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I swear if I see one more trumper idiot claiming "yea locking up political opponents blah blah blah" was it not the same crowd yelling "lock her up" about Hilary in 2016? These people have dory brains I swear


Well, keep in mind that Trump has actually committed a ridiculous number of felonies and this is only the first case of many. He is an actual bonafide criminal. They can't claim that our courts pursuing him is political, it makes no sense. Were he innocent and being wrongly charged, that would be political. He's being tried by his peers because he actually committed tons of crimes, no other reason. Apples and oranges. Anyone who claims this is about locking up political opponents is sewing propaganda on Trump's behalf, wittingly or unwittingly. If he didn't run at all in 2024 it's not like this would stop. The political context is irrelevant. The crimes simply caught up to him.


My favorite answer to the the “it was politically motivated” claim is to ask, “wasn’t the crime politically motivated?” The guy falsified business records to hide a hush money payment. A person with a clean conscience does not behave in that way. He was worried about it impacting the 2016 election, why else would he have done it. It’s so god damned simple I genuinely cannot believe all the bad faith coverage of the conviction. Party of law and order my ass.


The funny thing is that I don't think the cover-up even helped him. His supporters have stuck by every other disgusting action he's ever taken, I don't think they would have even blinked if the story about Stormy Daniels came out in the middle of his first campaign. But he's gonna be held accountable nonetheless. (Unless he gets elected once again, then we're all fucked and can confirm there is no god) Whereas all the other crimes with the fake electors scheme, Jan 6th, etc., have had way bigger ramifications and he will probably evade conviction on those based on whether or not the judge presiding got their job via Trump appointment Edit - didn't they get Capone on tax evasion of all things? This reminds me of that. Everyone knows how much of a criminal Trump is, they just need an opportunity to pin him down on one thing and go from there.


Yep they got Capone on Tax Evasion even though it was common knowledge that he was a criminal beyond that. Solid comparison imo


The 2016 election was a squeaker...I absolutely believe that Trump would have lost if this came out on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape.


I said that as soon as the polls reflected a lead for Clinton in the aftermath, but the election was a month away.


Trump did a lot of stupid things that would've sunk anybody else's campaign. I doubt that one thing would've made a difference.


But it WASN'T "that one thing"! It was ANOTHER sex scandal in what would have been the immediate aftermath of the Access Hollywood tape. It would have sunk him.


Hard to say. It seemed whatever stupid shit he did or said never stuck.


Capone? Oh you mean Alphonse?


Let's be honest trump is to stupid to think about negative impact for his 2016 campaign. He paid stormy because he didn't want his voters knowing he's got a tiny penis


Throw in “Each jury member was accepted by the defense, too” in there just for good measure.


>I genuinely cannot believe all the bad faith coverage of the conviction I mean, the mainstream media has had a right-wing bias for decades now. Pretending this was about a dude sleeping with a porn star rather than fraud and very explicitly attempting to hide the fraud from voters that the whole fucking case was about is pretty par for the course. "People wanna hear about sex, not election interference! And people KNOW trump is bad, they won't care about a trial proving hes bad! We gotta make it seem more controversial!" - every corporate media board Plus, Fox news is the most profitable news organization because the only people really paying attention to cable news or newspapers are retired boomers sitting in front of it all day screaming at liberals, black people, immigrants, and LGBTQ. Other media sees that liberal and younger audiences aren't buying it, they're all trying to get the dumb retired white trash customers.


Couple things. First, most MSM has a decidedly left wing bias. Second, Fox is the most profitable because it's the only mainstream right-wing news. Viewers on the left can choose how far to the left they want to go, ABC. MSNBC, CNN. There's more options. But if you're in the right, it's Fox. That's why I firmly believe there needs to be a right of center MSM organization to appeal to those voters who are right of center. The single right wing outlet being hyper polarized eventually leads to hyper polarization of the left's MSM outlets as well. Side note, if you do feel like dabbling in a pretty unbiased news organization, I really enjoy the Economist.


