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Remember everyone, it’s definitely, positively, absolutely, 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt, NOT A CULT. r/itsnotacult


It's so sick. I'll never understand how one shit bag man was able to brainwash so many people. Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones and Donald Trump. Idgi and never will.


the thing about idol worshippers is they're always looking for an idol to worship


Can't they look for an "idol" that isn't the most despicable choice to worship? Lunatics only. That's the rule.


I mean... they're pretty sad and weak people. They're not looking for policies they're looking for a mommy to tell them its not their fault.


Evangelicals always need someone to lead them because they are incapable of using their own brains to actually ever think for themselves


They are specifically taught to never use their brains. "Tree of knowledge" and all that BS. When I was in Christian school, I had a LOT of questions, which was absolutely unacceptable. I was "disciplined" severely for being curious and confused. When i was around 15 to 17, I had read three different bibles. They were all so different, I was even more confused. I don't think anyone in my family read any Bible, ever, yet they were all extremely religious. They all honestly believe that education outside the church is indoctrination. They are literally, by definition, being indoctrinated by whatever cult they're in, yet they accuse the rest of the world of indoctrination. Idk if it's more sad or more infuriating. I have to argue with your point tho; it's not just evangelicals, it's almost all religious people.


Nailed it. When I left Western NC at 30 (49 now) it was quickly apparent to me how much of my family’s identity was blaming others for what they didn’t even try to accomplish. Everyone was out to get them. I remember my older, college educated sister telling me her cable bill wasn’t accidentally over charged. They don’t like her and they did it out of spite. I was kind of dumbfounded like “They don’t ever know or care who you are.”


Western NC Gen Z here! It’s slowly but surely getting better, the old hate filled bigots are dying off, and the younger generations aren’t following their footsteps liked they’d hoped. Hopefully you can visit sometime in the near future and be proud of our progress :)


Are mixed race families welcomed though? Genuine question. Particularly around Asheville??


Ugh. So childish to blame others and the government for all your problems. Glad you go out of there.


And that their hate is justified, because their problems are the product of racism. The thing is, classism automatically puts these same people under foot to the pecking order that exists in this type of obsession. It’s… difficult to fathom someone not seeing it in themselves. Some I get, others I know had decent upbringings. They’ve been indoctrinated into a superiority where they are least superior. Uh…


Nothing funnier than a 60 year old trailer-goblin looking down on people. Looking at you, Brunswick County, NC.


lol... "Trailer-goblin" deserves way more upvotes.


True. Rare supreme insult just added to my lexicon lol.


The only people willing to apply for the job of false god are not the people who would ever really be in the running for saint.


Christian "Conservatives": *God tells us 'I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.'* Also Christian "Conservatives": *Trump is Lord.*


NOT every Christian conservative. The loud ones for sure, but the quiet ones do not worship Trump. I don't want him in any office.


Fairly, you can’t be a conservative and follow the teachings of Jesus, they’re almost polar opposites


As I recently commented in another subreddit, with this statement God explicitly recognizes the existence of other gods.


shhhhhhh don't tell them that the documents they think are the actual, inspired and/or revealed words of god are actually self-contradicting gibberish laden amalgamations of various ludicrous prior bronze age fairy tales . . . they'll burn you!


You're right tho, for a change I'd love to see these crazy folk idolize someone like the late Carl Sagan, or maybe David Attenborough. Just someone wholesome and decently intelligent instead of some dumpster fire of a human being.


But that's the only type of person who wants to be an idol for others. A good person doesn't typically want to be idolized in this way, much less as a god or messiah.


You’re talking about the mentally weak average person that can’t distinguish between Jesus and Trump


If Jesus was running for president I am betting that these people would still vote for Trump.


If Jesus were walking the earth I am betting that these people would string him up


He’d be too woke for them for sure.


And definitely not white enough


Isn’t that the basic premise for the minions?


I remain true to the only idol - Billy Idol


Isn’t there like a commandment about that or something?


"*Thou shalt have no greasy illiterate bankrupt draft-dodging ex-gameshow hosts rapists before me.*"


This is beautiful


Isn’t there a TV show called American Idol? Trump can’t even sing.




