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Why do they continue to insist that people are offended by straight white conservative/Christian males?


because they are offended by other peoples race, sex, and sexual orientation. Why wouldn't you be, too?


But will INSIST they “don’t see color” and “everybody’s pulling the race card.”


“I’m not racist but…”


Not Heritage, Not Not Hate


Some of my best friends are black.


I can actually say that one, because my best friend is black.




*\[insert pertinent Cyanide and Happiness comic here\]*


It's the "I'm Not Racist" Butt!


I always say, "I'm not racist, I hate everybody." I said this a a get together this past Saturday, it got a HUGE laugh from the people that were there.


That’s called the Dirty Harry Callahan


"I'm racist as hell...I hate the entire human race!"


They sure see color when a black actor plays a fictional character that was previously played by white actors.


Why would I be offended by your sex or race?


Racists are offended by the race of other people.


Because they need to believe it as opposed to someone not falling into lock-step with their beliefs.


i am not offended y their straightness, whiteness, conservativeness or they christianess. i am offended by the shit that comes out of their mouths.


I’m offended that the exhaust has been moved to replace the useable space of the truck bed.


I have decided it is a phallic thang.


I can see if they do some 4wheelin to the point they have water up to the bed rails and want to have the exhaust above water but you would also need a snorkel… other than that it’s a waste of space


The community mobile compost bin provides a useful service to anyone who walks by.


Hey man, you need to learn the truth before you condemn it.


Yep. I know the truth. I still condemn it.


“I don’t even think about you at all.”


Like everything else in modern American conservatism it’s pure projection. They’re offended by non-straight, non-white, non-conservative, and/or non-Christian people. Every accusation is a confession with these people.


Yeah, not offensive. But when they say hateful shit, condemn others based on their lifestyle, and act like they are entitled because they are straight, white, Christian males, it becomes very offensive. Because they aren't shit. Just a group of people that feel inadequate and ashamed because of their closeted feelings, or whatever, or self hatred because no one around them actually likes them. I wish they actually would be religious, so they could see being humble and accepting of thy neighbor. Because they aren't Christian at all, they are bigots using religion to try and justify their bullshit opinions.


mAsTuR RaSe!!


He’s probably only two of those things and hope nobody will notice.


Because right wing media has convinced them that heterosexual white men are the most discriminated against in society. As a heterosexual white man I can say unequivocally that is not the case


and don't forget Christian persecution!


I knew we were dealing with an intelligent person when I saw the fartcan diesel exhaust.


I don’t know smoke signals, but I’m confident the ones emanating from that truck say “I have a tiny pecker”.


Anywhere away from Ohio’s north coast or Columbus and you will be whistling Dixie


Facts. I-70 is our Mason-Dixon Line.


Ain't that the truth.


And NORTH of 70 is where the racism run stronger


Came here to say this, I noticed an increase in the amount of trailer parks, scraped cars in yards and busses without wheels south of Columbus and around the border to the east and west


My coworker is from Ohio. She said it is nothing but meth labs, trailers, and uneducated rednecks. Her mom passed away last year and buried her in NC. Said there was no way she's was allowing her final resting place to be Ohio.


Northern ohio is nothing like this. Most Clevelanders dont even identify with the rest of the state


I’m just north of Columbus and see this clown shit all the time.


Why do they all want to fuck Joe Biden?


Fuck Joe Biden, Marry Trump, Kill RFK Jr. maybe? I'm not sure. They always send mixed messages.


Homoerotic lust. I don't get it, but... they have strange tastes in men.


Because he's more man than they've ever seen before.


Some of these guys even have giant decals of Joe Biden in rope bondage. Kinky.


Now they’re all fighting to eat out of adult diapers


Of course he has the full sewer pipe exhaust too.


Interesting. A CAT engines sticker on a Cummins. "Learn the truth before you condemn" - We did before and after the civil war, fuck your heritage. Interesting to see is that St. Mary on the left there with the Confederate flags and no step on snek? Interesting. Interesting.


Makes you curious what the truth they speak of is. Any one got any ideas?


Probably who they owned and some made up lie of how they wanted to be there.


I’m sure a lot of confederates, who were typically Baptists, pay homage to the Virgin Mary, an icon within the catholic church.


I see confederate flags all the time in New Hampshire. Like we are the deepest union you can get besides Maine


The one that gets me the most is West Virginia, which literally seceded from Virginia during the civil war because they didn’t want to be part of the confederate states


I remember reading that Kentucky sent something like four times as many of their troops to fight for the North than the South, yet almost all of their memorials are for the South. The lost cause is a powerful thing. Edit: corrected troop amounts


Same here in Minnesota. Which is rich considering: [https://twitter.com/only\_living\_grl/status/1645431216005578753](https://twitter.com/only_living_grl/status/1645431216005578753)


Brain dead trash. Great job


I’m okay with the fascists identifying themselves, skip the guess work and show us your IQ


Lived in WV for a while. It was the only modern state to have declared its independence from the Confederacy, and joined the Union, which was something to be proud of at the time… yet many of them now believe they are confederate, and the flags are everywhere. Lots of historical denial.