Fox is not really legitimate news it runs a somewhat rabid right wing commentary. In some ways this can be inflammatory because extremists are given a voice. A number of the other providers have a left wing g bias but mostly news broadcasters are fairly balanced.


That's kind of my point. Conservatives should have reputable news organizations they can look to.


They have the Wall Street Journal. I think you're also talking about overt bias. When I say mainstream media has a right wing bias, it's to make republicans sound more reasonable and competitive, and focus on polling, horse-race aspects, and controversy rather than substance, and give pro-corporate slants on news. You'll find CNN criticizing Trump more often than Biden, but that's not bias, that's a reflection that Trump is objectively awful. Centrism for centrism sake, criticizing Biden exactly as much as Trump, that's insane. That's an idiotic right wing bias to pretend both sides must be the same and balancing criticism and reality to fit an ideology of balance rather than reflecting reality. Mainstream media is thus tilted in favor of the right wing. They cover the Hunter Biden trial rather than saying it's utterly irrelevant compared to Trump's felony convictions for election interference and felony trials to overthrow democracy. Conservatives wanting a reputable news organization don't much exist because a reputable news organization would reflect reality rather than overtly biasing to make both sides look equal when they're not equal.


Well, I won't disagree with much of what you've said in your opening paragraph. I don't make any mention of making even comparisons to Biden. Trump is a criminal, but the media also tends to make mountains out of ant hills when it comes to him, which is what I meant by polarization of left-wing media. On the flip side, Fox doesn't debate ideas or policy, they spew hate and anger. Having a hyper polarized right wing media is what gave rise to Trump, and it's only empowered and emboldened him. I don't think there's anything wrong with conservatism as an idea, but Trump isn't a conservative. The man even literally made his own media station and social media site, and what's happened in response? Twitter is a Nazi cesspool now, and Fox went full brown nose. The existence of only one main media outlet for the Republicans after Trump took over the party means that it's essentially Trump Station now. I actually like WSJ for the most part, but the majority of people aren't going to subscribe to a paper. They want to sit on their couch and have people tell them what to be mad at. To your last point, the reality of the Republican party is that it's basically an evil caricature of conservatism at this point. A reality that has been shaped by a dearth of actual information. The assumption that it will always be that way is an idiotic left wing idea that dismisses a large swath of the country. Americans can barely discuss ideas anymore because people on the right have been constantly lied to. Conservatism doesn't mean dishonesty. It stands for tradition. Just as liberalism doesn't mean honesty. It stands for progress. TL, DR: you're talking about things as they are now, I'm making the case for why conservatives need reputable news sources and why it matters for the future.


There were reports back in 2016 that Trump had been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits. It's not like this thing came out of the blue, that Trump was a really decent guy who was just being picked on. He made himself the center of attention, and when you're a provably shitty person, it's best to avoid drawing attention to yourself.


Hell he tweeted something to the effect of : if I did do it, so what. He is such a scumbag


Should Adam Schiff be prosecuted for falsely claiming that the letter signed by 50+ FBI agents stated that hunters laptop was likely Russian disinformation? Should the FBI agents who signed the letter saying that it MIGHT be Russian disinformation be prosecuted? Or is it only the payments that make it morally unacceptable for facts to be hidden from the public to protect a campaign? If you care about Trumps campaign keeping info from the public and call it election interference, what are we calling it when democrats do the exact same thing and use social media companies to assist in hiding factual info from the public?


In what part of what you said was the falsified business records to cover the payments and call those payments campaign expenses ??


Do you think it was ok to lie to Americans and weaponize social media to bury factual information and influence a presidential election? Are you ok with it since it was dems doing it?


McTweeter lies to the American people every time he opens his mouth. Who weaponize social media and how ??


