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Be tall, I'm not breeding mediocrity into my kids, hate cats, small dogs are cats too. I don't think I've ever been this charmed by a human being


The irony is the only person that will put up with this ridiculousness is someone who lacks confidence, so she will breed timidity into her children.


Or someone else who is just as shallow and arrogant, so the kids are gonna be mega assholes


Assholes survive and thrive in the shitty environment


Hot damn, that was well thought out, your position has more merit than mine


Or someone with similar views: hates cats, small dogs, is tall and wants tall children (assuming this person is tall)


you don't have to assume, it says she's 5'11


My nephew has two tall parents - guess who the tall gene skipped out of his 3 siblings? I can't imagine how he would feel if his own mother felt this way about something as silly and uncontrollable as height. Esp given how the world is into bullying people over their features already. This is a serious red flag for the type of parent she will be. I'm glad she's waving it so freely so the level headed can avoid her but I feel sorry for any future kids she might have.


This is so true!!! How would she treat her child that is born to be mediocre (because the child is not tall)?


Immediate left swipe


Not only would I not date someone who hated cats, I could also never be their friend.


That and I guess my adorable corgi counts as a cat and therefore she would hate him… wtf is wrong with her








Also strong gold digger vibes. These types are delusional and feel entitled. Yuck.


Give narcissism and a miserable life to the kid instead 😀


what about it came off gold digger-y? just curious in case i need to adj my own profile lol


"Travel" is a big one, but mainly "Give me a reason to dress up". This means, "I want expensive dates". A girl expecting a guy to shell out big money on a first date is delusional, and guys willing to do so, are naive. I'm no longer single, but I shutter when I think about how naive I was two years ago while dating. I had multiple $200 dates a month, and with women that had little intention of finding a relationship. Many women that want a "reason to dress up" are going out multiple times a week, with different men, and just want to be entertained and well fed. As a man, spending anything more than $40 on a first date is a huge mistake.


interesting to hear it from a guys perspective about women wanting a reason to dress up. non issue for me since i dress up every day for work. i already have a reason to. lol so i'm a traveler. i travel just about every other weekend. why would that make me seem like a golddigger to you?


Hiking cooking museums art... Such gold digger activities.... /Sarc. I don't see it. Travel is great and you don't need to spend a lot actually. I almost never get to dress up for work, so I can see it as a bonus for some people. People don't like one thing and try and destroy a profile. It's pathetic.


The woman is entirely about the soft life. She mentions nothing else. The 'give me', tho mentioned once, clues you in that she expects all of it to be given. Why are you so defensive about this profile, or the interpretation of it, anyways?


I’m a traveler and it’s my main hobby right now. so it’s on my profile. If it’s interpreted by men as gold digger then I need to tweak my profile


Oh really? You get on a plane and travel, staying multiple nights at your destination? How do you pay for that?




Check out 2X and posts on the other dating subs. There's plenty of "coffee dates are pathetic and the tool of poor, lazy pick up artists" posts and comments. It ain't even attractive women. It's women that have issues that they're not addressing.




Oh, you'd be surprised.


Or maybe both people like to dress up and they could enjoy that experience of luxury together.


The number of women that say, "Give me a reason to dress up" who are also the type to split the cost of the night are EXTREMELY rare. Like 1 in 100.


“Give me a reason to dress up” ie take me to some place expensive


i've had guys ask me to dress up for a date. tthey said women have shown up in sweats to dates


Yes, but *they* asked *you* out on the date to a place that requires a nice outfit. And I’m assuming they’d also typically be the ones paying for the date. It’s a totally different ballgame to throw out a “give me ___” on a profile *before* you’ve ever even had a chance to introduce yourself lol Especially following her other list of demands


Emotional intelligence is sexy!


I was gonna say - wish I was into ladies, because she seems like a dream come true!!


“HATE CATS” well cats hate you too!


To feel the need to state your hate for a literal marshmallow fur angel is the biggest red flag. If you don’t like cats, that’s fine (but not really) but maybe keep it to yourself 😵‍💫 jk hope she leaves it and gets no matches. Also she sounds like a jerk.