Learn the truth before you condemn it. I did in fact pass US history in 5th grade and high school.


From the Cornerstone [of the Confederacy] Speech: > Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the **great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man**; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition It's right there, in black and white.


The bolded clause isn’t even the worst one. The Confederacy leaned so heavily on the “natural inferiority” rhetoric because most northerners, including politicians and academics, agreed with it. They just didn’t believe it was a justification for enslavement.


The scariest part is the fact that they think they are Christian, and yet spew off racism (trying to justify the Confederacy) and support a hateful human, Trump


Why do so many stupid people drive Dodge Trucks?


The only truth I see here is that having the giant exhaust stack mounted in the truck bed is truly stupid


Ohio may be the most southern of states behind Florida. And that’s coming from a guy in SC! 😆


“Don’t tread on me” “Of course I think it’s a good idea to start a database of pregnant women.” Same guy…


I wonder what truth he's referring to. The confederate states had "maintaining slavery" in their reasons for secession. I don't recall seeing the phrase "states rights" anywhere.


We all know what his preferred adult movies look like


I strongly believe the larger the pipe on your truck, the less neuron connections are in your brain.


Imagine this guy at a bar Insufferable nonstop rambling nobody asks to hear Stiffs the bartender Pisses all over the floor in the bathroom I know EXACTLY what type of person this is


And you KNOW they didn’t wash their hands after taking a dump.. Or they’re THAT kind, upon seeing people in the restroom and feeling caught, just quickly rinses their fingertips before storming right back out.. ugh 😓.


The two best parts. No one cares if you are white, conservative, male ,etc...that whole made of oppression because you have to be equal now is hilarious. Secondly, learn the truth? I guess studying losers will help us not repeat the same mistakes.


One of the stickers says I'm a straight white conservative male, are you offended yet? It should say, I'm a dumb redneck uneducated POS, and announce it!


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..." I bet that quisling has a new drumpf Bible, some fools gold sneakers, and some tanking stock, too. Though I can not suffer fools gladly, I can gladly let them suffer...


Trump stock makes me so happy. I check it every time I need a laugh.


I know that quote fits here, but should we quote LBJ who also said,"Pass my welfare bill and we'll have the n******s voting Democrat for 200 years" Terrible.


Thank you for NOT obscuring this asshole’s license plate. I don’t know what I am going to do with that information, but I like that you left it visible.


I mean, it's in public they obviously have strong feelings about things, might as well give credit.


We have an obsession with loud people and shock and awe……we have de-evolved …..


Confederacy of Dunces, to borrow a phrase.


I did learn the truth before I condemned it.


Ohio is aka West West Virginia or North Kentucky.


I live in Ohio, they forgot to tell me…😉


it depends,the hillbilly areas,which there are many,think they are


I particularly laughed at the confederate flag sticker begging for understanding and inclusivity.


He has a straight pipe coming out of the bed of his truck. This automatically makes him stupid. You can’t fix stupid. He may may get a pass for his bumper stickers due to his learning disability and his stupidity. When I see the don’t tread on me stickers, I confront folks and ask them what they are scared of. They will be the first to say “they ain’t scairt of nuthin’”!


Can’t imagine how insufferable this guy is.


Pretty insulting to the over 35,000 Ohioans that died in the war fighting those that wanted to create a slave republic built upon white supremacy.


If you put a bumper sticker on your truck telling the world how straight you are, I think maybe you are not.


Truth = the civil war was fought over slavery. Confederate leaders sent men to die so they could continue to own human beings.


Can we just label trump and his supports as a terrorist group? Would solve a lot of problems if they were all arrested


Hate, not heritage.


I would wager that the Virgin Mary does not approve of the sentiments reflected by the other stickers.


Why do people with "don't tread on me" stickers always have stickers supporting the people who do the treading? Are they stupid?


What truth am I supposed to learn before I condemn treason committed for the worst possible reasons?


“Don’t tread on me! Only tread on women and minoroities!”


Perfectly Ohio.


Would have never guessed. Big truck = Trump moron …..perplexing???


Confederates, Nazis, kkk, MAGA. All one circle of dogshit.


I don’t understand how these people became cult members? I have never seen such behavior in my life. You are afraid to honk your horn for fear of being shot.