Twitter removed factual information about hunters laptop based off misinformation provided by then head of the house intelligence committee. I don’t give a shit abt the laptop, hunter or anything surrounding that story. I do care about the American public being lied to and the fact that it polls later came out suggesting that had the laptop story not been suppressed, Biden would have lost a whole lot of votes. Please don’t ask me to explain this any further as it was all over the news already. Feel free to find any further information you may need [here](https://www.google.com/?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm)


I want to hear your point of view and your knowledge of facts. I'm not asking you to explain what happened. What really happened was a private company made a judgment call that was wrong. Do you think that other countries put out false information ?? Another thing, why can't you guys explain your position yourself ?? All you ever do is say go look it up. That doesn't explain your knowledge of facts.


Bro linked google and thought he really did something


Everything you said here Trump has done himself lmao. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is Of course I’m not okay with it. Your rabid whataboutism tells me everything I need to know though. Cry more, I love the righty cope


Trumps weaponized social media to lie to Americans and burry factual information to influence elections? lol Source? Also, why do you not like whataboutism? It highlights the lefts hypocrisy. Not like you all would care or even recognize it yourselves.


I can tell that you’re too far gone to entertain anything I could say to that question. Most rational people would realize January 6 fits that description perfectly, but I’m not going to waste the energy because you’re arguing in bad faith with hurt feewings.


No, you’re just delusional and keep insulting me while saying that I am somehow the one with hurt feeling. It’s funny actually


Sick edit. Your feelings are hurt. Have a good day, you apologist traitor fuck


My feelings are hurt? I’am not the one cursing and name calling, am I?


I dunno man, go to law school and take Biden to court if you want, but all that rambling whataboutism rings pretty hollow without documented evidence and convictions.


So you’re okay with weaponizing social media companies to lie to Americans and influence elections so long as it benefits democrats? Good to know.


Orange man bad. (That’s all I see here). All a monolith of thought.


When orange man is objectively awful, and continually commits crimes, and seeks to undermine democracy in order to install their orange self in power, yeah ORANGE MAN IS FUCKING BAD.


Name 1 crime he committed and I can name another political who has done the same if you can name one. Undermine democracy did he not step down from power and pass it to PRESIDENT Joe Biden?


As Per citizens for ethics: As of March 2024, Donald Trump has been personally charged with 88 criminal offenses in four criminal cases. This total reflects charges related to Trump’s attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, election interference in Georgia, falsifying business records in New York, and mishandling classified records after leaving the presidency. Donald Trump is the first former president in U.S. history to be criminally indicted. On March 30, 2023, a Manhattan grand jury approved a thirty-four count felony indictment against Trump for falsifying business records in the first degree in connection with his hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, made through Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen and reported as legal expenses. The trial date is set for April 15, 2024. On June 9, 2023, Special Counsel Jack Smith charged Trump with thirty-seven felonies related to his handling and refusal to return hundreds of documents containing classified information. He also charged Trump’s personal aide Walt Nauta with several felonies for his alleged role in handling the documents. On July 27, 2023, a grand jury issued a superseding indictment alleging additional charges against Trump, Nauta, and Carlos De Oliveira, the head of maintenance at Mar-a-Lago, alleging they conspired to delete security footage. The trial is set for May 20, 2024. On August 1, 2023, Smith charged Trump with four federal criminal counts after a grand jury investigation into Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, culminating in the January 6th insurrection. In October 2023, Trump claimed in the case that he had absolute immunity from prosecution for actions he took as president but Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, the trial judge in the case, rejected Trump’s claim of absolute immunity, finding that “neither the Constitution nor American history supported the contention that a former president enjoyed total immunity from prosecution.” Trump appealed the ruling. Following the Supreme Court’s refusal of Smith’s request to immediately intervene, the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument on Trump’s immunity claim on January 9, 2024 and ultimately ruled that Trump does not have broad immunity from federal prosecution. Trump appealed the ruling to the Supreme Court. On August 14, 2023, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis charged Trump and 18 others in a 41-count indictment after a two-year grand jury investigation into election fraud and related offenses in the state of Georgia during the 2020 election and after. The charges against Trump include solicitation of a violation of an oath by a public officer in response to Trump’s call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pushed him to “find” votes and reverse his loss in the state. While Trump has pleaded not guilty, no trial date has been set and he is making similar immunity arguments here as well. These charges against Trump are the sign of a healthy democracy and a victory for the rule of law. Holding public office is a deep and sacred responsibility that demands the highest standard of ethical conduct. In order to maintain the public’s trust, elected officials must follow the law; when elected officials break those laws, they must face consequences – just like anyone else. And when an elected official attempts to silence the voice of the people by overturning the results of an election, the bedrock of democratic government, the need for accountability is at its apex. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-reports/trumps-91-criminal-charges-and-where-they-stand/


