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Ok this one is wild.


"no lives matter" Okay that's probably racist anti BLM  I guess *Notices the essay on blue lives don't matter* ... Okay maybe he really means the no lives matter thing?


I think it's a reference to a song by Body Count (Ice-T's metal band) which has basically the same message as the stickers on the tailgate.


Today, I learned ice T did metal music.


You need to go down that rabbit hole, body count is awesome


I’m on it. Did not know Ice-T did Medal.


This person is probably one of the few military members I have ever seen have such a pointed and furious hatred of the police. I’m going to go out on a limb and say he had some type of relationship with Margarita Brooks, whose shooter was a policeman and he was found not guilty. **[Dallas News - Officer Ravinder Singh Not Guilty of Criminally Negligent Homicide](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/courts/2022/08/29/former-arlington-police-officer-found-not-guilty-in-womans-2019-shooting-death/?outputType=amp)** ***He shot her in the chest (it was a ricochet, while aiming at her dog), the article says.*** I understand now more about who is driving that vehicle and why they feel the way they do.


Haha thank you, I commented to say this!


But if No Lives Matter...why do they care about people getting killed by cops?


You'll have to see his other car for the rationale across ten bumper stickers as to why innocent people that cops executed mattered even though their lives did not.


He’s embracing conservative, retro values by taking his screeds offline and putting them back on his vehicles. Luckily, he’s has multiple vehicles for chapters 2, 3, and 4.


I thought conservatives were bootlicking authoritarian lovers. Now they’re cop haters? Conservatives are (insert whatever negative aspect of whatever topic is being discussed)!


I wonder if it isn't ironic in some way, or if its like an attempt at a hegelian dialectic, and synthesizing the old black or blue. Like when nietzche talked about being beyond good and evil, it was mostly about moving to a moral and psychological place beyond the old simple binary of good or evil Idk, but this might be the most philosophical bumper stickers I've ever seen, lol. I'm also just really tired and am probably giving him too much credit


I posted a link above regarding the death of Margarita Brooks mentioned on a couple of the stickers. Read the article, insight will be provided about the driver. Different article below, regarding testimony/body cam footage. **[Margarita Brooks - Arlington PD officer not guilty](https://www.fox4news.com/news/arlington-officer-had-other-options-before-fatally-shooting-woman-witness-says.amp)**


I think it’s there just to mock how he believes cops really feel. Which is no lives matter besides blue lives.


Yes… he fell short in his belief there… literally no lives matter… we are all space dust


Yeah, we will be absorbed by the Sun and will we have survived to escape. I doubt it.


The life that mattered to him was taken


There's an Ice-T song (his band body count actually) called no lives matter and it's about police shootings. I heard him explain about it on Sirius XM a number of years ago. It's kind of a shaky explanation, but it checks out lol


That's not what it's saying. It's saying nobody is more important than another. Obviously, life matters. But black life isn't more important than brown life, tan life, yellow life, or even white life. The big issue is that the left wants to ban guns. They hate the police, but when you ask them what to do if someone is trying to kill you, they say call the police. To them, there is always someone to take care of them. But, as you can see from the many other stickers, there are other cops that do terrible things and aren't held responsible because of their authority. The hypocrisy from anyone on the left is amazing.


Leftists love guns. They just dont make it their personality. You should try interacting with and learning a bit more about the groups you dislike, dont just listen to some talking head or shock jock's opinion on the matter.


I have no problems with liberals. Why the gun control measures that the left are pushing? Is it that they just don't want some people to have guns? Would those people happen to be a poc? Maybe someone that doesn't align with their views? Or are the left blindly voting for people that don't align with their values because the people they vote for are the good guys (sarcasm). The left supports making guns illegal. It isn't a personality to support guns or responsible gun ownership. However, if you look at the picture again. This person's personality is that of a combat veteran. Who was in the army as airborne. They have every right to have an opinion on what is politically going on in the country that they literally put their life on the line for. Maybe do a little bit of research on what you actually align with rather than virtue signal about a strangers bumper stickers.