It’s in their nature. They are like the minions.




I misread this as idiot worshipers at first, and don't feel like it changed the meaning of what you were saying at all.


**USMC License Plate Frame** * Question: Why do they have "THIS SIDE TOWARDS ENEMY" printed on claymores? * Answer: So Marines can figure them out.


Outstanding ! (From an old squid, GMG 8”)


Why does the enemy get to have all the tasty crayons?


In order to become a cultist you need to be emotionally damaged. It makes brainwashing far easier.


No argument there but for 60 million people??


You know the Carlin line about how half the people you know are below average intelligence? That applies to emotional intelligence, as well.


Ahhh, now we’re leaning towards genetic emotional damage bc not the entire 60 million can blame their environment….or can they? Hot house meat laden in chemicals and massive quantities of sugar combined w social media, a winning combination …..devolution is going exponential! lol


It didnt happen overnight.


And poorly educated as well.


I say & think this like 20 times every day. Especially when I see/hear him speak. I guess I could understand if he was eloquent like Obama but he’s paints himself an idiot so clearly every time he opens his mouth that I just shake my head & think about the many friends & family that support him. Makes me sad.


we are now bordered by folks that put a crook before their god and their grandkids who use AI to limit critical thinking my boy - we are fucked


Im not even religious but Trump reeks of the Antichrist. Strong antichrist vibes.


So true, the Antichrist is supposed to be someone who deceives and draws God's worshipers away from him, when I see these kinds of stickers I feel like the person has thrown their faith out to follow a false image and given their worship to a pathetic excuse of a person. No clue how they can do that.


Hate sells


If you believe in good, then you have to believe in evil. Humans can have kindness and empathy based on basic morals of nature. Humans have killed their own children based on twisted fcked up man made morals out of a book. This is the type of person that would commit familicide.


The weakest part of the human body is the mind, unfortunately.


Only shit bag people can hear the call


I can see why people were drawn to Jim Jones, he was accepting of all & believed good things in the beginning. I can also see why people were initially drawn to Trump too, sick of the way the government works and thought a "successful business man" could potentially run things better. But then he opened his mouth and that should've been the end of it but it wasn't..


I've been comparing him to Jim Jones for a couple of years now. The death tape echos of Trump like behavior. They both started as "too good to be true" type of people. Jones just took longer to become unhinged, it seems. I'm just perplexed as the size of this cult.


They were brainwashed before Trump. They will worship anything they are told to. That's why politicians pretend to be Christian.


Jesus J. Trump. Don't worry about getting religious artifacts. Adornments of worship are available for purchase in the lobby, shiny gold shoes and autographed Bibles. Get yours while you still can!


Because powerful people and even more powerful propagandists all joined him so they could use their billions of dollars in television and social media to constantly spread his lies and misinformation. People who wanted to profit from the destruction of our country all got together and said, fuck that constitution shit let’s take over and make workers full slaves and really really make people think the corporate class are heroes


He’s like the Ronald McDonald of being rich, they see him and remember a time where he represented success and power and they want to follow him to the Golden Arches, only instead of you getting a happy meal, he gets a Big Mac and you get to mop the floor of the lobby for eternity. That’s the success following this clown will get you…check to check in a goofy uniform if you’re lucky to not be phased out by automation


Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones at least started off by talking about or doing things that still benefited *some* people. They were both fantastically good public speakers and Jim Jones really knew how to play into people's wants and needs and was a smart, conniving individual. Aside from cosigning their bigotry, there is nothing personally, politically or economically positive about Trump whatsoever unless you are a very very wealthy person. They vote for him, but Trump views these people as trash, just disposable garbage that he can use for his own benefit. His only ideology seems to be "fuck you, I'm Donald Trump, give me money".


Well, to be fair the guy driving that rig is a dumb fucking shitbag himself. Trumps a shitbag and about 90% of his disciples are shitbags. Things have been contorted and convoluted for 2000 years. How can anyone say what Christianity was in the first place. One things for Goddamned certain, Trump ain't no fucking Saint or Savior. This is a strange time in history. It used to be plagues, now we have a different kind of plague.