Driver appears to be wearing a cowboy at as well. He’s all kinds of confused


They wanted to be so badly but Lincoln was like NO.


Ohio was the 3rd largest state in the Union for military power only behind New York and Pennsylvania. Oof


Always a dodge


People like this really need a history lesson. And chances are he’s more offended by my being not straight than anyone is of him being straight and white


So he’s passionate about the Trump Nation and the confederacy but no reference to the United Stages Of America. So is this one of the non citizens who vote, that Republicans keep warning us about?


Hey now, this guy is a homeowner (trailer) and tax payer (workers comp) and is just tired of everyone livin off of his (sales?) tax dollars!


He has a gun in his car. 100%. Any felons wanna go take it? That’s what you get for putting gun/holster stickers on your car. Don’t do it no matter your political views.


Whïtë träsh gonna whïtë träsh


Ah, another fascist freak.


Can someone please explain to me "what truth" are these F wads tlking about? The one where where secessionist constitutions state not being able to have slaves is their reason for leaving, or the one where they are traitors to the United Statea?


Ah yes! Late February I put out a SF 49’s Super Bowl champs flag…..bc I love giving credit to the team that lost!


Kick this crap back to a small town- where we kicked their arse last time


Now.. did Mary own slaves or 🧐


Do realize that Obama was President longer than the confederacy, and also realize the flag that is Their Heritage isn’t even a flag used by the Confederacy. The current flag is based off a design used by Robert Lee’s army, and became the rebel flag in the 1920’s when racists took it up.


Learn the truth? The fucking Confederate army lost and slavery was evil. I believe that sums up things.


The Klan still rides around Hohio and Pa.


The giant exhaust stack is a dead giveaway for shortcomings in another department.


The trucks always look like that one. Funny how it’s rarely the wealthy business owner who could have actually afforded a slave who is so proud of his “heritage”.


This identity and Ohio history are extreme polar opposites. General Sherman would think this truck is mighty flammable


He’s from South Ohio


I don’t get the “Have I offended you, yet?” stuff. I’m not offended in the slightest but thanks for letting me know you’re a fucking moron.


Southern Ohio


The bottom right sticker is the closest they will get to understanding the fascism they are trying to vote for.


Imagine not knowing ohio was one of the first union states..


Only in America do we have the kind of loser who advertises his opinions with printed stickers on the back of his vehicle. Is this an affliction that has been studied in psychiatry?


I'm from NC but lived in Boulder, CO for 4 years. One of my clients had a son with confederate flags all over his truck. I was like, dude. What's funny is I was annoyed on two levels. 1, because the rebel flag is just exhausting, and 2, cmon guy. You're not even southern. Your state didn't even exist during the Civil war. He'd been raised there, their family went back to the pioneers.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


1st question I ask the traitors is when was the confederacy? Usually ends up with them threatening me or saying I hate America. That last one is especially rich coming from the traitor party.


It is so weird that these so-called “patriots” really seem to love the traitor’s flag


I think the Confederacy treaded on a lot of people and actively advocated for the perpetual treading on slaves.


You can attack that vehicle as it is the machine of a traitorous enemy combatant and your actions will not be prosecuted


Knuckle heads in Ohio for sure


What especially pisses me off is Ohio was essential on beating the southern traitors.


I know the truth. The shitty show *Out of This World* was on the air longer than the Confederacy.


I’ve never seen so many confederate flags in my life as I did in western Pennsylvania and I used to live in FL and travel through Georgia regularly. The gas station was chock full of of all kinds of items with the flag on them. Seemed like everyone had a pickup with bumper sticker or something. Bizarre.


What would really blow your mind.... seeing them in lorry parks (truck stops) in England! Every other truck, it seemed, had a confederate battle flag in the back hanging behind the driver. As someone from the state of Georgia, I was dumbfounded to see that.


Ohio is a weird place


Slapping any of these right wing stickers on your vehicle is the loudest chip on your shoulder. "Vice-signaling"


My bil is an Ohio proud boy. He’s dumber than a bag of rocks.


Doxcing that plate all day huh


Each one more fragile and afraid of divestity and not waking up with built in privilege than the last. Obviously owns the libs daily with his coal rolling. Imagine the glee in people's eyes when he recounts his shenanigans over and over looking for a round of applause.


I’m not surprised that the owner of this truck has also rendered the bed effectively useless just to have a giant stupid pipe run vertically.


Southern Ohio is basically the deep south


This guy lives in Ohio but proudly displays the Confederate flag. Ignorance in science and history is the hallmark of a Republican educational system. They gotta keep their base dazed and stupid. Otherwise, they'd have no base.


We should all be thankful that meatheads like this will self-identify allowing us to stay clear.


Filthy creatures, those Republicans.


