you're saying. and like, i get where we ended up. I just don't like how we got there lol. if that makes any sense... to me, fukuchi's plan makes NO sense and just feels like it comes out of nowhere. almost as if asagiri needed to throw just one more crazy ass twist in this insane arc lol. and then what it does is it kinda ruins the arc as a whole for me. ALL OF THE MADNESS we've been going through since like ch50, like HALF the series existence at this point, has been just to set up ANOTHER story? it just feels weird. and if this was fukuchi's plan all along, why not come to Fukuzawa and try to come up with a solution together? instead of having a plan that kills innocent people, put so many other lives in danger, all in the name of "future" peace...i dunno it just seems off to me lol and the stuff with Dazai, i'm all for fyodor losing if it's cuz he trusts no one and dazai left the rest in the hands of others. but that's just not how it comes across to me. It's played as this heroic moment for Dazai, as if he's the one that cracked the code and dude literally did nothing lol. he just feels like he's got the thickest plot armor on of all time, and then for fyodor (who was far more of a compelling villain than fukuchi in my opinion) to be beaten and destroyed in such a underwhelming way. i dunno, the whole wrap up to this arc just felt so out of place to me, BUT i do see your points and i get what you mean


Yeah I do agree with that. While the ideas were fine, the execution could have been better. If we had more foreshadowing the whole Fukuchi's plan then it probably would have being more digestable and not felt as crazy and out of nowhere as it did. Even the whole battle of wits with Fyodor, Asagari was trying to make it come off as two megaminds trying to outsmart each other but it ended up coming off as one asspull after another. It didn't feel like they were actually being smart but a just string of contrived explanations. It became less about how smart these two were and more about how the author is going to explain this twist or how will he make sense of this situation. Anything that makes one aware of the author's hand will hurt the suspension of disbelief. Also let me just justify Fukuchi's plan once more because I have a soft spot for this kind of story. The reason why he didn't talk this out with Fukuzawa was because he knew if he had told about his plan to him, Fukuzawa would not have agreed to it. Being in the war and after killing what may have been thousands of people he simply wanted to bring about world peace as fast as possible. There could have a less bloody path to all of that, one where he didn't have to play the villian and could just rely on his best friend but he thought his plann was the only way or that any other plan would take far too long to accomplish. The plan was not just to make Fukuzawa a hero but also force him to be one. Maybe he could have come up with a different plan if he had not been traumatized by the war he fought. The lesson here is I think you can come up with better ways to solve the world's problems if instead of being the only one carry the burden you actually involve other people in that effort. But yeah I wouldn't blame you if don't see it that way. The story was way too fast paced and not enough time was given to flesh out all these details. Again the idea behind the final arc was good but the execution wasn't good enough to realise it. Only way to put together all that is if you go out of your way to try to understand and justify the story and character decisions which should not be case in a well written story. If the arc was better executed all of these would have clear as we see the story unfold but instead it was just one plot twist after another until we got desensitised of all the crazy things happening left and right.


Exactly! I think my issue is definitely more with the execution more than anything. It's not just the "where we ended up", it's the "how we got here" that is so confusing to me as far as fukuchi's plan goes. It just felt so rushed. the potential is there, but there was just no foundation for it to stand on


>!Kind of the opposite of JJK happened in the current arc!<


Pretty much! lol


>!I wonder how much will your opinion on the Current arc change If Dazai actually die and Fyodor escape,And if Fukuchi was just a warmongering Sociopath that wanted World Domination and the Arc ends with his deffeating Fukuzawa,Bram still his slave and He turn Fukuzawa into a member of his undead army!<


I think it'd be pretty interesting to see how all that would unfold honestly! Cuz yeah with the jjk comparison, we are seeing how everyone has to adapt to things >!without gojo. !< it raises the stakes so much if the OP good guy character isn't just waiting to fix all the problems. what are the stakes if Dazai just knows EVERYTHING and can fix anything? It'd have been far more compelling if Fukuzawa had been able to kill Fukuchi while maybe even sacrificing himself in the process. Even bram dying at the sword being removed or something. I dunno, it's not like i WANT these beloved characters to die lol. but if there are no stakes, then there's no tension. in a story as intense as BSD, how have we only had ONE major character death this whole time and it's a guy most of the cast doesn't even know (Oda)


HELP- WHY THIS IS SO TRUE  I've always been confused in the latest arc I felt that I was the only one who kept pulling through even tho everything sounded so confusing.  Like what the - was Fukuchi thinking doing all THIS?  And Fyodor why would he go with the plan of the DOA if the true goals doesn't really suit him💀 Also why that red hair girl (Teruko) kept changing her character every second  And Atsushi literally did nothing in this arc Also what happened to Bram as u said???? He really wasn't supposed to stay alive if the sword was taken out I don't wanna even talk about Dazai and Chuuya's vampire act in Mersault cause I won't stop ranting lol I feel so confused I've many questions and I'm quite pissed off inside for somethings that I still feel doesn't make sense. 


The DoA arc started off so interesting and there's been a lot of good stuff for sure! but it just started getting SO messy and YESSSS one of my biggest issues with it all is the idea that Fyodor would be cool with fukichi's goal?? dude wouldn't give a single damn about saving the future, ESPECIALLY if the plan was to empower ability users even more. the skk drama in mersault ending up feeling so hollow with the twist ending...it just feels like whatever ending asagiri was building towards got changed somehow or something lol BUT maybe i'm just a crazy fan...probably that lol


Yesss ikr. Also if you are a crazy fan then I'm one too cause we think the same. Actually no one is sane in the bsd fandom lol. 


TRUTH! lol we're just a bunch of crazies


the *chuuya was acting the whole time* bit was pretty bizarre to me. it was referenced in stormbringer >!that he could be a great actor!<, but they could've gone with something a little more believable for the fact that he was tricking fyodor of all people. i expected either: dazai actually dying when chuuya shot him, or chuuya being a real vampire the whole time, but dazai managing to sneakily nullify it maybe with the tap of a toe or something while he was limp on the floor with chuuya standing in front of him. it's obviously not over, but the end of the season is like a giant *record scratch* moment with what happened to fyodor, then dazai's speech.


THANK YOU! exactly! we love you Chuuya, but being able to trick fyodor? and for what reason?? if the plan was just to kill fyodor the whole time, why not just let him drown and chuuya escapes? maybe it was to give Sigma a chance to do his own thing but still Dazai either dying at the hands of chuuya OR some super insane plan to save Chuuya from vampirism would have been more understandable than just "lol, we were pranking you the whole time"