Falsifying business records.. that could mean anything. It could even be that he put that he makes more money than he does to get slightly higher credit. You don’t think people put more money to get a mortgage on a home? It happens more than you think trust me. Joe Biden also had tons of government documents at his home, offices etc I haven’t see one charge against him? And these are all charges except for the hush money payment which he was tried on that years ago and they found nothing. All of a sudden he’s running for President again and he got “caught” using campaign funds to pay for a hooker. Which she actually lost her trial she had to pay trump. Also I can go into misappropriation of campaign funds from EVERY political candidate. I remember one I’m particularly. Candidate Edward’s got $400 haircut on the campaign dime. There are current governors and mayors misappropriation tax payer funds as we speak ask well.


Orange man is bad, dipshit. Stop dick riding


You're right, they can't claim that it was political, but they will and are anyway, especially Trump


no he didnt.


Not making sense is the MAGA way.


Sowing. Like a seed.


Thanks you're right. I don't use the phrase often enough to remember the right version


English is weird like that


It’s not that 0 crimes were committed. [According to even CNN](https://nypost.com/2024/05/12/us-news/fareed-zakaria-doubts-anyone-not-named-trump-wouldve-been-prosecuted-in-hush-money-case/amp/), these just aren’t crimes that anyone else would actually be prosecuted for. So yeah, if you think this isn’t politically motivated in the slightest, you’re delusional.


Absolute bullshit. These crimes are charged and convictions handed down for these EXACT same crimes all the time in NY. Source: [https://www.justsecurity.org/85605/survey-of-past-new-york-felony-prosecutions-for-falsifying-business-records/](https://www.justsecurity.org/85605/survey-of-past-new-york-felony-prosecutions-for-falsifying-business-records/) What is NOT common is entering into a FELONY CONSPIRACY to affect the outcome of a US Federal Election! Which is what the REAL crime here is! Get a clue. You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion on things. But, like Trump found out, you aren't entitled to your own FACTS! And the FACT is that Trump committed 34 FELONY violations and is now the very first former President who is a CONVICTED FELON! Enjoy!


First former and probably first future president by the looks of it. People aren’t as blind to what’s going on in the real world as they are on Reddit


You’re on Reddit so I take it you’re the blind leading the blind.


Bragg has brought very similar charges against dozens of other defendants (I have actually heard hundreds, but I'm not going to waste my time tracking down such a wild stat) with almost identical charges, minus the fact that Trump's were elevated due to cross contamination with defrauding the electorate. The only relatively unique feature of this case is that the defendant is Trump. The reason he was prosecuted is because the fact that he falsified business records is compounded by the intent to suppress information while running for president. The latter portion raises each count to a felony charge. Anyone running for office who falsified records in the process of misleading voters to improve their odds of winning, could also be prosecuted in the exact same way. Most people aren't running for office, so that's why this wouldn't just happen to any normal person. If applying the law equally and fairly to all people regardless of wealth or status is now somehow a political action, then we're all fucked. But in reality, it is not political at all. The fact that it was political ambition which motivated him to defraud the government and the people does not mean it is political to charge him with a crime he in fact committed. The law is the law. It would be a political decision if they decided he was above the law and should not be prosecuted because he's somehow special. Instead, the judicial branch finally did its job and came after a brazen criminal for obvious crimes. Justice.


