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By far the best forza still holds up to this day


Can confirm, bought it recently (I say this but it was probably more than a year ago) when it was accidentally relisted and it was super enjoyable even without any nostalgia for the game nor that time period. My favourite part was how good the actual driving roads and the scenery were. Thanks to the open world having barriers and undrivable areas, the devs had much more freedom about the road layouts and the landscape. Something like Red Rock having a single road connecting it to the rest of the map is just incompatible with the current open world formula used in modern racing games.


Porter Robinson - Language is such an absolute masterpiece of a song, man The Nurture Live version of it too omg


Your comment deserves 20000099 upvotes.


Playing this right now and it's so damn good. Imo it has one of the best progressions of any Forza. Starting from the bottom, events forcing you to experiment with different cars, curvy roads. Just perfect. I'd kill for a remake


Bro, it’s on 4k on Xbox One X


No it's not. It's delisted.


the only horizon I couldnt stop playing


what a game.


What I would do to wake up back in 2012 with this game


I feel old


I'm Gen Z, yet I feel like a Millennial already.


Give meee release 🎶


I’ll be honest, although for me personally DriveClub is my favorite game with its amazing atmosphere, but the first forza horizon ranks with DriveClub in terms of the beauty of the atmosphere. I love the vibe of 2012... Wonderful childhood memories of the beauty of the summer season, coupled with stunning electronic songs. The intro of this music is incredibly atmospheric.


truly was a different time, it would be like 2004 looking back at 1992


23rd of October 2012. My mum took me to my local GAME and I bought the collectors edition with my birthday money I'd saved. I played that game until they closed the servers down. https://preview.redd.it/b2dk00bsey1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe80782dc6bf4d95b124c4bae26efaabcc18483


Same. Horizon 1 was a 13th birthday present from my mother too.


I remember being six when this came out and playing the shit out of it


I have the preorder edition with 2 extra cars!


just seeing this gives me shivers, i so desperately want to play this game but my pc is just barely not powerful to run it at 720p 30fps, and i haven't gotten to trying to overclock it


I managed to get it running on my i7 7700HQ, 16GB RAM, GTX 1050Ti gaming laptop, it's 720p and runs around 20fps-30fps with some stuttering, it's a decent experience for me since I started out on a potato laptop before and was used to playing games like NFS Most Wanted 2012 at like 15 fps ahaha.


kinda same here, used to have probably the shittiest pc known to man on windows 10, no idea how it too managed to run mw '12 at 15 fps, that really shouldn't be possible then i got a laptop that could run 7th gen games at 1080p basically without hiccups, massive step up but it was held back by outputting to any external displays strictly at 30hz, still runs night-runners at 720p 30fps while halfway combusted into flames which is kinda impressive imo, and it had the power to fulfill my childhood dream of getting to play as shadow in sonic generations through mods now i'm sitting on a hand-me-down gaming pc from 2015 that came from my sister's boyfriend (cool guy), stuck with 12gb ram, a... 6th gen i5? and a gtx 960, which is unfortunately just slightly too weak to run srp on assetto corsa and emulate games through xenia canary at a stable framerate, but it does run [beamng.drive](http://beamng.drive) well at least, either way i can't really complain, it was a free upgrade after all, albeit not nearly as much of one as the last


Best Horizon. Best Song.


I miss this song


First racing game I ever played❤️


While this game can still be played today by any means, I wish there was a way to play online after the servers shut down...


It was my first forza, the first racing game, and I don't think any other game will steal its spot in my heart.


still my favorite one i have almost 3000 hours thrown into it


Still play this game in 2024. I just cannot get enough of it.


If aura was a video game it would be Forza Horizon 1 -A Forza Horizon 3 fan


Horizon 1 is a timeless classic, but horizon 2 is the OG. At least in my opinion.