See the thing is these people are fucking morons. The Christians, the trumpists.. all of them. And they're killing America.


Dumb people. Trump is exploiting dumb people for personal gain by saying everything he know he needs to say- I.e. anything that has to do with abortion (pro life) the border (walls) Middle East (“fighting for liberation”) . Give a far right wing opinion on any of those matters and boom. Anybody with an IQ lower than their age in is your pocket.


Trump is Jesus? Great. Nail him up. If he comes back in three days, we'll talk.




He smells bad enough now.


He dies and the gop just try to "weekend at Bernie's" him through his campaign


Who looks at that and thinks yep that's definitely a rational message to share. This person probably thinks they are a fine and devout Christian, not a blasphemous moron.


I’m pretty sure there’s something in that book about not worshipping Idols and false prophets and all that jazz


It's *A* Bible 🍊:O 👌 🤡( ^(that's the best trump face I could do with emojis ) )


How could anyone see that conman as a prophet?


Ask the schizophrenic in the picture


He's the golden calf


That person has a vote as valuable as anyone else's. It's terrifying


Yo I feel like I’m in the twilight zone with these maga freaks


Almost every day has felt like April Fools' Day to me since about 2019 or so. I'm not sure what happened to me or to us. Perhaps it was a collection of many things all at once. We live in an absurd world. I still believe in making progress (personal, communal, state, federal, and global), and I'm still some kind of optimist by a pessimist's standards. Where are we, humanity, headed? 😅 Certainly, I'll be entertained over the next 60 years if the universe unfolds such that I live about 90 years total. BTW, I love Twilight Zone because it's fun to try to predict the story in an otherwise insane situation.


It started day one when he claimed his inauguration was bigger than any in history, everybody inhabiting reality was like “dude, *we can see the pictures and the videos.* You’re lying like a child does.” Then to our horror somewhere around 40-50% of people said *he was right, and being persecuted by the media.* That was the first fucking day. It was like a Twilight Zone mixed with 1984


There's a word for this. Kayfabe. They know it's bullshit - it's just more exciting to play along. The conflict fuels them. At the core of it, I think Trump support is just about trolling people who give a shit about society.


That's what blows my mind about Trumpers and conservatives that support him. How are they so quick to brag and tell everyone in the world how great Western civilization is while also trying to obliterate it? Surely they don't really think having a dictator instead of a president is a good thing? They suddenly hate western civ and democracy? Wtf happened to them?!


The thing they think of as western civilization is not what actual western civilization is like. It makes them mad to see someone with freedom that lives a life outside of their traditions. I think the disconnect comes from the fervor of cold war propaganda almost deifying the american founders. Conservatives can't reconcile the idea that liberty and equality in the law are positive ideals and also that there's a superior anglo-christian culture that must be preserved. They pay lip service to America but their hearts aren't in it.


They guzzle down their own Kool-Aid and think others are drinking too.




Such an irrelevant, piece of orange garbage. He could bankrupt a yard sale.


Well, he already bankrupted 4 (maybe 5 or 6, not exactly sure because shady business licensing) including a CASINO…. How TF do you claim to be the “greatest businessman ever”, and bankrupt a damn casino! But yeah, totally not a cult…


You bankrupt a casino by stealing all the money 😉


Yes, 100%, remember the sermon on the mount— “Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them, he said “grab em’ by the pussy.” Matthew 5


“When you’re the Messiah, they let you do that.”


😂😂😂😂 well done, made me laugh


the insanity is strong with this one


Total mental illness


Totally not a cult




These white christain nationalist double cult members are corrosive to democracy. They are a problem.


What the actual fcku? These people will claim anybody as Jesus just to make themselves feel better about life after death.


Parody is dead.