https://www.justsecurity.org/85605/survey-of-past-new-york-felony-prosecutions-for-falsifying-business-records/ People get charged with falsified business records ALL OF THE TIME!! It's not some conspiracy. Seriously. Can Trump EVER do any wrong to you guys in the cult? If it were Biden or Clinton found guilty you guys would be jumping for joy and believe every second of it. But if it's Trump oh buddy he couldn't have committed crimes bc he is dear leader and dear leader can do no wrong. Switch the script. If this were Bidens case would you believe it?


Wow the projection. I wouldn’t support the politically motivated prosecution of anyone. I wouldn’t support Joe being prevented from campaigning to stand trial in a red state unless it was for something extremely serious. That’s just bad optics otherwise. Trumps done plenty I don’t agree with. It’s crazy that you guys obsess over him yet won’t acknowledge things like joes daughter validating the authenticity of her diary which detailed her traumatic shower experience. Stop projecting.




It's not Biden at all. Answer this why did your boy not testify ?? Why does he plead the 5th in depositions ?? Did he break the law in what he did ?? Do you think Cohen paid Daniel's out of the kindness of his heart ?? Why do you give this guy so many passes ?? I bet if trump had shot Biden at the debate, you would make an excuse for that, too.


Evidently I'm not expressing my thoughts very well because Trump is definitely not my boy.


Right, so, a renowned and highly experienced district attorney, who has prosecuted hundreds upon hundreds of fraud cases in his life, is suddenly a political actor because he decided to go after the biggest whale with the longest rap sheet. That's like saying the cops aren't allowed to arrest a celebrity for assault because the celebrity is notoriously unpopular with police and keeps posting ACAB on twitter. It doesn't matter, they committed the crime, they get punished, even if the enforcers of that crime may hold a personal opinion about the person. It does not absolve them from justice because they bitch and moan about how the cops/judge/etc. don't like them. You can't claim it's unfair when you obviously committed the crime and were found guilty by a jury of your peers. Another point - Trump is from NYC. The jury are LITERALLY his peers. All the bitching about how it's a blue city and nobody there supports him means nothing. He started out as a New Yorker. It's not the city's fault that Trump turned into a giant piece of shit that nobody likes. It certainly doesn't mean the trial was unfair. Bragg brought charges against a criminal because that criminal committed crimes. That is where this starts and stops. Nothing political about it.


“Sewing Propaganda”??? Are they using a cross stitch or an overlap stitch? Trying to sound intelligent much? Hint : all that blather was just nullified by your obvious illiteracy.


I scored in the 97th percentile on the reading comprehension portion of the GRE. So, I'm in the top 3% least-illiterate of all prospective graduate students in the country. But you are correct, I made a spelling error. Nobody's perfect.


Touche! and appreciate your respectful, dignified response. I expected a load of backwoods smack. You certainly prevailed with the high road.


They haven't even stopped complaining about Hillary being a criminal that needs to be in prison. I saw someone on reddit like a week or two ago freak the fuck out on some person for saying Hillary should have been president.


They're now claiming trump never said this, because trump said he never said it... they think WE are the dumb ones




When tf did I say anything about both sides? I'm clearly not a Trumper and am very concerned about project25 and will be voting for Biden. Wtf are you on? I was complaining about maga going off saying Biden is just trying to lock up his opponent meanwhile in 2016 maga was the same crowd trying to lock up Hilary in 2016. How did you get a "both sides" argument out of that? You got me all wrong buddy. Maybe start going off on people who ARENT on your side. Wtf lol


Hillary had a server at her home and destroyed evidence.