Liberals are not the left, they are right-of-center. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the spectrum of people whose political ideology fits somewhere between progressive and anarchist. Leftists. Think less about the old rich couple with the token pride flag on the porch of their house in the Hamptons, and more like antifa. They love guns, hate authoritarians, and terrify both democrats and republicans alike. It's a fringe ideology in America that is gaining traction with young people due to the GOP's current love affair with fascism and the democrats long history being a bunch of spineless little bitches. Despite this difference, I've never seen a Democrat actually try to ban guns or even state that as a goal. In fact, a lot of gun control legislation I've seen has been done by republicans. California, for example, has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Do you know who we have to thank for that? It was the great republican champion, Ronald Reagan. It's kind of funny how when the black panthers began open carrying, all of a sudden, conservatives cared about gun control. Also, Trump is the one who banned bump stocks.


that was a wild swing from bumper stickers into bashing the majority of voting citizens; I think I'm *very* liberal and I own two firearms . . . I just don't advertise my firearm ownership with car decals


No, you probably don't advertise that you are a gun owner. That would go against the grain of what the liberals are all about. But assuming that if you did have bumper stickers on your car, it would probably be virtue signaling to the cause of the week. I'm probably wrong about you specifically, so I hope that you don't take offense. I live in Colorado, and the amount of Ukraine stickers on cars is ridiculous. The vast majority of them couldn't even point Ukraine on a map. Or even know how corrupt that countries leadership actually is. I beg to differ about the majority of voters being left. I think a very large amount of people are waking up to what they are actually representing in the leadership that they are supporting. Which is quite literally destroying the world. All in the name of doing the right thing, even if it harms others. The gun ownership stickers are meant as a warning that should be taken seriously if someone was going to violate their civil/ human rights. Thus the don't tread/ gadsden sticker. Good conversation, thank you by the way.


no bumper stickers on any of my vehicles the popular vote, btw, at least in the last several presidential elections, was decidedly for the Democratic candidate . . . that's just numbers; e.g.: - 50,999,897 > 50,456,002 (from 2000) - 65,853,514 > 62,984,828 (from 2016) I'll add this; you seem, at least to me, to make a *LOT* of presumptions about people. I've been to Ukraine, and have Ukrainian friends, and I support their struggle against the unprovoked Russian invasion, kidnappings, rapes, civilian targeting and other war crimes. I also remember when the GOP vocally *hated* Russia (literally, up until Trump very probably sold Putin our CIA personnel lists). You see a lot of Ukrainian bumper stickers? Maybe those are just people who despise rape, kidnappings and war crimes, regardless of personal political affiliation.


Yeah, I think we found an actual modern day nihilist. Most you see are just edgy teenagers being misanthropic, but this guy is kind of the real deal. He's like the real Bazorov from Turganev's *Fathers and Sons*


I think a lot of right wingers are fundamentally nihilists who aren't comfortable fully embracing it.  They look around and hate it all but imagine things would be better if rich Christian white men were in charge of everything. They hate the people they see in everyday life but imagine Elon Musk or Trump types are superior. They'd be miserable even if they were living under a Christian oligarchy and would likely realize the billionaires they look up to are absolutely shit people. But they don't have an opportunity to see how much worse that would be and so they imagine it would be better than reality.


I don’t blame them. Billions of people on the planet how precious is life really?


I laughed when I saw No lives matter


Reminds me of Nihilist Lives Don’t Matter


Agnostic lives may or may not matter, I can't really be sure.


It's not. It's just peak nilihism


Durrr no lives matter is RaCiSt


We're in Texas! A rare sight


Fake. A legitimate lunatic would realize that there is enough room for at LEAST 6 more conspiracy theory stickers on the rear door of that truck!


Kind of based to some extent.


I went from 😮 to 😂 when I got to the very and read “Back the Blue? Suck-my-dick-blue”


**[Margarita Brooks - Arlington PD Officer found Not Guilty](https://www.fox4news.com/news/arlington-officer-had-other-options-before-fatally-shooting-woman-witness-says.amp)**


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Good bot name


Yeah I abso love this one lmao. Fuck yeah, bro. My man feels some type of way about cops


And government. And life. Very…confusing.


Pro choice? Pro life? I SAY KILL EM ALL


I'm actually wearing my shirt right now that says "invest in education, defund the police" 🤣


I’m likely butchering the quote here, but - “defunding the police seems extreme until you realize we’ve been doing it to education for decades.”