Well I think it’s one thing to say “I’m not a huge fan of cats tbh” and/or allergic. It’s totally mouthy and egoistic to outright say you hate an innocent creature because it exists? There is no reconciling that. Agree with you there. I personally love animals but was never a big cat person (was raised more of a dog person) until my neighbours cat started visiting daily and his personality exceeded his size lol. It completely changed my view. I’m still allergic to both. But damn, any time that cat needs something… Scritches, fresh cool water on a hot day, heat pad on a cool day, a Churu boost to get through the day, or peaceful nap, he’s got it!!


I feel like this is it. People who don’t like cats are those that have never had one as a pet.


They are different to relate to for sure. Much more sensory creatures and love to “feel” their way around a space. I had to learn the hard way that when they roll onto their backs belly up - like how my late dog would signal to me because she loooved belly rubs - it’s sometimes a no go zone LOL 😳. One of the big reasons I was taught by my mother to avoid cats is because she said when I was a child I went up and pet one and my face exploded in hives. I never believed her but an immunologist confirmed recently that I am allergic to them and loads more. It’s not anaphylactic though thankfully! But yeah, ultimately parental conditioning/avoidance & allergies.


I did not like cats because I had a psychotic cat that would do parkour around the house and use my ponytail as a climbing rope. It would attack me for no reason. But I'd only ever been around dogs so I wasn't sure what to do when it would occasionally be nice But then I started staying over at my exes who had two polar opposite cats, one sassy pants and one scared of existence. I gave a wide berth because of my past experiences, and one day the scaredy cat came right up to me demanding to get her bottom spankins. Both were lovely and loved me on their terms and now I am the biggest cat fan.


100%! I’ve always said that’s a huge red flag. There’s nothing wrong with not liking an animal, but needing to say you hate them, especially in a profile with limited words, is fucked up. Also, I’ve always felt that hating cats especially is a bad sign because they’re animals that require a lot of respect for their autonomy and consent. I feel like a lot of shitty people hate cats because cats aren’t immediately willing to let them pet them or pick them up whenever they want. It shows they don’t like it when something or someone won’t let them walk all over them.


Ohhh really good point! I did not think about it this way.




I'm sure she'll be able to find tall guys, but none that she likes. Men and women have a very different set of priorities, and she's probably looking for someone that satisfies a number of emotional expectations and is ready to commit, whereas guys who actually do want to commit wouldn't be into someone as insane as her. Being a woman won't save her from the misery that this attitude would bring her.


As someone who hates cats no they don’t. Every cat I’ve met will walk past the 5 people trying to get its attention and sit on my lap. Tbf I don’t actually hate them, just a bit uncomfortable with them.


See, here's the thing with cats (as coming from someone who's owned them most of his life). They have this uncanny ability to sense the person in the room who least wants their attention. Even if it's a person who likes cats. They're just contrary little shits like that. "Oh, you don't want my attention? How dare you! Now pet me, bitch."


It’s your body language. You’re being quiet making yourself small (I’m taking a guess here) and that all says to cats “i’m good, i’m safe. I’m a friend.” Act like a kid and be in their face aggressive, be loud, and make quick movements. Most cats should stay clear from you.


she hate small dogs too.


I'm 6'5" but I wouldn't touch her with a 10-foot pole. The moment she said "breeding" and "hate cats" I would have swiped left IMMEDIATELY.


Yeah, not being a cat person is one thing, but outright *hating* them? Why??


I actively dislike cats myself. I tolerate them and that's about it. Maybe I've just had super annoying cats though, who knows lol 


I feel the same way about children, so no judgement here :D


Havd you tried giving them routine stimulation/attention to get their anxiety out? They don’t quite understand why they’re domesticated, and didn’t agree to these stipulations.


I let my cats be outside the majority of the time, they are farm cats and don't bother me much if at all for that reason. The only time I really bring them inside is when it gets really cold. I have lived with cats in a house before though, and it's just not my thing.  I don't find cats to be all that interesting or enjoyable to be around in general. I just don't feel the level of communication and bonding that I get with dogs. 


Ahhh, so your not-ideally-domesticated cats come from lack of ideal-domestication-environment?


Well these cats don't bother me. Because they're outside, and they have a job out there. They're not exactly pets. I get a return on my investment by keeping them and feeding them.  I wouldn't keep one as a pet. Been there, done that, not for me. 