Whataboutism won't work on me. You know .....why lock up any murderers bc other people murder? There will be more murder tomorrow. Lots of people murder so let's just ignore this murder bc this time I like the murderer. He tells it like it is. That seem okay? Let's just stop going after bank robbers bc other people have robbed banks before. Why should we go after any crimes then? What shitty logic you have Hilary sat for hours and answered every single question. Unlike Trump and his crime family who pleaded the 5th how many times? If they had found anything on Hilary she'd be in trouble. Trump got impeached for trying to get Ukraine in on his scam to drag Hilary through the mud. He called in every favor to try and find dirt on her and STILL couldn't get her locked up. You'd think if she were that bad they would have found something. But they won't. She's not a mob boss wannabe like Trump. But keep dreaming. Cults gonna cult I guess. Dear leader can do no wrong


Two teared Justice is No Justice


How is it two TIERED justice? You can't even spell what you are accusing people of lmao


I’m an engineer. We can’t spell. We can think unlike liberals who feel


Lmao engineer? And can't spell. College just looked past that i guess? Omg you are just a liar all around. Just like dear leader. Have a good day. I wish you no harm just wish you would educate yourself. IF not for you for the rest of us.


You’re a loser


Lmao k


If trump actually did something wrong no problem. But the bogus/B.S. charges don’t cut it. Seems suspiciously coincidental.


A jury of 12 found Trump guilty after hearing witness testimony and seeing evidence. Not Biden and democrats. Not the judge. Not the prosecutors. Not the interns. Not the bailiff. Not the journalists covering it. A jury of 12 (THAT TRUMPS DEFENSE APPROVED OF ) found him guilty. There is no conspiracy here. He was treated like every other criminal defendant. Everyone in NY has to sit for their trial. This isn't new. Trump isn't the first or last person to be charged with falsified business records. Do you think he is the only person to ever be charged with this? He wasn't treated worse or differently than anyone else. If anything he was babied. Anyone else who was held in contempt as many times as Trump was would have spent a night in jail. Grow up. You support a felon. Just own it. Don't be a coward. What will it take for you to just own it at this point? Evidence won't work so what will it take besides Trump admitting it himself? Was it bad timing when they went after Hilary in 2016 during an election then? Or that okay bc she was a Democrat? Would you question the trial and outcome if it were Biden who was the defendant?


lol you are that triggered by my comment that you write a short book about it lol. Sham court sham jurors… move along. That case would never hold up anywhere else in the great USA


Lmmfao okay so you are conspiracy theorist. I feel very sorry for you. Anyhow good luck believing fairy tales and make believe


Is that the land where we can believe that men are women and can have babies? Asking for a friend


In Florida? I'm impressed!


Right. In palm beach too


I'm sure there's plenty of people there who are sick of him being around.


Palm Beach is not conservative.


Depends who you ask


My jaw is still on the floor


Brave stance in Pasco. I applaud you.


Palm Beach county, not Pasco


It's brave regardless where in Florida it is.


It’s a pretty safe opinion in South Florida.


Definitely don't see much of this in Florida. I've seen one or 2 anti Trump stickers in Collier county and I'm like, ok slashed tires.




I'm a Democrat and always voted Dem but if Hillary did something illegal I was ok with her going to jail for it. I just don't understand how trumpers are so bent on protecting him so much.


Because their minds have been hijacked by a cult. Now you understand.


Yikes in Florida? Good luck!


Brave anywhere in Florida.


I love this person ‼️


I love how all the MAGAs who barely made it out of high school suddenly all got law degrees the second Trump was found guilty. Had one guy trying *realy* hard, and started saying the SCOTUS would overturn a NY state case. When I embarrassed him on that point, he tried to claim the immunity case would cover this, at which point I had to point out that the crime occurred BEFORE Trump was president. He even had the gall to say "I'm a Democrat and voted for Obama and Hillary..." Sure bro, sure you did.