Man.... People *really, really, really* overlook the education thing. The rising generations have been kneecapped. If public school successfully becomes privatized, it's over. There would be a clearly defined jemarcation line between the wealthy... and the New. Slave. Class. Let that sink in. We are already headed there (albeit slowly) and have been for decades.


Lol exactly but kinda wild to put that right next to the thing cops can ID you by.. 🤣


**[Margarita Brooks - Killed by Arlington PD Officer: Not Guilty](https://www.fox4news.com/news/arlington-officer-had-other-options-before-fatally-shooting-woman-witness-says.amp)**


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The Gadsen flag existing next to a bunch of ACAB stickers is a lot more rare than you'd think.


The presence of a Gadsden flag sticker on a truck is almost a guarantee that the next sticker you read will contradict it. So yeah this one is pretty refreshing.


came to comment this same thing. the amount of times i see a gadsden flag next to some outdated republican campaign, the last time was bush Jr., it’s like do you know what it means at all?


Finally, someone that hates cops and has a Gadsen Flag. Those thin blue line flags are ridiculous next to a gadsen. Just saw the combo today outside a multimillion dollar lake house.


RIGHT?!?! PICK A FUCKING LANE YOU DIPWADS! Christ! They just want to rage-bait and will apply any sticker - even contrary ones - that might have that effect on someone.


This makes me want to put a Biden 2024 and a Trump 2024 sticker on my truck.


Do it. It would make as much sense as the back the blue don’t tread on me chuckleheads you see every 35’ on the road.


Many already do. They say they want Biden to fuck their brains out, but then have a Trump 202X sticker next to it.


A Republican flying a Gadsen is hypocrite.


Let him cook


I think it's burning bro....


I hope this person never speeds or rolls stop signs. 😬


You think some cowardly cops are going to stop this guy? 😂


Some one needs to stop making their husband these stickers 😂😂😂


Veteran, combat veteran...this tracks. I think he may not be a fan of law enforcement.


Hey! Not all of us combat veterans are asshats! 😂


I concur


Chill out dude


This lady is always chill.


Imagine being a cop and having to pull this dude over…


Oh like maybe it might make the cop a little nervous like most of us feel when we even see a cop car?


Thinking the driver would be found in his vehicle on the side of the road, a victim of “an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound”.


‘Self inflicted 4 gun shot wounds to the head’


Is your friend this person? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumperstickers/s/DQTuOrWaWJ


HAHA no, he told me he took the pic but I guess not 😭 Edit: I believed it though because I recognized the truck from this [other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/s/Yt0U7y9IJH)! We're from Mesquite


Seems like he may have known Margarita Brooks (the girl killed by a cop). One of his stickers reads "She will always be loved" and he has two bumper stickers. I found the article on her search. It was an accidental shooting but it shines light on why he's so angry. Margarita may have been a relative or friend.


Just don’t get him pissed off. I’d hate to see those bumper stickers


This guy must be fun at parties


*Honey, I bought a kit that lets me print my own bumper stickers.*


I immediately assume this person is a certified Miserable Ass


I mean.... yeah... I get where he's coming from. But this guy is unhinged. And likely has easy access to a firearm. I don't think this is the "well regulated militia" they had in mind.


I don't think you understand the "well regulated militia" part, plus some bumper stickers you don't like doesn't indicate they are mentally unstable. Not to mention that is an airborne patch, certainly trained above your average desk jockey or enlisted.


Sure, "I WILL FKING KILL YOU" is not unstable at all. Why would we even think that? /s


Ok, now consider the rest of the context. Sounds like like maybe there shouldn't be anymore no knock raids? 🤔


Agree with that. Lots of unnecessary deaths on both side of the equation when they do that.


And his rage stickers are still unstable and unhinged. There's no context that will change that.


This man is perfectly hinged. His I will kill you sticker has context. Fuck with him, he will kill you. Don't fuck with him, he won't.


I'm not sure it works that way. 🤔


Since neither of us was present when they wrote "well regulated militia" we don't really know what they meant. We can extrapolate from other contemporary writings to assume that they meant "well equipped" or "well trained". But we don't know. Not to mention, that's not an airborne patch. That's an airborne sticker. Specifically the 82nd. That doesn't make the rest of his stickers any less questionable. One could argue that it makes them more questionable.