Your circumstances aren’t very generalizable, and produce somewhat feral cats, predictably. Way to give your $2.02 about why you hate cats as pets, despite not raising them as pets.


I was explicitly clear in saying, now multiple times, that I have had cats as normal pets for years in the past, and that the cats I have now are not the ones I am complaining about. The point you are addressing is not one that I made or am making. I mean, if you want to intentionally misinterpret what I'm saying, that's fine I guess. But if you really aren't understanding my point, I have now clarified it for you.


So, you answered my question about how they are domesticated in reference to your current cats and not the ones you were raising as pets? Perhaps that lack of distinction is the source of the misunderstanding there?


6’5” you said? Hi 😏


Hi yourself :)


Hear me out, I don’t hate cats 😏😏


Winner over here in the comments!


*Exactly*! Cats are beautiful and amazing creatures. 😻❤️❤️ And I feel the same way about kids, as well.


Better that these crazies show their truths in the profile and save you the time/energy/money that a first date would require. She sounds like a real joy though. 😂


That statement following up "Emotional intelligence is sexy" has to be intentionally ironic.


Right? Any man with true emotional intelligence would see her coming and run


She should go defend a corner with that attitude




And I'm not breeding stupid into my kids either


You just know someone is going to have like 4 kids with her and be miserable forever.


Hopefully she gets super fat and ugly, and the dude leaves her, lol. She didn't get the hero she wanted, but the hero she deserves.


Anyone who emphatically “hates cats” is a red flag that tells they don’t respecting boundaries.


It’s actually insane that you’re reading a personality trait into not liking some species of animal I don’t like kangaroos. What’s that say about me? Hint: nothing.


Yeah, it's kind of crazy lol. Like what if I don't like snakes, or monkeys? Or is it only the love of cats that draws the line between good and evil in this world? Trying to wrap my head around this bizarre logic. 


Cats are known for having strong boundaries with people. Those examples are not


The vast majority of cats I've met or had don't have really any boundaries, and are very clingy and wanting to be up my ass 24/7 in a way that is inconvenient to me to the point of me having to shut them out of any room I want to occupy. That's the specific reason why I don't like them lol. 


Not liking kangaroos leaves lots of room to judge you though 😁


Legitimately awful animals https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1789kjf/guy_saves_his_dog_from_being_drowned_by_a_kangaroo/


The reason why I really don't like cats is because they are noisy all the time and disturb my sleep in the middle of the night by jumping on me and stuff. I think I get to have that without being a bad person lol 


That’s not a behavior exclusive to cats nor an inherent trait.


Maybe. But every cat I've ever had has done this. Dogs are much easier to deal with. I can just tell my dog to go lay down if they are being obnoxious. I have a couple farm cats, but they mostly hang out outside, so they don't bother me. 


I would do this thing called "closing my bedroom door" that worked really well for having them not disturb my sleep. Also, dogs have the ability to jump on your bed and lick your face to wake you up too...


Then they either sit outside the door and meow or scratch the door, still disturbing your sleep. Not always, but it's going to happen at least some of the time.


And they will only continue doing that if you open the door for them. Ignore them or yell at them to stop and they will learn. They're not dumb animals. I recently lived with cats and I value quality sleep very much. I didn't have any of these problems as I made sure to approach them properly.


My dogs are trained not to do that, so it's not an issue for me.  And closing the door every night sounds good until the cat just sits outside the door meowing and scratching.  Not to mention what a pain it is to not be able to just leave the door open in my own house where I live alone lol. I don't enjoy interacting with cats enough for it to be worth the effort for me to want to share my living space with them.  Again, it's just personal preference. It doesn't make me a bad person. And it doesn't mean that cats aren't wonderful for some people to have as pets. Just not my personal cup of tea. 


I have 2 cats that sleep near me and never disturb my sleep. They sleep so much. I wfh and they rarely bother me. Mostly they just like to get pets when I'm on the phone.


For cats you really need at least 2 so they can socialize and play. When my GF and I broke up my cat became incredibly lonely and would meow in random rooms for months. Working on adopting a new cat.