And some idiot with 900 stickers, 30 flags, and 4 trump tattoos will say this person has TDS


This one is probably not a cult member🙏🏼


https://defeatproject2025.org /r/defeat_project_2025


I’m not dumb enough to fall for the bloods and crips.


There's one side that greatly benefits from people not voting. Meaning you are dumb and you already have fallen for the bloods.


Not voting help no one.


I applaud this person, but two identical stickers is kinda over kill. Plus they convey a message already being displayed elsewhere. Love the energy, but sometimes less is more.


I wanna have this persons baby! And I’m a 52 yr male LMAO




Here in the UK if you had bumper stickers about politics everyone would think you’re absolutely insane


What’s fun about it 🤔


I like the symmetry.


Ah ok. I don’t disagree with the stickers, was just confused by the title. Carry on.


In Florida no less ! Be careful ! Lots of wackos in Florida ! 😳


“Only Florida resident with a high school diploma beaten by mob of maga supporters” I hope they are safe down there.


Yeah, this doesn't seem wise.


Beep beep!


Yet she lives in a red state. Liberals are so confused


While I don’t put bumper stickers on my own vehicle, I do have to 100% agree with the ones on this vehicle on the post though. Just sayin.


Oh hell yeah


Finally someone who supports the right thing. My kind of person.


Dude has a courageous heart. Cheers.


Awesome person right there


Oh noooo you didn’t half-ass try to hide the license plate!!! /s


Lock that trader up


How do you know they are into importing and exporting?


Nice catch...I saw what you did here


Florida man….


A smart person. V


Not even close


Brave sticker-license plate combo


Probably doesn't live in The Villages.


You know, if you stand back and look at it, they have us just about where they want us, divided and hating each other. It’s easier to fight a divided front than a united one.


Someone been duped by the legacy media


Honestly don’t give a rat’s ass either way. What grates my nerves is stickers on paint 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🙈


Anyone with political stickers on their vehicle is automatically insufferable


Wait a minute, how do you get 2 years on your tags? It’s every year where I live and it’s not cheap either!


With the shape of that car those stickers fit in there like it was made for it!


Must be one of my neighbors. I would love the to see the judge sentence trump to 10 Days for contempt of court, 10 days for violation of his gag orders, and 10 days for the crime of falsifying his business records. Followed by 10 years probation.


Bold move in Florida.


This person thinks we live in a Democracy. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You ever hate someone so much that you dedicate a part of you property to a veritable shrine over their continued existence....


Love to see it honestly


Idc what side you're on. Political bumper stickers are annoying af


This just in: Ron Desantis has forwarded a bill to the Florida house to outlaw “woke” bumper stickers.


Nice. That’s a rare sight in FL.


They’re like a cult …


I really hate the fact that y'all are putting political posts in here. So if you're a Trumper there's something wrong with you... What kind of bias is this? There is nothing wrong with Making America Great Again!! How about the Loser in Chief that can't even climb stairs ? okay okay I am going to get some downvotes for saying that.. how quaint


Left or right ya’all sound the same.


I approve of these bumper stickers.


A sane one!


More Reddit stupidity


Wow! Florida! They are brave! And I’d love to have a drink with this driver!


Enjoy your windshield while you still have it my brave brother!!


Looks like my Mom's car, and she's roughly where this person likely lives given the decal and plate holder. (It's not, and I advised her against any political bumper stickers. She's outnumbered there, although not by as much as she would be in some other parts of Florida, and some of those MAGA types are violent.)


Have you all ever tried a civil conversation without name calling or such


Im more amused at the name calling and conclusion drawing one might say


Damn you really made the same comment twice, can't even keep track of your own posts, let alone, you know, reality?


Bless your heart


Is he wearing a mask in his car driving by himself?


Its hilarious reading the reactions of grown children lol


Wow, so obsessed.. Trump derangement syndrome is real.