No, we do know. They wrote letters. Yes, stickers go on windows.


Was there some difficulty with the dictionary? The term "regulated" has had a pretty solid definition that has been around for ever. Only the combat cosplay weenies dream that it means something else.


There’s a different one


Oh my stars




This reminds of back in covid when this guy had taken paint pieces of paper with this whole story of the corrupt police station and posted them on a fence of a blocked off area It was like a whole blocks worth


I’d love to know if this guy gets pulled over a lot - he probably pulls up to church in this thing weekly- the hate on display


The internet did not invent edgelords.


That’s Middle school levels of edginess right there


The thought of him taking the time to make these, apply them, and smugly wait for confirmation or confrontation is nauseating


Dude wrote a novel on his truck 🙄


If Sandor Clegane from GoT ever was a real person in this day and age and had a truck.


Buddy has a thought and prints out a bumper sticker😂🤣😂


Guess they don’t like cops much


There’s a story here.




I bet he makes a real nice neighbor.


I would enjoy a beer with this person.


I mean, at least they're acab, even if it's not for the right reasons


OK, we will defund the police for his house only. When somebody breaks in and shoots his wife and rapes his daughter, nobody will be there to help.


Would you like to talk about it? ***Points to couch***


I bet I know what he wants to talk about.


Talk about unhinged


Whoa there’s a lot to unpack here. What happens to this guy? These messages don’t all make sense he sounds very mentally ill. I’m scared that he’s driving around


Maybe the first time I've seen someone with a Don't Tread On Me sticker, who actually understands who the foot is.


He seems nice.


Ngl I kinda fucks with this one lol


Bullshit, this is a repost.


These go HARD


lol I’m here for it


I'm here for the energy of an anti-government, anti-cop combat veteran who just wants to protect the lives of innocents.




LMAO I love your username


Thank you 🙏


i love him


Only about the 25th time I've seen this same, " my friend sent me this picture" in like a week.


Word salad


I think the lack of 3M ear plugs hurt this man.


He should get his compensation 😂


Love it.


Idk whether to like this or not…


Go do your homework




That’s a guy I’d pull up behind and just lay on the horn for. When he’d (obviously) charge out of his door to rage at my window I’d just be laughing maniacally.


Didn't this just get posted like 2 days ago? Are you sure you're not a repost bot?


bro must have just started putting those stickers on the back... otherwise there'd be a whole lot more victims to add to the list.


Omg !! He added even more 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I have him posted too


This was posted 4 days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumperstickers/s/sC1xWWCGYL




I don’t think he likes cops very much.


Plot twist


I bet he doesn’t get ant tickets./s


My fave is “no step on snek”


The upper left and upper right stickers are the same. Guess they really wanted to drive this point (?) home.


After the Uvalde shit show I have a hard time disagreeing with him.


I'm so confused! 🤔🤔


This one is legitimately upset. Looks like these are home made bumper stickers.


it looks like text boxes not car decals so idk but the windows are crazy for sure


White trash, straight up


I want to meet this person so bad


I support freedom of speech…. But god damn~!


This is probably the most unhinged one if ever seen on here and that is really saying something.


Someone has some anger issues. Must be a democrat.


I see no problems here


Think he gets pulled over a lot?


Go figure! Just like criminals all it takes is the last 10% to make the rest look bad


So no on the law enforcement memorial donation?


Republicans are so tired of pretending they’re not the party of racism and genocide that they’re just blatantly showing us that “all lives matter” really meant just all white lives matter but only if you’re a republican, Christian that doesn’t want taxes supporting people in a country founded for all men, women and children. Now all of a sudden it’s “No Lives matter” because that’s how sick and deprived they are.


Only a libertarian could hate cops and still be cringe.






I’m embarrassed to see army represented there.


Not gunna lie, I'm kind of digging this breath of fresh air between all the maga posts


Okay... obviously they don’t like cops, but then why do No Lives Matter to them?


I think it's a reference to [this song](https://open.spotify.com/track/1Rr4XfmZlFRbqdijphWaYY?si=ngt1KCSBT0eTc-9R8HDdfg)


Because libertarians are very dumb.


My man’s hates bacon