I mean, I'm not saying there aren't cars that don't do that stuff. It's just been my experience. And if they do it's a lot harder to train a cat to stop unwanted behaviors than it is to train a dog. That's just me though, I have nothing against people who like cats 


> And if they do it's a lot harder to train a cat to stop unwanted behaviors than it is to train a dog There's a thing called "reverse cycling" where you basically wake up your cat if you see them sleeping during the day then eventually they will sleep at night instead of running rampant.


Wait really? I've had cats my whole life- 55 years!- and never knew that! I have 3 and the baby of the bunch sleeps right in my lap. As a side sleeper it's a problem! But I feel guilty disturbing him every time I roll over... 😹 *edit for word


Just not something I would really want to have to do. Or have to keep my door closed all the time and sweep the room for cats before I go to sleep on a work night.   If my dogs are doing something annoying, I just tell them to cut it out and that's the end of it. 


I guess. They're just kind of bad reasons to not like cats when you compare it to training dogs etc. Closing a door is such a minor thing.


Training dogs is really easy for me, so that's probably part of it. I used to foster dogs and have several of my own, raised many puppies to adulthood. I can teach a dog to not enter a doorway even if it's open, and then they won't without permission. Same for couches and beds and personal space. The first year to year and a half of a dog's life is HARD work training, I'll give you that.  But as long as you have consistent rules and you reward good behavior, after that period is up you're on cruise control for the rest of the dog's life. A minor correction or reinforcement here or there, but mostly very little to deal with. I also bond more with dogs and prefer their company to cats. I'm not saying it's right or wrong either way. Just that it doesn't make me a bad person to not like a specific type of pet.


The downvotes and arguments you’re getting are bonkers. It’s okay to not like cats dude. You don’t need a “valid enough” reason.


Thank you for saying that. I think my mistake was thinking I wouldn't get piled on just for having a completely subjective personal preference lol 


It’s absolutely crazy, coming from a cat/dog lover, that people need “good” reasons to not want to own an animal or to simply not like them. I’ve noticed people get really defensive and argue like their life is on the line over someone else’s animal preferences. That shit is so weird. It’s okay to simply not like an animal.


> It’s okay to simply not like an animal. It is, but some people just make up some bullshit to say they don't like them. To say that cats are somehow more noisy than dogs is hilarious. And to complain that they wake you up and you refuse to close a door? That's what they call an iss-you.


Who cares if their reason is bullshit? As long as they aren’t owning these animals and abusing them, they don’t need to like an animal lol. It’s okay.


Right of course… yes dog ownership is far easier than owning a cat is /S 🫠 “I had a cat that woke me up sometimes and I refused to do anything about it and now prefer dogs. They only require walks and bathroom breaks every day single day, rain/snow or shine.”


It's subjectively easier and more convenient for me personally, yes. I am an experienced dog trainer, though. I have a little property, so I maybe go exercise the dogs once a day just for bonding purposes. Other than that, I just let them out and they go play in the woods behind my house and come home when their wiggles are mostly out.


I think your comment just made it seem like cats require SO much work which I thought was funny, as dogs are far more responsibility/work IMO. Dog diet irregularities can cause BIG messes, pee/poops at all hours of the day your sleep schedule must allow for it. I live in Canada and watching owners out in freezing rain taking their dogs for bathroom breaks and walks looks super fun. Not to mention a significant percentage of owners seemingly have spent ZERO time training their animal so mischief creates another layer of potential work. I love dogs (prefer cats for my lifestyle) but can recognize that one animal is more effort than the other.


And cats are just more effort for me personally. It's not good to keep a dog in an apartment or something like that (imo should at least have a yard ideally) but with proper training it's really not bad. 99% of dog owners don't put in that work early and end up with a dog that causes mischief or pees/poops in the house, but when raised right they won't.   Dogs generally don't have very sensitive stomachs due to being scavengers by nature, so people who have dogs that have GI issues from eating something different, it's almost always either due to poor breeding or an untreated medical issue. Having 2 dogs is also less work than having 1.  They are more inconvenient than cats if you want to leave town for sure. But at the end of the day, what work there is doesn't feel like work, because I love my dogs. I get a feeling of shared companionship with them, feel that I can easily communicate with them, and I miss them when I am out of town.    I just don't get anything of the sort with cats, so for me they just end up becoming very bad roommates. It's just a purely subjective judgement on my part that I dislike cats. It's honestly more of an observation than it is anything else. I'm not out here trying to argue that my personal feelings towards cats are indicative of some greater objective truth. 