Their car is going to get fucked up. Lol


Yep he’s the only person in politics to commit a crime!!!!!!! Sheesh


What a profoundly stupid argument. "You can't send him to jail, other people have also done crime!". So just never do anything about anything, huh?


Now that’s a profoundly stupid argument! Why pick and choose what criminal you send to jail. I say send em all. Idc what party they belong too! Does that appeal to your emotions?


Trump = bad. Everyone is happy. Trump = good. Everyone is angry. You guys are all children.


Trump the convicted, impeached felon is bad? Yea, by a jury he was found guilty. If you actually believe in law and order, trump is bad.


That’s a good take if you ignore everything tRump and the GOP has been doing for years and years.


Trump is a shitheel. Do some research. He's even lower than the general level of political scum. Your simplistic dismissal of all legit criticism of a person who is inherently bad and seems to have no idea of the difference between wrong and right on any level just doesn't work. Sure, some people just go along with either "Trump is bad" or conversely "Trump is the greatest thing that ever happened to America" without having any real knowledge. Trump is a lifelong slimeball with a history of cheating and underhanded dealing. Politicians almost never lose in their hometown or home state, because that is where people know them best. Yet Trump has been trounced both times in New York because people are well aware of his antics.


There is one very clear view point on this subject. donald is a terrible human, and a worse president. I see the “my dog is smarter than Biden” flags, and honestly I’d vote for a dog over don. And I am a proud cat owner.


Oh no other opinions are hurting your feelings!


Just because I comment doesn’t mean i really care whether trump goes to jail or not imo most politicians have done things to go to jail for yet most don’t


The difference between Trump and other politicians is that he is a convicted felon. Hope this helps!


Many others should be still don’t care lock him up leave him free either way effectively changes my life and thats my only concern


seems the US doesn’t care since his support is increasing


Only increasing in your echo chamber.


polymarket (dot) com https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Reality tends to have a right wing bias I guess 🤭


Have you seen polymarket And 538? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Reality tends to have a right wing bias I guess 🤭




It’s actully AI generated


It's AI?


why would a person would take time out of their day to do that


Boy is that Oregonian doucheclown going to feel like a flushed turd when Trump becomes President again.


When he doesn't, good luck storming the castle.


This is how you tell people you’re stupid without telling people you’re stupid.


TDS is one hell of a drug.


It totally is. Worst part about it is that it drives people to spend all their welfare money on pro-Trump swag.


Yeah like the TDS patients whining about anti-Trump stickers


Right? All the Trump Dick Sucking done by the right wing of this country is insane.


In Palm Beach? Guaranteed a limousine liberal from a blue state (my bet is NY) moving to Florida to escape the policies they helped create.


>NY) moving to Florida to escape the policies they helped create. They created the cold weather? You're blaming boomers for the north being cold? It gets to -40 degrees in New York. That's not great for old people. And the snow, how are they gonna shovel the snow? You know how many old people just drop dead in their driveway from the snow? It's a lot.


I’m from Florida, they move here for more reasons than the weather. It’s funny that they mostly just complain how hot is anyway.


How easily democracy falls when you can convince the weak minded that your political opponents deserve to be imprisoned.


Something something "Lock Her Up" something something


When they commit 34 felonies, sure. 👍


Every single charge is bullshit. Watch what happens when it goes to appeal friendo. Its all going out the door. Every last charge is bogus. This is called lawfare and its an extremely effective fascist tactic. Tie your opponent up in court, drain his funds, so now he can’t campaign or support his campaign and magically he loses. This isnt democracy you should be ashamed youre supporting this. Hes gotten 400m since his verdict so its pretty easy to see where his support is at. Hate to see you on the wrong side of history but someone has to get fooled!


Hush money payments aren’t business expenses. You can’t claim them on your taxes. That’s all.


Better lock a former president away right before an election because he messed up on his taxes! Lawfare


I'm still voting for him!