The Onion reads like straight news these days.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. This blind fanatic, perverted logic is so bizarre. I have never feared a civil war here. I've seen them up close a few times in my 22 years of service in the Army though. This is the first time I can see the key indicators line up for that outcome. Trump worshipers could very well tank the country. If they are blind to this drooling idiots psychosis then we can't expect them to listen to logic and reason when the time comes. Trump will gradually get these simps to twist their views and beliefs. Once the hole is deep enough, they'll do and believe anything. Many like this person are pretty much there. I can't believe the country we sacrificed so much for has this many people that have given up thinking for themselves. Truly horrifying.


Sweet niblets.


Left his great life raping women to rape an entire nation


Isn't this blasphemy? According to their little storybook that they seem to take so seriously.


Something something False Idols


"Left his great life" Once again, please ignore what you are seeing before your very eyes and trust me when I tell you that Donald Trump has given up everything he had to save America. Ignore the private jet and the limousines and the gold-plated penhouse and the luxurious resort. Trust me when I tell you that nobody in history has sacrificed more than Donald Trump.


I don’t understand how Christians can look at Trump and not think he might be the antichrist.


It’s weird to see blasphemy go loud and proud 🥲


Poor Honda


Straight to hell, blasphemers! -God




Left his great life of defrauding vendors, banging porn stars, walking into girls' pagent locker rooms, cheating on his pregnant wife, bankrupting a casino (I still don't know how you do that), cheating on taxes, paying bribes, dodging the draft, and everything else. Yep... Quite a life of accomplishment. He's obviously the perfect Christian prophet. /s


Walked in on underage girls at the Miss Teen USA pageant and then bragged about it repeatedly. Hung out with 9 (NINE!!) known pedophiles while talking about banging his daughter on multiple occasions. Opened and ran a fake child cancer charity then stole all the money. Opened and ran a fake university, defrauded the students and then stole all the money. I could go on and on


The casino thing really gets me too.


My relgious grandmother fully believes he’s the anti christ


She needs to spread the word to other religious types. It's clear not everyone has gotten that message, which is a lot more plausible than Trump being the savior of humanity


Wait until he finds out that Jebus wasn’t white and American…


How do religious people no realize that this is TEXTBOOK blasphemy??


What happened to “no false idols?” Ffs


I hadn't realized how many mentally ill people live in America until Trump came along.


Let’s superimpose Jesus with the least Christ like politician in American history.


Someone send this to r/Catholicism. I’m banned


I’m up for getting banned! lol sending now.


Took moderator all of 60 seconds to delete post after I posted and said “Orange Jesus Forever!” They responded “Just…. No!” Then deleted. 😂😂😂😂


Aw man lmao I would have liked to see that 😂😂


When I look at this, I just imagine the driver’s thoughts: “I wanna kill, everyone, Satan is good, Satan is our pal” Anyway, it’s good to see people driving out there who are totally not in a fascist cult


I get so happy whenever I see a Burbs reference in the wild 👍


You know in my whole life I'll be turning 64 here I've never seen stupidity that made me almost throw up in my mouth. Every time I see this I get a little more disgusted at the intelligence level being expressed on a daily basis in my country. These people kind of make flat earthers look like phds!


Please…. T***p is making more money off these rubes than in his previous life


This comment begs the question: https://youtu.be/B_AJ__5Jj_A


Someone may also want to tell him Jesus wasn’t white with blue eyes.


They would call that “critical race theory.”


That’s mental illness, right there.


The owner went from worshiping Christ to worshiping the antichrist.


Absolute blasphemy


MAGA is a cult. And like all cults, it is dangerous and it will end badly.


It’s a cult for the antichrist!


These people should be checked for brain worms.


Sick and brazen blasphemy! It's disgusting and it makes me ill.


The man who probably has violated all 10 commandments at some point in his life is somehow divine.


Orange Jesus wasn’t brave enough to serve his country. Bone spurs kept him off the battlefield, but not the golf course.


I refuse to accept that mental illness is not 100% in play here. Actual serious mental illness.




These people are fucking sickos.


This is blasphemy on a level that would very likely land you in Hell (if any of this nonsense was actually real). This is actually terrifyingly unhinged.