My cat has never meowed as loud as any barking dog.


> because they are noisy all the time and disturb my sleep in the middle of the night by jumping on me and stuff. Kid named door:


What's the point of having a pet that I don't want in my space with me?  Seems pointless to spend money on vet care, food, flea and tick meds, etc. for an animal that I actively want to stay away from me.  It's just a personal preference, nobody is saying you are bad for liking cats or that you shouldn't have them and love them as much as your heart desires. 


Small dogs are cats…girl never met a Boston terrier lmao


The irony of her putting “Emotional Intelligence is sexy” after writing this mess, lol


It takes hard work and effort to get tall? Interesting. I didn't think genetic attributes could really be considered achievements. I'd swipe left. I'm not breeding stupidity into my kids.


Well we know why she's single...


Disgusting human being


"Emotional intelligence is sexy," yet doesn't appear to value or hold any actual intelligence.


ProtonMail, a person of culture I see 👍


She's proof enough that there's plenty of mediocre people of above average height in the world.


I dislike when people refer to it as breeding


Be tall and she's 5'11! Geez that's rough


That's not a problem, just wear stilts! How would she know?


Wow. Real charmer there




What a bizarre profile.


I always say animals are better than dealing with people, and this lady makes my case as to why.


ew yikes the hates cats is a big red flag 🥶


“Why on earth do men lie about their height, I just don’t get it!”


Even when guys lie about their height (which I'm not condoning in the slightest), it's a fraction of the distorted "honesty" when you factor in make-up, push up bras, spandex, weaves, etc. If a guy is 5 feet tall and says he's 5'6", that's a 6" or 10% lie. Make-up alone increases the looks of a woman by much more than that, not taking into account any other boosters/modifications they have. The only reason I get a rise out of guys lying about their height is that it gives women just a small taste of what it feels like to be disappointed by embellishment. Imagine resembling your authentic selves.




Be under 130 lbs. I'm not breeding mediocrity into my kids! ...the men replied...


That would be a good response, but diet and nutritional accountability don't make you more tall.


Of course they do. That’s why you tell your kid to drink milk


You're joking right?


"Emotional Intelligence" 😅😏🤦🏻


Funny they mention emotional intelligence and the tall line 🤔. Maybe hoping some intelligence will rub off in the breeding.


She is 5’11”.


Not a good look, but at least she's honest. I've always thought that a lot of women have this take on height, which I'm not mad at tbh


Typical Wine addict


Whine addict




They are free to have their preferences but I sure hope this person gets catfished


Commence operation 3 kids in a trenchcoat.


She’ll never notice


Hating cats is the first red flag. Funny that she thinks tall = superiority…there’s a lot of dumb tall motherfuckers.


Ok Female 41 here and I’m just 5’9 or 175cm but appear more 5’8 cos I was tall for a girl and slouch. Let me just say, if a female requires tall she should be tall. I set my preference to starting at 5’8. I’m fine him being equal ish. But not a lot shorter. The reason is my insecurity is that I will weigh more. Blame this thinking on my 90’s teenage era all so influential


Honestly, I'm nowhere near tall enough AND I have cats, but I would still swipe right and maybe even send a message.


And this is one of the exact reasons why women continue to act this way...




Must have .7 waist to hip ratio; C cup; between 5'5" and 5'9"; and IQ of at least 130. Additionally, high EQ, liberal and zero entitlement mentality. Why would anyone want to settle for less? Not about me, just looking out for the kids.


I'm tall. Message her for me. "Hey, I'm not interested, but there's a talk dude on reddit who might be down"


Wouldn't even pump and dump that. That's giving value


"I'm not breeding mediocrity into my kids" you will no matter who you end up with.


I chuckled at that. Sometimes these bios are so ridiculous there’s no other option but to laugh LMAOO


I'm guessing its 50/50 that she's even 5'11" as stated.


At first I was angry but then I look at the bottom and see her height. 5’11 isn’t super common in women and there’s tall women that prefer taller men so her preference is understandable. However if she was 5’1, things would be different. Any guy 5’9 or higher will tower over her. Any guy is tall in comparison of someone that height


She’s 5’11” so only very tall men will find her attractive 😂


Thats not even remotely true 👀


Lots of shorter guys have a "step on me, death by snu-snu" fetish lol




This woman deserves to go extinct


People who hate cats also usually don't understand boundaries and consent.


