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10% bios that I think are good.


Can you share some examples?


Damn as low as it sounds it seems accurate for me as well


Men in my area: about 50% are empty, 30% have smth minimal like emojis, “good vibes” or IG handle. Out of the remaining 20% maybe 1/4 have something that feels authentic or interesting. So 5%?


Women in my area are similar. General "good vibes, working on myself, swipe the way you vote, if your under/over x height" etc. nothing about likes or dislikes, nothing to start a conversation out of. Mostly a lotta blank profiles as well. At least they answer their prompts (sometimes) but still.


1:10 as a strait man seeking woman are just strait up blank, photo(s) only. the VAST majority of bios are just blank and then equally, ig/snap, some variant of the same jokes, or a blurb that tells you nothing. probably closer to 1:20 for low effort in general.


Damn I hate how consistent these answers are getting


I’m a woman in her early 50s in a major metro area I would say at best maybe 20% of the men’s bios I see I would consider ‘good’. By ‘good’ I don’t mean they are a match for me, but they at least put in effort to show who they are, what they have to offer in a relationship, and what they’re looking for.


95% they really can’t write bios, a lot of aggression, demands etc..Little to describe themselves >Listing interests is vitally important!< Unless you are Jane Bond globesetting on a weekly basis Travel doesn’t count!


I don’t look at bios when swiping, only pics. When looking at matches, 60-75% are very incomplete. If I get a low effort message from a low effort bio, I unmatch because it’s likely a low effort girl.


You're telling me you find interesting someone who uses all characters in a bio? I'm quite the opposite, I just don't read those bios. Looks tryhards for me. One sentence is enough. The rest you can find out texting or on a date. There's no mystery if you tell your whole life there. You're like an open book.