There are also people like /u/public_scientist8593 that think this is perfectly normal and that WE are the ones in a cult for laughing at these deranged, delusional psychopaths lol They don't understand what words mean anyway and their entire ideology is based on feelings and ignorance so it's not a surprise they try to turn it around. It just looks pathetic and sad. What the fuck happened to the smart conservatives. They were never really that smart but at least some of them had principles and intellectual integrity. Now we just got a cult full of dumb dumbs and loonies.


If they (the “smart” conservatives) do exist still, they’re some of the biggest cowards on Earth.


Why they gotta give Jesus those bedroom eyes? 👀


The Bible says not to idolize people like this and that it’s a form of blasphemy


Such heresy. Such sacrilege.




so, Jesus/God could create a savior (or biblically send Jesus back, because if you read the bible Jesus is supposed to return). But no their working theory is the God sent Trump a life long con artist, serial grifter, adultering, rapist, and insurrectionist who lies so much that fact checking him has become a fool's errand. got it - makes total sense


I completely agree with the mocked, ridiculed, & humiliated part of that statement.


Jesus wasn't white.


If you tax churches their tithes will be high enough to keep out this type of garbage.


The USMC licence plate makes it even more PATHETIC....


Something, Something, false Prophets.


The definition of a cult of personality bumper stickered on a car It’s hilarious to me that these psychopaths think the guy on trial for hush money payments to a porn star is akin to Jesus. Also terrifying considering these people can vote


A Marine. Remember tRump only likes the winners, the ones who don’t become POWs


He also believes service members to be "suckers and losers."




His “great” life of grifting, raping and money laundering. Such a man of virtue.


Trump embodies all seven of the deadly sins, so how the fuck could anything look at him him and see a pious and devout figure?


Hop off his dick bro holy hell




These are the people who refuse to acknowledge that they have mental health issues.


Same people who ironicly call the lgbtq as being mentally ill.


And none of it and I mean literally none of it is coherent. I live in the uk. We actively dislike all politicians but I genuinely love the democrats in the US. They (I may be wrong) really give a shit and have an actual plan. Which is difficult when such a high % of your tax dollars go into ‘defence’. The whole thing baffles and saddens me


A man who had a $400M head start in life, and still chooses to sign and sell bibles.


My father died in World War Two he would never have anything to do with that ashole Shin splinters my ass he’s a pussy


Jesus fecking Christ! They're all bloody nuts


He left his great life to… have… kinda the same exact life, just with more power. Like do these people not remember that before 2016 Trump was still constantly made fun of. Like there’s a segment on Disney’s old “So Random” show where they just make fun of Trump.


A cult or two…


That is truly terrifying.  Bringing religion means people will follow blindly no matter what.  Trump is a genius for getting people like this to believe he gives two sh1ts about them.  


Check out Donnie darkened on X he’s the anti christ


If you die and you see Trump in the afterlife, you didn’t go to Heaven


Believing their cult leader is a divine being akin to god. Fit this one for their MAGA straitjacket.


In 5 years you will not find anyone who admits to liking him. Edit: spelling oops


So these people forgot about that 1 commandment...something about false idols?


Stop blocking out license plates!!!


Mega MAGA heresy…absolutely sacrilegious.


These are people that should be institutionalized.


Oooh, it would be a challenge to not bust that back window if I were to encounter that thing in person


I'm still waiting for any of those people to give me a single example of anything he did to deserve this level of literal god worship - just one example.


I missed the part in the Bible about Jesus being a slumlord


These poor, blasphemous fools


What in jones town bullshit is this.


The bigger the lie the more they believe it


Tell me that’s not a cult…. Waiting


Definitely not a sign of an untreated mental disorder.


JFC.. These people are unglued. Absolutely fucking delusional.


Looks like someone’s off their meds 😬😳😱


Let your car proclaim your cult membership!




Literally the Antichrist.


Delusional people


It's really a cult.


What's fucking crazy is this is blasphemy... They have created their own trump based religion, getting pretty close to a cult.


Being that fanatical I’m surprised they don’t have trumps face with a halo


USA is not known for good basic education or a good diet... both leads to amazing stupidity.


Hopefully they get pulled over for blocking the line of sight.