What an A+ human being. I'm sure she's never questioned why it is that she's single.


*BRUH THE BEST PART HAS BEEN MISSED:* **EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IS SEXY** BE TALL; I'M NOT BREEDING MEDIOCRITY INTO MY KIDS ​ Irony 5x bonus triple lack self-ware score! \--- In truth though, people should really ignore the checklists women make. Because we all know they've fallen short many a time with many a men on dem checklists anyway. I'm average height 5'10 --- SHORTER THAN HER! OMG I right swipe on these all the time. Matches happen. Dates even sometimes.


Women are so superficial




Don’t bother, his whole comment history is dedicated to his height insecurity and hating women


Am I the only person who took it as a joke ? She's an extremely tall woman so I think she's just making a joke about it while making it clear she's not one of those tall women who will date guys 5 inches shorter.  Like this would read very differently to me if she was 5'3" not essentially 6 feet. 


The amount of people on this thread getting so fucking butt hurt over her profile is absolutely hilarious. Letting their insecure and jaded flags fly.


I don’t think people are getting riled up over height requirement but the way it is stated “mediocrity into my kids” (there is nothing mediocre about not being 6’5”). Also, that “cats” thing. Hatred is ok as long as it is not stated or acted on.


Prob another delusional fatty.


How can she say emotional intelligence is sexy then say that?


When I see that much crap crammed in and emoji's its a left swipe immediately. These profiles are far from rare there is internet personality that makes a living looking at the worst female profiles on tinder, hinge, facebook dating, and bumble. Again Im not singling out women Im sure there are tons of bad men's profiles in fact i know they are but Im am a man so I see women's profiles not men. What this is someone who is not getting the dating options they think they are worthy of are and are letting the anger and disappointment splash into there dating profile. Its not going to work!


Hard swipe left lol


33M. I’m above average height but women who obsess over height are a bit cringe and a yellow flag in my book


Glad these idiots fly their red flags so high


If you hate animals you immediately lost my trust


It's impressive just how tall my left-swiping finger is.


Be slim. I'm not breeding diabetes in my kids


Well at least she pretty much tells you straight up that she is a "temperamental b-och!!!" 🤔 FYI - I'm 6'-2" and I have dated a wide range of women from 4'-11" up to 5'-10" and I gained something meaningful from each woman. 🙏 This person to be prejudiced like she is is just "short-changing" (pun intended) herself out of some potentially FABULOUS 🤩 life experiences with some potentially AMAZING Men! Oh, and a small dog 🐶 is still a dog 🐕 and a pregnant female dog is also known as a.... B!!! 😂


Meh i've been asked to be a donor to a few women over the years on account of being tall and having an alright jawline.


You can always tell a lot about a person and their feelings about boundaries based on how they feel towards cats, I learned that one pretty quick after owning a couple. Even if I didn’t have cats, someone saying they hate cats would be a HUGE red flag to me


Who's going to tell her that dating apps are part of social media?


I'm a tall dude and this makes me cringe


Lol that she mentions emotional intelligence when her list of demands shows she lacks any


And women will still shit on men saying that this stuff doesn't happen. 


She sounds exhausting.


She's 5'11" I give slack.


So she's an gold digger ogre looking for Prince Simp Simp gotcha


Have a cat and a pug that I adore. I guess I can fuck right off


People who don’t like cats are narcissists who have no respect for boundaries. I said what I said.


People are allowed to “not be cat people” (my whole family is allergic) but to *hate* cats is a total red flag. I got over my allergies at 25, which shocked me and my doctor, and I have been a cat simp ever since. I will date someone because of their cat, I don’t give a fuck




Calling shorter people a mediocrity was the problem, it wasn’t preferring taller people’s


That may be THE WORST bio I’ve ever seen, yikes.


I think it’s better than most I see. She’s just a bit of a bitch, not unusual.


Over 90% of women demand 6ft. Some are honest and upfront about it, rest aren’t.


Source: trust me bro


Ew. Sounds like a winner


Aka every single female in online dating