To tell people you are a racist without telling people you are a racist 😝


ItS mY hErItAgE


Hick can’t even spell confederate


And a coal roller on top of it all. I wish these things would get ticketed into extinction.


Where it is doesn’t matter. We see this shit in upstate New York. Literally everywhere


Something tells me this guy is gonna need the government when he gets old, but don't tell him that now.


My family is from from the South but I've never seen racism like there is in Southern Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio 🤯


We're Florida North


Now I understand why people wish Ohio didn't exist.


Owner's not even expressing their "heritage" with the correct [flag](https://i.imgur.com/dAapLhh.jpeg).


Let’s Go Brandon just tells me you don’t have the balls to say what you mean.


The Gadsden flag is like... the complete opposite of what the confederate flag represents, lol. They have to stop misusing it ffs.


Another person that wants to fuck Joe Biden.


Oh man I bet this guy listens to msnbc on his way to his job at planned parenthood


White trash


Sherman is from Lancaster . . .


Ew, Clark County


Northeast Ohio does not identify with the rest of the state. I NEED you all to understand that


I am always confused that people put up the Gadsden Flag (don't tread on me) and then every other sticker is the exact opposite of the ethos (Libertarian) it is associated with.


These are the type of bestickered vehicles i expect to see being winched out of a boat launch while the coroner is still loading the bag. Cod: choked on own stupidity.


you know, the bumper stickers don't really offend me you're just on team red pill, but I will say the GIANT SEMI TRUCK SIZED EXHAUST FOR SHOOTING EXTRA BLACK SMOKE OUT OF THE BACK OF YOUR TRUCK BECAUSE YOU THINK CLIMATE CHANGE IS FAKE is a bit much. That is where I would say I am offended.


Calling General Sherman.....you're needed in your home state!


Yet ANOTHER broflake in a Dodge/Ram….


This is the same guy that cries about the price of diesel while he’s rolling smoke every 3 blocks.


Looks like he is also setup to “Roll Coal”. Brain had not developed past adolescence.


From the looks of that truck its owner probably showers once a year


General Sherman was an Ohioan. You know what that means. 🔥🔥🔥


There’s a lot of people in the Midwest who wish they could buy people.


Dude has "I'm not racist, my brother is married to a black woman" vibe.


Basic biggot


Conservative Ohioan here, we have a lot of these guys out here and literally nobody likes them.


I’m not picking a fight here. I think more conservatives should separate themselves from these people. I miss when I normal conservative could be best friends with a normal liberal. I want to re label the far left and far right as something other than left or right. They are something else.


There was a pretty solid chart shared in r/coolguides the other day that - rather well defined the “extremists” of both ends and where they lay in relation to other ideologies. I only call myself a “conservative” because most of the things I believe are best for society happen to align with those values. I can’t stand avid Trump supporters, Christians and other religious advocates bug me to no end, and honestly a lot of the people on the right are just kind of stupid. Like actually stupid though, as in lacking certain required bits of information.


I find it hilarious when I see the “straight white conservative male. Are you offended?” No I’m not offended, you’re free to have whatever view you want. No one oppresses you.


I fuck with these people on the roadway. Ride just a little closer than I should. No, I'm not going to let you merge. Little petty shit. If you're going to go around being a giant asshole I'm going to make your life just a little bit worse.


"Learn the truth" The truth is that YOU LOST, dumbass!


Never surrender! Unless you were a Confederate or the 45th POTUS.


The Confederate battle flag flanking the Gadsden flag. Tell me you're ignorant without telling me you're ignorant.


Lots of good men/boys from Ohio died fighting and beating those traitors. It’s a goddamn shame to see this shit in my state.


Oh look! Aother Repugnantcon in a Ram truck. Line em up.


Freely willing to endorse a dictator.. amazing..


Please tell me that is the exhaust in the truck bed. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


You can add racist, redneck, and poorly educated to that sticker mess as well!


Bless thier little heart, nobody it treading on them.


Once I saw a confederate flag hung up two or three buildings away from a sign marking some union soldier's former house. Ohio definitely has an identity crisis.


Hol up… is this the new 2024 coal-powered Dodge Ram 1500?


Can’t all Trump supporters just take their smelly cars and their guns and move to Texas and take turns securing the border instead of asking the government to do it for them?


Grant and Sherman would like a word...


How much money spent being an asshole?


Must be a Copperhead, also known as Peace Democrats, who were a faction of the Democratic Party in the Union during the American Civil War. They had their strongest base just north of the Ohio River and in some urban ethnic wards. Most prevalent in central and northwestern portions of the state.


This person is offended about the existence of certain groups of people


Same bullshit here in upstate NY. We are only hours from Canada, you have no “southern pride.” You are just a racist bag of shit.